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Results with Julia v1.2.0

Testing was successful. Last evaluation was ago and took 1 minute, 17 seconds.

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 Resolving package versions...
 Installed Compat ──── v3.0.0
 Installed OptimPack ─ v1.0.0
  Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.2/Project.toml`
  [04a3d532] + OptimPack v1.0.0
  Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.2/Manifest.toml`
  [34da2185] + Compat v3.0.0
  [04a3d532] + OptimPack v1.0.0
  [2a0f44e3] + Base64 
  [ade2ca70] + Dates 
  [8bb1440f] + DelimitedFiles 
  [8ba89e20] + Distributed 
  [b77e0a4c] + InteractiveUtils 
  [76f85450] + LibGit2 
  [8f399da3] + Libdl 
  [37e2e46d] + LinearAlgebra 
  [56ddb016] + Logging 
  [d6f4376e] + Markdown 
  [a63ad114] + Mmap 
  [44cfe95a] + Pkg 
  [de0858da] + Printf 
  [3fa0cd96] + REPL 
  [9a3f8284] + Random 
  [ea8e919c] + SHA 
  [9e88b42a] + Serialization 
  [1a1011a3] + SharedArrays 
  [6462fe0b] + Sockets 
  [2f01184e] + SparseArrays 
  [10745b16] + Statistics 
  [8dfed614] + Test 
  [cf7118a7] + UUIDs 
  [4ec0a83e] + Unicode 
  Building OptimPack → `~/.julia/packages/OptimPack/1ipTV/deps/build.log`
   Testing OptimPack
 Resolving package versions...
    Status `/tmp/jl_dMFfG2/Manifest.toml`
  [34da2185] Compat v3.0.0
  [04a3d532] OptimPack v1.0.0
  [2a0f44e3] Base64  [`@stdlib/Base64`]
  [ade2ca70] Dates  [`@stdlib/Dates`]
  [8bb1440f] DelimitedFiles  [`@stdlib/DelimitedFiles`]
  [8ba89e20] Distributed  [`@stdlib/Distributed`]
  [b77e0a4c] InteractiveUtils  [`@stdlib/InteractiveUtils`]
  [76f85450] LibGit2  [`@stdlib/LibGit2`]
  [8f399da3] Libdl  [`@stdlib/Libdl`]
  [37e2e46d] LinearAlgebra  [`@stdlib/LinearAlgebra`]
  [56ddb016] Logging  [`@stdlib/Logging`]
  [d6f4376e] Markdown  [`@stdlib/Markdown`]
  [a63ad114] Mmap  [`@stdlib/Mmap`]
  [44cfe95a] Pkg  [`@stdlib/Pkg`]
  [de0858da] Printf  [`@stdlib/Printf`]
  [3fa0cd96] REPL  [`@stdlib/REPL`]
  [9a3f8284] Random  [`@stdlib/Random`]
  [ea8e919c] SHA  [`@stdlib/SHA`]
  [9e88b42a] Serialization  [`@stdlib/Serialization`]
  [1a1011a3] SharedArrays  [`@stdlib/SharedArrays`]
  [6462fe0b] Sockets  [`@stdlib/Sockets`]
  [2f01184e] SparseArrays  [`@stdlib/SparseArrays`]
  [10745b16] Statistics  [`@stdlib/Statistics`]
  [8dfed614] Test  [`@stdlib/Test`]
  [cf7118a7] UUIDs  [`@stdlib/UUIDs`]
  [4ec0a83e] Unicode  [`@stdlib/Unicode`]
WARNING: importing deprecated binding Compat.LinearAlgebra into OptimPack.
WARNING: Compat.Printf is deprecated, use Printf instead.
  likely near /root/.julia/packages/OptimPack/1ipTV/src/OptimPack.jl:22
WARNING: Compat.LinearAlgebra is deprecated, use LinearAlgebra instead.
  likely near /root/.julia/packages/OptimPack/1ipTV/src/OptimPack.jl:30
WARNING: Compat.Printf is deprecated, use Printf instead.
  likely near /root/.julia/packages/OptimPack/1ipTV/src/newuoa.jl:21
WARNING: Compat.Printf is deprecated, use Printf instead.
  likely near /root/.julia/packages/OptimPack/1ipTV/src/cobyla.jl:21
WARNING: Compat.Printf is deprecated, use Printf instead.
  likely near /root/.julia/packages/OptimPack/1ipTV/src/bobyqa.jl:21
WARNING: Compat.Test is deprecated, use Test instead.
  likely near /root/.julia/packages/OptimPack/1ipTV/test/runtests.jl:4
WARNING: Compat.Printf is deprecated, use Printf instead.
  likely near /root/.julia/packages/OptimPack/1ipTV/test/runtests.jl:5

Testing NLCG in double precision
 ITER   EVAL  RESTARTS          F(X)           ||G(X)||    STEP
    0      1      0    2.4199999999999994E+02  7.36E+02  0.00E+00
    1      3      0    4.1281025275807700E+01  5.61E+00  7.88E-04
    2      7      1    3.4897291437611720E+01  6.29E+01  2.79E-01
    3     10      1    3.2891123571996367E+01  7.69E+01  9.89E-04
    4     40      1    1.3690542951671066E+01  1.95E+01  1.06E-02
    5     42      2    1.2679218379115571E+01  7.69E+00  5.48E-03
    6     46      2    9.7571870737319006E+00  1.70E+01  6.77E-02
    7     49      2    8.7339011044091208E+00  2.44E+01  6.30E-03
    8     77      2    1.9175281149829377E+00  1.22E+01  4.06E-02
    9     79      3    1.7589145056321329E+00  1.75E+00  2.15E-03
   10     83      3    1.0947041319498103E+00  1.39E+01  3.33E-01
   11     85      3    5.3392262260573708E-01  1.76E+01  6.22E-03
   12     87      3    2.9177547693884537E-01  1.50E+00  1.58E-03
   13     90      3    1.4066479508388399E-01  7.83E+00  1.09E-01
   14     92      3    3.8598364132262752E-02  7.17E+00  3.58E-03
   15     94      4    1.1583587353933021E-02  9.89E-02  1.05E-03
   16     97      4    7.8015795812283429E-04  1.10E+00  2.11E+00
   17     99      4    4.2043434911335627E-05  7.55E-02  1.24E-03
   18    101      4    3.3953126817268044E-07  1.28E-02  1.42E-02
   19    103      4    1.6015936023330983E-07  5.32E-03  1.57E-03
   20    105      4    9.8392507008406416E-08  1.16E-02  4.37E-03
   21    107      4    5.7437759497567527E-14  9.17E-06  1.46E-03
Maximum absolute error: 8.014e-08

Testing VMLMB in double precision with Oren & Spedicato scaling
 ITER   EVAL  RESTARTS          F(X)           ||G(X)||    STEP
    0      1      0    2.4199999999999994E+02  7.36E+02  0.00E+00
    1      2      0    4.4316372171777601E+01  7.90E+01  8.93E-04
    2      3      0    4.1329003827568755E+01  1.55E+01  1.00E+00
    3      4      0    4.1193716150917680E+01  5.65E+00  1.00E+00
    4      6      0    4.0957711045905491E+01  2.36E+01  1.25E+01
    5      9      0    3.5683010994046533E+01  5.22E+01  1.53E+01
    6     11      0    3.3539217245874546E+01  7.03E+01  5.09E-01
    7     12      0    2.8585093163539252E+01  4.37E+01  1.00E+00
    8     13      0    2.3996344613233056E+01  3.27E+01  1.00E+00
    9     14      0    1.9309467575435573E+01  6.97E+00  1.00E+00
   10     17      0    1.7488722209523090E+01  1.81E+01  6.88E-02
   11     19      0    1.6259956827682554E+01  2.82E+01  4.34E-01
   12     20      0    1.4527067055591285E+01  2.59E+01  1.00E+00
   13     21      0    1.0916067677778727E+01  9.07E+00  1.00E+00
   14     23      0    9.9129640081244492E+00  1.66E+01  3.40E-01
   15     24      0    8.2669520947712734E+00  2.31E+01  1.00E+00
   16     25      0    6.0188104158255786E+00  4.56E+00  1.00E+00
   17     27      0    5.1415520320778807E+00  7.80E+00  3.85E-01
   18     29      0    4.4266267358812676E+00  1.61E+01  4.15E-01
   19     30      0    3.5020103481310003E+00  1.49E+01  1.00E+00
   20     31      0    2.3665070228160663E+00  4.29E+00  1.00E+00
   21     33      0    1.8403816055217683E+00  7.65E+00  3.03E-01
   22     35      0    1.6071957360986759E+00  1.33E+01  4.31E-01
   23     36      0    1.1717525440024008E+00  1.42E+01  1.00E+00
   24     37      0    6.5300483142613375E-01  1.19E+00  1.00E+00
   25     39      0    4.6608331574303835E-01  9.62E+00  4.97E-01
   26     40      0    2.9375131856434777E-01  1.02E+01  1.00E+00
   27     41      0    1.2736746712652791E-01  3.82E+00  1.00E+00
   28     43      0    6.0437956341559199E-02  9.09E-01  4.28E-01
   29     45      0    3.4949558261604487E-02  4.62E+00  5.19E-01
   30     46      0    1.8760479297775655E-02  3.41E+00  1.00E+00
   31     47      0    2.8916106698074506E-03  1.63E-01  1.00E+00
   32     48      0    8.0604798184235064E-04  1.27E+00  1.00E+00
   33     49      0    1.8632680603125487E-05  4.03E-02  1.00E+00
   34     50      0    2.8720063391280182E-07  5.80E-04  1.00E+00
Maximum absolute error: 3.393e-04

Testing VMLMB in double precision with Oren & Spedicato scaling
 ITER   EVAL  RESTARTS          F(X)           ||G(X)||    STEP
    0      1      0    2.4199999999999994E+02  7.36E+02  0.00E+00
    1      2      0    4.4316372171777601E+01  7.90E+01  8.93E-04
    2      3      0    4.1329003827568755E+01  1.55E+01  1.00E+00
    3      4      0    4.1193716150917680E+01  5.65E+00  1.00E+00
    4      6      0    4.0957711045905491E+01  2.36E+01  1.25E+01
    5      9      0    3.5683010994046533E+01  5.22E+01  1.53E+01
    6     11      0    3.3539217245874546E+01  7.03E+01  5.09E-01
    7     12      0    2.8585093497824278E+01  4.37E+01  1.00E+00
    8     13      0    2.3996344750418050E+01  3.27E+01  1.00E+00
    9     14      0    1.9309462860707839E+01  6.97E+00  1.00E+00
   10     17      0    1.7483981646371245E+01  1.81E+01  6.93E-02
   11     19      0    1.6258291973993437E+01  2.82E+01  4.37E-01
   12     20      0    1.4541446068581319E+01  2.59E+01  1.00E+00
   13     21      0    1.0928706317645350E+01  9.12E+00  1.00E+00
   14     23      0    9.9272552967232208E+00  1.67E+01  3.41E-01
   15     24      0    8.2697071434109066E+00  2.30E+01  1.00E+00
   16     25      0    6.0215406773644560E+00  4.56E+00  1.00E+00
   17     27      0    5.1532094038671454E+00  7.70E+00  3.78E-01
   18     29      0    4.4360035955317594E+00  1.59E+01  4.09E-01
   19     30      0    3.5192160156022405E+00  1.51E+01  1.00E+00
   20     31      0    2.3662394529971271E+00  4.21E+00  1.00E+00
   21     33      0    1.8422450522345450E+00  7.78E+00  3.09E-01
   22     35      0    1.6053777423400100E+00  1.36E+01  4.47E-01
   23     36      0    1.1641380014375808E+00  1.39E+01  1.00E+00
   24     37      0    6.5463586821012687E-01  1.70E+00  1.00E+00
   25     39      0    4.7540503245484067E-01  9.97E+00  4.92E-01
   26     40      0    2.8777068299340625E-01  9.77E+00  1.00E+00
   27     41      0    1.3061208659628837E-01  3.45E+00  1.00E+00
   28     43      0    6.5421527596293161E-02  8.65E-01  3.91E-01
   29     45      0    3.6863874808860025E-02  4.68E+00  5.08E-01
   30     46      0    1.9600184033394502E-02  3.49E+00  1.00E+00
   31     47      0    3.1592492883752801E-03  7.26E-02  1.00E+00
   32     48      0    9.4477228637246174E-04  1.37E+00  1.00E+00
   33     49      0    3.0592565555752466E-05  1.22E-02  1.00E+00
   34     50      0    7.9144509530532992E-07  1.61E-03  1.00E+00
   35     51      0    2.4301946652851681E-10  6.84E-04  1.00E+00
Maximum absolute error: 2.056e-06

Testing VMLMB in double precision with nonnegativity
 ITER   EVAL  RESTARTS          F(X)           ||G(X)||    STEP
    0      1      0    1.0100000000000000E+03  6.32E+02  0.00E+00
    1      2      0    9.7990504958695244E+00  6.26E+00  5.05E-03
    2      5      0    7.7139954558347990E+00  1.76E+01  1.59E+01
    3      6      0    6.6024454699216175E+00  1.40E+01  1.00E+00
    4      7      0    4.9163057466277928E+00  6.80E+00  1.00E+00
    5      9      0    3.9683142325025353E+00  9.51E+00  1.65E-01
    6     10      0    3.6689082842032099E+00  2.62E+01  1.00E+00
    7     11      0    2.7789577227476703E+00  7.87E+00  1.00E+00
    8     12      0    1.9797039359651500E+00  3.56E+00  1.00E+00
    9     14      0    1.5370048320497556E+00  1.35E+01  5.15E-01
   10     15      0    1.0659127461279088E+00  1.32E+01  1.00E+00
   11     16      0    7.3454391496896487E-01  1.29E+01  1.00E+00
   12     18      0    4.3474443436851151E-01  5.14E+00  3.38E-01
   13     20      0    2.7353078960992344E-01  5.39E+00  1.51E-01
   14     21      0    2.3597282270079278E-01  9.21E+00  1.00E+00
   15     22      0    1.6522583876225894E-01  7.97E+00  1.00E+00
   16     23      0    5.5052179747126583E-02  1.47E+00  1.00E+00
   17     24      0    2.7362231533863898E-02  5.84E+00  1.00E+00
   18     25      0    5.3050212579743789E-03  3.44E-01  1.00E+00
   19     26      0    5.5436398072965611E-04  5.34E-01  1.00E+00
   20     27      0    2.1892220661179785E-05  1.64E-01  1.00E+00
   21     28      0    1.7103483782066480E-06  4.70E-02  1.00E+00
   22     29      0    4.6094881511174134E-10  3.58E-04  1.00E+00
Maximum absolute error: 1.257e-05

Testing NLCG in single precision
 ITER   EVAL  RESTARTS          F(X)           ||G(X)||    STEP
    0      1      0    2.4200003051757813E+02  7.36E+02  0.00E+00
    1      3      0    4.1281028747558594E+01  5.61E+00  7.88E-04
    2      7      1    3.4900180816650391E+01  6.29E+01  2.79E-01
    3     10      1    3.2893444061279297E+01  7.69E+01  9.89E-04
    4     13      1    2.9803213119506836E+01  5.45E+01  6.08E-04
    5     15      2    2.7113761901855469E+01  6.65E+00  1.87E-03
    6     18      2    2.2243011474609375E+01  3.54E+01  1.51E-01
    7     21      2    2.0287055969238281E+01  4.38E+01  2.65E-03
    8     24      2    1.7485961914062500E+01  2.72E+01  1.79E-03
    9     26      3    1.5996089935302734E+01  7.66E+00  4.22E-03
   10     30      3    1.2543519020080566E+01  2.03E+01  8.08E-02
   11     33      3    1.1382681846618652E+01  2.70E+01  5.02E-03
   12     36      3    9.6688995361328125E+00  1.73E+01  2.83E-03
   13     38      4    8.8273448944091797E+00  6.32E+00  5.62E-03
   14     42      4    6.7306766510009766E+00  1.54E+01  7.35E-02
   15     45      4    5.6480679512023926E+00  2.36E+01  8.20E-03
   16     47      4    3.6841809749603271E+00  1.24E+01  8.09E-03
   17     50      4    2.5451962947845459E+00  1.19E+01  1.14E-02
   18     53      4    2.3015117645263672E+00  2.01E+01  3.64E-03
   19     56      4    1.9170567989349365E+00  1.42E+01  1.10E-03
   20     58      5    1.7059851884841919E+00  1.70E+00  2.10E-03
   21     62      5    1.0503789186477661E+00  1.36E+01  3.42E-01
   22     65      5    4.6108749508857727E-01  1.53E+01  6.44E-03
   23     67      5    2.9333385825157166E-01  8.48E-01  1.44E-03
   24     70      5    1.1687098443508148E-01  7.32E+00  3.87E-01
   25     71      5    1.7581039573997259E-03  5.72E-01  5.18E-03
   26     73      6    1.5908213099464774E-03  3.61E-02  1.02E-03
   27     75      6    2.4197270249715075E-05  2.20E-01  2.45E+00
   28     77      6    2.9713203275605338E-07  3.03E-03  1.02E-03
   29     79      7    2.9232990073069232E-07  4.85E-04  1.02E-03
Maximum absolute error: 3.424e-04

Testing VMLMB in single precision with Oren & Spedicato scaling
 ITER   EVAL  RESTARTS          F(X)           ||G(X)||    STEP
    0      1      0    2.4200003051757813E+02  7.36E+02  0.00E+00
    1      2      0    4.4316352844238281E+01  7.90E+01  8.93E-04
    2      3      0    4.1329002380371094E+01  1.55E+01  1.00E+00
    3      4      0    4.1193717956542969E+01  5.65E+00  1.00E+00
    4      6      0    4.0957733154296875E+01  2.36E+01  1.25E+01
    5      9      0    3.5684280395507813E+01  5.22E+01  1.53E+01
    6     11      0    3.3540237426757813E+01  7.03E+01  5.09E-01
    7     12      0    2.8585317611694336E+01  4.37E+01  1.00E+00
    8     13      0    2.3998050689697266E+01  3.27E+01  1.00E+00
    9     14      0    1.9317586898803711E+01  6.94E+00  1.00E+00
   10     17      0    1.7455223083496094E+01  1.78E+01  6.94E-02
   11     19      0    1.6247058868408203E+01  2.79E+01  4.21E-01
   12     20      0    1.4554188728332520E+01  2.60E+01  1.00E+00
   13     21      0    1.0935351371765137E+01  9.88E+00  1.00E+00
   14     23      0    9.9184446334838867E+00  1.77E+01  3.95E-01
   15     24      0    7.9832715988159180E+00  2.13E+01  1.00E+00
   16     25      0    5.7980260848999023E+00  6.39E+00  1.00E+00
   17     27      0    4.5898337364196777E+00  1.01E+01  4.87E-01
   18     29      0    4.2044367790222168E+00  1.61E+01  4.72E-01
   19     30      0    3.2494020462036133E+00  1.46E+01  1.00E+00
   20     31      0    2.1791846752166748E+00  2.09E+00  1.00E+00
   21     33      0    1.7873154878616333E+00  1.06E+01  3.27E-01
   22     34      0    1.3844600915908813E+00  1.95E+01  1.00E+00
   23     35      0    8.2010936737060547E-01  3.59E+00  1.00E+00
   24     36      0    5.2319318056106567E-01  1.43E+01  1.00E+00
   25     37      0    3.0184462666511536E-01  4.04E+00  1.00E+00
   26     38      0    1.7310553789138794E-01  1.25E+01  1.00E+00
   27     39      0    7.2445414960384369E-02  2.59E-01  1.00E+00
   28     40      0    2.5401476770639420E-02  1.62E+00  1.00E+00
   29     41      0    9.3918032944202423E-03  3.90E+00  1.00E+00
   30     42      0    1.2769860913977027E-03  1.68E-01  1.00E+00
   31     43      0    1.0823976481333375E-04  7.58E-02  1.00E+00
   32     44      0    1.2964546840521507E-06  4.71E-02  1.00E+00
   33     45      0    2.4054557457020564E-07  2.17E-02  1.00E+00
   34     46      0    1.7763568394002505E-11  1.72E-04  1.00E+00
Maximum absolute error: 1.073e-06

Testing VMLMB in single precision with Oren & Spedicato scaling
 ITER   EVAL  RESTARTS          F(X)           ||G(X)||    STEP
    0      1      0    2.4200003051757813E+02  7.36E+02  0.00E+00
    1      2      0    4.4316352844238281E+01  7.90E+01  8.93E-04
    2      3      0    4.1329002380371094E+01  1.55E+01  1.00E+00
    3      4      0    4.1193717956542969E+01  5.65E+00  1.00E+00
    4      6      0    4.0957733154296875E+01  2.36E+01  1.25E+01
    5      9      0    3.5684280395507813E+01  5.22E+01  1.53E+01
    6     11      0    3.3540237426757813E+01  7.03E+01  5.09E-01
    7     12      0    2.8585319519042969E+01  4.37E+01  1.00E+00
    8     13      0    2.3998050689697266E+01  3.27E+01  1.00E+00
    9     14      0    1.9317581176757813E+01  6.94E+00  1.00E+00
   10     17      0    1.7450468063354492E+01  1.79E+01  6.99E-02
   11     19      0    1.6245445251464844E+01  2.80E+01  4.24E-01
   12     20      0    1.4567007064819336E+01  2.60E+01  1.00E+00
   13     21      0    1.0946963310241699E+01  9.93E+00  1.00E+00
   14     23      0    9.9296216964721680E+00  1.77E+01  3.97E-01
   15     24      0    7.9812994003295898E+00  2.11E+01  1.00E+00
   16     25      0    5.8042225837707520E+00  6.46E+00  1.00E+00
   17     27      0    4.5929708480834961E+00  1.00E+01  4.82E-01
   18     29      0    4.2138285636901855E+00  1.59E+01  4.56E-01
   19     30      0    3.2725133895874023E+00  1.49E+01  1.00E+00
   20     31      0    2.1848883628845215E+00  2.18E+00  1.00E+00
   21     33      0    1.7940013408660889E+00  1.09E+01  3.43E-01
   22     34      0    1.3708301782608032E+00  1.89E+01  1.00E+00
   23     35      0    7.9528045654296875E-01  2.95E+00  1.00E+00
   24     36      0    5.4004168510437012E-01  1.65E+01  1.00E+00
   25     37      0    3.2346767187118530E-01  2.88E+00  1.00E+00
   26     38      0    1.4709068834781647E-01  5.24E+00  1.00E+00
   27     39      0    6.7525222897529602E-02  6.39E+00  1.00E+00
   28     40      0    2.0532943308353424E-02  2.48E+00  1.00E+00
   29     41      0    6.1071617528796196E-03  3.40E+00  1.00E+00
   30     42      0    1.7097279196605086E-03  1.68E-01  1.00E+00
   31     43      0    4.5653121196664870E-04  2.08E-01  1.00E+00
   32     44      0    9.2626596597256139E-06  1.26E-01  1.00E+00
   33     45      0    4.8986272815909615E-08  4.55E-03  1.00E+00
   34     46      0    1.4210854715202004E-13  7.54E-07  1.00E+00
Maximum absolute error: 2.384e-07

Testing VMLMB in single precision with nonnegativity
 ITER   EVAL  RESTARTS          F(X)           ||G(X)||    STEP
    0      1      0    1.0100000000000000E+03  6.32E+02  0.00E+00
    1      2      0    9.7990512847900391E+00  6.26E+00  5.05E-03
    2      5      0    7.7139997482299805E+00  1.76E+01  1.59E+01
    3      6      0    6.6024413108825684E+00  1.40E+01  1.00E+00
    4      7      0    4.9158406257629395E+00  6.79E+00  1.00E+00
    5      9      0    3.9690885543823242E+00  9.53E+00  1.65E-01
    6     10      0    3.6662578582763672E+00  2.62E+01  1.00E+00
    7     11      0    2.7757463455200195E+00  7.88E+00  1.00E+00
    8     12      0    1.9713389873504639E+00  3.66E+00  1.00E+00
    9     14      0    1.5319637060165405E+00  1.36E+01  5.21E-01
   10     15      0    1.0543516874313354E+00  1.29E+01  1.00E+00
   11     16      0    7.0434069633483887E-01  1.12E+01  1.00E+00
   12     18      0    3.2436430454254150E-01  4.44E+00  5.45E-01
   13     20      0    2.8062188625335693E-01  9.63E+00  4.70E-01
   14     21      0    1.9443945586681366E-01  7.56E+00  1.00E+00
   15     22      0    7.0824414491653442E-02  1.95E+00  1.00E+00
   16     23      0    4.3932437896728516E-02  7.71E+00  1.00E+00
   17     24      0    7.7799325808882713E-03  5.12E-01  1.00E+00
   18     25      0    1.1453659972175956E-03  5.31E-01  1.00E+00
   19     26      0    1.0591231693979353E-04  4.23E-01  1.00E+00
   20     27      0    1.3548562947107712E-06  1.88E-02  1.00E+00
   21     28      0    3.9136693885666318E-10  7.40E-04  1.00E+00
   22     29      0    3.5882408155885059E-12  8.46E-05  1.00E+00
Maximum absolute error: 5.960e-08
WARNING: Compat.Printf is deprecated, use Printf instead.
  likely near /root/.julia/packages/OptimPack/1ipTV/test/cobyla-tests.jl:3

*** Standard tests ********************************************************

       Output from test problem 1 (Simple quadratic)

     Least squares error in variables =    4.919624E-03

     Least squares error in variables =    2.458376E-04

       Output from test problem 2 (2D unit circle calculation)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.260168E-03

     Least squares error in variables =    1.394648E-04

       Output from test problem 3 (3D ellipsoid calculation)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.641872E-03

     Least squares error in variables =    1.109372E-04

       Output from test problem 4 (Weak Rosenbrock)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.346992E-02

     Least squares error in variables =    7.424763E-04

       Output from test problem 5 (Intermediate Rosenbrock)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.421601E-01

     Least squares error in variables =    2.036779E-02

       Output from test problem 6 (Equation (9.1.15) in Fletcher)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.229432E-04

     Least squares error in variables =    2.229808E-06

       Output from test problem 7 (Equation (14.4.2) in Fletcher)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.688430E-04

     Least squares error in variables =    2.996662E-09

       Output from test problem 8 (Rosen-Suzuki)

     Least squares error in variables =    2.108421E-04

     Least squares error in variables =    5.912239E-05

       Output from test problem 9 (Hock and Schittkowski 100)

     Least squares error in variables =    5.778029E-03

     Least squares error in variables =    2.459564E-04

       Output from test problem 10 (Hexagon area)

     Least squares error in variables =    5.782992E-05

     Least squares error in variables =    5.005171E-05

*** Tests with scale=0.7 **************************************************

       Output from test problem 1 (Simple quadratic)

     Least squares error in variables =    3.339609E-03

     Least squares error in variables =    2.013676E-04

       Output from test problem 2 (2D unit circle calculation)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.260168E-03

     Least squares error in variables =    1.394648E-04

       Output from test problem 3 (3D ellipsoid calculation)

     Least squares error in variables =    9.983477E-04

     Least squares error in variables =    8.991862E-05

       Output from test problem 4 (Weak Rosenbrock)

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   37   F = 2.996516E-05    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-1.000800E+00   4.854114E-03

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   61   F = 1.003486E-07    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.999334E-01   2.366462E-04

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   37   F =-4.999994E-01    MAXCV = 1.999501E-06
   X = 7.062159E-01  -7.079980E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   46   F =-5.000000E-01    MAXCV = 1.999878E-08
   X = 7.070082E-01  -7.072054E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   52   F =-7.856687E-02    MAXCV = 6.190056E-06
   X = 5.780286E-01   4.069225E-01  -3.340246E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   65   F =-7.856742E-02    MAXCV = 4.522432E-08
   X = 5.773187E-01   4.083389E-01  -3.332776E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  105   F = 4.696841E-05    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.933327E-01   9.882959E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  155   F = 1.306424E-07    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.996437E-01   9.993486E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  338   F = 4.232543E-03    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.367514E-01   8.726849E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  699   F = 8.279253E-05    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.910989E-01   9.816801E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   30   F =-1.414216E+00    MAXCV = 2.950397E-06
   X = 7.071947E-01   7.070209E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   41   F =-1.414214E+00    MAXCV = 2.000086E-08
   X = 7.071084E-01   7.071052E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   28   F =-2.999881E+00    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X = 1.841394E-17  -2.999881E+00  -2.999881E+00

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   32   F =-3.000000E+00    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X = 1.745569E-17  -3.000000E+00  -3.000000E+00

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   69   F =-4.400002E+01    MAXCV = 6.484421E-06
   X =-8.038091E-05   9.998587E-01   2.000100E+00  -9.999099E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   86   F =-4.400000E+01    MAXCV = 3.042309E-08
   X =-3.629933E-05   9.999862E-01   2.000030E+00  -9.999669E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  241   F = 6.806301E+02    MAXCV = 1.008205E-05
   X = 2.331286E+00   1.951228E+00  -4.719463E-01   4.365556E+00  -6.232999E-01
       1.038174E+00   1.594236E+00

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  308   F = 6.806301E+02    MAXCV = 1.601943E-07
   X = 2.330516E+00   1.951365E+00  -4.773138E-01   4.365738E+00  -6.245104E-01
       1.038216E+00   1.594247E+00

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  165   F =-8.660253E-01    MAXCV = 1.159058E-07
   X = 6.882718E-01   7.254530E-01  -2.840693E-01   9.588036E-01   6.883136E-01
       7.254131E-01  -2.841248E-01   9.587874E-01  -2.591632E-20

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  207   F =-8.660254E-01    MAXCV = 8.424326E-09
   X = 6.883578E-01   7.253713E-01  -2.840590E-01   9.588068E-01   6.883215E-01
       7.254057E-01  -2.840110E-01   9.588210E-01   2.935137E-21

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   37   F = 1.813991E-05    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-1.000881E+00   3.221283E-03

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   69   F = 2.507672E-07    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.998472E-01   1.311157E-04

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   37   F =-4.999994E-01    MAXCV = 1.999501E-06
   X = 7.062159E-01  -7.079980E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   46   F =-5.000000E-01    MAXCV = 1.999878E-08
   X = 7.070082E-01  -7.072054E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   50   F =-7.856752E-02    MAXCV = 5.428079E-06
   X = 5.777752E-01   4.088132E-01  -3.326283E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   63   F =-7.856742E-02    MAXCV = 4.872077E-08
   X = 5.773094E-01   4.081995E-01  -3.333968E-01

     Least squares error in variables =    1.048383E-02

     Least squares error in variables =    9.363675E-04

       Output from test problem 5 (Intermediate Rosenbrock)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.342229E-01

     Least squares error in variables =    1.998787E-02

       Output from test problem 6 (Equation (9.1.15) in Fletcher)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.229432E-04

     Least squares error in variables =    2.229808E-06

       Output from test problem 7 (Equation (14.4.2) in Fletcher)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.688430E-04

     Least squares error in variables =    2.996662E-09

       Output from test problem 8 (Rosen-Suzuki)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.208169E-03

     Least squares error in variables =    1.280512E-04

       Output from test problem 9 (Hock and Schittkowski 100)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.809305E-03

     Least squares error in variables =    1.185794E-04

       Output from test problem 10 (Hexagon area)

     Least squares error in variables =    5.224520E-05

     Least squares error in variables =    5.607236E-05

*** Tests with reverse-communication **************************************

       Output from test problem 1 (Simple quadratic)
┌ Warning: `create(args...; kwds...)` is deprecated, use `Context(args...; kwds...)` instead.
│   caller = ip:0x0
└ @ Core :-1

     Least squares error in variables =    4.919624E-03

     Least squares error in variables =    2.458376E-04

       Output from test problem 2 (2D unit circle calculation)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.260168E-03

     Least squares error in variables =    1.394648E-04

       Output from test problem 3 (3D ellipsoid calculation)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.641872E-03

     Least squares error in variables =    1.109372E-04

       Output from test problem 4 (Weak Rosenbrock)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.346992E-02

     Least squares error in variables =    7.424763E-04

       Output from test problem 5 (Intermediate Rosenbrock)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.421601E-01

     Least squares error in variables =    2.036779E-02

       Output from test problem 6 (Equation (9.1.15) in Fletcher)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.229432E-04

     Least squares error in variables =    2.229808E-06

       Output from test problem 7 (Equation (14.4.2) in Fletcher)
Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   90   F = 2.246752E-05    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.952611E-01   9.906483E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  142   F = 2.308294E-07    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.995344E-01   9.991876E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  345   F = 3.812809E-03    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.407881E-01   8.795437E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  827   F = 8.014020E-05    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.912968E-01   9.820064E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   30   F =-1.414216E+00    MAXCV = 2.950397E-06
   X = 7.071947E-01   7.070209E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   41   F =-1.414214E+00    MAXCV = 2.000086E-08
   X = 7.071084E-01   7.071052E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   28   F =-2.999881E+00    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X = 9.385894E-18  -2.999881E+00  -2.999881E+00

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   32   F =-3.000000E+00    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X = 9.371504E-18  -3.000000E+00  -3.000000E+00

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   68   F =-4.400000E+01    MAXCV = 2.856984E-06
   X =-2.873675E-04   1.001164E+00   1.999873E+00  -9.999197E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   87   F =-4.400000E+01    MAXCV = 3.598171E-08
   X =-1.249890E-05   9.998830E-01   2.000042E+00  -9.999726E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  238   F = 6.806300E+02    MAXCV = 4.248394E-05
   X = 2.330538E+00   1.951053E+00  -4.761146E-01   4.366547E+00  -6.248756E-01
       1.038671E+00   1.594359E+00

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  279   F = 6.806301E+02    MAXCV = 1.898784E-07
   X = 2.330464E+00   1.951356E+00  -4.776052E-01   4.365769E+00  -6.244216E-01
       1.038180E+00   1.594224E+00

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  165   F =-8.660253E-01    MAXCV = 1.161696E-07
   X = 6.882733E-01   7.254516E-01  -2.840727E-01   9.588026E-01   6.883111E-01
       7.254155E-01  -2.841228E-01   9.587880E-01   6.228660E-20

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  207   F =-8.660254E-01    MAXCV = 8.493324E-09
   X = 6.883596E-01   7.253696E-01  -2.840625E-01   9.588058E-01   6.883189E-01
       7.254082E-01  -2.840087E-01   9.588217E-01  -2.143006E-21

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   37   F = 2.996516E-05    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-1.000800E+00   4.854114E-03

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   61   F = 1.003486E-07    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.999334E-01   2.366462E-04

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   37   F =-4.999994E-01    MAXCV = 1.999501E-06
   X = 7.062159E-01  -7.079980E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   46   F =-5.000000E-01    MAXCV = 1.999878E-08
   X = 7.070082E-01  -7.072054E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   52   F =-7.856687E-02    MAXCV = 6.190056E-06
   X = 5.780286E-01   4.069225E-01  -3.340246E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   65   F =-7.856742E-02    MAXCV = 4.522432E-08
   X = 5.773187E-01   4.083389E-01  -3.332776E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  105   F = 4.696841E-05    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.933327E-01   9.882959E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  155   F = 1.306424E-07    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.996437E-01   9.993486E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  338   F = 4.232543E-03    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.367514E-01   8.726849E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  699   F = 8.279253E-05    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.910989E-01   9.816801E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   30   F =-1.414216E+00    MAXCV = 2.950397E-06
   X = 7.071947E-01   7.070209E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   41   F =-1.414214E+00    MAXCV = 2.000086E-08
   X = 7.071084E-01   7.071052E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBY
     Least squares error in variables =    1.688430E-04

     Least squares error in variables =    2.996662E-09

       Output from test problem 8 (Rosen-Suzuki)

     Least squares error in variables =    2.108421E-04

     Least squares error in variables =    5.912239E-05

       Output from test problem 9 (Hock and Schittkowski 100)

     Least squares error in variables =    5.778029E-03

     Least squares error in variables =    2.459564E-04

       Output from test problem 10 (Hexagon area)

     Least squares error in variables =    5.782992E-05

     Least squares error in variables =    5.005171E-05
WARNING: Compat.Printf is deprecated, use Printf instead.
  likely near /root/.julia/packages/OptimPack/1ipTV/test/newuoa-tests.jl:3

*** Standard NEWUOA tests *************************************************

    Results with N = 2 and NPT =  5

    Results with N = 4 and NPT =  9

    Results with N = 6 and NPT = 13

   NFVALS =   28   F =-2.999881E+00    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X = 1.841394E-17  -2.999881E+00  -2.999881E+00

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   32   F =-3.000000E+00    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X = 1.745569E-17  -3.000000E+00  -3.000000E+00

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   69   F =-4.400002E+01    MAXCV = 6.484421E-06
   X =-8.038091E-05   9.998587E-01   2.000100E+00  -9.999099E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   86   F =-4.400000E+01    MAXCV = 3.042309E-08
   X =-3.629933E-05   9.999862E-01   2.000030E+00  -9.999669E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  241   F = 6.806301E+02    MAXCV = 1.008205E-05
   X = 2.331286E+00   1.951228E+00  -4.719463E-01   4.365556E+00  -6.232999E-01
       1.038174E+00   1.594236E+00

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  308   F = 6.806301E+02    MAXCV = 1.601943E-07
   X = 2.330516E+00   1.951365E+00  -4.773138E-01   4.365738E+00  -6.245104E-01
       1.038216E+00   1.594247E+00

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  165   F =-8.660253E-01    MAXCV = 1.159058E-07
   X = 6.882718E-01   7.254530E-01  -2.840693E-01   9.588036E-01   6.883136E-01
       7.254131E-01  -2.841248E-01   9.587874E-01  -2.591632E-20

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  207   F =-8.660254E-01    MAXCV = 8.424326E-09
   X = 6.883578E-01   7.253713E-01  -2.840590E-01   9.588068E-01   6.883215E-01
       7.254057E-01  -2.840110E-01   9.588210E-01   2.935137E-21

    New RHO = 6.6667E-03     Number of function values =    10
    Least value of F =  2.306405855199966E-03         The corresponding X is:
     2.382044E-01   8.080324E-01

    New RHO = 6.6667E-04     Number of function values =    16
    Least value of F =  1.227492922002901E-06         The corresponding X is:
     2.108177E-01   7.885663E-01

    New RHO = 6.6667E-05     Number of function values =    20
    Least value of F =  2.435328676415535E-09         The corresponding X is:
     2.113442E-01   7.886747E-01

    New RHO = 8.1650E-06     Number of function values =    23
    Least value of F =  2.435328676415535E-09         The corresponding X is:
     2.113442E-01   7.886747E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-06     Number of function values =    27
    Least value of F =  1.820673222021692E-12         The corresponding X is:
     2.113246E-01   7.886745E-01

    At the return from NEWUOA     Number of function values =    31
    Least value of F =  3.788471046857957E-19         The corresponding X is:
     2.113249E-01   7.886751E-01

    New RHO = 4.0000E-03     Number of function values =    21
    Least value of F =  2.011890578520238E-03         The corresponding X is:
     1.129585E-01   4.058318E-01   6.110858E-01   9.111412E-01

    New RHO = 4.0000E-04     Number of function values =    34
    Least value of F =  4.013272744351821E-04         The corresponding X is:
     1.111816E-01   4.192043E-01   6.050995E-01   9.037598E-01

    New RHO = 4.0000E-05     Number of function values =    60
    Least value of F =  4.477990105960536E-08         The corresponding X is:
     1.026265E-01   4.061774E-01   5.936825E-01   8.972424E-01

    New RHO = 6.3246E-06     Number of function values =    75
    Least value of F =  4.867005278121880E-10         The corresponding X is:
     1.026742E-01   4.062069E-01   5.937875E-01   8.973192E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-06     Number of function values =    83
    Least value of F =  7.260297359120004E-12         The corresponding X is:
     1.026724E-01   4.062045E-01   5.937957E-01   8.973269E-01

    At the return from NEWUOA     Number of function values =    90
    Least value of F =  3.526693206487107E-14         The corresponding X is:
     1.026728E-01   4.062038E-01   5.937962E-01   8.973272E-01

    New RHO = 2.8571E-03     Number of function values =    14
    Least value of F =  3.052693663946804E-02         The corresponding X is:
     1.142857E-01   2.857143E-01   4.285714E-01   5.714286E-01   7.142857E-01

    New RHO = 2.8571E-04     Number of 

    Results with N = 8 and NPT = 17

*** NEWUOA tests with scale=0.7 *******************************************

    Results with N = 2 and NPT =  5

    Results with N = 4 and NPT =  9
function values =    79
    Least value of F =  1.937801756358315E-05         The corresponding X is:
     6.822115E-02   2.926547E-01   3.677050E-01   6.359738E-01   7.128806E-01

    New RHO = 2.8571E-05     Number of function values =   127
    Least value of F =  1.474107115156324E-07         The corresponding X is:
     6.687373E-02   2.887591E-01   3.666373E-01   6.334470E-01   7.109271E-01

    New RHO = 5.3452E-06     Number of function values =   149
    Least value of F =  2.133220164523194E-09         The corresponding X is:
     6.686444E-02   2.887236E-01   3.666562E-01   6.333092E-01   7.112241E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-06     Number of function values =   176
    Least value of F =  8.384008282125609E-12         The corresponding X is:
     6.687603E-02   2.887394E-01   3.666823E-01   6.333157E-01   7.112603E-01

    At the return from NEWUOA     Number of function values =   198
    Least value of F =  4.343402133989936E-14         The corresponding X is:
     6.687652E-02   2.887405E-01   3.666823E-01   6.333176E-01   7.112593E-01

    New RHO = 2.2222E-03     Number of function values =    21
    Least value of F =  1.717393681624708E-02         The corresponding X is:
     9.398239E-02   2.276855E-01   3.322088E-01   4.429489E-01   5.570511E-01
     6.677912E-01   7.723145E-01   9.065755E-01

    New RHO = 2.2222E-04     Number of function values =   156
    Least value of F =  3.522147835159811E-03         The corresponding X is:
     4.304938E-02   1.929816E-01   2.666648E-01   4.993406E-01   5.015257E-01
     7.342656E-01   8.074189E-01   9.573324E-01

    New RHO = 1.4907E-05     Number of function values =   223
    Least value of F =  3.516963347985581E-03         The corresponding X is:
     4.312068E-02   1.931225E-01   2.661590E-01   4.999745E-01   4.998689E-01
     7.336702E-01   8.068435E-01   9.568160E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-06     Number of function values =   277
    Least value of F =  3.516873885294745E-03         The corresponding X is:
     4.315300E-02   1.930923E-01   2.663324E-01   5.000011E-01   5.000099E-01
     7.336771E-01   8.069111E-01   9.568495E-01

    At the return from NEWUOA     Number of function values =   314
    Least value of F =  3.516873725862449E-03         The corresponding X is:
     4.315284E-02   1.930909E-01   2.663288E-01   5.000002E-01   4.999999E-01
     7.336712E-01   8.069093E-01   9.568473E-01

    New RHO = 9.5238E-03     Number of function values =    10
    Least value of F =  2.306405855199963E-03         The corresponding X is:
     2.382044E-01   8.080324E-01

    New RHO = 9.5238E-04     Number of function values =    16
    Least value of F =  1.227492921963042E-06         The corresponding X is:
     2.108177E-01   7.885663E-01

    New RHO = 9.5238E-05     Number of function values =    20
    Least value of F =  2.435328675444608E-09         The corresponding X is:
     2.113442E-01   7.886747E-01

    New RHO = 1.1664E-05     Number of function values =    23
    Least value of F =  2.435328675444608E-09         The corresponding X is:
     2.113442E-01   7.886747E-01

    New RHO = 1.4286E-06     Number of function values =    27
    Least value of F =  1.820673222535812E-12         The corresponding X is:
     2.113246E-01   7.886745E-01

    At the return from NEWUOA     Number of function values =    31
    Least value of F =  3.788472952253575E-19         The corresponding X is:
     2.113249E-01   7.886751E-01

    New RHO = 5.7143E-03     Number of function values =    21
    Least value of F =  2.011890578519909E-03         The corresponding X is:
     1.129585E-01   4.058318E-01   6.110858E-01   9.111412E-01

    New RHO = 5.7143E-04     Number of function values =    34
    Least value of F =  4.013272744348879E-04         The corresponding X is:
     1.111816E-01   4.192043E-01   6.050995E-01   9.037598E-01

    New RHO = 5.7143E-05     Number of function values =    60
    Least value of F =  4.477969622766671E-08         The correspon

    Results with N = 6 and NPT = 13

    Results with N = 8 and NPT = 17

*** NEWUOA tests with reverse-communication *******************************

    Results with N = 2 and NPT =  5
ding X is:
     1.026265E-01   4.061774E-01   5.936825E-01   8.972424E-01

    New RHO = 9.0351E-06     Number of function values =    74
    Least value of F =  4.867132312363869E-10         The corresponding X is:
     1.026742E-01   4.062069E-01   5.937875E-01   8.973192E-01

    New RHO = 1.4286E-06     Number of function values =    82
    Least value of F =  9.356725065973908E-12         The corresponding X is:
     1.026727E-01   4.062052E-01   5.937965E-01   8.973273E-01

    At the return from NEWUOA     Number of function values =    91
    Least value of F =  2.192122557106768E-15         The corresponding X is:
     1.026728E-01   4.062038E-01   5.937962E-01   8.973272E-01

    New RHO = 4.0816E-03     Number of function values =    14
    Least value of F =  3.052693663946804E-02         The corresponding X is:
     1.142857E-01   2.857143E-01   4.285714E-01   5.714286E-01   7.142857E-01

    New RHO = 4.0816E-04     Number of function values =    79
    Least value of F =  1.937801344814974E-05         The corresponding X is:
     6.822115E-02   2.926547E-01   3.677050E-01   6.359738E-01   7.128806E-01

    New RHO = 4.0816E-05     Number of function values =   131
    Least value of F =  1.087600340650226E-07         The corresponding X is:
     6.691788E-02   2.887791E-01   3.667089E-01   6.333453E-01   7.111235E-01

    New RHO = 7.6360E-06     Number of function values =   156
    Least value of F =  7.302359872130309E-10         The corresponding X is:
     6.688161E-02   2.887571E-01   3.666641E-01   6.333180E-01   7.112478E-01

    New RHO = 1.4286E-06     Number of function values =   174
    Least value of F =  2.652969563950523E-12         The corresponding X is:
     6.687666E-02   2.887398E-01   3.666832E-01   6.333177E-01   7.112595E-01

    At the return from NEWUOA     Number of function values =   186
    Least value of F =  4.646045480318431E-14         The corresponding X is:
     6.687661E-02   2.887406E-01   3.666822E-01   6.333176E-01   7.112592E-01

    New RHO = 3.1746E-03     Number of function values =    21
    Least value of F =  1.717393681624720E-02         The corresponding X is:
     9.398239E-02   2.276855E-01   3.322088E-01   4.429489E-01   5.570511E-01
     6.677912E-01   7.723145E-01   9.065755E-01

    New RHO = 3.1746E-04     Number of function values =   205
    Least value of F =  3.532654305064218E-03         The corresponding X is:
     4.362853E-02   1.941777E-01   2.656752E-01   5.017547E-01   4.978201E-01
     7.332308E-01   8.080372E-01   9.575136E-01

    New RHO = 2.1296E-05     Number of function values =   262
    Least value of F =  3.516903844483138E-03         The corresponding X is:
     4.313625E-02   1.930373E-01   2.662521E-01   4.998887E-01   4.999173E-01
     7.336035E-01   8.068371E-01   9.568033E-01

    New RHO = 1.4286E-06     Number of function values =   301
    Least value of F =  3.516873805642085E-03         The corresponding X is:
     4.315442E-02   1.930932E-01   2.663273E-01   4.999955E-01   5.000046E-01
     7.336725E-01   8.069080E-01   9.568471E-01

    At the return from NEWUOA     Number of function values =   329
    Least value of F =  3.516873725775130E-03         The corresponding X is:
     4.315283E-02   1.930910E-01   2.663287E-01   5.000002E-01   5.000000E-01
     7.336714E-01   8.069092E-01   9.568473E-01

    New RHO = 6.6667E-03     Number of function values =    10
    Least value of F =  2.306405855199966E-03         The corresponding X is:
     2.382044E-01   8.080324E-01

    New RHO = 6.6667E-04     Number of function values =    16
    Least value of F =  1.227492922002901E-06         The corresponding X is:
     2.108177E-01   7.885663E-01

    New RHO = 6.6667E-05     Number of function values =    20
    Least value of F =  2.435328676415535E-09         The corresponding X is:
     2.113442E-01   7.886747E-01

    New RHO = 8.1650E-06     Number of function values =    23
    Least value of F =  2.435328676

    Results with N = 4 and NPT =  9

    Results with N = 6 and NPT = 13

    Results with N = 8 and NPT = 17
415535E-09         The corresponding X is:
     2.113442E-01   7.886747E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-06     Number of function values =    27
    Least value of F =  1.820673222021692E-12         The corresponding X is:
     2.113246E-01   7.886745E-01

    At the return from NEWUOA     Number of function values =    31
    Least value of F =  3.788471046857957E-19         The corresponding X is:
     2.113249E-01   7.886751E-01

    New RHO = 4.0000E-03     Number of function values =    21
    Least value of F =  2.011890578520238E-03         The corresponding X is:
     1.129585E-01   4.058318E-01   6.110858E-01   9.111412E-01

    New RHO = 4.0000E-04     Number of function values =    34
    Least value of F =  4.013272744351821E-04         The corresponding X is:
     1.111816E-01   4.192043E-01   6.050995E-01   9.037598E-01

    New RHO = 4.0000E-05     Number of function values =    60
    Least value of F =  4.477990105960536E-08         The corresponding X is:
     1.026265E-01   4.061774E-01   5.936825E-01   8.972424E-01

    New RHO = 6.3246E-06     Number of function values =    75
    Least value of F =  4.867005278121880E-10         The corresponding X is:
     1.026742E-01   4.062069E-01   5.937875E-01   8.973192E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-06     Number of function values =    83
    Least value of F =  7.260297359120004E-12         The corresponding X is:
     1.026724E-01   4.062045E-01   5.937957E-01   8.973269E-01

    At the return from NEWUOA     Number of function values =    90
    Least value of F =  3.526693206487107E-14         The corresponding X is:
     1.026728E-01   4.062038E-01   5.937962E-01   8.973272E-01

    New RHO = 2.8571E-03     Number of function values =    14
    Least value of F =  3.052693663946804E-02         The corresponding X is:
     1.142857E-01   2.857143E-01   4.285714E-01   5.714286E-01   7.142857E-01

    New RHO = 2.8571E-04     Number of function values =    79
    Least value of F =  1.937801756358315E-05         The corresponding X is:
     6.822115E-02   2.926547E-01   3.677050E-01   6.359738E-01   7.128806E-01

    New RHO = 2.8571E-05     Number of function values =   127
    Least value of F =  1.474107115156324E-07         The corresponding X is:
     6.687373E-02   2.887591E-01   3.666373E-01   6.334470E-01   7.109271E-01

    New RHO = 5.3452E-06     Number of function values =   149
    Least value of F =  2.133220164523194E-09         The corresponding X is:
     6.686444E-02   2.887236E-01   3.666562E-01   6.333092E-01   7.112241E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-06     Number of function values =   176
    Least value of F =  8.384008282125609E-12         The corresponding X is:
     6.687603E-02   2.887394E-01   3.666823E-01   6.333157E-01   7.112603E-01

    At the return from NEWUOA     Number of function values =   198
    Least value of F =  4.343402133989936E-14         The corresponding X is:
     6.687652E-02   2.887405E-01   3.666823E-01   6.333176E-01   7.112593E-01

    New RHO = 2.2222E-03     Number of function values =    21
    Least value of F =  1.717393681624708E-02         The corresponding X is:
     9.398239E-02   2.276855E-01   3.322088E-01   4.429489E-01   5.570511E-01
     6.677912E-01   7.723145E-01   9.065755E-01

    New RHO = 2.2222E-04     Number of function values =   156
    Least value of F =  3.522147835159811E-03         The corresponding X is:
     4.304938E-02   1.929816E-01   2.666648E-01   4.993406E-01   5.015257E-01
     7.342656E-01   8.074189E-01   9.573324E-01

    New RHO = 1.4907E-05     Number of function values =   223
    Least value of F =  3.516963347985581E-03         The corresponding X is:
     4.312068E-02   1.931225E-01   2.661590E-01   4.999745E-01   4.998689E-01
     7.336702E-01   8.068435E-01   9.568160E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-06     Number of function values =   277
    Least value of F =  3.516873885294745E-03         The corresponding X is:
     4.315300E-02   1.930923E-01   2.663324E-01   5WARNING: Compat.Printf is deprecated, use Printf instead.
  likely near /root/.julia/packages/OptimPack/1ipTV/test/bobyqa-tests.jl:3

*** Standard BOBYQA tests *************************************************

     2D output with M =   5,  N =  10  and  NPT =  16

***** least function value: 5.680353888084284e+00

     2D output with M =   5,  N =  10  and  NPT =  21

***** least function value: 5.601533972186465e+00

     2D output with M =  10,  N =  20  and  NPT =  26
.000011E-01   5.000099E-01
     7.336771E-01   8.069111E-01   9.568495E-01

    At the return from NEWUOA     Number of function values =   314
    Least value of F =  3.516873725862449E-03         The corresponding X is:
     4.315284E-02   1.930909E-01   2.663288E-01   5.000002E-01   4.999999E-01
     7.336712E-01   8.069093E-01   9.568473E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-02     Number of function values =    36
    Least value of F =  5.680729791421956E+00         The corresponding X is:
     2.221147E-01   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.265332E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-03     Number of function values =    60
    Least value of F =  5.680354430001146E+00         The corresponding X is:
     2.603234E-01   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   2.612788E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-04     Number of function values =    73
    Least value of F =  5.680353929615947E+00         The corresponding X is:
     2.606974E-01   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   2.615739E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-05     Number of function values =    88
    Least value of F =  5.680353888456104E+00         The corresponding X is:
     2.613393E-01   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   2.611534E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-06     Number of function values =   108
    Least value of F =  5.680353888084572E+00         The corresponding X is:
     2.612445E-01   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   2.612493E-01

    At the return from BOBYQA     Number of function values =   123
    Least value of F =  5.680353888084284E+00         The corresponding X is:
     2.612471E-01   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   2.612470E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-02     Number of function values =    44
    Least value of F =  5.608887796858023E+00         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00
    -1.000000E+00   9.776403E-01  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.767038E-13

    New RHO = 1.0000E-03     Number of function values =    59
    Least value of F =  5.601550934818603E+00         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -2.938660E-03

    New RHO = 1.0000E-04     Number of function values =    73
    Least value of F =  5.601533980345714E+00         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -6.445101E-05

    New RHO = 1.0000E-05     Number of function values =    78
    Least value of F =  5.601533972186777E+00         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.999974E-07

    New RHO = 1.0000E-06     Number of function values =    91
    Least value of F =  5.601533972186777E+00         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.999974E-07

    At the return from BOBYQA     Number of function values =    98
    Least value of F =  5.601533972186465E+00         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   1.916017E-10

    New RHO = 1.0000E-02     Number of function values =    34
    Least value of F =  3.291200620948101E+01         The corresponding X is:
***** least function value: 3.220305336883060e+01

     2D output with M =  10,  N =  20  and  NPT =  41
8.283285E-01   3.605841E-01   1.000000E+00  -3.605841E-01
     1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   9.275342E-01  -9.994764E-01   8.783984E-02
    -1.000000E+00  -9.995070E-01  -2.696121E-01  -1.000000E+00   2.706121E-01
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   9.994764E-01   8.783984E-02

    New RHO = 1.0000E-03     Number of function values =    88
    Least value of F =  3.220322024737089E+01         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.645051E-01   1.000000E+00  -3.576367E-01
     1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -2.759587E-03
    -1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -3.624180E-01  -1.000000E+00   3.623725E-01
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -3.349526E-03

    New RHO = 1.0000E-04     Number of function values =   121
    Least value of F =  3.220306285892171E+01         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.618014E-01   1.000000E+00  -3.619181E-01
     1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -1.322484E-03
    -1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -3.618304E-01  -1.000000E+00   3.619566E-01
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -8.843503E-04

    New RHO = 1.0000E-05     Number of function values =   157
    Least value of F =  3.220305336987251E+01         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.616064E-01   1.000000E+00  -3.616179E-01
     1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -5.333451E-06
    -1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -3.616083E-01  -1.000000E+00   3.616038E-01
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   1.050743E-05

    New RHO = 1.0000E-06     Number of function values =   179
    Least value of F =  3.220305336890880E+01         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.616077E-01   1.000000E+00  -3.616078E-01
     1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   2.566120E-06
    -1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -3.616071E-01  -1.000000E+00   3.616065E-01
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.641092E-06

    At the return from BOBYQA     Number of function values =   205
    Least value of F =  3.220305336883060E+01         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.616077E-01   1.000000E+00  -3.616080E-01
     1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -2.954437E-07
    -1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -3.616079E-01  -1.000000E+00   3.616078E-01
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   8.866453E-08

    New RHO = 1.0000E-02     Number of function values =    45
    Least value of F =  3.221724258591880E+01         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.811180E-01   1.000000E+00  -3.811180E-01
     1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.224647E-16
    -1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -3.811180E-01  -1.000000E+00   3.811180E-01
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -2.449294E-16

    New RHO = 1.0000E-03     Number of function values =    80
    Least value of F =  3.220308936260135E+01         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.625827E-01   1.000000E+00  -3.625827E-01
     1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.224647E-16
    -1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -3.625827E-01  -1.000000E+00   3.625827E-01
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -2.449294E-16

    New RHO = 1.0000E-04     Number of function values =   112
    Least value of F =  3.220305353124637E+01         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.615510E-01   1.000000E+00  -3.615643E-01
     1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   8.602213E-05
    -1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -3.616122E-01  -1.000000E+00   3.615515E-01
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   1.687215E-04

    New RHO = 1.0000E-05     Number of function values =   136
    Least value of F =  3.220305337717114E+01         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000
***** least function value: 3.220305336883041e+01
000E+00   3.615876E-01   1.000000E+00  -3.616140E-01
     1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.844099E-05
    -1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -3.616364E-01  -1.000000E+00   3.616024E-01
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   1.157131E-05

    New RHO = 1.0000E-06     Number of function values =   156
    Least value of F =  3.220305336914299E+01         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.616044E-01   1.000000E+00  -3.616079E-01
     1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   9.207299E-07
    -1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -3.616044E-01  -1.000000E+00   3.616141E-01
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   2.382489E-06

    At the return from BOBYQA     Number of function values =   194
    Least value of F =  3.220305336883041E+01         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.616078E-01   1.000000E+00  -3.616080E-01
     1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -1.148260E-07
    -1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -3.616080E-01  -1.000000E+00   3.616078E-01
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   5.206591E-08
   Testing OptimPack tests passed 

Results with Julia v1.3.0

Testing was successful. Last evaluation was ago and took 1 minute, 3 seconds.

Click here to download the log file.

 Resolving package versions...
 Installed Compat ──── v3.0.0
 Installed OptimPack ─ v1.0.0
  Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.3/Project.toml`
  [04a3d532] + OptimPack v1.0.0
  Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.3/Manifest.toml`
  [34da2185] + Compat v3.0.0
  [04a3d532] + OptimPack v1.0.0
  [2a0f44e3] + Base64 
  [ade2ca70] + Dates 
  [8bb1440f] + DelimitedFiles 
  [8ba89e20] + Distributed 
  [b77e0a4c] + InteractiveUtils 
  [76f85450] + LibGit2 
  [8f399da3] + Libdl 
  [37e2e46d] + LinearAlgebra 
  [56ddb016] + Logging 
  [d6f4376e] + Markdown 
  [a63ad114] + Mmap 
  [44cfe95a] + Pkg 
  [de0858da] + Printf 
  [3fa0cd96] + REPL 
  [9a3f8284] + Random 
  [ea8e919c] + SHA 
  [9e88b42a] + Serialization 
  [1a1011a3] + SharedArrays 
  [6462fe0b] + Sockets 
  [2f01184e] + SparseArrays 
  [10745b16] + Statistics 
  [8dfed614] + Test 
  [cf7118a7] + UUIDs 
  [4ec0a83e] + Unicode 
  Building OptimPack → `~/.julia/packages/OptimPack/1ipTV/deps/build.log`
   Testing OptimPack
 Resolving package versions...
    Status `/tmp/jl_vOopFz/Manifest.toml`
  [34da2185] Compat v3.0.0
  [04a3d532] OptimPack v1.0.0
  [2a0f44e3] Base64  [`@stdlib/Base64`]
  [ade2ca70] Dates  [`@stdlib/Dates`]
  [8bb1440f] DelimitedFiles  [`@stdlib/DelimitedFiles`]
  [8ba89e20] Distributed  [`@stdlib/Distributed`]
  [b77e0a4c] InteractiveUtils  [`@stdlib/InteractiveUtils`]
  [76f85450] LibGit2  [`@stdlib/LibGit2`]
  [8f399da3] Libdl  [`@stdlib/Libdl`]
  [37e2e46d] LinearAlgebra  [`@stdlib/LinearAlgebra`]
  [56ddb016] Logging  [`@stdlib/Logging`]
  [d6f4376e] Markdown  [`@stdlib/Markdown`]
  [a63ad114] Mmap  [`@stdlib/Mmap`]
  [44cfe95a] Pkg  [`@stdlib/Pkg`]
  [de0858da] Printf  [`@stdlib/Printf`]
  [3fa0cd96] REPL  [`@stdlib/REPL`]
  [9a3f8284] Random  [`@stdlib/Random`]
  [ea8e919c] SHA  [`@stdlib/SHA`]
  [9e88b42a] Serialization  [`@stdlib/Serialization`]
  [1a1011a3] SharedArrays  [`@stdlib/SharedArrays`]
  [6462fe0b] Sockets  [`@stdlib/Sockets`]
  [2f01184e] SparseArrays  [`@stdlib/SparseArrays`]
  [10745b16] Statistics  [`@stdlib/Statistics`]
  [8dfed614] Test  [`@stdlib/Test`]
  [cf7118a7] UUIDs  [`@stdlib/UUIDs`]
  [4ec0a83e] Unicode  [`@stdlib/Unicode`]
WARNING: importing deprecated binding Compat.LinearAlgebra into OptimPack.
WARNING: Compat.Printf is deprecated, use Printf instead.
  likely near /root/.julia/packages/OptimPack/1ipTV/src/OptimPack.jl:22
WARNING: Compat.LinearAlgebra is deprecated, use LinearAlgebra instead.
  likely near /root/.julia/packages/OptimPack/1ipTV/src/OptimPack.jl:30
WARNING: Compat.Printf is deprecated, use Printf instead.
  likely near /root/.julia/packages/OptimPack/1ipTV/src/newuoa.jl:21
WARNING: Compat.Printf is deprecated, use Printf instead.
  likely near /root/.julia/packages/OptimPack/1ipTV/src/cobyla.jl:21
WARNING: Compat.Printf is deprecated, use Printf instead.
  likely near /root/.julia/packages/OptimPack/1ipTV/src/bobyqa.jl:21
WARNING: Compat.Test is deprecated, use Test instead.
  likely near /root/.julia/packages/OptimPack/1ipTV/test/runtests.jl:4
WARNING: Compat.Printf is deprecated, use Printf instead.
  likely near /root/.julia/packages/OptimPack/1ipTV/test/runtests.jl:5

Testing NLCG in double precision
 ITER   EVAL  RESTARTS          F(X)           ||G(X)||    STEP
    0      1      0    2.4199999999999994E+02  7.36E+02  0.00E+00
    1      3      0    4.1281025275807700E+01  5.61E+00  7.88E-04
    2      7      1    3.4897291437611720E+01  6.29E+01  2.79E-01
    3     10      1    3.2891123571996367E+01  7.69E+01  9.89E-04
    4     40      1    1.3690542951671066E+01  1.95E+01  1.06E-02
    5     42      2    1.2679218379115571E+01  7.69E+00  5.48E-03
    6     46      2    9.7571870737319006E+00  1.70E+01  6.77E-02
    7     49      2    8.7339011044091208E+00  2.44E+01  6.30E-03
    8     77      2    1.9175281149829377E+00  1.22E+01  4.06E-02
    9     79      3    1.7589145056321329E+00  1.75E+00  2.15E-03
   10     83      3    1.0947041319498103E+00  1.39E+01  3.33E-01
   11     85      3    5.3392262260573708E-01  1.76E+01  6.22E-03
   12     87      3    2.9177547693884537E-01  1.50E+00  1.58E-03
   13     90      3    1.4066479508388399E-01  7.83E+00  1.09E-01
   14     92      3    3.8598364132262752E-02  7.17E+00  3.58E-03
   15     94      4    1.1583587353933021E-02  9.89E-02  1.05E-03
   16     97      4    7.8015795812283429E-04  1.10E+00  2.11E+00
   17     99      4    4.2043434911335627E-05  7.55E-02  1.24E-03
   18    101      4    3.3953126817268044E-07  1.28E-02  1.42E-02
   19    103      4    1.6015936023330983E-07  5.32E-03  1.57E-03
   20    105      4    9.8392507008406416E-08  1.16E-02  4.37E-03
   21    107      4    5.7437759497567527E-14  9.17E-06  1.46E-03
Maximum absolute error: 8.014e-08

Testing VMLMB in double precision with Oren & Spedicato scaling
 ITER   EVAL  RESTARTS          F(X)           ||G(X)||    STEP
    0      1      0    2.4199999999999994E+02  7.36E+02  0.00E+00
    1      2      0    4.4316372171777601E+01  7.90E+01  8.93E-04
    2      3      0    4.1329003827568755E+01  1.55E+01  1.00E+00
    3      4      0    4.1193716150917680E+01  5.65E+00  1.00E+00
    4      6      0    4.0957711045905491E+01  2.36E+01  1.25E+01
    5      9      0    3.5683010994046533E+01  5.22E+01  1.53E+01
    6     11      0    3.3539217245874546E+01  7.03E+01  5.09E-01
    7     12      0    2.8585093163539252E+01  4.37E+01  1.00E+00
    8     13      0    2.3996344613233056E+01  3.27E+01  1.00E+00
    9     14      0    1.9309467575435573E+01  6.97E+00  1.00E+00
   10     17      0    1.7488722209523090E+01  1.81E+01  6.88E-02
   11     19      0    1.6259956827682554E+01  2.82E+01  4.34E-01
   12     20      0    1.4527067055591285E+01  2.59E+01  1.00E+00
   13     21      0    1.0916067677778727E+01  9.07E+00  1.00E+00
   14     23      0    9.9129640081244492E+00  1.66E+01  3.40E-01
   15     24      0    8.2669520947712734E+00  2.31E+01  1.00E+00
   16     25      0    6.0188104158255786E+00  4.56E+00  1.00E+00
   17     27      0    5.1415520320778807E+00  7.80E+00  3.85E-01
   18     29      0    4.4266267358812676E+00  1.61E+01  4.15E-01
   19     30      0    3.5020103481310003E+00  1.49E+01  1.00E+00
   20     31      0    2.3665070228160663E+00  4.29E+00  1.00E+00
   21     33      0    1.8403816055217683E+00  7.65E+00  3.03E-01
   22     35      0    1.6071957360986759E+00  1.33E+01  4.31E-01
   23     36      0    1.1717525440024008E+00  1.42E+01  1.00E+00
   24     37      0    6.5300483142613375E-01  1.19E+00  1.00E+00
   25     39      0    4.6608331574303835E-01  9.62E+00  4.97E-01
   26     40      0    2.9375131856434777E-01  1.02E+01  1.00E+00
   27     41      0    1.2736746712652791E-01  3.82E+00  1.00E+00
   28     43      0    6.0437956341559199E-02  9.09E-01  4.28E-01
   29     45      0    3.4949558261604487E-02  4.62E+00  5.19E-01
   30     46      0    1.8760479297775655E-02  3.41E+00  1.00E+00
   31     47      0    2.8916106698074506E-03  1.63E-01  1.00E+00
   32     48      0    8.0604798184235064E-04  1.27E+00  1.00E+00
   33     49      0    1.8632680603125487E-05  4.03E-02  1.00E+00
   34     50      0    2.8720063391280182E-07  5.80E-04  1.00E+00
Maximum absolute error: 3.393e-04

Testing VMLMB in double precision with Oren & Spedicato scaling
 ITER   EVAL  RESTARTS          F(X)           ||G(X)||    STEP
    0      1      0    2.4199999999999994E+02  7.36E+02  0.00E+00
    1      2      0    4.4316372171777601E+01  7.90E+01  8.93E-04
    2      3      0    4.1329003827568755E+01  1.55E+01  1.00E+00
    3      4      0    4.1193716150917680E+01  5.65E+00  1.00E+00
    4      6      0    4.0957711045905491E+01  2.36E+01  1.25E+01
    5      9      0    3.5683010994046533E+01  5.22E+01  1.53E+01
    6     11      0    3.3539217245874546E+01  7.03E+01  5.09E-01
    7     12      0    2.8585093497824278E+01  4.37E+01  1.00E+00
    8     13      0    2.3996344750418050E+01  3.27E+01  1.00E+00
    9     14      0    1.9309462860707839E+01  6.97E+00  1.00E+00
   10     17      0    1.7483981646371245E+01  1.81E+01  6.93E-02
   11     19      0    1.6258291973993437E+01  2.82E+01  4.37E-01
   12     20      0    1.4541446068581319E+01  2.59E+01  1.00E+00
   13     21      0    1.0928706317645350E+01  9.12E+00  1.00E+00
   14     23      0    9.9272552967232208E+00  1.67E+01  3.41E-01
   15     24      0    8.2697071434109066E+00  2.30E+01  1.00E+00
   16     25      0    6.0215406773644560E+00  4.56E+00  1.00E+00
   17     27      0    5.1532094038671454E+00  7.70E+00  3.78E-01
   18     29      0    4.4360035955317594E+00  1.59E+01  4.09E-01
   19     30      0    3.5192160156022405E+00  1.51E+01  1.00E+00
   20     31      0    2.3662394529971271E+00  4.21E+00  1.00E+00
   21     33      0    1.8422450522345450E+00  7.78E+00  3.09E-01
   22     35      0    1.6053777423400100E+00  1.36E+01  4.47E-01
   23     36      0    1.1641380014375808E+00  1.39E+01  1.00E+00
   24     37      0    6.5463586821012687E-01  1.70E+00  1.00E+00
   25     39      0    4.7540503245484067E-01  9.97E+00  4.92E-01
   26     40      0    2.8777068299340625E-01  9.77E+00  1.00E+00
   27     41      0    1.3061208659628837E-01  3.45E+00  1.00E+00
   28     43      0    6.5421527596293161E-02  8.65E-01  3.91E-01
   29     45      0    3.6863874808860025E-02  4.68E+00  5.08E-01
   30     46      0    1.9600184033394502E-02  3.49E+00  1.00E+00
   31     47      0    3.1592492883752801E-03  7.26E-02  1.00E+00
   32     48      0    9.4477228637246174E-04  1.37E+00  1.00E+00
   33     49      0    3.0592565555752466E-05  1.22E-02  1.00E+00
   34     50      0    7.9144509530532992E-07  1.61E-03  1.00E+00
   35     51      0    2.4301946652851681E-10  6.84E-04  1.00E+00
Maximum absolute error: 2.056e-06

Testing VMLMB in double precision with nonnegativity
 ITER   EVAL  RESTARTS          F(X)           ||G(X)||    STEP
    0      1      0    1.0100000000000000E+03  6.32E+02  0.00E+00
    1      2      0    9.7990504958695244E+00  6.26E+00  5.05E-03
    2      5      0    7.7139954558347990E+00  1.76E+01  1.59E+01
    3      6      0    6.6024454699216175E+00  1.40E+01  1.00E+00
    4      7      0    4.9163057466277928E+00  6.80E+00  1.00E+00
    5      9      0    3.9683142325025353E+00  9.51E+00  1.65E-01
    6     10      0    3.6689082842032099E+00  2.62E+01  1.00E+00
    7     11      0    2.7789577227476703E+00  7.87E+00  1.00E+00
    8     12      0    1.9797039359651500E+00  3.56E+00  1.00E+00
    9     14      0    1.5370048320497556E+00  1.35E+01  5.15E-01
   10     15      0    1.0659127461279088E+00  1.32E+01  1.00E+00
   11     16      0    7.3454391496896487E-01  1.29E+01  1.00E+00
   12     18      0    4.3474443436851151E-01  5.14E+00  3.38E-01
   13     20      0    2.7353078960992344E-01  5.39E+00  1.51E-01
   14     21      0    2.3597282270079278E-01  9.21E+00  1.00E+00
   15     22      0    1.6522583876225894E-01  7.97E+00  1.00E+00
   16     23      0    5.5052179747126583E-02  1.47E+00  1.00E+00
   17     24      0    2.7362231533863898E-02  5.84E+00  1.00E+00
   18     25      0    5.3050212579743789E-03  3.44E-01  1.00E+00
   19     26      0    5.5436398072965611E-04  5.34E-01  1.00E+00
   20     27      0    2.1892220661179785E-05  1.64E-01  1.00E+00
   21     28      0    1.7103483782066480E-06  4.70E-02  1.00E+00
   22     29      0    4.6094881511174134E-10  3.58E-04  1.00E+00
Maximum absolute error: 1.257e-05

Testing NLCG in single precision
 ITER   EVAL  RESTARTS          F(X)           ||G(X)||    STEP
    0      1      0    2.4200003051757813E+02  7.36E+02  0.00E+00
    1      3      0    4.1281028747558594E+01  5.61E+00  7.88E-04
    2      7      1    3.4900180816650391E+01  6.29E+01  2.79E-01
    3     10      1    3.2893444061279297E+01  7.69E+01  9.89E-04
    4     13      1    2.9803213119506836E+01  5.45E+01  6.08E-04
    5     15      2    2.7113761901855469E+01  6.65E+00  1.87E-03
    6     18      2    2.2243011474609375E+01  3.54E+01  1.51E-01
    7     21      2    2.0287055969238281E+01  4.38E+01  2.65E-03
    8     24      2    1.7485961914062500E+01  2.72E+01  1.79E-03
    9     26      3    1.5996089935302734E+01  7.66E+00  4.22E-03
   10     30      3    1.2543519020080566E+01  2.03E+01  8.08E-02
   11     33      3    1.1382681846618652E+01  2.70E+01  5.02E-03
   12     36      3    9.6688995361328125E+00  1.73E+01  2.83E-03
   13     38      4    8.8273448944091797E+00  6.32E+00  5.62E-03
   14     42      4    6.7306766510009766E+00  1.54E+01  7.35E-02
   15     45      4    5.6480679512023926E+00  2.36E+01  8.20E-03
   16     47      4    3.6841809749603271E+00  1.24E+01  8.09E-03
   17     50      4    2.5451962947845459E+00  1.19E+01  1.14E-02
   18     53      4    2.3015117645263672E+00  2.01E+01  3.64E-03
   19     56      4    1.9170567989349365E+00  1.42E+01  1.10E-03
   20     58      5    1.7059851884841919E+00  1.70E+00  2.10E-03
   21     62      5    1.0503789186477661E+00  1.36E+01  3.42E-01
   22     65      5    4.6108749508857727E-01  1.53E+01  6.44E-03
   23     67      5    2.9333385825157166E-01  8.48E-01  1.44E-03
   24     70      5    1.1687098443508148E-01  7.32E+00  3.87E-01
   25     71      5    1.7581039573997259E-03  5.72E-01  5.18E-03
   26     73      6    1.5908213099464774E-03  3.61E-02  1.02E-03
   27     75      6    2.4197270249715075E-05  2.20E-01  2.45E+00
   28     77      6    2.9713203275605338E-07  3.03E-03  1.02E-03
   29     79      7    2.9232990073069232E-07  4.85E-04  1.02E-03
Maximum absolute error: 3.424e-04

Testing VMLMB in single precision with Oren & Spedicato scaling
 ITER   EVAL  RESTARTS          F(X)           ||G(X)||    STEP
    0      1      0    2.4200003051757813E+02  7.36E+02  0.00E+00
    1      2      0    4.4316352844238281E+01  7.90E+01  8.93E-04
    2      3      0    4.1329002380371094E+01  1.55E+01  1.00E+00
    3      4      0    4.1193717956542969E+01  5.65E+00  1.00E+00
    4      6      0    4.0957733154296875E+01  2.36E+01  1.25E+01
    5      9      0    3.5684280395507813E+01  5.22E+01  1.53E+01
    6     11      0    3.3540237426757813E+01  7.03E+01  5.09E-01
    7     12      0    2.8585317611694336E+01  4.37E+01  1.00E+00
    8     13      0    2.3998050689697266E+01  3.27E+01  1.00E+00
    9     14      0    1.9317586898803711E+01  6.94E+00  1.00E+00
   10     17      0    1.7455223083496094E+01  1.78E+01  6.94E-02
   11     19      0    1.6247058868408203E+01  2.79E+01  4.21E-01
   12     20      0    1.4554188728332520E+01  2.60E+01  1.00E+00
   13     21      0    1.0935351371765137E+01  9.88E+00  1.00E+00
   14     23      0    9.9184446334838867E+00  1.77E+01  3.95E-01
   15     24      0    7.9832715988159180E+00  2.13E+01  1.00E+00
   16     25      0    5.7980260848999023E+00  6.39E+00  1.00E+00
   17     27      0    4.5898337364196777E+00  1.01E+01  4.87E-01
   18     29      0    4.2044367790222168E+00  1.61E+01  4.72E-01
   19     30      0    3.2494020462036133E+00  1.46E+01  1.00E+00
   20     31      0    2.1791846752166748E+00  2.09E+00  1.00E+00
   21     33      0    1.7873154878616333E+00  1.06E+01  3.27E-01
   22     34      0    1.3844600915908813E+00  1.95E+01  1.00E+00
   23     35      0    8.2010936737060547E-01  3.59E+00  1.00E+00
   24     36      0    5.2319318056106567E-01  1.43E+01  1.00E+00
   25     37      0    3.0184462666511536E-01  4.04E+00  1.00E+00
   26     38      0    1.7310553789138794E-01  1.25E+01  1.00E+00
   27     39      0    7.2445414960384369E-02  2.59E-01  1.00E+00
   28     40      0    2.5401476770639420E-02  1.62E+00  1.00E+00
   29     41      0    9.3918032944202423E-03  3.90E+00  1.00E+00
   30     42      0    1.2769860913977027E-03  1.68E-01  1.00E+00
   31     43      0    1.0823976481333375E-04  7.58E-02  1.00E+00
   32     44      0    1.2964546840521507E-06  4.71E-02  1.00E+00
   33     45      0    2.4054557457020564E-07  2.17E-02  1.00E+00
   34     46      0    1.7763568394002505E-11  1.72E-04  1.00E+00
Maximum absolute error: 1.073e-06

Testing VMLMB in single precision with Oren & Spedicato scaling
 ITER   EVAL  RESTARTS          F(X)           ||G(X)||    STEP
    0      1      0    2.4200003051757813E+02  7.36E+02  0.00E+00
    1      2      0    4.4316352844238281E+01  7.90E+01  8.93E-04
    2      3      0    4.1329002380371094E+01  1.55E+01  1.00E+00
    3      4      0    4.1193717956542969E+01  5.65E+00  1.00E+00
    4      6      0    4.0957733154296875E+01  2.36E+01  1.25E+01
    5      9      0    3.5684280395507813E+01  5.22E+01  1.53E+01
    6     11      0    3.3540237426757813E+01  7.03E+01  5.09E-01
    7     12      0    2.8585319519042969E+01  4.37E+01  1.00E+00
    8     13      0    2.3998050689697266E+01  3.27E+01  1.00E+00
    9     14      0    1.9317581176757813E+01  6.94E+00  1.00E+00
   10     17      0    1.7450468063354492E+01  1.79E+01  6.99E-02
   11     19      0    1.6245445251464844E+01  2.80E+01  4.24E-01
   12     20      0    1.4567007064819336E+01  2.60E+01  1.00E+00
   13     21      0    1.0946963310241699E+01  9.93E+00  1.00E+00
   14     23      0    9.9296216964721680E+00  1.77E+01  3.97E-01
   15     24      0    7.9812994003295898E+00  2.11E+01  1.00E+00
   16     25      0    5.8042225837707520E+00  6.46E+00  1.00E+00
   17     27      0    4.5929708480834961E+00  1.00E+01  4.82E-01
   18     29      0    4.2138285636901855E+00  1.59E+01  4.56E-01
   19     30      0    3.2725133895874023E+00  1.49E+01  1.00E+00
   20     31      0    2.1848883628845215E+00  2.18E+00  1.00E+00
   21     33      0    1.7940013408660889E+00  1.09E+01  3.43E-01
   22     34      0    1.3708301782608032E+00  1.89E+01  1.00E+00
   23     35      0    7.9528045654296875E-01  2.95E+00  1.00E+00
   24     36      0    5.4004168510437012E-01  1.65E+01  1.00E+00
   25     37      0    3.2346767187118530E-01  2.88E+00  1.00E+00
   26     38      0    1.4709068834781647E-01  5.24E+00  1.00E+00
   27     39      0    6.7525222897529602E-02  6.39E+00  1.00E+00
   28     40      0    2.0532943308353424E-02  2.48E+00  1.00E+00
   29     41      0    6.1071617528796196E-03  3.40E+00  1.00E+00
   30     42      0    1.7097279196605086E-03  1.68E-01  1.00E+00
   31     43      0    4.5653121196664870E-04  2.08E-01  1.00E+00
   32     44      0    9.2626596597256139E-06  1.26E-01  1.00E+00
   33     45      0    4.8986272815909615E-08  4.55E-03  1.00E+00
   34     46      0    1.4210854715202004E-13  7.54E-07  1.00E+00
Maximum absolute error: 2.384e-07

Testing VMLMB in single precision with nonnegativity
 ITER   EVAL  RESTARTS          F(X)           ||G(X)||    STEP
    0      1      0    1.0100000000000000E+03  6.32E+02  0.00E+00
    1      2      0    9.7990512847900391E+00  6.26E+00  5.05E-03
    2      5      0    7.7139997482299805E+00  1.76E+01  1.59E+01
    3      6      0    6.6024413108825684E+00  1.40E+01  1.00E+00
    4      7      0    4.9158406257629395E+00  6.79E+00  1.00E+00
    5      9      0    3.9690885543823242E+00  9.53E+00  1.65E-01
    6     10      0    3.6662578582763672E+00  2.62E+01  1.00E+00
    7     11      0    2.7757463455200195E+00  7.88E+00  1.00E+00
    8     12      0    1.9713389873504639E+00  3.66E+00  1.00E+00
    9     14      0    1.5319637060165405E+00  1.36E+01  5.21E-01
   10     15      0    1.0543516874313354E+00  1.29E+01  1.00E+00
   11     16      0    7.0434069633483887E-01  1.12E+01  1.00E+00
   12     18      0    3.2436430454254150E-01  4.44E+00  5.45E-01
   13     20      0    2.8062188625335693E-01  9.63E+00  4.70E-01
   14     21      0    1.9443945586681366E-01  7.56E+00  1.00E+00
   15     22      0    7.0824414491653442E-02  1.95E+00  1.00E+00
   16     23      0    4.3932437896728516E-02  7.71E+00  1.00E+00
   17     24      0    7.7799325808882713E-03  5.12E-01  1.00E+00
   18     25      0    1.1453659972175956E-03  5.31E-01  1.00E+00
   19     26      0    1.0591231693979353E-04  4.23E-01  1.00E+00
   20     27      0    1.3548562947107712E-06  1.88E-02  1.00E+00
   21     28      0    3.9136693885666318E-10  7.40E-04  1.00E+00
   22     29      0    3.5882408155885059E-12  8.46E-05  1.00E+00
Maximum absolute error: 5.960e-08
WARNING: Compat.Printf is deprecated, use Printf instead.
  likely near /root/.julia/packages/OptimPack/1ipTV/test/cobyla-tests.jl:3

*** Standard tests ********************************************************

       Output from test problem 1 (Simple quadratic)

     Least squares error in variables =    4.919624E-03

     Least squares error in variables =    2.458376E-04

       Output from test problem 2 (2D unit circle calculation)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.260168E-03

     Least squares error in variables =    1.394648E-04

       Output from test problem 3 (3D ellipsoid calculation)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.641872E-03

     Least squares error in variables =    1.109372E-04

       Output from test problem 4 (Weak Rosenbrock)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.346992E-02

     Least squares error in variables =    7.424763E-04

       Output from test problem 5 (Intermediate Rosenbrock)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.421601E-01

     Least squares error in variables =    2.036779E-02

       Output from test problem 6 (Equation (9.1.15) in Fletcher)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.229432E-04

     Least squares error in variables =    2.229808E-06

       Output from test problem 7 (Equation (14.4.2) in Fletcher)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.688430E-04

     Least squares error in variables =    2.996662E-09

       Output from test problem 8 (Rosen-Suzuki)

     Least squares error in variables =    2.108421E-04

     Least squares error in variables =    5.912239E-05

       Output from test problem 9 (Hock and Schittkowski 100)

     Least squares error in variables =    5.778029E-03

     Least squares error in variables =    2.459564E-04

       Output from test problem 10 (Hexagon area)

     Least squares error in variables =    5.782992E-05

     Least squares error in variables =    5.005171E-05

*** Tests with scale=0.7 **************************************************

       Output from test problem 1 (Simple quadratic)

     Least squares error in variables =    3.339609E-03

     Least squares error in variables =    2.013676E-04

       Output from test problem 2 (2D unit circle calculation)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.260168E-03

     Least squares error in variables =    1.394648E-04

       Output from test problem 3 (3D ellipsoid calculation)

     Least squares error in variables =    9.983477E-04

     Least squares error in variables =    8.991862E-05

       Output from test problem 4 (Weak Rosenbrock)

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   37   F = 2.996516E-05    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-1.000800E+00   4.854114E-03

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   61   F = 1.003486E-07    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.999334E-01   2.366462E-04

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   37   F =-4.999994E-01    MAXCV = 1.999501E-06
   X = 7.062159E-01  -7.079980E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   46   F =-5.000000E-01    MAXCV = 1.999878E-08
   X = 7.070082E-01  -7.072054E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   52   F =-7.856687E-02    MAXCV = 6.190056E-06
   X = 5.780286E-01   4.069225E-01  -3.340246E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   65   F =-7.856742E-02    MAXCV = 4.522432E-08
   X = 5.773187E-01   4.083389E-01  -3.332776E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  105   F = 4.696841E-05    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.933327E-01   9.882959E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  155   F = 1.306424E-07    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.996437E-01   9.993486E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  338   F = 4.232543E-03    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.367514E-01   8.726849E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  699   F = 8.279253E-05    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.910989E-01   9.816801E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   30   F =-1.414216E+00    MAXCV = 2.950397E-06
   X = 7.071947E-01   7.070209E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   41   F =-1.414214E+00    MAXCV = 2.000086E-08
   X = 7.071084E-01   7.071052E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   28   F =-2.999881E+00    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X = 1.841394E-17  -2.999881E+00  -2.999881E+00

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   32   F =-3.000000E+00    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X = 1.745569E-17  -3.000000E+00  -3.000000E+00

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   69   F =-4.400002E+01    MAXCV = 6.484421E-06
   X =-8.038091E-05   9.998587E-01   2.000100E+00  -9.999099E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   86   F =-4.400000E+01    MAXCV = 3.042309E-08
   X =-3.629933E-05   9.999862E-01   2.000030E+00  -9.999669E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  241   F = 6.806301E+02    MAXCV = 1.008205E-05
   X = 2.331286E+00   1.951228E+00  -4.719463E-01   4.365556E+00  -6.232999E-01
       1.038174E+00   1.594236E+00

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  308   F = 6.806301E+02    MAXCV = 1.601943E-07
   X = 2.330516E+00   1.951365E+00  -4.773138E-01   4.365738E+00  -6.245104E-01
       1.038216E+00   1.594247E+00

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  165   F =-8.660253E-01    MAXCV = 1.159058E-07
   X = 6.882718E-01   7.254530E-01  -2.840693E-01   9.588036E-01   6.883136E-01
       7.254131E-01  -2.841248E-01   9.587874E-01  -2.591632E-20

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  207   F =-8.660254E-01    MAXCV = 8.424326E-09
   X = 6.883578E-01   7.253713E-01  -2.840590E-01   9.588068E-01   6.883215E-01
       7.254057E-01  -2.840110E-01   9.588210E-01   2.935137E-21

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   37   F = 1.813991E-05    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-1.000881E+00   3.221283E-03

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   69   F = 2.507672E-07    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.998472E-01   1.311157E-04

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   37   F =-4.999994E-01    MAXCV = 1.999501E-06
   X = 7.062159E-01  -7.079980E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   46   F =-5.000000E-01    MAXCV = 1.999878E-08
   X = 7.070082E-01  -7.072054E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   50   F =-7.856752E-02    MAXCV = 5.428079E-06
   X = 5.777752E-01   4.088132E-01  -3.326283E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   63   F =-7.856742E-02    MAXCV = 4.872077E-08
   X = 5.773094E-01   4.081995E-01  -3.333968E-01

     Least squares error in variables =    1.048383E-02

     Least squares error in variables =    9.363675E-04

       Output from test problem 5 (Intermediate Rosenbrock)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.342229E-01

     Least squares error in variables =    1.998787E-02

       Output from test problem 6 (Equation (9.1.15) in Fletcher)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.229432E-04

     Least squares error in variables =    2.229808E-06

       Output from test problem 7 (Equation (14.4.2) in Fletcher)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.688430E-04

     Least squares error in variables =    2.996662E-09

       Output from test problem 8 (Rosen-Suzuki)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.208169E-03

     Least squares error in variables =    1.280512E-04

       Output from test problem 9 (Hock and Schittkowski 100)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.809305E-03

     Least squares error in variables =    1.185794E-04

       Output from test problem 10 (Hexagon area)

     Least squares error in variables =    5.224520E-05

     Least squares error in variables =    5.607236E-05

*** Tests with reverse-communication **************************************

       Output from test problem 1 (Simple quadratic)
┌ Warning: `create(args...; kwds...)` is deprecated, use `Context(args...; kwds...)` instead.
│   caller = ip:0x0
└ @ Core :-1

     Least squares error in variables =    4.919624E-03

     Least squares error in variables =    2.458376E-04

       Output from test problem 2 (2D unit circle calculation)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.260168E-03

     Least squares error in variables =    1.394648E-04

       Output from test problem 3 (3D ellipsoid calculation)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.641872E-03

     Least squares error in variables =    1.109372E-04

       Output from test problem 4 (Weak Rosenbrock)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.346992E-02

     Least squares error in variables =    7.424763E-04

       Output from test problem 5 (Intermediate Rosenbrock)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.421601E-01

     Least squares error in variables =    2.036779E-02

       Output from test problem 6 (Equation (9.1.15) in Fletcher)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.229432E-04

     Least squares error in variables =    2.229808E-06

       Output from test problem 7 (Equation (14.4.2) in Fletcher)
Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   90   F = 2.246752E-05    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.952611E-01   9.906483E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  142   F = 2.308294E-07    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.995344E-01   9.991876E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  345   F = 3.812809E-03    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.407881E-01   8.795437E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  827   F = 8.014020E-05    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.912968E-01   9.820064E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   30   F =-1.414216E+00    MAXCV = 2.950397E-06
   X = 7.071947E-01   7.070209E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   41   F =-1.414214E+00    MAXCV = 2.000086E-08
   X = 7.071084E-01   7.071052E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   28   F =-2.999881E+00    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X = 9.385894E-18  -2.999881E+00  -2.999881E+00

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   32   F =-3.000000E+00    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X = 9.371504E-18  -3.000000E+00  -3.000000E+00

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   68   F =-4.400000E+01    MAXCV = 2.856984E-06
   X =-2.873675E-04   1.001164E+00   1.999873E+00  -9.999197E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   87   F =-4.400000E+01    MAXCV = 3.598171E-08
   X =-1.249890E-05   9.998830E-01   2.000042E+00  -9.999726E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  238   F = 6.806300E+02    MAXCV = 4.248394E-05
   X = 2.330538E+00   1.951053E+00  -4.761146E-01   4.366547E+00  -6.248756E-01
       1.038671E+00   1.594359E+00

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  279   F = 6.806301E+02    MAXCV = 1.898784E-07
   X = 2.330464E+00   1.951356E+00  -4.776052E-01   4.365769E+00  -6.244216E-01
       1.038180E+00   1.594224E+00

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  165   F =-8.660253E-01    MAXCV = 1.161696E-07
   X = 6.882733E-01   7.254516E-01  -2.840727E-01   9.588026E-01   6.883111E-01
       7.254155E-01  -2.841228E-01   9.587880E-01   6.228660E-20

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  207   F =-8.660254E-01    MAXCV = 8.493324E-09
   X = 6.883596E-01   7.253696E-01  -2.840625E-01   9.588058E-01   6.883189E-01
       7.254082E-01  -2.840087E-01   9.588217E-01  -2.143006E-21

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   37   F = 2.996516E-05    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-1.000800E+00   4.854114E-03

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   61   F = 1.003486E-07    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.999334E-01   2.366462E-04

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   37   F =-4.999994E-01    MAXCV = 1.999501E-06
   X = 7.062159E-01  -7.079980E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   46   F =-5.000000E-01    MAXCV = 1.999878E-08
   X = 7.070082E-01  -7.072054E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   52   F =-7.856687E-02    MAXCV = 6.190056E-06
   X = 5.780286E-01   4.069225E-01  -3.340246E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   65   F =-7.856742E-02    MAXCV = 4.522432E-08
   X = 5.773187E-01   4.083389E-01  -3.332776E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  105   F = 4.696841E-05    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.933327E-01   9.882959E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  155   F = 1.306424E-07    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.996437E-01   9.993486E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  338   F = 4.232543E-03    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.367514E-01   8.726849E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  699   F = 8.279253E-05    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.910989E-01   9.816801E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   30   F =-1.414216E+00    MAXCV = 2.950397E-06
   X = 7.071947E-01   7.070209E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   41   F =-1.414214E+00    MAXCV = 2.000086E-08
   X = 7.071084E-01   7.071052E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBY
     Least squares error in variables =    1.688430E-04

     Least squares error in variables =    2.996662E-09

       Output from test problem 8 (Rosen-Suzuki)

     Least squares error in variables =    2.108421E-04

     Least squares error in variables =    5.912239E-05

       Output from test problem 9 (Hock and Schittkowski 100)

     Least squares error in variables =    5.778029E-03

     Least squares error in variables =    2.459564E-04

       Output from test problem 10 (Hexagon area)

     Least squares error in variables =    5.782992E-05

     Least squares error in variables =    5.005171E-05
WARNING: Compat.Printf is deprecated, use Printf instead.
  likely near /root/.julia/packages/OptimPack/1ipTV/test/newuoa-tests.jl:3

*** Standard NEWUOA tests *************************************************

    Results with N = 2 and NPT =  5

    Results with N = 4 and NPT =  9

    Results with N = 6 and NPT = 13

   NFVALS =   28   F =-2.999881E+00    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X = 1.841394E-17  -2.999881E+00  -2.999881E+00

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   32   F =-3.000000E+00    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X = 1.745569E-17  -3.000000E+00  -3.000000E+00

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   69   F =-4.400002E+01    MAXCV = 6.484421E-06
   X =-8.038091E-05   9.998587E-01   2.000100E+00  -9.999099E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   86   F =-4.400000E+01    MAXCV = 3.042309E-08
   X =-3.629933E-05   9.999862E-01   2.000030E+00  -9.999669E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  241   F = 6.806301E+02    MAXCV = 1.008205E-05
   X = 2.331286E+00   1.951228E+00  -4.719463E-01   4.365556E+00  -6.232999E-01
       1.038174E+00   1.594236E+00

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  308   F = 6.806301E+02    MAXCV = 1.601943E-07
   X = 2.330516E+00   1.951365E+00  -4.773138E-01   4.365738E+00  -6.245104E-01
       1.038216E+00   1.594247E+00

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  165   F =-8.660253E-01    MAXCV = 1.159058E-07
   X = 6.882718E-01   7.254530E-01  -2.840693E-01   9.588036E-01   6.883136E-01
       7.254131E-01  -2.841248E-01   9.587874E-01  -2.591632E-20

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  207   F =-8.660254E-01    MAXCV = 8.424326E-09
   X = 6.883578E-01   7.253713E-01  -2.840590E-01   9.588068E-01   6.883215E-01
       7.254057E-01  -2.840110E-01   9.588210E-01   2.935137E-21

    New RHO = 6.6667E-03     Number of function values =    10
    Least value of F =  2.306405855199966E-03         The corresponding X is:
     2.382044E-01   8.080324E-01

    New RHO = 6.6667E-04     Number of function values =    16
    Least value of F =  1.227492922002901E-06         The corresponding X is:
     2.108177E-01   7.885663E-01

    New RHO = 6.6667E-05     Number of function values =    20
    Least value of F =  2.435328676415535E-09         The corresponding X is:
     2.113442E-01   7.886747E-01

    New RHO = 8.1650E-06     Number of function values =    23
    Least value of F =  2.435328676415535E-09         The corresponding X is:
     2.113442E-01   7.886747E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-06     Number of function values =    27
    Least value of F =  1.820673222021692E-12         The corresponding X is:
     2.113246E-01   7.886745E-01

    At the return from NEWUOA     Number of function values =    31
    Least value of F =  3.788471046857957E-19         The corresponding X is:
     2.113249E-01   7.886751E-01

    New RHO = 4.0000E-03     Number of function values =    21
    Least value of F =  2.011890578520238E-03         The corresponding X is:
     1.129585E-01   4.058318E-01   6.110858E-01   9.111412E-01

    New RHO = 4.0000E-04     Number of function values =    34
    Least value of F =  4.013272744351821E-04         The corresponding X is:
     1.111816E-01   4.192043E-01   6.050995E-01   9.037598E-01

    New RHO = 4.0000E-05     Number of function values =    60
    Least value of F =  4.477990105960536E-08         The corresponding X is:
     1.026265E-01   4.061774E-01   5.936825E-01   8.972424E-01

    New RHO = 6.3246E-06     Number of function values =    75
    Least value of F =  4.867005278121880E-10         The corresponding X is:
     1.026742E-01   4.062069E-01   5.937875E-01   8.973192E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-06     Number of function values =    83
    Least value of F =  7.260297359120004E-12         The corresponding X is:
     1.026724E-01   4.062045E-01   5.937957E-01   8.973269E-01

    At the return from NEWUOA     Number of function values =    90
    Least value of F =  3.526693206487107E-14         The corresponding X is:
     1.026728E-01   4.062038E-01   5.937962E-01   8.973272E-01

    New RHO = 2.8571E-03     Number of function values =    14
    Least value of F =  3.052693663946804E-02         The corresponding X is:
     1.142857E-01   2.857143E-01   4.285714E-01   5.714286E-01   7.142857E-01

    New RHO = 2.8571E-04     Number of 

    Results with N = 8 and NPT = 17

*** NEWUOA tests with scale=0.7 *******************************************

    Results with N = 2 and NPT =  5

    Results with N = 4 and NPT =  9
function values =    79
    Least value of F =  1.937801756358315E-05         The corresponding X is:
     6.822115E-02   2.926547E-01   3.677050E-01   6.359738E-01   7.128806E-01

    New RHO = 2.8571E-05     Number of function values =   127
    Least value of F =  1.474107115156324E-07         The corresponding X is:
     6.687373E-02   2.887591E-01   3.666373E-01   6.334470E-01   7.109271E-01

    New RHO = 5.3452E-06     Number of function values =   149
    Least value of F =  2.133220164523194E-09         The corresponding X is:
     6.686444E-02   2.887236E-01   3.666562E-01   6.333092E-01   7.112241E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-06     Number of function values =   176
    Least value of F =  8.384008282125609E-12         The corresponding X is:
     6.687603E-02   2.887394E-01   3.666823E-01   6.333157E-01   7.112603E-01

    At the return from NEWUOA     Number of function values =   198
    Least value of F =  4.343402133989936E-14         The corresponding X is:
     6.687652E-02   2.887405E-01   3.666823E-01   6.333176E-01   7.112593E-01

    New RHO = 2.2222E-03     Number of function values =    21
    Least value of F =  1.717393681624708E-02         The corresponding X is:
     9.398239E-02   2.276855E-01   3.322088E-01   4.429489E-01   5.570511E-01
     6.677912E-01   7.723145E-01   9.065755E-01

    New RHO = 2.2222E-04     Number of function values =   156
    Least value of F =  3.522147835159811E-03         The corresponding X is:
     4.304938E-02   1.929816E-01   2.666648E-01   4.993406E-01   5.015257E-01
     7.342656E-01   8.074189E-01   9.573324E-01

    New RHO = 1.4907E-05     Number of function values =   223
    Least value of F =  3.516963347985581E-03         The corresponding X is:
     4.312068E-02   1.931225E-01   2.661590E-01   4.999745E-01   4.998689E-01
     7.336702E-01   8.068435E-01   9.568160E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-06     Number of function values =   277
    Least value of F =  3.516873885294745E-03         The corresponding X is:
     4.315300E-02   1.930923E-01   2.663324E-01   5.000011E-01   5.000099E-01
     7.336771E-01   8.069111E-01   9.568495E-01

    At the return from NEWUOA     Number of function values =   314
    Least value of F =  3.516873725862449E-03         The corresponding X is:
     4.315284E-02   1.930909E-01   2.663288E-01   5.000002E-01   4.999999E-01
     7.336712E-01   8.069093E-01   9.568473E-01

    New RHO = 9.5238E-03     Number of function values =    10
    Least value of F =  2.306405855199963E-03         The corresponding X is:
     2.382044E-01   8.080324E-01

    New RHO = 9.5238E-04     Number of function values =    16
    Least value of F =  1.227492921963042E-06         The corresponding X is:
     2.108177E-01   7.885663E-01

    New RHO = 9.5238E-05     Number of function values =    20
    Least value of F =  2.435328675444608E-09         The corresponding X is:
     2.113442E-01   7.886747E-01

    New RHO = 1.1664E-05     Number of function values =    23
    Least value of F =  2.435328675444608E-09         The corresponding X is:
     2.113442E-01   7.886747E-01

    New RHO = 1.4286E-06     Number of function values =    27
    Least value of F =  1.820673222535812E-12         The corresponding X is:
     2.113246E-01   7.886745E-01

    At the return from NEWUOA     Number of function values =    31
    Least value of F =  3.788472952253575E-19         The corresponding X is:
     2.113249E-01   7.886751E-01

    New RHO = 5.7143E-03     Number of function values =    21
    Least value of F =  2.011890578519909E-03         The corresponding X is:
     1.129585E-01   4.058318E-01   6.110858E-01   9.111412E-01

    New RHO = 5.7143E-04     Number of function values =    34
    Least value of F =  4.013272744348879E-04         The corresponding X is:
     1.111816E-01   4.192043E-01   6.050995E-01   9.037598E-01

    New RHO = 5.7143E-05     Number of function values =    60
    Least value of F =  4.477969622766671E-08         The correspon

    Results with N = 6 and NPT = 13

    Results with N = 8 and NPT = 17

*** NEWUOA tests with reverse-communication *******************************

    Results with N = 2 and NPT =  5
ding X is:
     1.026265E-01   4.061774E-01   5.936825E-01   8.972424E-01

    New RHO = 9.0351E-06     Number of function values =    74
    Least value of F =  4.867132312363869E-10         The corresponding X is:
     1.026742E-01   4.062069E-01   5.937875E-01   8.973192E-01

    New RHO = 1.4286E-06     Number of function values =    82
    Least value of F =  9.356725065973908E-12         The corresponding X is:
     1.026727E-01   4.062052E-01   5.937965E-01   8.973273E-01

    At the return from NEWUOA     Number of function values =    91
    Least value of F =  2.192122557106768E-15         The corresponding X is:
     1.026728E-01   4.062038E-01   5.937962E-01   8.973272E-01

    New RHO = 4.0816E-03     Number of function values =    14
    Least value of F =  3.052693663946804E-02         The corresponding X is:
     1.142857E-01   2.857143E-01   4.285714E-01   5.714286E-01   7.142857E-01

    New RHO = 4.0816E-04     Number of function values =    79
    Least value of F =  1.937801344814974E-05         The corresponding X is:
     6.822115E-02   2.926547E-01   3.677050E-01   6.359738E-01   7.128806E-01

    New RHO = 4.0816E-05     Number of function values =   131
    Least value of F =  1.087600340650226E-07         The corresponding X is:
     6.691788E-02   2.887791E-01   3.667089E-01   6.333453E-01   7.111235E-01

    New RHO = 7.6360E-06     Number of function values =   156
    Least value of F =  7.302359872130309E-10         The corresponding X is:
     6.688161E-02   2.887571E-01   3.666641E-01   6.333180E-01   7.112478E-01

    New RHO = 1.4286E-06     Number of function values =   174
    Least value of F =  2.652969563950523E-12         The corresponding X is:
     6.687666E-02   2.887398E-01   3.666832E-01   6.333177E-01   7.112595E-01

    At the return from NEWUOA     Number of function values =   186
    Least value of F =  4.646045480318431E-14         The corresponding X is:
     6.687661E-02   2.887406E-01   3.666822E-01   6.333176E-01   7.112592E-01

    New RHO = 3.1746E-03     Number of function values =    21
    Least value of F =  1.717393681624720E-02         The corresponding X is:
     9.398239E-02   2.276855E-01   3.322088E-01   4.429489E-01   5.570511E-01
     6.677912E-01   7.723145E-01   9.065755E-01

    New RHO = 3.1746E-04     Number of function values =   205
    Least value of F =  3.532654305064218E-03         The corresponding X is:
     4.362853E-02   1.941777E-01   2.656752E-01   5.017547E-01   4.978201E-01
     7.332308E-01   8.080372E-01   9.575136E-01

    New RHO = 2.1296E-05     Number of function values =   262
    Least value of F =  3.516903844483138E-03         The corresponding X is:
     4.313625E-02   1.930373E-01   2.662521E-01   4.998887E-01   4.999173E-01
     7.336035E-01   8.068371E-01   9.568033E-01

    New RHO = 1.4286E-06     Number of function values =   301
    Least value of F =  3.516873805642085E-03         The corresponding X is:
     4.315442E-02   1.930932E-01   2.663273E-01   4.999955E-01   5.000046E-01
     7.336725E-01   8.069080E-01   9.568471E-01

    At the return from NEWUOA     Number of function values =   329
    Least value of F =  3.516873725775130E-03         The corresponding X is:
     4.315283E-02   1.930910E-01   2.663287E-01   5.000002E-01   5.000000E-01
     7.336714E-01   8.069092E-01   9.568473E-01

    New RHO = 6.6667E-03     Number of function values =    10
    Least value of F =  2.306405855199966E-03         The corresponding X is:
     2.382044E-01   8.080324E-01

    New RHO = 6.6667E-04     Number of function values =    16
    Least value of F =  1.227492922002901E-06         The corresponding X is:
     2.108177E-01   7.885663E-01

    New RHO = 6.6667E-05     Number of function values =    20
    Least value of F =  2.435328676415535E-09         The corresponding X is:
     2.113442E-01   7.886747E-01

    New RHO = 8.1650E-06     Number of function values =    23
    Least value of F =  2.435328676

    Results with N = 4 and NPT =  9

    Results with N = 6 and NPT = 13

    Results with N = 8 and NPT = 17
415535E-09         The corresponding X is:
     2.113442E-01   7.886747E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-06     Number of function values =    27
    Least value of F =  1.820673222021692E-12         The corresponding X is:
     2.113246E-01   7.886745E-01

    At the return from NEWUOA     Number of function values =    31
    Least value of F =  3.788471046857957E-19         The corresponding X is:
     2.113249E-01   7.886751E-01

    New RHO = 4.0000E-03     Number of function values =    21
    Least value of F =  2.011890578520238E-03         The corresponding X is:
     1.129585E-01   4.058318E-01   6.110858E-01   9.111412E-01

    New RHO = 4.0000E-04     Number of function values =    34
    Least value of F =  4.013272744351821E-04         The corresponding X is:
     1.111816E-01   4.192043E-01   6.050995E-01   9.037598E-01

    New RHO = 4.0000E-05     Number of function values =    60
    Least value of F =  4.477990105960536E-08         The corresponding X is:
     1.026265E-01   4.061774E-01   5.936825E-01   8.972424E-01

    New RHO = 6.3246E-06     Number of function values =    75
    Least value of F =  4.867005278121880E-10         The corresponding X is:
     1.026742E-01   4.062069E-01   5.937875E-01   8.973192E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-06     Number of function values =    83
    Least value of F =  7.260297359120004E-12         The corresponding X is:
     1.026724E-01   4.062045E-01   5.937957E-01   8.973269E-01

    At the return from NEWUOA     Number of function values =    90
    Least value of F =  3.526693206487107E-14         The corresponding X is:
     1.026728E-01   4.062038E-01   5.937962E-01   8.973272E-01

    New RHO = 2.8571E-03     Number of function values =    14
    Least value of F =  3.052693663946804E-02         The corresponding X is:
     1.142857E-01   2.857143E-01   4.285714E-01   5.714286E-01   7.142857E-01

    New RHO = 2.8571E-04     Number of function values =    79
    Least value of F =  1.937801756358315E-05         The corresponding X is:
     6.822115E-02   2.926547E-01   3.677050E-01   6.359738E-01   7.128806E-01

    New RHO = 2.8571E-05     Number of function values =   127
    Least value of F =  1.474107115156324E-07         The corresponding X is:
     6.687373E-02   2.887591E-01   3.666373E-01   6.334470E-01   7.109271E-01

    New RHO = 5.3452E-06     Number of function values =   149
    Least value of F =  2.133220164523194E-09         The corresponding X is:
     6.686444E-02   2.887236E-01   3.666562E-01   6.333092E-01   7.112241E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-06     Number of function values =   176
    Least value of F =  8.384008282125609E-12         The corresponding X is:
     6.687603E-02   2.887394E-01   3.666823E-01   6.333157E-01   7.112603E-01

    At the return from NEWUOA     Number of function values =   198
    Least value of F =  4.343402133989936E-14         The corresponding X is:
     6.687652E-02   2.887405E-01   3.666823E-01   6.333176E-01   7.112593E-01

    New RHO = 2.2222E-03     Number of function values =    21
    Least value of F =  1.717393681624708E-02         The corresponding X is:
     9.398239E-02   2.276855E-01   3.322088E-01   4.429489E-01   5.570511E-01
     6.677912E-01   7.723145E-01   9.065755E-01

    New RHO = 2.2222E-04     Number of function values =   156
    Least value of F =  3.522147835159811E-03         The corresponding X is:
     4.304938E-02   1.929816E-01   2.666648E-01   4.993406E-01   5.015257E-01
     7.342656E-01   8.074189E-01   9.573324E-01

    New RHO = 1.4907E-05     Number of function values =   223
    Least value of F =  3.516963347985581E-03         The corresponding X is:
     4.312068E-02   1.931225E-01   2.661590E-01   4.999745E-01   4.998689E-01
     7.336702E-01   8.068435E-01   9.568160E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-06     Number of function values =   277
    Least value of F =  3.516873885294745E-03         The corresponding X is:
     4.315300E-02   1.930923E-01   2.663324E-01   5WARNING: Compat.Printf is deprecated, use Printf instead.
  likely near /root/.julia/packages/OptimPack/1ipTV/test/bobyqa-tests.jl:3

*** Standard BOBYQA tests *************************************************

     2D output with M =   5,  N =  10  and  NPT =  16

***** least function value: 5.680353888084284e+00

     2D output with M =   5,  N =  10  and  NPT =  21

***** least function value: 5.601533972186465e+00

     2D output with M =  10,  N =  20  and  NPT =  26
.000011E-01   5.000099E-01
     7.336771E-01   8.069111E-01   9.568495E-01

    At the return from NEWUOA     Number of function values =   314
    Least value of F =  3.516873725862449E-03         The corresponding X is:
     4.315284E-02   1.930909E-01   2.663288E-01   5.000002E-01   4.999999E-01
     7.336712E-01   8.069093E-01   9.568473E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-02     Number of function values =    36
    Least value of F =  5.680729791421956E+00         The corresponding X is:
     2.221147E-01   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.265332E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-03     Number of function values =    60
    Least value of F =  5.680354430001146E+00         The corresponding X is:
     2.603234E-01   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   2.612788E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-04     Number of function values =    73
    Least value of F =  5.680353929615947E+00         The corresponding X is:
     2.606974E-01   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   2.615739E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-05     Number of function values =    88
    Least value of F =  5.680353888456104E+00         The corresponding X is:
     2.613393E-01   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   2.611534E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-06     Number of function values =   108
    Least value of F =  5.680353888084572E+00         The corresponding X is:
     2.612445E-01   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   2.612493E-01

    At the return from BOBYQA     Number of function values =   123
    Least value of F =  5.680353888084284E+00         The corresponding X is:
     2.612471E-01   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   2.612470E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-02     Number of function values =    44
    Least value of F =  5.608887796858023E+00         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00
    -1.000000E+00   9.776403E-01  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.767038E-13

    New RHO = 1.0000E-03     Number of function values =    59
    Least value of F =  5.601550934818603E+00         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -2.938660E-03

    New RHO = 1.0000E-04     Number of function values =    73
    Least value of F =  5.601533980345714E+00         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -6.445101E-05

    New RHO = 1.0000E-05     Number of function values =    78
    Least value of F =  5.601533972186777E+00         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.999974E-07

    New RHO = 1.0000E-06     Number of function values =    91
    Least value of F =  5.601533972186777E+00         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.999974E-07

    At the return from BOBYQA     Number of function values =    98
    Least value of F =  5.601533972186465E+00         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   1.916017E-10

    New RHO = 1.0000E-02     Number of function values =    34
    Least value of F =  3.291200620948101E+01         The corresponding X is:
***** least function value: 3.220305336883060e+01

     2D output with M =  10,  N =  20  and  NPT =  41
8.283285E-01   3.605841E-01   1.000000E+00  -3.605841E-01
     1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   9.275342E-01  -9.994764E-01   8.783984E-02
    -1.000000E+00  -9.995070E-01  -2.696121E-01  -1.000000E+00   2.706121E-01
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   9.994764E-01   8.783984E-02

    New RHO = 1.0000E-03     Number of function values =    88
    Least value of F =  3.220322024737089E+01         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.645051E-01   1.000000E+00  -3.576367E-01
     1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -2.759587E-03
    -1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -3.624180E-01  -1.000000E+00   3.623725E-01
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -3.349526E-03

    New RHO = 1.0000E-04     Number of function values =   121
    Least value of F =  3.220306285892171E+01         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.618014E-01   1.000000E+00  -3.619181E-01
     1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -1.322484E-03
    -1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -3.618304E-01  -1.000000E+00   3.619566E-01
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -8.843503E-04

    New RHO = 1.0000E-05     Number of function values =   157
    Least value of F =  3.220305336987251E+01         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.616064E-01   1.000000E+00  -3.616179E-01
     1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -5.333451E-06
    -1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -3.616083E-01  -1.000000E+00   3.616038E-01
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   1.050743E-05

    New RHO = 1.0000E-06     Number of function values =   179
    Least value of F =  3.220305336890880E+01         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.616077E-01   1.000000E+00  -3.616078E-01
     1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   2.566120E-06
    -1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -3.616071E-01  -1.000000E+00   3.616065E-01
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.641092E-06

    At the return from BOBYQA     Number of function values =   205
    Least value of F =  3.220305336883060E+01         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.616077E-01   1.000000E+00  -3.616080E-01
     1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -2.954437E-07
    -1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -3.616079E-01  -1.000000E+00   3.616078E-01
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   8.866453E-08

    New RHO = 1.0000E-02     Number of function values =    45
    Least value of F =  3.221724258591880E+01         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.811180E-01   1.000000E+00  -3.811180E-01
     1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.224647E-16
    -1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -3.811180E-01  -1.000000E+00   3.811180E-01
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -2.449294E-16

    New RHO = 1.0000E-03     Number of function values =    80
    Least value of F =  3.220308936260135E+01         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.625827E-01   1.000000E+00  -3.625827E-01
     1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.224647E-16
    -1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -3.625827E-01  -1.000000E+00   3.625827E-01
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -2.449294E-16

    New RHO = 1.0000E-04     Number of function values =   112
    Least value of F =  3.220305353124637E+01         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.615510E-01   1.000000E+00  -3.615643E-01
     1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   8.602213E-05
    -1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -3.616122E-01  -1.000000E+00   3.615515E-01
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   1.687215E-04

    New RHO = 1.0000E-05     Number of function values =   136
    Least value of F =  3.220305337717114E+01         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000
***** least function value: 3.220305336883041e+01
000E+00   3.615876E-01   1.000000E+00  -3.616140E-01
     1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.844099E-05
    -1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -3.616364E-01  -1.000000E+00   3.616024E-01
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   1.157131E-05

    New RHO = 1.0000E-06     Number of function values =   156
    Least value of F =  3.220305336914299E+01         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.616044E-01   1.000000E+00  -3.616079E-01
     1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   9.207299E-07
    -1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -3.616044E-01  -1.000000E+00   3.616141E-01
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   2.382489E-06

    At the return from BOBYQA     Number of function values =   194
    Least value of F =  3.220305336883041E+01         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.616078E-01   1.000000E+00  -3.616080E-01
     1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -1.148260E-07
    -1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -3.616080E-01  -1.000000E+00   3.616078E-01
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   5.206591E-08
   Testing OptimPack tests passed 

Results with Julia v1.3.1-pre-7704df0a5a

Testing was successful. Last evaluation was ago and took 1 minute, 15 seconds.

Click here to download the log file.

 Resolving package versions...
 Installed Compat ──── v3.0.0
 Installed OptimPack ─ v1.0.0
  Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.3/Project.toml`
  [04a3d532] + OptimPack v1.0.0
  Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.3/Manifest.toml`
  [34da2185] + Compat v3.0.0
  [04a3d532] + OptimPack v1.0.0
  [2a0f44e3] + Base64 
  [ade2ca70] + Dates 
  [8bb1440f] + DelimitedFiles 
  [8ba89e20] + Distributed 
  [b77e0a4c] + InteractiveUtils 
  [76f85450] + LibGit2 
  [8f399da3] + Libdl 
  [37e2e46d] + LinearAlgebra 
  [56ddb016] + Logging 
  [d6f4376e] + Markdown 
  [a63ad114] + Mmap 
  [44cfe95a] + Pkg 
  [de0858da] + Printf 
  [3fa0cd96] + REPL 
  [9a3f8284] + Random 
  [ea8e919c] + SHA 
  [9e88b42a] + Serialization 
  [1a1011a3] + SharedArrays 
  [6462fe0b] + Sockets 
  [2f01184e] + SparseArrays 
  [10745b16] + Statistics 
  [8dfed614] + Test 
  [cf7118a7] + UUIDs 
  [4ec0a83e] + Unicode 
  Building OptimPack → `~/.julia/packages/OptimPack/1ipTV/deps/build.log`
   Testing OptimPack
 Resolving package versions...
    Status `/tmp/jl_RBkRqL/Manifest.toml`
  [34da2185] Compat v3.0.0
  [04a3d532] OptimPack v1.0.0
  [2a0f44e3] Base64  [`@stdlib/Base64`]
  [ade2ca70] Dates  [`@stdlib/Dates`]
  [8bb1440f] DelimitedFiles  [`@stdlib/DelimitedFiles`]
  [8ba89e20] Distributed  [`@stdlib/Distributed`]
  [b77e0a4c] InteractiveUtils  [`@stdlib/InteractiveUtils`]
  [76f85450] LibGit2  [`@stdlib/LibGit2`]
  [8f399da3] Libdl  [`@stdlib/Libdl`]
  [37e2e46d] LinearAlgebra  [`@stdlib/LinearAlgebra`]
  [56ddb016] Logging  [`@stdlib/Logging`]
  [d6f4376e] Markdown  [`@stdlib/Markdown`]
  [a63ad114] Mmap  [`@stdlib/Mmap`]
  [44cfe95a] Pkg  [`@stdlib/Pkg`]
  [de0858da] Printf  [`@stdlib/Printf`]
  [3fa0cd96] REPL  [`@stdlib/REPL`]
  [9a3f8284] Random  [`@stdlib/Random`]
  [ea8e919c] SHA  [`@stdlib/SHA`]
  [9e88b42a] Serialization  [`@stdlib/Serialization`]
  [1a1011a3] SharedArrays  [`@stdlib/SharedArrays`]
  [6462fe0b] Sockets  [`@stdlib/Sockets`]
  [2f01184e] SparseArrays  [`@stdlib/SparseArrays`]
  [10745b16] Statistics  [`@stdlib/Statistics`]
  [8dfed614] Test  [`@stdlib/Test`]
  [cf7118a7] UUIDs  [`@stdlib/UUIDs`]
  [4ec0a83e] Unicode  [`@stdlib/Unicode`]
WARNING: importing deprecated binding Compat.LinearAlgebra into OptimPack.
WARNING: Compat.Printf is deprecated, use Printf instead.
  likely near /root/.julia/packages/OptimPack/1ipTV/src/OptimPack.jl:22
WARNING: Compat.LinearAlgebra is deprecated, use LinearAlgebra instead.
  likely near /root/.julia/packages/OptimPack/1ipTV/src/OptimPack.jl:30
WARNING: Compat.Printf is deprecated, use Printf instead.
  likely near /root/.julia/packages/OptimPack/1ipTV/src/newuoa.jl:21
WARNING: Compat.Printf is deprecated, use Printf instead.
  likely near /root/.julia/packages/OptimPack/1ipTV/src/cobyla.jl:21
WARNING: Compat.Printf is deprecated, use Printf instead.
  likely near /root/.julia/packages/OptimPack/1ipTV/src/bobyqa.jl:21
WARNING: Compat.Test is deprecated, use Test instead.
  likely near /root/.julia/packages/OptimPack/1ipTV/test/runtests.jl:4
WARNING: Compat.Printf is deprecated, use Printf instead.
  likely near /root/.julia/packages/OptimPack/1ipTV/test/runtests.jl:5

Testing NLCG in double precision
 ITER   EVAL  RESTARTS          F(X)           ||G(X)||    STEP
    0      1      0    2.4199999999999994E+02  7.36E+02  0.00E+00
    1      3      0    4.1281025275807700E+01  5.61E+00  7.88E-04
    2      7      1    3.4897291437611720E+01  6.29E+01  2.79E-01
    3     10      1    3.2891123571996367E+01  7.69E+01  9.89E-04
    4     40      1    1.3690542951671066E+01  1.95E+01  1.06E-02
    5     42      2    1.2679218379115571E+01  7.69E+00  5.48E-03
    6     46      2    9.7571870737319006E+00  1.70E+01  6.77E-02
    7     49      2    8.7339011044091208E+00  2.44E+01  6.30E-03
    8     77      2    1.9175281149829377E+00  1.22E+01  4.06E-02
    9     79      3    1.7589145056321329E+00  1.75E+00  2.15E-03
   10     83      3    1.0947041319498103E+00  1.39E+01  3.33E-01
   11     85      3    5.3392262260573708E-01  1.76E+01  6.22E-03
   12     87      3    2.9177547693884537E-01  1.50E+00  1.58E-03
   13     90      3    1.4066479508388399E-01  7.83E+00  1.09E-01
   14     92      3    3.8598364132262752E-02  7.17E+00  3.58E-03
   15     94      4    1.1583587353933021E-02  9.89E-02  1.05E-03
   16     97      4    7.8015795812283429E-04  1.10E+00  2.11E+00
   17     99      4    4.2043434911335627E-05  7.55E-02  1.24E-03
   18    101      4    3.3953126817268044E-07  1.28E-02  1.42E-02
   19    103      4    1.6015936023330983E-07  5.32E-03  1.57E-03
   20    105      4    9.8392507008406416E-08  1.16E-02  4.37E-03
   21    107      4    5.7437759497567527E-14  9.17E-06  1.46E-03
Maximum absolute error: 8.014e-08

Testing VMLMB in double precision with Oren & Spedicato scaling
 ITER   EVAL  RESTARTS          F(X)           ||G(X)||    STEP
    0      1      0    2.4199999999999994E+02  7.36E+02  0.00E+00
    1      2      0    4.4316372171777601E+01  7.90E+01  8.93E-04
    2      3      0    4.1329003827568755E+01  1.55E+01  1.00E+00
    3      4      0    4.1193716150917680E+01  5.65E+00  1.00E+00
    4      6      0    4.0957711045905491E+01  2.36E+01  1.25E+01
    5      9      0    3.5683010994046533E+01  5.22E+01  1.53E+01
    6     11      0    3.3539217245874546E+01  7.03E+01  5.09E-01
    7     12      0    2.8585093163539252E+01  4.37E+01  1.00E+00
    8     13      0    2.3996344613233056E+01  3.27E+01  1.00E+00
    9     14      0    1.9309467575435573E+01  6.97E+00  1.00E+00
   10     17      0    1.7488722209523090E+01  1.81E+01  6.88E-02
   11     19      0    1.6259956827682554E+01  2.82E+01  4.34E-01
   12     20      0    1.4527067055591285E+01  2.59E+01  1.00E+00
   13     21      0    1.0916067677778727E+01  9.07E+00  1.00E+00
   14     23      0    9.9129640081244492E+00  1.66E+01  3.40E-01
   15     24      0    8.2669520947712734E+00  2.31E+01  1.00E+00
   16     25      0    6.0188104158255786E+00  4.56E+00  1.00E+00
   17     27      0    5.1415520320778807E+00  7.80E+00  3.85E-01
   18     29      0    4.4266267358812676E+00  1.61E+01  4.15E-01
   19     30      0    3.5020103481310003E+00  1.49E+01  1.00E+00
   20     31      0    2.3665070228160663E+00  4.29E+00  1.00E+00
   21     33      0    1.8403816055217683E+00  7.65E+00  3.03E-01
   22     35      0    1.6071957360986759E+00  1.33E+01  4.31E-01
   23     36      0    1.1717525440024008E+00  1.42E+01  1.00E+00
   24     37      0    6.5300483142613375E-01  1.19E+00  1.00E+00
   25     39      0    4.6608331574303835E-01  9.62E+00  4.97E-01
   26     40      0    2.9375131856434777E-01  1.02E+01  1.00E+00
   27     41      0    1.2736746712652791E-01  3.82E+00  1.00E+00
   28     43      0    6.0437956341559199E-02  9.09E-01  4.28E-01
   29     45      0    3.4949558261604487E-02  4.62E+00  5.19E-01
   30     46      0    1.8760479297775655E-02  3.41E+00  1.00E+00
   31     47      0    2.8916106698074506E-03  1.63E-01  1.00E+00
   32     48      0    8.0604798184235064E-04  1.27E+00  1.00E+00
   33     49      0    1.8632680603125487E-05  4.03E-02  1.00E+00
   34     50      0    2.8720063391280182E-07  5.80E-04  1.00E+00
Maximum absolute error: 3.393e-04

Testing VMLMB in double precision with Oren & Spedicato scaling
 ITER   EVAL  RESTARTS          F(X)           ||G(X)||    STEP
    0      1      0    2.4199999999999994E+02  7.36E+02  0.00E+00
    1      2      0    4.4316372171777601E+01  7.90E+01  8.93E-04
    2      3      0    4.1329003827568755E+01  1.55E+01  1.00E+00
    3      4      0    4.1193716150917680E+01  5.65E+00  1.00E+00
    4      6      0    4.0957711045905491E+01  2.36E+01  1.25E+01
    5      9      0    3.5683010994046533E+01  5.22E+01  1.53E+01
    6     11      0    3.3539217245874546E+01  7.03E+01  5.09E-01
    7     12      0    2.8585093497824278E+01  4.37E+01  1.00E+00
    8     13      0    2.3996344750418050E+01  3.27E+01  1.00E+00
    9     14      0    1.9309462860707839E+01  6.97E+00  1.00E+00
   10     17      0    1.7483981646371245E+01  1.81E+01  6.93E-02
   11     19      0    1.6258291973993437E+01  2.82E+01  4.37E-01
   12     20      0    1.4541446068581319E+01  2.59E+01  1.00E+00
   13     21      0    1.0928706317645350E+01  9.12E+00  1.00E+00
   14     23      0    9.9272552967232208E+00  1.67E+01  3.41E-01
   15     24      0    8.2697071434109066E+00  2.30E+01  1.00E+00
   16     25      0    6.0215406773644560E+00  4.56E+00  1.00E+00
   17     27      0    5.1532094038671454E+00  7.70E+00  3.78E-01
   18     29      0    4.4360035955317594E+00  1.59E+01  4.09E-01
   19     30      0    3.5192160156022405E+00  1.51E+01  1.00E+00
   20     31      0    2.3662394529971271E+00  4.21E+00  1.00E+00
   21     33      0    1.8422450522345450E+00  7.78E+00  3.09E-01
   22     35      0    1.6053777423400100E+00  1.36E+01  4.47E-01
   23     36      0    1.1641380014375808E+00  1.39E+01  1.00E+00
   24     37      0    6.5463586821012687E-01  1.70E+00  1.00E+00
   25     39      0    4.7540503245484067E-01  9.97E+00  4.92E-01
   26     40      0    2.8777068299340625E-01  9.77E+00  1.00E+00
   27     41      0    1.3061208659628837E-01  3.45E+00  1.00E+00
   28     43      0    6.5421527596293161E-02  8.65E-01  3.91E-01
   29     45      0    3.6863874808860025E-02  4.68E+00  5.08E-01
   30     46      0    1.9600184033394502E-02  3.49E+00  1.00E+00
   31     47      0    3.1592492883752801E-03  7.26E-02  1.00E+00
   32     48      0    9.4477228637246174E-04  1.37E+00  1.00E+00
   33     49      0    3.0592565555752466E-05  1.22E-02  1.00E+00
   34     50      0    7.9144509530532992E-07  1.61E-03  1.00E+00
   35     51      0    2.4301946652851681E-10  6.84E-04  1.00E+00
Maximum absolute error: 2.056e-06

Testing VMLMB in double precision with nonnegativity
 ITER   EVAL  RESTARTS          F(X)           ||G(X)||    STEP
    0      1      0    1.0100000000000000E+03  6.32E+02  0.00E+00
    1      2      0    9.7990504958695244E+00  6.26E+00  5.05E-03
    2      5      0    7.7139954558347990E+00  1.76E+01  1.59E+01
    3      6      0    6.6024454699216175E+00  1.40E+01  1.00E+00
    4      7      0    4.9163057466277928E+00  6.80E+00  1.00E+00
    5      9      0    3.9683142325025353E+00  9.51E+00  1.65E-01
    6     10      0    3.6689082842032099E+00  2.62E+01  1.00E+00
    7     11      0    2.7789577227476703E+00  7.87E+00  1.00E+00
    8     12      0    1.9797039359651500E+00  3.56E+00  1.00E+00
    9     14      0    1.5370048320497556E+00  1.35E+01  5.15E-01
   10     15      0    1.0659127461279088E+00  1.32E+01  1.00E+00
   11     16      0    7.3454391496896487E-01  1.29E+01  1.00E+00
   12     18      0    4.3474443436851151E-01  5.14E+00  3.38E-01
   13     20      0    2.7353078960992344E-01  5.39E+00  1.51E-01
   14     21      0    2.3597282270079278E-01  9.21E+00  1.00E+00
   15     22      0    1.6522583876225894E-01  7.97E+00  1.00E+00
   16     23      0    5.5052179747126583E-02  1.47E+00  1.00E+00
   17     24      0    2.7362231533863898E-02  5.84E+00  1.00E+00
   18     25      0    5.3050212579743789E-03  3.44E-01  1.00E+00
   19     26      0    5.5436398072965611E-04  5.34E-01  1.00E+00
   20     27      0    2.1892220661179785E-05  1.64E-01  1.00E+00
   21     28      0    1.7103483782066480E-06  4.70E-02  1.00E+00
   22     29      0    4.6094881511174134E-10  3.58E-04  1.00E+00
Maximum absolute error: 1.257e-05

Testing NLCG in single precision
 ITER   EVAL  RESTARTS          F(X)           ||G(X)||    STEP
    0      1      0    2.4200003051757813E+02  7.36E+02  0.00E+00
    1      3      0    4.1281028747558594E+01  5.61E+00  7.88E-04
    2      7      1    3.4900180816650391E+01  6.29E+01  2.79E-01
    3     10      1    3.2893444061279297E+01  7.69E+01  9.89E-04
    4     13      1    2.9803213119506836E+01  5.45E+01  6.08E-04
    5     15      2    2.7113761901855469E+01  6.65E+00  1.87E-03
    6     18      2    2.2243011474609375E+01  3.54E+01  1.51E-01
    7     21      2    2.0287055969238281E+01  4.38E+01  2.65E-03
    8     24      2    1.7485961914062500E+01  2.72E+01  1.79E-03
    9     26      3    1.5996089935302734E+01  7.66E+00  4.22E-03
   10     30      3    1.2543519020080566E+01  2.03E+01  8.08E-02
   11     33      3    1.1382681846618652E+01  2.70E+01  5.02E-03
   12     36      3    9.6688995361328125E+00  1.73E+01  2.83E-03
   13     38      4    8.8273448944091797E+00  6.32E+00  5.62E-03
   14     42      4    6.7306766510009766E+00  1.54E+01  7.35E-02
   15     45      4    5.6480679512023926E+00  2.36E+01  8.20E-03
   16     47      4    3.6841809749603271E+00  1.24E+01  8.09E-03
   17     50      4    2.5451962947845459E+00  1.19E+01  1.14E-02
   18     53      4    2.3015117645263672E+00  2.01E+01  3.64E-03
   19     56      4    1.9170567989349365E+00  1.42E+01  1.10E-03
   20     58      5    1.7059851884841919E+00  1.70E+00  2.10E-03
   21     62      5    1.0503789186477661E+00  1.36E+01  3.42E-01
   22     65      5    4.6108749508857727E-01  1.53E+01  6.44E-03
   23     67      5    2.9333385825157166E-01  8.48E-01  1.44E-03
   24     70      5    1.1687098443508148E-01  7.32E+00  3.87E-01
   25     71      5    1.7581039573997259E-03  5.72E-01  5.18E-03
   26     73      6    1.5908213099464774E-03  3.61E-02  1.02E-03
   27     75      6    2.4197270249715075E-05  2.20E-01  2.45E+00
   28     77      6    2.9713203275605338E-07  3.03E-03  1.02E-03
   29     79      7    2.9232990073069232E-07  4.85E-04  1.02E-03
Maximum absolute error: 3.424e-04

Testing VMLMB in single precision with Oren & Spedicato scaling
 ITER   EVAL  RESTARTS          F(X)           ||G(X)||    STEP
    0      1      0    2.4200003051757813E+02  7.36E+02  0.00E+00
    1      2      0    4.4316352844238281E+01  7.90E+01  8.93E-04
    2      3      0    4.1329002380371094E+01  1.55E+01  1.00E+00
    3      4      0    4.1193717956542969E+01  5.65E+00  1.00E+00
    4      6      0    4.0957733154296875E+01  2.36E+01  1.25E+01
    5      9      0    3.5684280395507813E+01  5.22E+01  1.53E+01
    6     11      0    3.3540237426757813E+01  7.03E+01  5.09E-01
    7     12      0    2.8585317611694336E+01  4.37E+01  1.00E+00
    8     13      0    2.3998050689697266E+01  3.27E+01  1.00E+00
    9     14      0    1.9317586898803711E+01  6.94E+00  1.00E+00
   10     17      0    1.7455223083496094E+01  1.78E+01  6.94E-02
   11     19      0    1.6247058868408203E+01  2.79E+01  4.21E-01
   12     20      0    1.4554188728332520E+01  2.60E+01  1.00E+00
   13     21      0    1.0935351371765137E+01  9.88E+00  1.00E+00
   14     23      0    9.9184446334838867E+00  1.77E+01  3.95E-01
   15     24      0    7.9832715988159180E+00  2.13E+01  1.00E+00
   16     25      0    5.7980260848999023E+00  6.39E+00  1.00E+00
   17     27      0    4.5898337364196777E+00  1.01E+01  4.87E-01
   18     29      0    4.2044367790222168E+00  1.61E+01  4.72E-01
   19     30      0    3.2494020462036133E+00  1.46E+01  1.00E+00
   20     31      0    2.1791846752166748E+00  2.09E+00  1.00E+00
   21     33      0    1.7873154878616333E+00  1.06E+01  3.27E-01
   22     34      0    1.3844600915908813E+00  1.95E+01  1.00E+00
   23     35      0    8.2010936737060547E-01  3.59E+00  1.00E+00
   24     36      0    5.2319318056106567E-01  1.43E+01  1.00E+00
   25     37      0    3.0184462666511536E-01  4.04E+00  1.00E+00
   26     38      0    1.7310553789138794E-01  1.25E+01  1.00E+00
   27     39      0    7.2445414960384369E-02  2.59E-01  1.00E+00
   28     40      0    2.5401476770639420E-02  1.62E+00  1.00E+00
   29     41      0    9.3918032944202423E-03  3.90E+00  1.00E+00
   30     42      0    1.2769860913977027E-03  1.68E-01  1.00E+00
   31     43      0    1.0823976481333375E-04  7.58E-02  1.00E+00
   32     44      0    1.2964546840521507E-06  4.71E-02  1.00E+00
   33     45      0    2.4054557457020564E-07  2.17E-02  1.00E+00
   34     46      0    1.7763568394002505E-11  1.72E-04  1.00E+00
Maximum absolute error: 1.073e-06

Testing VMLMB in single precision with Oren & Spedicato scaling
 ITER   EVAL  RESTARTS          F(X)           ||G(X)||    STEP
    0      1      0    2.4200003051757813E+02  7.36E+02  0.00E+00
    1      2      0    4.4316352844238281E+01  7.90E+01  8.93E-04
    2      3      0    4.1329002380371094E+01  1.55E+01  1.00E+00
    3      4      0    4.1193717956542969E+01  5.65E+00  1.00E+00
    4      6      0    4.0957733154296875E+01  2.36E+01  1.25E+01
    5      9      0    3.5684280395507813E+01  5.22E+01  1.53E+01
    6     11      0    3.3540237426757813E+01  7.03E+01  5.09E-01
    7     12      0    2.8585319519042969E+01  4.37E+01  1.00E+00
    8     13      0    2.3998050689697266E+01  3.27E+01  1.00E+00
    9     14      0    1.9317581176757813E+01  6.94E+00  1.00E+00
   10     17      0    1.7450468063354492E+01  1.79E+01  6.99E-02
   11     19      0    1.6245445251464844E+01  2.80E+01  4.24E-01
   12     20      0    1.4567007064819336E+01  2.60E+01  1.00E+00
   13     21      0    1.0946963310241699E+01  9.93E+00  1.00E+00
   14     23      0    9.9296216964721680E+00  1.77E+01  3.97E-01
   15     24      0    7.9812994003295898E+00  2.11E+01  1.00E+00
   16     25      0    5.8042225837707520E+00  6.46E+00  1.00E+00
   17     27      0    4.5929708480834961E+00  1.00E+01  4.82E-01
   18     29      0    4.2138285636901855E+00  1.59E+01  4.56E-01
   19     30      0    3.2725133895874023E+00  1.49E+01  1.00E+00
   20     31      0    2.1848883628845215E+00  2.18E+00  1.00E+00
   21     33      0    1.7940013408660889E+00  1.09E+01  3.43E-01
   22     34      0    1.3708301782608032E+00  1.89E+01  1.00E+00
   23     35      0    7.9528045654296875E-01  2.95E+00  1.00E+00
   24     36      0    5.4004168510437012E-01  1.65E+01  1.00E+00
   25     37      0    3.2346767187118530E-01  2.88E+00  1.00E+00
   26     38      0    1.4709068834781647E-01  5.24E+00  1.00E+00
   27     39      0    6.7525222897529602E-02  6.39E+00  1.00E+00
   28     40      0    2.0532943308353424E-02  2.48E+00  1.00E+00
   29     41      0    6.1071617528796196E-03  3.40E+00  1.00E+00
   30     42      0    1.7097279196605086E-03  1.68E-01  1.00E+00
   31     43      0    4.5653121196664870E-04  2.08E-01  1.00E+00
   32     44      0    9.2626596597256139E-06  1.26E-01  1.00E+00
   33     45      0    4.8986272815909615E-08  4.55E-03  1.00E+00
   34     46      0    1.4210854715202004E-13  7.54E-07  1.00E+00
Maximum absolute error: 2.384e-07

Testing VMLMB in single precision with nonnegativity
 ITER   EVAL  RESTARTS          F(X)           ||G(X)||    STEP
    0      1      0    1.0100000000000000E+03  6.32E+02  0.00E+00
    1      2      0    9.7990512847900391E+00  6.26E+00  5.05E-03
    2      5      0    7.7139997482299805E+00  1.76E+01  1.59E+01
    3      6      0    6.6024413108825684E+00  1.40E+01  1.00E+00
    4      7      0    4.9158406257629395E+00  6.79E+00  1.00E+00
    5      9      0    3.9690885543823242E+00  9.53E+00  1.65E-01
    6     10      0    3.6662578582763672E+00  2.62E+01  1.00E+00
    7     11      0    2.7757463455200195E+00  7.88E+00  1.00E+00
    8     12      0    1.9713389873504639E+00  3.66E+00  1.00E+00
    9     14      0    1.5319637060165405E+00  1.36E+01  5.21E-01
   10     15      0    1.0543516874313354E+00  1.29E+01  1.00E+00
   11     16      0    7.0434069633483887E-01  1.12E+01  1.00E+00
   12     18      0    3.2436430454254150E-01  4.44E+00  5.45E-01
   13     20      0    2.8062188625335693E-01  9.63E+00  4.70E-01
   14     21      0    1.9443945586681366E-01  7.56E+00  1.00E+00
   15     22      0    7.0824414491653442E-02  1.95E+00  1.00E+00
   16     23      0    4.3932437896728516E-02  7.71E+00  1.00E+00
   17     24      0    7.7799325808882713E-03  5.12E-01  1.00E+00
   18     25      0    1.1453659972175956E-03  5.31E-01  1.00E+00
   19     26      0    1.0591231693979353E-04  4.23E-01  1.00E+00
   20     27      0    1.3548562947107712E-06  1.88E-02  1.00E+00
   21     28      0    3.9136693885666318E-10  7.40E-04  1.00E+00
   22     29      0    3.5882408155885059E-12  8.46E-05  1.00E+00
Maximum absolute error: 5.960e-08
WARNING: Compat.Printf is deprecated, use Printf instead.
  likely near /root/.julia/packages/OptimPack/1ipTV/test/cobyla-tests.jl:3

*** Standard tests ********************************************************

       Output from test problem 1 (Simple quadratic)

     Least squares error in variables =    4.919624E-03

     Least squares error in variables =    2.458376E-04

       Output from test problem 2 (2D unit circle calculation)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.260168E-03

     Least squares error in variables =    1.394648E-04

       Output from test problem 3 (3D ellipsoid calculation)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.641872E-03

     Least squares error in variables =    1.109372E-04

       Output from test problem 4 (Weak Rosenbrock)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.346992E-02

     Least squares error in variables =    7.424763E-04

       Output from test problem 5 (Intermediate Rosenbrock)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.421601E-01

     Least squares error in variables =    2.036779E-02

       Output from test problem 6 (Equation (9.1.15) in Fletcher)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.229432E-04

     Least squares error in variables =    2.229808E-06

       Output from test problem 7 (Equation (14.4.2) in Fletcher)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.688430E-04

     Least squares error in variables =    2.996662E-09

       Output from test problem 8 (Rosen-Suzuki)

     Least squares error in variables =    2.108421E-04

     Least squares error in variables =    5.912239E-05

       Output from test problem 9 (Hock and Schittkowski 100)

     Least squares error in variables =    5.778029E-03

     Least squares error in variables =    2.459564E-04

       Output from test problem 10 (Hexagon area)

     Least squares error in variables =    5.782992E-05

     Least squares error in variables =    5.005171E-05

*** Tests with scale=0.7 **************************************************

       Output from test problem 1 (Simple quadratic)

     Least squares error in variables =    3.339609E-03

     Least squares error in variables =    2.013676E-04

       Output from test problem 2 (2D unit circle calculation)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.260168E-03

     Least squares error in variables =    1.394648E-04

       Output from test problem 3 (3D ellipsoid calculation)

     Least squares error in variables =    9.983477E-04

     Least squares error in variables =    8.991862E-05

       Output from test problem 4 (Weak Rosenbrock)

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   37   F = 2.996516E-05    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-1.000800E+00   4.854114E-03

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   61   F = 1.003486E-07    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.999334E-01   2.366462E-04

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   37   F =-4.999994E-01    MAXCV = 1.999501E-06
   X = 7.062159E-01  -7.079980E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   46   F =-5.000000E-01    MAXCV = 1.999878E-08
   X = 7.070082E-01  -7.072054E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   52   F =-7.856687E-02    MAXCV = 6.190056E-06
   X = 5.780286E-01   4.069225E-01  -3.340246E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   65   F =-7.856742E-02    MAXCV = 4.522432E-08
   X = 5.773187E-01   4.083389E-01  -3.332776E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  105   F = 4.696841E-05    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.933327E-01   9.882959E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  155   F = 1.306424E-07    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.996437E-01   9.993486E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  338   F = 4.232543E-03    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.367514E-01   8.726849E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  699   F = 8.279253E-05    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.910989E-01   9.816801E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   30   F =-1.414216E+00    MAXCV = 2.950397E-06
   X = 7.071947E-01   7.070209E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   41   F =-1.414214E+00    MAXCV = 2.000086E-08
   X = 7.071084E-01   7.071052E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   28   F =-2.999881E+00    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X = 1.841394E-17  -2.999881E+00  -2.999881E+00

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   32   F =-3.000000E+00    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X = 1.745569E-17  -3.000000E+00  -3.000000E+00

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   69   F =-4.400002E+01    MAXCV = 6.484421E-06
   X =-8.038091E-05   9.998587E-01   2.000100E+00  -9.999099E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   86   F =-4.400000E+01    MAXCV = 3.042309E-08
   X =-3.629933E-05   9.999862E-01   2.000030E+00  -9.999669E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  241   F = 6.806301E+02    MAXCV = 1.008205E-05
   X = 2.331286E+00   1.951228E+00  -4.719463E-01   4.365556E+00  -6.232999E-01
       1.038174E+00   1.594236E+00

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  308   F = 6.806301E+02    MAXCV = 1.601943E-07
   X = 2.330516E+00   1.951365E+00  -4.773138E-01   4.365738E+00  -6.245104E-01
       1.038216E+00   1.594247E+00

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  165   F =-8.660253E-01    MAXCV = 1.159058E-07
   X = 6.882718E-01   7.254530E-01  -2.840693E-01   9.588036E-01   6.883136E-01
       7.254131E-01  -2.841248E-01   9.587874E-01  -2.591632E-20

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  207   F =-8.660254E-01    MAXCV = 8.424326E-09
   X = 6.883578E-01   7.253713E-01  -2.840590E-01   9.588068E-01   6.883215E-01
       7.254057E-01  -2.840110E-01   9.588210E-01   2.935137E-21

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   37   F = 1.813991E-05    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-1.000881E+00   3.221283E-03

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   69   F = 2.507672E-07    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.998472E-01   1.311157E-04

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   37   F =-4.999994E-01    MAXCV = 1.999501E-06
   X = 7.062159E-01  -7.079980E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   46   F =-5.000000E-01    MAXCV = 1.999878E-08
   X = 7.070082E-01  -7.072054E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   50   F =-7.856752E-02    MAXCV = 5.428079E-06
   X = 5.777752E-01   4.088132E-01  -3.326283E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   63   F =-7.856742E-02    MAXCV = 4.872077E-08
   X = 5.773094E-01   4.081995E-01  -3.333968E-01

     Least squares error in variables =    1.048383E-02

     Least squares error in variables =    9.363675E-04

       Output from test problem 5 (Intermediate Rosenbrock)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.342229E-01

     Least squares error in variables =    1.998787E-02

       Output from test problem 6 (Equation (9.1.15) in Fletcher)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.229432E-04

     Least squares error in variables =    2.229808E-06

       Output from test problem 7 (Equation (14.4.2) in Fletcher)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.688430E-04

     Least squares error in variables =    2.996662E-09

       Output from test problem 8 (Rosen-Suzuki)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.208169E-03

     Least squares error in variables =    1.280512E-04

       Output from test problem 9 (Hock and Schittkowski 100)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.809305E-03

     Least squares error in variables =    1.185794E-04

       Output from test problem 10 (Hexagon area)

     Least squares error in variables =    5.224520E-05

     Least squares error in variables =    5.607236E-05

*** Tests with reverse-communication **************************************

       Output from test problem 1 (Simple quadratic)
┌ Warning: `create(args...; kwds...)` is deprecated, use `Context(args...; kwds...)` instead.
│   caller = ip:0x0
└ @ Core :-1

     Least squares error in variables =    4.919624E-03

     Least squares error in variables =    2.458376E-04

       Output from test problem 2 (2D unit circle calculation)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.260168E-03

     Least squares error in variables =    1.394648E-04

       Output from test problem 3 (3D ellipsoid calculation)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.641872E-03

     Least squares error in variables =    1.109372E-04

       Output from test problem 4 (Weak Rosenbrock)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.346992E-02

     Least squares error in variables =    7.424763E-04

       Output from test problem 5 (Intermediate Rosenbrock)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.421601E-01

     Least squares error in variables =    2.036779E-02

       Output from test problem 6 (Equation (9.1.15) in Fletcher)

     Least squares error in variables =    1.229432E-04

     Least squares error in variables =    2.229808E-06

       Output from test problem 7 (Equation (14.4.2) in Fletcher)
Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   90   F = 2.246752E-05    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.952611E-01   9.906483E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  142   F = 2.308294E-07    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.995344E-01   9.991876E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  345   F = 3.812809E-03    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.407881E-01   8.795437E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  827   F = 8.014020E-05    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.912968E-01   9.820064E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   30   F =-1.414216E+00    MAXCV = 2.950397E-06
   X = 7.071947E-01   7.070209E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   41   F =-1.414214E+00    MAXCV = 2.000086E-08
   X = 7.071084E-01   7.071052E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   28   F =-2.999881E+00    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X = 9.385894E-18  -2.999881E+00  -2.999881E+00

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   32   F =-3.000000E+00    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X = 9.371504E-18  -3.000000E+00  -3.000000E+00

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   68   F =-4.400000E+01    MAXCV = 2.856984E-06
   X =-2.873675E-04   1.001164E+00   1.999873E+00  -9.999197E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   87   F =-4.400000E+01    MAXCV = 3.598171E-08
   X =-1.249890E-05   9.998830E-01   2.000042E+00  -9.999726E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  238   F = 6.806300E+02    MAXCV = 4.248394E-05
   X = 2.330538E+00   1.951053E+00  -4.761146E-01   4.366547E+00  -6.248756E-01
       1.038671E+00   1.594359E+00

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  279   F = 6.806301E+02    MAXCV = 1.898784E-07
   X = 2.330464E+00   1.951356E+00  -4.776052E-01   4.365769E+00  -6.244216E-01
       1.038180E+00   1.594224E+00

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  165   F =-8.660253E-01    MAXCV = 1.161696E-07
   X = 6.882733E-01   7.254516E-01  -2.840727E-01   9.588026E-01   6.883111E-01
       7.254155E-01  -2.841228E-01   9.587880E-01   6.228660E-20

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  207   F =-8.660254E-01    MAXCV = 8.493324E-09
   X = 6.883596E-01   7.253696E-01  -2.840625E-01   9.588058E-01   6.883189E-01
       7.254082E-01  -2.840087E-01   9.588217E-01  -2.143006E-21

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   37   F = 2.996516E-05    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-1.000800E+00   4.854114E-03

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   61   F = 1.003486E-07    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.999334E-01   2.366462E-04

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   37   F =-4.999994E-01    MAXCV = 1.999501E-06
   X = 7.062159E-01  -7.079980E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   46   F =-5.000000E-01    MAXCV = 1.999878E-08
   X = 7.070082E-01  -7.072054E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   52   F =-7.856687E-02    MAXCV = 6.190056E-06
   X = 5.780286E-01   4.069225E-01  -3.340246E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   65   F =-7.856742E-02    MAXCV = 4.522432E-08
   X = 5.773187E-01   4.083389E-01  -3.332776E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  105   F = 4.696841E-05    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.933327E-01   9.882959E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  155   F = 1.306424E-07    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.996437E-01   9.993486E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  338   F = 4.232543E-03    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.367514E-01   8.726849E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  699   F = 8.279253E-05    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X =-9.910989E-01   9.816801E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   30   F =-1.414216E+00    MAXCV = 2.950397E-06
   X = 7.071947E-01   7.070209E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   41   F =-1.414214E+00    MAXCV = 2.000086E-08
   X = 7.071084E-01   7.071052E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBY
     Least squares error in variables =    1.688430E-04

     Least squares error in variables =    2.996662E-09

       Output from test problem 8 (Rosen-Suzuki)

     Least squares error in variables =    2.108421E-04

     Least squares error in variables =    5.912239E-05

       Output from test problem 9 (Hock and Schittkowski 100)

     Least squares error in variables =    5.778029E-03

     Least squares error in variables =    2.459564E-04

       Output from test problem 10 (Hexagon area)

     Least squares error in variables =    5.782992E-05

     Least squares error in variables =    5.005171E-05
WARNING: Compat.Printf is deprecated, use Printf instead.
  likely near /root/.julia/packages/OptimPack/1ipTV/test/newuoa-tests.jl:3

*** Standard NEWUOA tests *************************************************

    Results with N = 2 and NPT =  5

    Results with N = 4 and NPT =  9

    Results with N = 6 and NPT = 13

   NFVALS =   28   F =-2.999881E+00    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X = 1.841394E-17  -2.999881E+00  -2.999881E+00

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   32   F =-3.000000E+00    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X = 1.745569E-17  -3.000000E+00  -3.000000E+00

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   69   F =-4.400002E+01    MAXCV = 6.484421E-06
   X =-8.038091E-05   9.998587E-01   2.000100E+00  -9.999099E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   86   F =-4.400000E+01    MAXCV = 3.042309E-08
   X =-3.629933E-05   9.999862E-01   2.000030E+00  -9.999669E-01

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  241   F = 6.806301E+02    MAXCV = 1.008205E-05
   X = 2.331286E+00   1.951228E+00  -4.719463E-01   4.365556E+00  -6.232999E-01
       1.038174E+00   1.594236E+00

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  308   F = 6.806301E+02    MAXCV = 1.601943E-07
   X = 2.330516E+00   1.951365E+00  -4.773138E-01   4.365738E+00  -6.245104E-01
       1.038216E+00   1.594247E+00

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  165   F =-8.660253E-01    MAXCV = 1.159058E-07
   X = 6.882718E-01   7.254530E-01  -2.840693E-01   9.588036E-01   6.883136E-01
       7.254131E-01  -2.841248E-01   9.587874E-01  -2.591632E-20

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =  207   F =-8.660254E-01    MAXCV = 8.424326E-09
   X = 6.883578E-01   7.253713E-01  -2.840590E-01   9.588068E-01   6.883215E-01
       7.254057E-01  -2.840110E-01   9.588210E-01   2.935137E-21

    New RHO = 6.6667E-03     Number of function values =    10
    Least value of F =  2.306405855199966E-03         The corresponding X is:
     2.382044E-01   8.080324E-01

    New RHO = 6.6667E-04     Number of function values =    16
    Least value of F =  1.227492922002901E-06         The corresponding X is:
     2.108177E-01   7.885663E-01

    New RHO = 6.6667E-05     Number of function values =    20
    Least value of F =  2.435328676415535E-09         The corresponding X is:
     2.113442E-01   7.886747E-01

    New RHO = 8.1650E-06     Number of function values =    23
    Least value of F =  2.435328676415535E-09         The corresponding X is:
     2.113442E-01   7.886747E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-06     Number of function values =    27
    Least value of F =  1.820673222021692E-12         The corresponding X is:
     2.113246E-01   7.886745E-01

    At the return from NEWUOA     Number of function values =    31
    Least value of F =  3.788471046857957E-19         The corresponding X is:
     2.113249E-01   7.886751E-01

    New RHO = 4.0000E-03     Number of function values =    21
    Least value of F =  2.011890578520238E-03         The corresponding X is:
     1.129585E-01   4.058318E-01   6.110858E-01   9.111412E-01

    New RHO = 4.0000E-04     Number of function values =    34
    Least value of F =  4.013272744351821E-04         The corresponding X is:
     1.111816E-01   4.192043E-01   6.050995E-01   9.037598E-01

    New RHO = 4.0000E-05     Number of function values =    60
    Least value of F =  4.477990105960536E-08         The corresponding X is:
     1.026265E-01   4.061774E-01   5.936825E-01   8.972424E-01

    New RHO = 6.3246E-06     Number of function values =    75
    Least value of F =  4.867005278121880E-10         The corresponding X is:
     1.026742E-01   4.062069E-01   5.937875E-01   8.973192E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-06     Number of function values =    83
    Least value of F =  7.260297359120004E-12         The corresponding X is:
     1.026724E-01   4.062045E-01   5.937957E-01   8.973269E-01

    At the return from NEWUOA     Number of function values =    90
    Least value of F =  3.526693206487107E-14         The corresponding X is:
     1.026728E-01   4.062038E-01   5.937962E-01   8.973272E-01

    New RHO = 2.8571E-03     Number of function values =    14
    Least value of F =  3.052693663946804E-02         The corresponding X is:
     1.142857E-01   2.857143E-01   4.285714E-01   5.714286E-01   7.142857E-01

    New RHO = 2.8571E-04     Number of 

    Results with N = 8 and NPT = 17

*** NEWUOA tests with scale=0.7 *******************************************

    Results with N = 2 and NPT =  5

    Results with N = 4 and NPT =  9
function values =    79
    Least value of F =  1.937801756358315E-05         The corresponding X is:
     6.822115E-02   2.926547E-01   3.677050E-01   6.359738E-01   7.128806E-01

    New RHO = 2.8571E-05     Number of function values =   127
    Least value of F =  1.474107115156324E-07         The corresponding X is:
     6.687373E-02   2.887591E-01   3.666373E-01   6.334470E-01   7.109271E-01

    New RHO = 5.3452E-06     Number of function values =   149
    Least value of F =  2.133220164523194E-09         The corresponding X is:
     6.686444E-02   2.887236E-01   3.666562E-01   6.333092E-01   7.112241E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-06     Number of function values =   176
    Least value of F =  8.384008282125609E-12         The corresponding X is:
     6.687603E-02   2.887394E-01   3.666823E-01   6.333157E-01   7.112603E-01

    At the return from NEWUOA     Number of function values =   198
    Least value of F =  4.343402133989936E-14         The corresponding X is:
     6.687652E-02   2.887405E-01   3.666823E-01   6.333176E-01   7.112593E-01

    New RHO = 2.2222E-03     Number of function values =    21
    Least value of F =  1.717393681624708E-02         The corresponding X is:
     9.398239E-02   2.276855E-01   3.322088E-01   4.429489E-01   5.570511E-01
     6.677912E-01   7.723145E-01   9.065755E-01

    New RHO = 2.2222E-04     Number of function values =   156
    Least value of F =  3.522147835159811E-03         The corresponding X is:
     4.304938E-02   1.929816E-01   2.666648E-01   4.993406E-01   5.015257E-01
     7.342656E-01   8.074189E-01   9.573324E-01

    New RHO = 1.4907E-05     Number of function values =   223
    Least value of F =  3.516963347985581E-03         The corresponding X is:
     4.312068E-02   1.931225E-01   2.661590E-01   4.999745E-01   4.998689E-01
     7.336702E-01   8.068435E-01   9.568160E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-06     Number of function values =   277
    Least value of F =  3.516873885294745E-03         The corresponding X is:
     4.315300E-02   1.930923E-01   2.663324E-01   5.000011E-01   5.000099E-01
     7.336771E-01   8.069111E-01   9.568495E-01

    At the return from NEWUOA     Number of function values =   314
    Least value of F =  3.516873725862449E-03         The corresponding X is:
     4.315284E-02   1.930909E-01   2.663288E-01   5.000002E-01   4.999999E-01
     7.336712E-01   8.069093E-01   9.568473E-01

    New RHO = 9.5238E-03     Number of function values =    10
    Least value of F =  2.306405855199963E-03         The corresponding X is:
     2.382044E-01   8.080324E-01

    New RHO = 9.5238E-04     Number of function values =    16
    Least value of F =  1.227492921963042E-06         The corresponding X is:
     2.108177E-01   7.885663E-01

    New RHO = 9.5238E-05     Number of function values =    20
    Least value of F =  2.435328675444608E-09         The corresponding X is:
     2.113442E-01   7.886747E-01

    New RHO = 1.1664E-05     Number of function values =    23
    Least value of F =  2.435328675444608E-09         The corresponding X is:
     2.113442E-01   7.886747E-01

    New RHO = 1.4286E-06     Number of function values =    27
    Least value of F =  1.820673222535812E-12         The corresponding X is:
     2.113246E-01   7.886745E-01

    At the return from NEWUOA     Number of function values =    31
    Least value of F =  3.788472952253575E-19         The corresponding X is:
     2.113249E-01   7.886751E-01

    New RHO = 5.7143E-03     Number of function values =    21
    Least value of F =  2.011890578519909E-03         The corresponding X is:
     1.129585E-01   4.058318E-01   6.110858E-01   9.111412E-01

    New RHO = 5.7143E-04     Number of function values =    34
    Least value of F =  4.013272744348879E-04         The corresponding X is:
     1.111816E-01   4.192043E-01   6.050995E-01   9.037598E-01

    New RHO = 5.7143E-05     Number of function values =    60
    Least value of F =  4.477969622766671E-08         The correspon

    Results with N = 6 and NPT = 13

    Results with N = 8 and NPT = 17

*** NEWUOA tests with reverse-communication *******************************

    Results with N = 2 and NPT =  5
ding X is:
     1.026265E-01   4.061774E-01   5.936825E-01   8.972424E-01

    New RHO = 9.0351E-06     Number of function values =    74
    Least value of F =  4.867132312363869E-10         The corresponding X is:
     1.026742E-01   4.062069E-01   5.937875E-01   8.973192E-01

    New RHO = 1.4286E-06     Number of function values =    82
    Least value of F =  9.356725065973908E-12         The corresponding X is:
     1.026727E-01   4.062052E-01   5.937965E-01   8.973273E-01

    At the return from NEWUOA     Number of function values =    91
    Least value of F =  2.192122557106768E-15         The corresponding X is:
     1.026728E-01   4.062038E-01   5.937962E-01   8.973272E-01

    New RHO = 4.0816E-03     Number of function values =    14
    Least value of F =  3.052693663946804E-02         The corresponding X is:
     1.142857E-01   2.857143E-01   4.285714E-01   5.714286E-01   7.142857E-01

    New RHO = 4.0816E-04     Number of function values =    79
    Least value of F =  1.937801344814974E-05         The corresponding X is:
     6.822115E-02   2.926547E-01   3.677050E-01   6.359738E-01   7.128806E-01

    New RHO = 4.0816E-05     Number of function values =   131
    Least value of F =  1.087600340650226E-07         The corresponding X is:
     6.691788E-02   2.887791E-01   3.667089E-01   6.333453E-01   7.111235E-01

    New RHO = 7.6360E-06     Number of function values =   156
    Least value of F =  7.302359872130309E-10         The corresponding X is:
     6.688161E-02   2.887571E-01   3.666641E-01   6.333180E-01   7.112478E-01

    New RHO = 1.4286E-06     Number of function values =   174
    Least value of F =  2.652969563950523E-12         The corresponding X is:
     6.687666E-02   2.887398E-01   3.666832E-01   6.333177E-01   7.112595E-01

    At the return from NEWUOA     Number of function values =   186
    Least value of F =  4.646045480318431E-14         The corresponding X is:
     6.687661E-02   2.887406E-01   3.666822E-01   6.333176E-01   7.112592E-01

    New RHO = 3.1746E-03     Number of function values =    21
    Least value of F =  1.717393681624720E-02         The corresponding X is:
     9.398239E-02   2.276855E-01   3.322088E-01   4.429489E-01   5.570511E-01
     6.677912E-01   7.723145E-01   9.065755E-01

    New RHO = 3.1746E-04     Number of function values =   205
    Least value of F =  3.532654305064218E-03         The corresponding X is:
     4.362853E-02   1.941777E-01   2.656752E-01   5.017547E-01   4.978201E-01
     7.332308E-01   8.080372E-01   9.575136E-01

    New RHO = 2.1296E-05     Number of function values =   262
    Least value of F =  3.516903844483138E-03         The corresponding X is:
     4.313625E-02   1.930373E-01   2.662521E-01   4.998887E-01   4.999173E-01
     7.336035E-01   8.068371E-01   9.568033E-01

    New RHO = 1.4286E-06     Number of function values =   301
    Least value of F =  3.516873805642085E-03         The corresponding X is:
     4.315442E-02   1.930932E-01   2.663273E-01   4.999955E-01   5.000046E-01
     7.336725E-01   8.069080E-01   9.568471E-01

    At the return from NEWUOA     Number of function values =   329
    Least value of F =  3.516873725775130E-03         The corresponding X is:
     4.315283E-02   1.930910E-01   2.663287E-01   5.000002E-01   5.000000E-01
     7.336714E-01   8.069092E-01   9.568473E-01

    New RHO = 6.6667E-03     Number of function values =    10
    Least value of F =  2.306405855199966E-03         The corresponding X is:
     2.382044E-01   8.080324E-01

    New RHO = 6.6667E-04     Number of function values =    16
    Least value of F =  1.227492922002901E-06         The corresponding X is:
     2.108177E-01   7.885663E-01

    New RHO = 6.6667E-05     Number of function values =    20
    Least value of F =  2.435328676415535E-09         The corresponding X is:
     2.113442E-01   7.886747E-01

    New RHO = 8.1650E-06     Number of function values =    23
    Least value of F =  2.435328676

    Results with N = 4 and NPT =  9

    Results with N = 6 and NPT = 13

    Results with N = 8 and NPT = 17
415535E-09         The corresponding X is:
     2.113442E-01   7.886747E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-06     Number of function values =    27
    Least value of F =  1.820673222021692E-12         The corresponding X is:
     2.113246E-01   7.886745E-01

    At the return from NEWUOA     Number of function values =    31
    Least value of F =  3.788471046857957E-19         The corresponding X is:
     2.113249E-01   7.886751E-01

    New RHO = 4.0000E-03     Number of function values =    21
    Least value of F =  2.011890578520238E-03         The corresponding X is:
     1.129585E-01   4.058318E-01   6.110858E-01   9.111412E-01

    New RHO = 4.0000E-04     Number of function values =    34
    Least value of F =  4.013272744351821E-04         The corresponding X is:
     1.111816E-01   4.192043E-01   6.050995E-01   9.037598E-01

    New RHO = 4.0000E-05     Number of function values =    60
    Least value of F =  4.477990105960536E-08         The corresponding X is:
     1.026265E-01   4.061774E-01   5.936825E-01   8.972424E-01

    New RHO = 6.3246E-06     Number of function values =    75
    Least value of F =  4.867005278121880E-10         The corresponding X is:
     1.026742E-01   4.062069E-01   5.937875E-01   8.973192E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-06     Number of function values =    83
    Least value of F =  7.260297359120004E-12         The corresponding X is:
     1.026724E-01   4.062045E-01   5.937957E-01   8.973269E-01

    At the return from NEWUOA     Number of function values =    90
    Least value of F =  3.526693206487107E-14         The corresponding X is:
     1.026728E-01   4.062038E-01   5.937962E-01   8.973272E-01

    New RHO = 2.8571E-03     Number of function values =    14
    Least value of F =  3.052693663946804E-02         The corresponding X is:
     1.142857E-01   2.857143E-01   4.285714E-01   5.714286E-01   7.142857E-01

    New RHO = 2.8571E-04     Number of function values =    79
    Least value of F =  1.937801756358315E-05         The corresponding X is:
     6.822115E-02   2.926547E-01   3.677050E-01   6.359738E-01   7.128806E-01

    New RHO = 2.8571E-05     Number of function values =   127
    Least value of F =  1.474107115156324E-07         The corresponding X is:
     6.687373E-02   2.887591E-01   3.666373E-01   6.334470E-01   7.109271E-01

    New RHO = 5.3452E-06     Number of function values =   149
    Least value of F =  2.133220164523194E-09         The corresponding X is:
     6.686444E-02   2.887236E-01   3.666562E-01   6.333092E-01   7.112241E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-06     Number of function values =   176
    Least value of F =  8.384008282125609E-12         The corresponding X is:
     6.687603E-02   2.887394E-01   3.666823E-01   6.333157E-01   7.112603E-01

    At the return from NEWUOA     Number of function values =   198
    Least value of F =  4.343402133989936E-14         The corresponding X is:
     6.687652E-02   2.887405E-01   3.666823E-01   6.333176E-01   7.112593E-01

    New RHO = 2.2222E-03     Number of function values =    21
    Least value of F =  1.717393681624708E-02         The corresponding X is:
     9.398239E-02   2.276855E-01   3.322088E-01   4.429489E-01   5.570511E-01
     6.677912E-01   7.723145E-01   9.065755E-01

    New RHO = 2.2222E-04     Number of function values =   156
    Least value of F =  3.522147835159811E-03         The corresponding X is:
     4.304938E-02   1.929816E-01   2.666648E-01   4.993406E-01   5.015257E-01
     7.342656E-01   8.074189E-01   9.573324E-01

    New RHO = 1.4907E-05     Number of function values =   223
    Least value of F =  3.516963347985581E-03         The corresponding X is:
     4.312068E-02   1.931225E-01   2.661590E-01   4.999745E-01   4.998689E-01
     7.336702E-01   8.068435E-01   9.568160E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-06     Number of function values =   277
    Least value of F =  3.516873885294745E-03         The corresponding X is:
     4.315300E-02   1.930923E-01   2.663324E-01   5WARNING: Compat.Printf is deprecated, use Printf instead.
  likely near /root/.julia/packages/OptimPack/1ipTV/test/bobyqa-tests.jl:3

*** Standard BOBYQA tests *************************************************

     2D output with M =   5,  N =  10  and  NPT =  16

***** least function value: 5.680353888084284e+00

     2D output with M =   5,  N =  10  and  NPT =  21

***** least function value: 5.601533972186465e+00

     2D output with M =  10,  N =  20  and  NPT =  26
.000011E-01   5.000099E-01
     7.336771E-01   8.069111E-01   9.568495E-01

    At the return from NEWUOA     Number of function values =   314
    Least value of F =  3.516873725862449E-03         The corresponding X is:
     4.315284E-02   1.930909E-01   2.663288E-01   5.000002E-01   4.999999E-01
     7.336712E-01   8.069093E-01   9.568473E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-02     Number of function values =    36
    Least value of F =  5.680729791421956E+00         The corresponding X is:
     2.221147E-01   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.265332E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-03     Number of function values =    60
    Least value of F =  5.680354430001146E+00         The corresponding X is:
     2.603234E-01   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   2.612788E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-04     Number of function values =    73
    Least value of F =  5.680353929615947E+00         The corresponding X is:
     2.606974E-01   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   2.615739E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-05     Number of function values =    88
    Least value of F =  5.680353888456104E+00         The corresponding X is:
     2.613393E-01   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   2.611534E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-06     Number of function values =   108
    Least value of F =  5.680353888084572E+00         The corresponding X is:
     2.612445E-01   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   2.612493E-01

    At the return from BOBYQA     Number of function values =   123
    Least value of F =  5.680353888084284E+00         The corresponding X is:
     2.612471E-01   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   2.612470E-01

    New RHO = 1.0000E-02     Number of function values =    44
    Least value of F =  5.608887796858023E+00         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00
    -1.000000E+00   9.776403E-01  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.767038E-13

    New RHO = 1.0000E-03     Number of function values =    59
    Least value of F =  5.601550934818603E+00         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -2.938660E-03

    New RHO = 1.0000E-04     Number of function values =    73
    Least value of F =  5.601533980345714E+00         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -6.445101E-05

    New RHO = 1.0000E-05     Number of function values =    78
    Least value of F =  5.601533972186777E+00         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.999974E-07

    New RHO = 1.0000E-06     Number of function values =    91
    Least value of F =  5.601533972186777E+00         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.999974E-07

    At the return from BOBYQA     Number of function values =    98
    Least value of F =  5.601533972186465E+00         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   1.916017E-10

    New RHO = 1.0000E-02     Number of function values =    34
    Least value of F =  3.291200620948101E+01         The corresponding X is:
***** least function value: 3.220305336883060e+01

     2D output with M =  10,  N =  20  and  NPT =  41
8.283285E-01   3.605841E-01   1.000000E+00  -3.605841E-01
     1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   9.275342E-01  -9.994764E-01   8.783984E-02
    -1.000000E+00  -9.995070E-01  -2.696121E-01  -1.000000E+00   2.706121E-01
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   9.994764E-01   8.783984E-02

    New RHO = 1.0000E-03     Number of function values =    88
    Least value of F =  3.220322024737089E+01         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.645051E-01   1.000000E+00  -3.576367E-01
     1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -2.759587E-03
    -1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -3.624180E-01  -1.000000E+00   3.623725E-01
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -3.349526E-03

    New RHO = 1.0000E-04     Number of function values =   121
    Least value of F =  3.220306285892171E+01         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.618014E-01   1.000000E+00  -3.619181E-01
     1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -1.322484E-03
    -1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -3.618304E-01  -1.000000E+00   3.619566E-01
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -8.843503E-04

    New RHO = 1.0000E-05     Number of function values =   157
    Least value of F =  3.220305336987251E+01         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.616064E-01   1.000000E+00  -3.616179E-01
     1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -5.333451E-06
    -1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -3.616083E-01  -1.000000E+00   3.616038E-01
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   1.050743E-05

    New RHO = 1.0000E-06     Number of function values =   179
    Least value of F =  3.220305336890880E+01         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.616077E-01   1.000000E+00  -3.616078E-01
     1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   2.566120E-06
    -1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -3.616071E-01  -1.000000E+00   3.616065E-01
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.641092E-06

    At the return from BOBYQA     Number of function values =   205
    Least value of F =  3.220305336883060E+01         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.616077E-01   1.000000E+00  -3.616080E-01
     1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -2.954437E-07
    -1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -3.616079E-01  -1.000000E+00   3.616078E-01
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   8.866453E-08

    New RHO = 1.0000E-02     Number of function values =    45
    Least value of F =  3.221724258591880E+01         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.811180E-01   1.000000E+00  -3.811180E-01
     1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.224647E-16
    -1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -3.811180E-01  -1.000000E+00   3.811180E-01
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -2.449294E-16

    New RHO = 1.0000E-03     Number of function values =    80
    Least value of F =  3.220308936260135E+01         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.625827E-01   1.000000E+00  -3.625827E-01
     1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.224647E-16
    -1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -3.625827E-01  -1.000000E+00   3.625827E-01
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -2.449294E-16

    New RHO = 1.0000E-04     Number of function values =   112
    Least value of F =  3.220305353124637E+01         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.615510E-01   1.000000E+00  -3.615643E-01
     1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   8.602213E-05
    -1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -3.616122E-01  -1.000000E+00   3.615515E-01
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   1.687215E-04

    New RHO = 1.0000E-05     Number of function values =   136
    Least value of F =  3.220305337717114E+01         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000
***** least function value: 3.220305336883041e+01
000E+00   3.615876E-01   1.000000E+00  -3.616140E-01
     1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.844099E-05
    -1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -3.616364E-01  -1.000000E+00   3.616024E-01
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   1.157131E-05

    New RHO = 1.0000E-06     Number of function values =   156
    Least value of F =  3.220305336914299E+01         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.616044E-01   1.000000E+00  -3.616079E-01
     1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   9.207299E-07
    -1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -3.616044E-01  -1.000000E+00   3.616141E-01
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   2.382489E-06

    At the return from BOBYQA     Number of function values =   194
    Least value of F =  3.220305336883041E+01         The corresponding X is:
     1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   3.616078E-01   1.000000E+00  -3.616080E-01
     1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -1.148260E-07
    -1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00  -3.616080E-01  -1.000000E+00   3.616078E-01
    -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00  -1.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   5.206591E-08
   Testing OptimPack tests passed