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Results with Julia v1.2.0

Testing was successful. Last evaluation was ago and took 2 minutes, 22 seconds.

Click here to download the log file.

 Resolving package versions...
 Installed KrylovMethods ─ v0.6.0
  Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.2/Project.toml`
  [9a2cd570] + KrylovMethods v0.6.0
  Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.2/Manifest.toml`
  [9a2cd570] + KrylovMethods v0.6.0
  [8f399da3] + Libdl 
  [37e2e46d] + LinearAlgebra 
  [de0858da] + Printf 
  [9a3f8284] + Random 
  [9e88b42a] + Serialization 
  [2f01184e] + SparseArrays 
  [4ec0a83e] + Unicode 
   Testing KrylovMethods
 Resolving package versions...
 Installed FastClosures ──── v0.3.2
 Installed TimerOutputs ──── v0.5.3
 Installed LinearOperators ─ v0.7.1
    Status `/tmp/jl_O7cJtj/Manifest.toml`
  [9aa1b823] FastClosures v0.3.2
  [9a2cd570] KrylovMethods v0.6.0
  [5c8ed15e] LinearOperators v0.7.1
  [a759f4b9] TimerOutputs v0.5.3
  [2a0f44e3] Base64  [`@stdlib/Base64`]
  [8ba89e20] Distributed  [`@stdlib/Distributed`]
  [b77e0a4c] InteractiveUtils  [`@stdlib/InteractiveUtils`]
  [8f399da3] Libdl  [`@stdlib/Libdl`]
  [37e2e46d] LinearAlgebra  [`@stdlib/LinearAlgebra`]
  [56ddb016] Logging  [`@stdlib/Logging`]
  [d6f4376e] Markdown  [`@stdlib/Markdown`]
  [de0858da] Printf  [`@stdlib/Printf`]
  [9a3f8284] Random  [`@stdlib/Random`]
  [9e88b42a] Serialization  [`@stdlib/Serialization`]
  [6462fe0b] Sockets  [`@stdlib/Sockets`]
  [2f01184e] SparseArrays  [`@stdlib/SparseArrays`]
  [8dfed614] Test  [`@stdlib/Test`]
  [4ec0a83e] Unicode  [`@stdlib/Unicode`]
=== bicgstb ===
iter	 relres
  1	9.65e-02
  2	1.60e-02
  3	1.74e-03
bicgstb iterated maxIter (=3) times but reached only residual norm 1.60e-02 instead of tol=1.00e-06.
bcgstb achieved desired tolerance at iteration 6.5. Residual norm is 3.84e-07.
=== block bicgstb ===
iter	 relres
  1	9.64e-02
  2	1.67e-02
  3	6.70e-03
blockBiCGSTB iterated maxIter (=3) times but reached only residual norm 1.67e-02 instead of tol=1.00e-06.
blockBiCGSTB achieved desired tolerance at iteration 7. Residual norm is 4.04e-07.
=== cg ===
iter	 relres
  1	5.55e-17
cg achieved desired tolerance at iteration 1. Residual norm is 5.55e-17.
=== cg ===
iter	 relres
  1	8.91e-03
cg iterated maxIter (=1) times but reached only residual norm 8.91e-03 instead of tol=1.00e-15.
Matrix A in cg has to be positive definite.
cg achieved desired tolerance at iteration 24. Residual norm is 7.51e-06.
=== blockcg ===
iter	max(relres)
  1	5.69e-15
  2	1.06e-30
blockCG achieved desired tolerance at iteration 2. Residual norm is 1.06e-30.
=== blockcg ===
iter	max(relres)
  1	2.60e-16
blockCG iterated maxIter (=1) times but reached only residual norm 2.60e-16 instead of tol=1.00e-30.
=== blockcg ===
iter	max(relres)
  1	3.98e-01
  2	2.44e-01
  3	1.80e-01
  4	1.30e-01
  5	9.46e-02
  6	6.14e-02
  7	3.62e-02
  8	1.78e-02
  9	8.74e-03
 10	4.05e-03
 11	1.77e-03
 12	7.61e-04
blockCG achieved desired tolerance at iteration 12. Residual norm is 7.61e-04.
=== blockcg ===
iter	max(relres)
  1	3.98e-01
  2	2.44e-01
  3	1.80e-01
  4	1.30e-01
  5	9.46e-02
  6	6.14e-02
  7	3.62e-02
  8	1.78e-02
  9	8.74e-03
 10	4.05e-03
 11	1.77e-03
 12	7.61e-04
blockCG achieved desired tolerance at iteration 12. Residual norm is 7.61e-04.
=== cgls ===
iter	   |A'r|	 norm(r)	 norm(x)
  1	1.20e+01	4.98e-01	1.06e+01
  2	2.18e-01	5.91e-01	1.06e+01
cgls iterated maxIter (=2) times witout reaching tolerance. Returned result has residual norm  2.18e-01.
cgls relative gradient norm below desired tolerance at iteration 10. Returned result has residual norm  5.43e-13.
=== gmres ===
iter	 relres

  1	3.0e-01 9.6e-02 3.3e-02 	 3.3e-02
  2	9.9e-03 3.0e-03 9.6e-04 	 9.6e-04
  3	3.2e-04 1.0e-04 3.1e-05 	 3.1e-05
gmres iterated maxIter (=3) times without achieving the desired tolerance.
gmres achieved desired tolerance at iteration 3. Residual norm is 8.06e-07.
=== fgmres ===
iter	 relres

  1	3.0e-01 9.6e-02 3.3e-02 
  2	9.9e-03 3.0e-03 9.6e-04 
  3	3.2e-04 1.0e-04 3.1e-05 
fgmres iterated maxIter (=3) outer iterations without achieving the desired tolerance. Acheived: 3.15e-05
fgmres achieved desired tolerance at inner iteration 12. Residual norm is 8.06e-07.
=== blockFGMRES ===
iter	 relres

  1	2.0e-01 4.3e-02 1.0e-02 
  2	1.7e-03 3.0e-04 5.3e-05 
  3	1.0e-05 2.3e-06 4.3e-07 
blockFGMRES iterated maxIter (=3) outer iterations without achieving the desired tolerance. Acheived: 4.35e-07
blockFGMRES achieved desired tolerance at inner iteration 9. Residual norm is 4.46e-07.
Givens rotation for v=[0.0,0.5368869396076555]
Givens rotation for v=[0.5134858347330575,0.0]
Givens rotation for v=[0.4625893461977866,0.7421830562564471]
=== Testing Lanczos Bidiagonalization ===
ssor achieved desired tolerance at iteration 32. Residual norm is 9.92e-03.
ssor achieved desired tolerance at iteration 48. Residual norm is 9.90e-03.
cg achieved desired tolerance at iteration 53. Residual norm is 6.41e-13.
=== sor ===
iter	 relres

  1	1.44e-01
  2	6.64e-02
  3	4.17e-02
ssor iterated maxIter (=3) times but reached only residual norm 4.17e-02 instead of tol=1.00e-02.
ssor achieved desired tolerance at iteration 16. Residual norm is 9.27e-03.
ssor achieved desired tolerance at iteration 23. Residual norm is 9.88e-03.
iter	|r_k|		|A'*r_k|	|A|		cond(A)		STOP
001	4.629e-01	4.792e-01	1.673e+00	1.000e+00	[0,0,0]
002	2.979e-16	4.965e-16	2.000e+00	2.309e+00	[1,0,0]
lsqr achieved desired tolerance at iteration 2. The system should be compatible. Residual norm is 2.98e-16.
lsqr achieved desired tolerance at iteration 2. The system should be incompatible. Gradient norm is 3.39e-01.
lsqr achieved desired tolerance at iteration 10. The system should be incompatible. Gradient norm is 1.06e+01.
minres iterated maxIter (=1) times but reached only residual norm 3.46e-01 instead of tol=1.00e-12.
=== minres ===
iter	|r_k|		|A*r_k|		|A|			cond(A)
1	3.46e-01	1.64e+00	5.86e+00		1.12e+00
2	4.05e-02	7.86e-02	8.06e+00		1.54e+00
3	2.12e-03	2.05e-03	8.06e+00		1.54e+00
4	6.23e-04	3.54e-03	8.06e+00		1.54e+00
5	2.94e-05	1.87e-05	8.06e+00		1.54e+00
6	4.04e-19	6.01e-32	8.06e+00		1.95e+00
minres converged at iteration 6. |A r_k|=6.01e-32 and |r_k|=4.04e-19.
=== minres ===
iter	|r_k|		|A*r_k|		|A|			cond(A)
1	1.25e-01	7.98e-01	6.80e+00		1.01e+00
2	1.09e-02	1.24e-02	7.11e+00		1.33e+00
3	9.52e-04	1.55e-03	7.21e+00		1.35e+00
4	1.37e-04	4.32e-04	8.48e+00		1.58e+00
5	7.41e-06	4.71e-06	8.48e+00		1.87e+00
6	4.58e-19	3.11e-31	8.48e+00		2.02e+00
minres converged at iteration 6. |A r_k|=3.11e-31 and |r_k|=4.58e-19.
test stop by condlim
test stop by beta
minres stopped because beta (=1.52e-13) became smaller than the tolerance (btol=1.00e-10) at iteration 5.
test if anything is done for zero right hand side
Test Summary: | Pass  Total
KrylovMethods |  155    155
   Testing KrylovMethods tests passed 

Results with Julia v1.3.0

Testing was successful. Last evaluation was ago and took 2 minutes, 26 seconds.

Click here to download the log file.

 Resolving package versions...
 Installed KrylovMethods ─ v0.6.0
  Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.3/Project.toml`
  [9a2cd570] + KrylovMethods v0.6.0
  Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.3/Manifest.toml`
  [9a2cd570] + KrylovMethods v0.6.0
  [8f399da3] + Libdl 
  [37e2e46d] + LinearAlgebra 
  [de0858da] + Printf 
  [9a3f8284] + Random 
  [9e88b42a] + Serialization 
  [2f01184e] + SparseArrays 
  [4ec0a83e] + Unicode 
   Testing KrylovMethods
 Resolving package versions...
 Installed LinearOperators ─ v0.7.1
 Installed FastClosures ──── v0.3.2
 Installed TimerOutputs ──── v0.5.3
    Status `/tmp/jl_gPPd27/Manifest.toml`
  [9aa1b823] FastClosures v0.3.2
  [9a2cd570] KrylovMethods v0.6.0
  [5c8ed15e] LinearOperators v0.7.1
  [a759f4b9] TimerOutputs v0.5.3
  [2a0f44e3] Base64  [`@stdlib/Base64`]
  [8ba89e20] Distributed  [`@stdlib/Distributed`]
  [b77e0a4c] InteractiveUtils  [`@stdlib/InteractiveUtils`]
  [8f399da3] Libdl  [`@stdlib/Libdl`]
  [37e2e46d] LinearAlgebra  [`@stdlib/LinearAlgebra`]
  [56ddb016] Logging  [`@stdlib/Logging`]
  [d6f4376e] Markdown  [`@stdlib/Markdown`]
  [de0858da] Printf  [`@stdlib/Printf`]
  [9a3f8284] Random  [`@stdlib/Random`]
  [9e88b42a] Serialization  [`@stdlib/Serialization`]
  [6462fe0b] Sockets  [`@stdlib/Sockets`]
  [2f01184e] SparseArrays  [`@stdlib/SparseArrays`]
  [8dfed614] Test  [`@stdlib/Test`]
  [4ec0a83e] Unicode  [`@stdlib/Unicode`]
=== bicgstb ===
iter	 relres
  1	6.86e-02
  2	6.95e-03
  3	7.88e-04
bicgstb iterated maxIter (=3) times but reached only residual norm 6.95e-03 instead of tol=1.00e-06.
bcgstb achieved desired tolerance at iteration 6.5. Residual norm is 2.28e-07.
=== block bicgstb ===
iter	 relres
  1	9.12e-02
  2	3.16e-02
  3	3.35e-03
blockBiCGSTB iterated maxIter (=3) times but reached only residual norm 3.16e-02 instead of tol=1.00e-06.
blockBiCGSTB achieved desired tolerance at iteration 7. Residual norm is 5.57e-07.
=== cg ===
iter	 relres
  1	5.55e-17
cg achieved desired tolerance at iteration 1. Residual norm is 5.55e-17.
=== cg ===
iter	 relres
  1	2.57e-01
cg iterated maxIter (=1) times but reached only residual norm 2.57e-01 instead of tol=1.00e-15.
Matrix A in cg has to be positive definite.
cg achieved desired tolerance at iteration 24. Residual norm is 9.58e-06.
=== blockcg ===
iter	max(relres)
  1	1.14e-15
  2	3.45e-30
blockCG achieved desired tolerance at iteration 2. Residual norm is 3.45e-30.
=== blockcg ===
iter	max(relres)
  1	6.82e-16
blockCG iterated maxIter (=1) times but reached only residual norm 6.82e-16 instead of tol=1.00e-30.
=== blockcg ===
iter	max(relres)
  1	4.15e-01
  2	2.42e-01
  3	1.74e-01
  4	1.43e-01
  5	1.11e-01
  6	6.42e-02
  7	3.30e-02
  8	1.84e-02
  9	9.86e-03
 10	4.98e-03
 11	2.37e-03
 12	1.02e-03
 13	3.92e-04
blockCG achieved desired tolerance at iteration 13. Residual norm is 3.92e-04.
=== blockcg ===
iter	max(relres)
  1	4.15e-01
  2	2.42e-01
  3	1.74e-01
  4	1.43e-01
  5	1.11e-01
  6	6.42e-02
  7	3.30e-02
  8	1.84e-02
  9	9.86e-03
 10	4.98e-03
 11	2.37e-03
 12	1.02e-03
 13	3.92e-04
blockCG achieved desired tolerance at iteration 13. Residual norm is 3.92e-04.
=== cgls ===
iter	   |A'r|	 norm(r)	 norm(x)
  1	2.65e+01	6.04e-01	1.04e+01
  2	2.96e+00	6.97e-01	1.03e+01
cgls iterated maxIter (=2) times witout reaching tolerance. Returned result has residual norm  2.96e+00.
cgls relative gradient norm below desired tolerance at iteration 10. Returned result has residual norm  7.74e-10.
=== gmres ===
iter	 relres

  1	2.8e-01 6.6e-02 2.2e-02 	 2.2e-02
  2	6.9e-03 2.0e-03 7.0e-04 	 7.0e-04
  3	2.5e-04 7.1e-05 2.1e-05 	 2.1e-05
gmres iterated maxIter (=3) times without achieving the desired tolerance.
gmres achieved desired tolerance at iteration 3. Residual norm is 5.86e-07.
=== fgmres ===
iter	 relres

  1	2.8e-01 6.6e-02 2.2e-02 
  2	6.9e-03 2.0e-03 7.0e-04 
  3	2.5e-04 7.1e-05 2.1e-05 
fgmres iterated maxIter (=3) outer iterations without achieving the desired tolerance. Acheived: 2.09e-05
fgmres achieved desired tolerance at inner iteration 12. Residual norm is 5.86e-07.
=== blockFGMRES ===
iter	 relres

  1	1.9e-01 4.2e-02 9.2e-03 
  2	2.2e-03 6.4e-04 1.1e-04 
  3	2.4e-05 5.7e-06 1.2e-06 
blockFGMRES iterated maxIter (=3) outer iterations without achieving the desired tolerance. Acheived: 1.18e-06
blockFGMRES achieved desired tolerance at inner iteration 9. Residual norm is 6.00e-07.
Givens rotation for v=[0.0,0.088162713112566]
Givens rotation for v=[-1.071725995151854,0.0]
Givens rotation for v=[2.64437779489689,-2.8398592035911014]
=== Testing Lanczos Bidiagonalization ===
ssor achieved desired tolerance at iteration 26. Residual norm is 9.77e-03.
ssor achieved desired tolerance at iteration 39. Residual norm is 9.75e-03.
cg achieved desired tolerance at iteration 53. Residual norm is 9.46e-13.
=== sor ===
iter	 relres

  1	1.42e-01
  2	6.29e-02
  3	3.80e-02
ssor iterated maxIter (=3) times but reached only residual norm 3.80e-02 instead of tol=1.00e-02.
ssor achieved desired tolerance at iteration 14. Residual norm is 9.62e-03.
ssor achieved desired tolerance at iteration 21. Residual norm is 9.46e-03.
iter	|r_k|		|A'*r_k|	|A|		cond(A)		STOP
001	4.629e-01	4.792e-01	1.673e+00	1.000e+00	[0,0,0]
002	2.979e-16	4.965e-16	2.000e+00	2.309e+00	[1,0,0]
lsqr achieved desired tolerance at iteration 2. The system should be compatible. Residual norm is 2.98e-16.
lsqr achieved desired tolerance at iteration 2. The system should be incompatible. Gradient norm is 2.09e+00.
lsqr achieved desired tolerance at iteration 10. The system should be incompatible. Gradient norm is 1.03e+01.
minres iterated maxIter (=1) times but reached only residual norm 4.83e-02 instead of tol=1.00e-12.
=== minres ===
iter	|r_k|		|A*r_k|		|A|			cond(A)
1	4.83e-02	2.77e-02	5.01e+00		1.23e+00
2	7.19e-04	1.40e-04	5.01e+00		1.23e+00
3	6.67e-06	8.04e-07	5.01e+00		1.23e+00
4	1.17e-19	2.69e-32	5.01e+00		1.23e+00
minres converged at iteration 4. |A r_k|=2.69e-32 and |r_k|=1.17e-19.
=== minres ===
iter	|r_k|		|A*r_k|		|A|			cond(A)
1	2.44e-03	1.61e-03	4.50e+00		1.00e+00
2	6.48e-05	2.06e-05	4.50e+00		1.09e+00
3	6.14e-07	7.52e-08	4.50e+00		1.09e+00
4	6.41e-22	8.67e-36	4.50e+00		1.09e+00
minres converged at iteration 4. |A r_k|=8.67e-36 and |r_k|=6.41e-22.
test stop by condlim
test stop by beta
minres stopped because beta (=2.37e-13) became smaller than the tolerance (btol=1.00e-10) at iteration 5.
test if anything is done for zero right hand side
Test Summary: | Pass  Total
KrylovMethods |  155    155
   Testing KrylovMethods tests passed 

Results with Julia v1.3.1-pre-7704df0a5a

Testing was successful. Last evaluation was ago and took 2 minutes, 20 seconds.

Click here to download the log file.

 Resolving package versions...
 Installed KrylovMethods ─ v0.6.0
  Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.3/Project.toml`
  [9a2cd570] + KrylovMethods v0.6.0
  Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.3/Manifest.toml`
  [9a2cd570] + KrylovMethods v0.6.0
  [8f399da3] + Libdl 
  [37e2e46d] + LinearAlgebra 
  [de0858da] + Printf 
  [9a3f8284] + Random 
  [9e88b42a] + Serialization 
  [2f01184e] + SparseArrays 
  [4ec0a83e] + Unicode 
   Testing KrylovMethods
 Resolving package versions...
 Installed FastClosures ──── v0.3.2
 Installed TimerOutputs ──── v0.5.3
 Installed LinearOperators ─ v0.7.1
    Status `/tmp/jl_780A9E/Manifest.toml`
  [9aa1b823] FastClosures v0.3.2
  [9a2cd570] KrylovMethods v0.6.0
  [5c8ed15e] LinearOperators v0.7.1
  [a759f4b9] TimerOutputs v0.5.3
  [2a0f44e3] Base64  [`@stdlib/Base64`]
  [8ba89e20] Distributed  [`@stdlib/Distributed`]
  [b77e0a4c] InteractiveUtils  [`@stdlib/InteractiveUtils`]
  [8f399da3] Libdl  [`@stdlib/Libdl`]
  [37e2e46d] LinearAlgebra  [`@stdlib/LinearAlgebra`]
  [56ddb016] Logging  [`@stdlib/Logging`]
  [d6f4376e] Markdown  [`@stdlib/Markdown`]
  [de0858da] Printf  [`@stdlib/Printf`]
  [9a3f8284] Random  [`@stdlib/Random`]
  [9e88b42a] Serialization  [`@stdlib/Serialization`]
  [6462fe0b] Sockets  [`@stdlib/Sockets`]
  [2f01184e] SparseArrays  [`@stdlib/SparseArrays`]
  [8dfed614] Test  [`@stdlib/Test`]
  [4ec0a83e] Unicode  [`@stdlib/Unicode`]
=== bicgstb ===
iter	 relres
  1	8.85e-02
  2	1.06e-02
  3	1.73e-02
bicgstb iterated maxIter (=3) times but reached only residual norm 1.06e-02 instead of tol=1.00e-06.
bcgstb achieved desired tolerance at iteration 7. Residual norm is 8.36e-07.
=== block bicgstb ===
iter	 relres
  1	8.63e-02
  2	4.13e-02
  3	5.76e-03
blockBiCGSTB iterated maxIter (=3) times but reached only residual norm 4.13e-02 instead of tol=1.00e-06.
blockBiCGSTB achieved desired tolerance at iteration 6.5. Residual norm is 3.77e-07.
=== cg ===
iter	 relres
  1	5.55e-17
cg achieved desired tolerance at iteration 1. Residual norm is 5.55e-17.
=== cg ===
iter	 relres
  1	1.32e-01
cg iterated maxIter (=1) times but reached only residual norm 1.32e-01 instead of tol=1.00e-15.
Matrix A in cg has to be positive definite.
cg achieved desired tolerance at iteration 24. Residual norm is 9.27e-06.
=== blockcg ===
iter	max(relres)
  1	3.14e-16
blockCG achieved desired tolerance at iteration 1. Residual norm is 3.14e-16.
=== blockcg ===
iter	max(relres)
  1	6.44e-16
blockCG iterated maxIter (=1) times but reached only residual norm 6.44e-16 instead of tol=1.00e-30.
=== blockcg ===
iter	max(relres)
  1	3.86e-01
  2	2.37e-01
  3	1.83e-01
  4	1.40e-01
  5	1.04e-01
  6	6.13e-02
  7	3.40e-02
  8	1.83e-02
  9	1.01e-02
 10	5.14e-03
 11	2.20e-03
 12	8.60e-04
blockCG achieved desired tolerance at iteration 12. Residual norm is 8.60e-04.
=== blockcg ===
iter	max(relres)
  1	3.86e-01
  2	2.37e-01
  3	1.83e-01
  4	1.40e-01
  5	1.04e-01
  6	6.13e-02
  7	3.40e-02
  8	1.83e-02
  9	1.01e-02
 10	5.14e-03
 11	2.20e-03
 12	8.60e-04
blockCG achieved desired tolerance at iteration 12. Residual norm is 8.60e-04.
=== cgls ===
iter	   |A'r|	 norm(r)	 norm(x)
  1	1.80e+01	4.18e-01	9.46e+00
  2	3.36e+00	5.44e-01	9.41e+00
cgls iterated maxIter (=2) times witout reaching tolerance. Returned result has residual norm  3.36e+00.
cgls relative gradient norm below desired tolerance at iteration 10. Returned result has residual norm  2.70e-08.
=== gmres ===
iter	 relres

  1	2.8e-01 8.8e-02 2.9e-02 	 2.9e-02
  2	9.8e-03 3.0e-03 9.6e-04 	 9.6e-04
  3	2.8e-04 7.9e-05 2.5e-05 	 2.5e-05
gmres iterated maxIter (=3) times without achieving the desired tolerance.
gmres achieved desired tolerance at iteration 3. Residual norm is 9.07e-07.
=== fgmres ===
iter	 relres

  1	2.8e-01 8.8e-02 2.9e-02 
  2	9.8e-03 3.0e-03 9.6e-04 
  3	2.8e-04 7.9e-05 2.5e-05 
fgmres iterated maxIter (=3) outer iterations without achieving the desired tolerance. Acheived: 2.51e-05
fgmres achieved desired tolerance at inner iteration 12. Residual norm is 9.07e-07.
=== blockFGMRES ===
iter	 relres

  1	2.4e-01 6.0e-02 1.3e-02 
  2	2.6e-03 6.3e-04 1.4e-04 
  3	3.2e-05 6.8e-06 1.5e-06 
blockFGMRES iterated maxIter (=3) outer iterations without achieving the desired tolerance. Acheived: 1.48e-06
blockFGMRES achieved desired tolerance at inner iteration 9. Residual norm is 8.97e-07.
Givens rotation for v=[0.0,0.19008915292669465]
Givens rotation for v=[0.39954067510648666,0.0]
Givens rotation for v=[1.1360904065874502,-0.7973708163751029]
=== Testing Lanczos Bidiagonalization ===
ssor achieved desired tolerance at iteration 31. Residual norm is 9.76e-03.
ssor achieved desired tolerance at iteration 46. Residual norm is 9.85e-03.
cg achieved desired tolerance at iteration 54. Residual norm is 5.81e-13.
=== sor ===
iter	 relres

  1	1.44e-01
  2	6.50e-02
  3	4.00e-02
ssor iterated maxIter (=3) times but reached only residual norm 4.00e-02 instead of tol=1.00e-02.
ssor achieved desired tolerance at iteration 15. Residual norm is 9.67e-03.
ssor achieved desired tolerance at iteration 22. Residual norm is 9.92e-03.
iter	|r_k|		|A'*r_k|	|A|		cond(A)		STOP
001	4.629e-01	4.792e-01	1.673e+00	1.000e+00	[0,0,0]
002	2.979e-16	4.965e-16	2.000e+00	2.309e+00	[1,0,0]
lsqr achieved desired tolerance at iteration 2. The system should be compatible. Residual norm is 2.98e-16.
lsqr achieved desired tolerance at iteration 2. The system should be incompatible. Gradient norm is 3.15e-01.
lsqr achieved desired tolerance at iteration 10. The system should be incompatible. Gradient norm is 9.40e+00.
minres iterated maxIter (=1) times but reached only residual norm 2.34e-01 instead of tol=1.00e-12.
=== minres ===
iter	|r_k|		|A*r_k|		|A|			cond(A)
1	2.34e-01	9.69e-01	5.99e+00		1.31e+00
2	3.67e-02	1.44e-01	7.15e+00		1.56e+00
3	4.14e-03	1.44e-02	8.37e+00		1.83e+00
4	9.54e-04	4.31e-03	8.37e+00		1.83e+00
5	4.45e-05	4.60e-05	8.37e+00		1.83e+00
6	4.99e-18	1.09e-29	8.37e+00		1.83e+00
minres converged at iteration 6. |A r_k|=1.09e-29 and |r_k|=4.99e-18.
=== minres ===
iter	|r_k|		|A*r_k|		|A|			cond(A)
1	6.47e-02	4.60e-01	6.69e+00		1.01e+00
2	1.85e-02	1.13e-01	6.73e+00		1.17e+00
3	1.01e-03	1.35e-03	7.51e+00		1.31e+00
4	1.48e-04	5.54e-04	7.51e+00		1.31e+00
5	3.15e-06	1.14e-06	7.51e+00		1.70e+00
6	9.26e-19	5.29e-30	7.51e+00		1.70e+00
minres converged at iteration 6. |A r_k|=5.29e-30 and |r_k|=9.26e-19.
test stop by condlim
test stop by beta
minres stopped because beta (=9.80e-14) became smaller than the tolerance (btol=1.00e-10) at iteration 5.
test if anything is done for zero right hand side
Test Summary: | Pass  Total
KrylovMethods |  155    155
   Testing KrylovMethods tests passed