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Results with Julia v1.2.0

Testing was unsuccessful: package has test failures. Last evaluation was ago and took 7 minutes, 8 seconds.

Click here to download the log file.

 Resolving package versions...
 Installed Compat ───────────── v2.2.0
 Installed OrderedCollections ─ v1.1.0
 Installed QuadGK ───────────── v2.1.1
 Installed DataStructures ───── v0.17.6
 Installed GeoEfficiency ────── v0.9.3
  Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.2/Project.toml`
  [b1f22607] + GeoEfficiency v0.9.3
  Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.2/Manifest.toml`
  [34da2185] + Compat v2.2.0
  [864edb3b] + DataStructures v0.17.6
  [b1f22607] + GeoEfficiency v0.9.3
  [bac558e1] + OrderedCollections v1.1.0
  [1fd47b50] + QuadGK v2.1.1
  [2a0f44e3] + Base64 
  [ade2ca70] + Dates 
  [8bb1440f] + DelimitedFiles 
  [8ba89e20] + Distributed 
  [b77e0a4c] + InteractiveUtils 
  [76f85450] + LibGit2 
  [8f399da3] + Libdl 
  [37e2e46d] + LinearAlgebra 
  [56ddb016] + Logging 
  [d6f4376e] + Markdown 
  [a63ad114] + Mmap 
  [44cfe95a] + Pkg 
  [de0858da] + Printf 
  [3fa0cd96] + REPL 
  [9a3f8284] + Random 
  [ea8e919c] + SHA 
  [9e88b42a] + Serialization 
  [1a1011a3] + SharedArrays 
  [6462fe0b] + Sockets 
  [2f01184e] + SparseArrays 
  [10745b16] + Statistics 
  [8dfed614] + Test 
  [cf7118a7] + UUIDs 
  [4ec0a83e] + Unicode 
  Building GeoEfficiency → `~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/deps/build.log`
   Testing GeoEfficiency
 Resolving package versions...
    Status `/tmp/jl_3vk5bF/Manifest.toml`
  [34da2185] Compat v2.2.0
  [864edb3b] DataStructures v0.17.6
  [b1f22607] GeoEfficiency v0.9.3
  [bac558e1] OrderedCollections v1.1.0
  [1fd47b50] QuadGK v2.1.1
  [2a0f44e3] Base64  [`@stdlib/Base64`]
  [ade2ca70] Dates  [`@stdlib/Dates`]
  [8bb1440f] DelimitedFiles  [`@stdlib/DelimitedFiles`]
  [8ba89e20] Distributed  [`@stdlib/Distributed`]
  [b77e0a4c] InteractiveUtils  [`@stdlib/InteractiveUtils`]
  [76f85450] LibGit2  [`@stdlib/LibGit2`]
  [8f399da3] Libdl  [`@stdlib/Libdl`]
  [37e2e46d] LinearAlgebra  [`@stdlib/LinearAlgebra`]
  [56ddb016] Logging  [`@stdlib/Logging`]
  [d6f4376e] Markdown  [`@stdlib/Markdown`]
  [a63ad114] Mmap  [`@stdlib/Mmap`]
  [44cfe95a] Pkg  [`@stdlib/Pkg`]
  [de0858da] Printf  [`@stdlib/Printf`]
  [3fa0cd96] REPL  [`@stdlib/REPL`]
  [9a3f8284] Random  [`@stdlib/Random`]
  [ea8e919c] SHA  [`@stdlib/SHA`]
  [9e88b42a] Serialization  [`@stdlib/Serialization`]
  [1a1011a3] SharedArrays  [`@stdlib/SharedArrays`]
  [6462fe0b] Sockets  [`@stdlib/Sockets`]
  [2f01184e] SparseArrays  [`@stdlib/SparseArrays`]
  [10745b16] Statistics  [`@stdlib/Statistics`]
  [8dfed614] Test  [`@stdlib/Test`]
  [cf7118a7] UUIDs  [`@stdlib/UUIDs`]
  [4ec0a83e] Unicode  [`@stdlib/Unicode`]

	 **            -=) GeoEfficiency (=-             **
	 **  Accurate Geometrical Efficiency Calculator  **
	 **   First Created on Fri Aug 14 20:12:01 2015  **

	 Author:        Mohamed E. Krar,  @e-mail: 
	 Version:       v"0.9.3" - (233 days old master)  

	Batch mode 
	-  read files by defaul from directory `/root/GeoEfficiency`
	-  save results by default to directory `/root/GeoEfficiency/results`

	for more information see `batch`, `batchInfo`.


?: ?: ?: ?: ?: 
just press return: 
the first time just press return, then input `3` : ┌ Warning: the input '0.0' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 0.1, 4.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106

the first time just press return, then input `3` : 
input 5, then press return: 
input 5, then press return: 
input -1, then press return: 
input -1, then press return: 
the first time input '1.2f', then input `3` : ┌ Warning: the input '5' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 0.0, 4.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106
┌ Warning: the input '-1' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 0.0, 4.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106
┌ Warning: the input '1.2f' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110

the first time input '1.2f', then input `3` : 
the first time input 'one', then input `3` : 
the first time input 'one', then input `3` : 
the first time input '3.4e-2.0', then input `3` : ┌ Warning: the input 'one' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110

the first time input '3.4e-2.0', then input `3` : 
the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': ┌ Warning: the input '3.4e-2.0' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110
┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110

the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': ┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110
┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110
┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110
┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110
┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110
┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110
┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110
┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110
┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110
┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110
┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110

the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': ┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110
┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110
┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110

input '1' & Return, then '3' & Return: ┌ Warning: the input '1' evaluated to be outside the interval '] 1.0, 5.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106

input '1' & Return, then '3' & Return: 
input '1' & Return, then '3' & Return: 
input '1' & Return, then '3' & Return: ┌ Warning: the input '1' evaluated to be outside the interval '] 1.0, 5.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106
┌ Warning: the input '1' evaluated to be outside the interval '] 1.0, 5.0 ]'.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106

input '1' & Return, then '3' & Return: 
input '1' & Return, then '3' & Return: 
input '5' & Return, then '3' & Return:┌ Warning: the input '5' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 1.0, 5.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106
┌ Warning: the input '5' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 1.0, 5.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106
┌ Warning: the input '5' evaluated to be outside the interval '] 1.0, 5.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106

input '5' & Return, then '3' & Return:
input '5' & Return, then '3' & Return:
input '5' & Return, then '3' & Return:
input '5' & Return, then '3' & Return:
input '5' & Return, then '3' & Return:
input '5' & Return, then '3' & Return:
input '5' & Return, then '3' & Return:
input '5' & Return, then '3' & Return:
input '5' & Return, then '3' & Return:
input '5' & Return, then '3' & Return:
input '5' & Return, then '3' & Return:┌ Warning: the input '5' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 1.0, 5.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106
┌ Warning: the input '5' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 1.0, 5.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106
┌ Warning: the input '5' evaluated to be outside the interval '] 1.0, 5.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106

input '5', then '1', then '3': 
input '5', then '1', then '3': 
input '5', then '1', then '3': 
input '5', then '1', then '3': ┌ Warning: the input '5' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 3.0, 3.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106
┌ Warning: the input '1' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 3.0, 3.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106

input '5', then '1', then '3': 
input '5', then '1', then '3': 
input '5', then '1', then '3': 
input '5', then '1', then '3': 
input '5', then '1', then '3': 
input '5', then '1', then '3': 
input '5', then '1', then '3': 
input '5', then '1', then '3': ┌ Warning: the input '5' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 3.0, 3.0 ]'.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106
┌ Warning: the input '1' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 3.0, 3.0 ]'.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106
┌ Warning: the input '5' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 3.0, 3.0 ]'.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106
┌ Warning: the input '1' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 3.0, 3.0 ]'.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106
┌ Warning: the input '5' evaluated to be outside the interval '] 3.0, 3.0 ]'.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106
┌ Warning: the input '1' evaluated to be outside the interval '] 3.0, 3.0 ]'.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106

Point[Height=5.0, Rho=3.0]
 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=3.0] I- The Cylindrical Detector physical Dimensions:-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) =  I- The Cylindrical Detector physical Dimensions:-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = BoreDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=3.0, HoleRadius=2.0] I- The Bore Hole Detector physical Dimensions:-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
	 > Hole Radius (cm) =  I- The Bore Hole Detector physical Dimensions:-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
	 > Hole Radius (cm) = ┌ Warning: the input '6' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 0.0, 5.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106

	 > Hole Radius (cm) = WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=3.0, HoleRadius=2.0, HoleDepth=1.0] I- The Well-Type Detector physical Dimensions:-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
	 > Hole Radius (cm) = 
	 > Hole Radius (cm) =  I- The Well-Type Detector physical Dimensions:-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
	 > Hole Radius (cm) = 
	 > Hole Radius (cm) = ┌ Warning: the input '6' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 0.0, 4.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106

	 > Hole Radius (cm) = 
 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
(zero for Bore-Hole detectors) > Hole Depth (cm) = 
(zero for Bore-Hole detectors) > Hole Depth (cm) = 
 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = ┌ Warning: the input '6' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 0.0, 4.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106
┌ Warning: the input '33' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 0.0, 5.000000000000001 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106
┌ Warning: the input '22' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 0.0, 4.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
(zero for Bore-Hole detectors) > Hole Depth (cm) = 
(zero for Bore-Hole detectors) > Hole Depth (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
	 > Source Radius (cm) = 
	 > Source Length (cm) = ┌ Error: currently only axial non-point sources are allowed
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Physics_Model.jl:127
┌ Warning: the off-axis will be set to `Zero`
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Physics_Model.jl:128

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
	 > Source Radius (cm) = 
	 > Source Length (cm) = ┌ Error: currently only axial non-point sources are allowed
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Physics_Model.jl:127
┌ Warning: the off-axis will be set to `Zero`
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Physics_Model.jl:128

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
	 > Source Radius (cm) = ┌ Warning: `SrcLength` is set to `zero`
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Physics_Model.jl:133

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

 Is it a point source {Y|n} ? 
 Is it a point source {Y|n} ? 
 Is it a point source {Y|n} ? 
 Is it a point source {Y|n} ? [ Info: opening 'detectorfile.csv'......
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
┌ Error: Some thing went wrong, may be `hightfile.csv` in `/tmp/jl_6pkO5E` format is bad or empty
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:168
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
┌ Error: Some thing went wrong, may be `hightfile.csv` in `/tmp/jl_6pkO5E` format is bad or empty
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:168
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
┌ Error: Some thing went wrong, may be `hightfile.csv` in `/tmp/jl_6pkO5E` format is bad or empty
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:168
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
┌ Error: Some thing went wrong, may be `hightfile.csv` in `/tmp/jl_6pkO5E` format is bad or empty
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:168
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
┌ Error: Some thing went wrong, may be `hightfile.csv` in `/tmp/jl_6pkO5E` format is bad or empty
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:168
[ Info: Starting the Batch Mode ....
[ Info: Reading data from `CSV files` at /tmp/jl_6pkO5E .....
[ Info: opening 'detectorfile.csv'......
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
┌ Error: Some thing went wrong, may be `hightfile.csv` in `/tmp/jl_6pkO5E` format is bad or empty
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:168
┌ Warning: `hightfile.csv` is not found in `/tmp/jl_6pkO5E`)
│   , transfer to direct data input via the `console`...... = ", transfer to direct data input via the `console`......"
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:245

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
	 > Source Radius (cm) = 
	 > Source Length (cm) = ┌ Error: currently only axial non-point sources are allowed
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Physics_Model.jl:127
┌ Warning: the off-axis will be set to `Zero`
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Physics_Model.jl:128
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
[ Info: Starting the Batch Mode ....
[ Info: Reading data from `CSV files` at /tmp/jl_6pkO5E .....
[ Info: opening 'detectorfile.csv'......
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
[ Info: Opening `Radiifile.csv`......
┌ Error: Some thing went wrong, may be `Radiifile.csv` in `/tmp/jl_6pkO5E` format is bad or empty
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:168
┌ Warning: `Radiifile.csv` is not found in `/tmp/jl_6pkO5E`)
│   , transfer to direct data input via the `console`...... = ", transfer to direct data input via the `console`......"
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:245

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
	 > Source Radius (cm) = 
	 > Source Length (cm) = ┌ Error: currently only axial non-point sources are allowed
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Physics_Model.jl:127
┌ Warning: the off-axis will be set to `Zero`
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Physics_Model.jl:128
[ Info: opening 'Detectors.csv'......
[ Info: Starting the Batch Mode ....
[ Info: Reading data from `CSV files` at /root/GeoEfficiency .....
[ Info: opening 'Detectors.csv'......
[ Info: Opening `srcHeights.csv`......
[ Info: Opening `srcRadii.csv`......
[ Info: Opening `srcLengths.csv`......
[ Info: Starting the Batch Mode ....
[ Info: Reading data from `CSV files` at /tmp/jl_7a9m8a .....
[ Info: opening ''......
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: Opening ``......
┌ Error: Some thing went wrong, may be `` in `/tmp/jl_7a9m8a` format is bad or empty
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:168
┌ Warning: `` is not found in `/tmp/jl_7a9m8a`)
│   , transfer to direct data input via the `console`...... = ", transfer to direct data input via the `console`......"
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:245

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
[ Info: Starting the Batch Mode ....
[ Info: Reading data from `CSV files` at /tmp/jl_Y48MpO .....
[ Info: opening ''......

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = [ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: Opening ``......
┌ Error: Some thing went wrong, may be `` in `/tmp/jl_Y48MpO` format is bad or empty
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:168
┌ Warning: `` is not found in `/tmp/jl_Y48MpO`)
│   , transfer to direct data input via the `console`...... = ", transfer to direct data input via the `console`......"
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:245

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
	 > Source Radius (cm) = 
	 > Source Length (cm) = ┌ Error: currently only axial non-point sources are allowed
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Physics_Model.jl:127
┌ Warning: the off-axis will be set to `Zero`
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Physics_Model.jl:128
[ Info: Starting the Batch Mode ....
[ Info: Reading data from `CSV files` at /tmp/jl_6pkO5E .....
[ Info: opening 'detectorfile.csv'......
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
[ Info: Opening `Rhosfile.csv`......
┌ Error: Some thing went wrong, may be `Rhosfile.csv` in `/tmp/jl_6pkO5E` format is bad or empty
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:168
[ Info: opening 'detectorfile.csv'......
[ Info: opening 'jskfdsiu.uty'......

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console
[ Info: The new detectors information may entered via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: The new detectors information may entered via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: The new detectors information may entered via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: The new detectors information may entered via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: The new detectors information may entered via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: The new detectors information may entered via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: The new detectors information may entered via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: The new detectors information may entered via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: The new detectors information may entered via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: The new detectors information may entered via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: 
 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = [ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: The new detectors information may entered via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = [ Info: The new detectors information may entered via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: 
 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: 

┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.0', get 1.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.0', get 1.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.0', get 1.0000000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.0', get 1.0000000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.5', get 1.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.5', get 1.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.5', get 1.5000000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.5', get 1.5000000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=2.0', get 2.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=2.0', get 2.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=2.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=2.0', get 2.0000000000000004.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=2.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=2.0', get 2.0000000000000004.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=2.5', get 2.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=2.5', get 2.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=2.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=2.5', get 2.5000000000000004.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=2.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=2.5', get 2.5000000000000004.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=3.0', get 3.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=3.0', get 3.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=3.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=3.0', get 3.0000000000000004.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=3.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=3.0', get 3.0000000000000004.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=3.5', get 3.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=3.5', get 3.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=3.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=3.5', get 3.5000000000000004.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=3.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=3.5', get 3.5000000000000004.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=4.0', get 4.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=4.0', get 4.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=4.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=4.0', get 4.000000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=4.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=4.0', get 4.000000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=4.5', get 4.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=4.5', get 4.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=4.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=4.5', get 4.500000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=4.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=4.5', get 4.500000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 5.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 5.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 5.000000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 5.000000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.5', get 5.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.5', get 5.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.5', get 5.500000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.5', get 5.500000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=6.0', get 6.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=6.0', get 6.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=6.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=6.0', get 6.000000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=6.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=6.0', get 6.000000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=6.5', get 6.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=6.5', get 6.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=6.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=6.5', get 6.500000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=6.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=6.5', get 6.500000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=7.0', get 7.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=7.0', get 7.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=7.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=7.0', get 7.000000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=7.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=7.0', get 7.000000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=7.5', get 7.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=7.5', get 7.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=7.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=7.5', get 7.500000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=7.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=7.5', get 7.500000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=8.0', get 8.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=8.0', get 8.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=8.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=8.0', get 8.000000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=8.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=8.0', get 8.000000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=8.5', get 8.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=8.5', get 8.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=8.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=8.5', get 8.500000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=8.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=8.5', get 8.500000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=9.0', get 9.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=9.0', get 9.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=9.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=9.0', get 9.000000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=9.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=9.0', get 9.000000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=9.5', get 9.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=9.5', get 9.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=9.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=9.5', get 9.500000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=9.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=9.5', get 9.500000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=10.0', get 10.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=10.0', get 10.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=10.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=10.0', get 10.000000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=10.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=10.0', get 10.000000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=10.5', get 10.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=10.5', get 10.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=10.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=10.5', get 10.500000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=10.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=10.5', get 10.500000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=11.0', get 11.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=11.0', get 11.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=11.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=11.0', get 11.000000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=11.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=11.0', get 11.000000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116

<1> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1, srcLength=1)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.37229931850323844
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<2> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1, srcLength=1)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.5638356572151301
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<3> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<3> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

<3> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1, srcLength=1//2)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.39222179881379393
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<4> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1, srcLength=1//2)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.5953555006130047
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<5> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<5> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

<5> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1, srcLength=ℯ)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.31154547973627916
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<6> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1, srcLength=ℯ)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.476544048128435
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<7> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<7> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

<7> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1, srcLength=π)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.2985335895929106
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<8> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1, srcLength=π)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.45796759525606623
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<9> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<9> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

<9> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1, srcLength=1.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.37229931850323844
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<10> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1, srcLength=1.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.5638356572151301
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<11> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<11> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

<11> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1//2, srcLength=1)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3650814909724544
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<12> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1//2, srcLength=1)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.5694634254651935
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<13> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<13> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<13> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1//2, srcLength=1//2)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3859678173367663
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<14> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1//2, srcLength=1//2)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.6036858354798552
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<15> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<15> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<15> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1//2, srcLength=ℯ)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3021584628474232
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<16> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1//2, srcLength=ℯ)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.47587543029394974
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<17> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<17> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<17> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1//2, srcLength=π)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.28885790990397386
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<18> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1//2, srcLength=π)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.4562072622128148
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<19> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<19> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<19> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1//2, srcLength=1.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3650814909724544
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<20> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1//2, srcLength=1.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.5694634254651935
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<21> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<21> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

<21> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=ℯ, srcLength=1)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3918533704708075
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<22> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=ℯ, srcLength=1)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.5541620600175975
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<23> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<23> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<23> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=ℯ, srcLength=1//2)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.40903283386280703
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<24> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=ℯ, srcLength=1//2)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.583002630622617
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<25> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<25> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

<25> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=ℯ, srcLength=ℯ)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3350904628855982
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<26> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=ℯ, srcLength=ℯ)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.48033443695955913
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<27> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<27> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<27> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=ℯ, srcLength=π)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.32117364301581725
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<28> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=ℯ, srcLength=π)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.4644862068164204
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<29> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<29> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<29> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=ℯ, srcLength=1.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3918533704708075
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<30> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=ℯ, srcLength=1.0)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.5541620600175975
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<31> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<31> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

<31> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=π, srcLength=1)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.39572681374141216
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<32> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=π, srcLength=1)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.5749068115284165
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<33> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<33> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

<33> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=π, srcLength=1//2)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.41234575678895
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<34> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=π, srcLength=1//2)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.6140648149842634
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<35> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<35> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<35> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=π, srcLength=ℯ)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3354094800128715
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<36> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=π, srcLength=ℯ)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.4894123413621846
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<37> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = ┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<37> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

<37> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=π, srcLength=π)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.32071579664271005
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<38> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=π, srcLength=π)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.472966398222783
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<39> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<39> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

<39> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=π, srcLength=1.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.39572681374141216
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<40> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=π, srcLength=1.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.5749068115284165
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<41> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

<41> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

<41> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1.0, srcLength=1)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.37229931850323844
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<42> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1.0, srcLength=1)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.5638356572151301
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<43> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<43> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

<43> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1.0, srcLength=1//2)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.39222179881379393
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<44> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1.0, srcLength=1//2)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.5953555006130047
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<45> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<45> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

<45> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1.0, srcLength=ℯ)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.31154547973627916
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<46> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1.0, srcLength=ℯ)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.476544048128435
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<47> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<47> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

<47> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1.0, srcLength=π)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.2985335895929106
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<48> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1.0, srcLength=π)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.45796759525606623
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<49> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<49> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

<49> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1.0, srcLength=1.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.37229931850323844
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<50> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1.0, srcLength=1.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.5638356572151301
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<51> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<51> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main.Helper ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:48

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<51> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=4.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.18765247622278786
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    	I- To continue make a choice:
			> using the same detector Press 'd'|'D'
			> using a new detector Press 'n'|'N'

    	II- To quit just press return

	your Choice: 
	[ Info: The 'calcN' had terminated, Thank you

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = ┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "2\nQ\n"
└ @ Main.Helper ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:48

	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<52> CylDetector[CryRadius=2.220446049250313e-16, CryLength=0.0]┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

 - Source(Point[Height=4.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 7.703719777548943e-34
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    	I- To continue make a choice:
			> using the same detector Press 'd'|'D'
			> using a new detector Press 'n'|'N'

    	II- To quit just press return

	your Choice: 
	[ Info: The 'calcN' had terminated, Thank you
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "2\nQ\n"
└ @ Main.Helper ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:48

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<53> CylDetector[CryRadius=13.0, CryLength=7.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=4.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3529570755812384
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    	I- To continue make a choice:
			> using the same detector Press 'd'|'D'
			> using a new detector Press 'n'|'N'

    	II- To quit just press return

	your Choice: 
	[ Info: The 'calcN' had terminated, Thank you
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "2\nQ\n"
└ @ Main.Helper ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:48

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = ┌ Warning: the input 'Q' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<54> CylDetector[CryRadius=13.0, CryLength=7.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=4.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3529570755812384
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    	I- To continue make a choice:
			> using the same detector Press 'd'|'D'
			> using a new detector Press 'n'|'N'

    	II- To quit just press return

	your Choice: 
	[ Info: The 'calcN' had terminated, Thank you
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "2\nQ\n"
└ @ Main.Helper ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:48

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<55> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=4.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.18765247622278786
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    	I- To continue make a choice:
			> using the same detector Press 'd'|'D'
			> using a new detector Press 'n'|'N'

    	II- To quit just press return

	your Choice: 
	[ Info: The 'calcN' had terminated, Thank you
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "3\nd\n4\n0\n1\n4\nQ\n"
└ @ Main.Helper ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:48

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<56> CylDetector[CryRadius=2.220446049250313e-16, CryLength=0.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=4.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 7.703719777548943e-34
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    	I- To continue make a choice:
			> using the same detector Press 'd'|'D'
			> using a new detector Press 'n'|'N'

    	II- To quit just press return

	your Choice: 
	[ Info: The 'calcN' had terminated, Thank you
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "3\nd\n4\n0\n1\n4\nQ\n"
└ @ Main.Helper ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:48

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<57> CylDetector[CryRadius=13.0, CryLength=7.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=4.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3529570755812384
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    	I- To continue make a choice:
			> using the same detector Press 'd'|'D'
			> using a new detector Press 'n'|'N'

    	II- To quit just press return

	your Choice: 
	[ Info: The 'calcN' had terminated, Thank you
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "3\nd\n4\n0\n1\n4\nQ\n"
└ @ Main.Helper ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:48

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = ┌ Warning: the input 'Q' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<58> CylDetector[CryRadius=13.0, CryLength=7.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=4.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3529570755812384
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    	I- To continue make a choice:
			> using the same detector Press 'd'|'D'
			> using a new detector Press 'n'|'N'

    	II- To quit just press return

	your Choice: 
	[ Info: The 'calcN' had terminated, Thank you
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "3\nd\n4\n0\n1\n4\nQ\n"
└ @ Main.Helper ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:48

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<59> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=4.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.18765247622278786
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    	I- To continue make a choice:
			> using the same detector Press 'd'|'D'
			> using a new detector Press 'n'|'N'

    	II- To quit just press return

	your Choice: 
	[ Info: The 'calcN' had terminated, Thank you
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "5\nn\n11\n6\n0\n4\n0\n1\n6\nQ\n"
└ @ Main.Helper ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:48

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<60> CylDetector[CryRadius=2.220446049250313e-16, CryLength=0.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=4.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 7.703719777548943e-34
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    	I- To continue make a choice:
			> using the same detector Press 'd'|'D'
			> using a new detector Press 'n'|'N'

    	II- To quit just press return

	your Choice: 
	[ Info: The 'calcN' had terminated, Thank you
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "5\nn\n11\n6\n0\n4\n0\n1\n6\nQ\n"
└ @ Main.Helper ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:48

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<61> CylDetector[CryRadius=13.0, CryLength=7.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=4.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3529570755812384
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    	I- To continue make a choice:
			> using the same detector Press 'd'|'D'
			> using a new detector Press 'n'|'N'

    	II- To quit just press return

	your Choice: 
	[ Info: The 'calcN' had terminated, Thank you
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "5\nn\n11\n6\n0\n4\n0\n1\n6\nQ\n"
└ @ Main.Helper ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:48

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = ┌ Warning: the input 'Q' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<62> CylDetector[CryRadius=13.0, CryLength=7.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=4.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3529570755812384
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    	I- To continue make a choice:
			> using the same detector Press 'd'|'D'
			> using a new detector Press 'n'|'N'

    	II- To quit just press return

	your Choice: 
	[ Info: The 'calcN' had terminated, Thank you

<63>CylDetector[CryRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, CryLength=0.0]
 - Source: Point[Height=0.0, Rho=0.0]

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.49999999999999994
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
[ Info: Saving <63> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, CryLength=0.0].csv'......


┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.3877787807814457e-17', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.3877787807814457e-17', get 1.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116

<64>CylDetector[CryRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, CryLength=0.0]
 - Source: Point[Height=0.0, Rho=1.0]

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = NaN
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
[ Info: Saving <64> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, CryLength=0.0].csv'......


<65>CylDetector[CryRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, CryLength=0.0]
 - Source[Anchor_Point[Height=0.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0]

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.49999999999999994
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
[ Info: Saving <65> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, CryLength=0.0].csv'......


┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.3877787807814457e-17', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.3877787807814457e-17', get 1.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116

<66>CylDetector[CryRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, CryLength=0.0]
 - Source[Anchor_Point[Height=0.0, Rho=1.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0]

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = NaN
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
[ Info: Saving <66> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, CryLength=0.0].csv'......


<67>CylDetector[CryRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, CryLength=0.0]
 - Source: Point[Height=0.0, Rho=0.0]

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.49999999999999994
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
[ Info: Saving <67> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, CryLength=0.0].csv'......


<68>CylDetector[CryRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, CryLength=0.0]
 - Source[Anchor_Point[Height=0.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0]

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.49999999999999994
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
[ Info: Saving <68> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, CryLength=0.0].csv'......


[ Info: Saving <69> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=2.7755575615628914e-17, CryLength=0.0].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <70> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=2.7755575615628914e-17, CryLength=0.0].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <71> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, CryLength=5.551115123125783e-17, HoleRadius=2.7755575615628914e-17].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <72> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, CryLength=5.551115123125783e-17, HoleRadius=2.7755575615628914e-17, HoleDepth=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <73> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, CryLength=5.551115123125783e-17, HoleRadius=2.7755575615628914e-17, HoleDepth=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <74> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=5.551115123125783e-17, CryLength=0.0].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <75> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=2.220446049250313e-16, CryLength=5.551115123125783e-17, HoleRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, HoleDepth=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <76> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=5.551115123125783e-17, CryLength=0.0].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <77> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=2.220446049250313e-16, CryLength=5.551115123125783e-17, HoleRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, HoleDepth=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <78> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=5.551115123125783e-17, CryLength=0.0].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <79> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=6.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <80> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=5.551115123125783e-17, CryLength=0.0].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <81> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=6.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <82> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, CryLength=5.551115123125783e-17, HoleRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <83> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, CryLength=5.551115123125783e-17, HoleRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, HoleDepth=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <84> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, CryLength=5.551115123125783e-17, HoleRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <85> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, CryLength=5.551115123125783e-17, HoleRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, HoleDepth=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <86> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=6.0, CryLength=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <87> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=7.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <88> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=8.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, HoleDepth=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <89> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=6.0, CryLength=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <90> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=7.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <91> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=8.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, HoleDepth=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
batch: Test Failed at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:180
  Expression: occursin.("_" *, paths) |> any
 [1] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:180
 [2] top-level scope at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Test/src/Test.jl:1113
 [3] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:84
batch: Test Failed at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:181
  Expression: occursin.("_" *, paths) |> any
 [1] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:181
 [2] top-level scope at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Test/src/Test.jl:1113
 [3] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:84
batch: Test Failed at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:182
  Expression: occursin.("_" *, paths) |> any
 [1] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:182
 [2] top-level scope at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Test/src/Test.jl:1113
 [3] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:84
[ Info: Saving <92> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=6.0, CryLength=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <93> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=7.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <94> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=8.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, HoleDepth=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <95> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=6.0, CryLength=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <96> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=7.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <97> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=8.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, HoleDepth=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
batch: Test Failed at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:199
  Expression: occursin.("_" *, paths) |> any
 [1] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:199
 [2] top-level scope at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Test/src/Test.jl:1113
 [3] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:84
batch: Test Failed at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:200
  Expression: occursin.("_" *, paths) |> any
 [1] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:200
 [2] top-level scope at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Test/src/Test.jl:1113
 [3] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:84
batch: Test Failed at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:201
  Expression: occursin.("_" *, paths) |> any
 [1] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:201
 [2] top-level scope at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Test/src/Test.jl:1113
 [3] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:84
[ Info: Saving <98> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=2.220446049250313e-16, CryLength=0.0].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <99> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=2.220446049250313e-16, CryLength=0.0].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <100> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=1.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <101> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=1.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <102> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=0.5, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <103> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=0.5, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <104> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=0.5, CryLength=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <105> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=0.5, CryLength=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <106> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=2.718281828459045, CryLength=3.141592653589793].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <107> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=2.718281828459045, CryLength=3.141592653589793].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <108> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.1].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <109> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.1].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <110> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.0].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <111> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.0].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <112> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.141592653589793].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <113> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.141592653589793].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <114> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.0, HoleDepth=2.0].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <115> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.0, HoleDepth=2.0].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <116> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <117> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <118> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, HoleDepth=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <119> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <120> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <121> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, HoleDepth=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: opening 'Detectors.csv'......
[ Info: Opening `srcHeights.csv`......
[ Info: Opening `srcRadii.csv`......

	 **            -=) GeoEfficiency (=-             **
	 **  Accurate Geometrical Efficiency Calculator  **
	 **   First Created on Fri Aug 14 20:12:01 2015  **

	 Author:        Mohamed E. Krar,  @e-mail: 
	 Version:       v"0.9.3" - (233 days old master)  

	Batch mode 
	-  read files by defaul from directory `/root/GeoEfficiency`
	-  save results by default to directory `/root/GeoEfficiency/results`

	for more information see `batch`, `batchInfo`.

Test Summary:                          |    Pass  Fail  Broken    Total
GeoEfficiency                          | 2488731     6   79382  2568119
  Helper                               |      60                     60
  Error                                |      50                     50
  Input_Console                        |      75                     75
  Physics_Model                        |    4181                   4181
  Input_Batch                          |     173                    173
  Calculations                         | 2484019         79380  2563399
  Output_Interface                     |     169     6       2      177
    GeoEfficiecny.checkResultsDirs     |       1                      1
    max_batch                          |       3                      3
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calcN - 4 0 1 2 Q                  |       4                      4
    calcN - 4 0 1 3 d 4 0 1 4 Q        |       4                      4
    calcN - 4 0 1 5 n 11 6 0 4 0 1 6 Q |       4                      4
    writecsv_head                      |                        No tests
    _batch, point is true              |       4                      4
    _batch, point is false             |       4                      4
    batch                              |      45     6       2       53
      batch(<:Detector)                |       4                      4
ERROR: LoadError: Some tests did not pass: 2488731 passed, 6 failed, 0 errored, 79382 broken.
in expression starting at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/runtests.jl:24
ERROR: Package GeoEfficiency errored during testing
 [1] pkgerror(::String, ::Vararg{String,N} where N) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Pkg/src/Types.jl:112
 [2] #test#119(::Bool, ::Nothing, ::typeof(Pkg.Operations.test), ::Pkg.Types.Context, ::Array{Pkg.Types.PackageSpec,1}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Pkg/src/Operations.jl:1288
 [3] #test at ./none:0 [inlined]
 [4] #test#62(::Bool, ::Nothing, ::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Union{},Union{},Tuple{},NamedTuple{(),Tuple{}}}, ::typeof(Pkg.API.test), ::Pkg.Types.Context, ::Array{Pkg.Types.PackageSpec,1}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Pkg/src/API.jl:245
 [5] test at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Pkg/src/API.jl:233 [inlined]
 [6] #test#61 at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Pkg/src/API.jl:230 [inlined]
 [7] test at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Pkg/src/API.jl:230 [inlined]
 [8] #test#60 at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Pkg/src/API.jl:229 [inlined]
 [9] test at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Pkg/src/API.jl:229 [inlined]
 [10] #test#59(::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Union{},Union{},Tuple{},NamedTuple{(),Tuple{}}}, ::typeof(Pkg.API.test), ::String) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Pkg/src/API.jl:228
 [11] test(::String) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Pkg/src/API.jl:228
 [12] top-level scope at none:10

Results with Julia v1.3.0

Testing was unsuccessful: package has test failures. Last evaluation was ago and took 6 minutes, 31 seconds.

Click here to download the log file.

 Resolving package versions...
 Installed Compat ───────────── v2.2.0
 Installed OrderedCollections ─ v1.1.0
 Installed QuadGK ───────────── v2.1.1
 Installed DataStructures ───── v0.17.6
 Installed GeoEfficiency ────── v0.9.3
  Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.3/Project.toml`
  [b1f22607] + GeoEfficiency v0.9.3
  Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.3/Manifest.toml`
  [34da2185] + Compat v2.2.0
  [864edb3b] + DataStructures v0.17.6
  [b1f22607] + GeoEfficiency v0.9.3
  [bac558e1] + OrderedCollections v1.1.0
  [1fd47b50] + QuadGK v2.1.1
  [2a0f44e3] + Base64 
  [ade2ca70] + Dates 
  [8bb1440f] + DelimitedFiles 
  [8ba89e20] + Distributed 
  [b77e0a4c] + InteractiveUtils 
  [76f85450] + LibGit2 
  [8f399da3] + Libdl 
  [37e2e46d] + LinearAlgebra 
  [56ddb016] + Logging 
  [d6f4376e] + Markdown 
  [a63ad114] + Mmap 
  [44cfe95a] + Pkg 
  [de0858da] + Printf 
  [3fa0cd96] + REPL 
  [9a3f8284] + Random 
  [ea8e919c] + SHA 
  [9e88b42a] + Serialization 
  [1a1011a3] + SharedArrays 
  [6462fe0b] + Sockets 
  [2f01184e] + SparseArrays 
  [10745b16] + Statistics 
  [8dfed614] + Test 
  [cf7118a7] + UUIDs 
  [4ec0a83e] + Unicode 
  Building GeoEfficiency → `~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/deps/build.log`
   Testing GeoEfficiency
 Resolving package versions...
    Status `/tmp/jl_U6P9lr/Manifest.toml`
  [34da2185] Compat v2.2.0
  [864edb3b] DataStructures v0.17.6
  [b1f22607] GeoEfficiency v0.9.3
  [bac558e1] OrderedCollections v1.1.0
  [1fd47b50] QuadGK v2.1.1
  [2a0f44e3] Base64  [`@stdlib/Base64`]
  [ade2ca70] Dates  [`@stdlib/Dates`]
  [8bb1440f] DelimitedFiles  [`@stdlib/DelimitedFiles`]
  [8ba89e20] Distributed  [`@stdlib/Distributed`]
  [b77e0a4c] InteractiveUtils  [`@stdlib/InteractiveUtils`]
  [76f85450] LibGit2  [`@stdlib/LibGit2`]
  [8f399da3] Libdl  [`@stdlib/Libdl`]
  [37e2e46d] LinearAlgebra  [`@stdlib/LinearAlgebra`]
  [56ddb016] Logging  [`@stdlib/Logging`]
  [d6f4376e] Markdown  [`@stdlib/Markdown`]
  [a63ad114] Mmap  [`@stdlib/Mmap`]
  [44cfe95a] Pkg  [`@stdlib/Pkg`]
  [de0858da] Printf  [`@stdlib/Printf`]
  [3fa0cd96] REPL  [`@stdlib/REPL`]
  [9a3f8284] Random  [`@stdlib/Random`]
  [ea8e919c] SHA  [`@stdlib/SHA`]
  [9e88b42a] Serialization  [`@stdlib/Serialization`]
  [1a1011a3] SharedArrays  [`@stdlib/SharedArrays`]
  [6462fe0b] Sockets  [`@stdlib/Sockets`]
  [2f01184e] SparseArrays  [`@stdlib/SparseArrays`]
  [10745b16] Statistics  [`@stdlib/Statistics`]
  [8dfed614] Test  [`@stdlib/Test`]
  [cf7118a7] UUIDs  [`@stdlib/UUIDs`]
  [4ec0a83e] Unicode  [`@stdlib/Unicode`]

	 **            -=) GeoEfficiency (=-             **
	 **  Accurate Geometrical Efficiency Calculator  **
	 **   First Created on Fri Aug 14 20:12:01 2015  **

	 Author:        Mohamed E. Krar,  @e-mail: 
	 Version:       v"0.9.3" - (234 days old master)  

	Batch mode 
	-  read files by defaul from directory `/root/GeoEfficiency`
	-  save results by default to directory `/root/GeoEfficiency/results`

	for more information see `batch`, `batchInfo`.


?: ?: ?: ?: ?: 
just press return: 
the first time just press return, then input `3` : ┌ Warning: the input '0.0' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 0.1, 4.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106

the first time just press return, then input `3` : 
input 5, then press return: ┌ Warning: the input '5' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 0.0, 4.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106

input 5, then press return: 
input -1, then press return: ┌ Warning: the input '-1' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 0.0, 4.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106

input -1, then press return: 
the first time input '1.2f', then input `3` : ┌ Warning: the input '1.2f' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110

the first time input '1.2f', then input `3` : 
the first time input 'one', then input `3` : ┌ Warning: the input 'one' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110

the first time input 'one', then input `3` : 
the first time input '3.4e-2.0', then input `3` : ┌ Warning: the input '3.4e-2.0' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110

the first time input '3.4e-2.0', then input `3` : 
the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': ┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110

the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': ┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110

the first time input '1.2+2im': ┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110

the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': ┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110

the first time input '1.2+2im': ┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110

the first time input '1.2+2im': ┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110

the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': ┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110

the first time input '1.2+2im': ┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110

the first time input '1.2+2im': ┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110

the first time input '1.2+2im': ┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110

the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': ┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110

the first time input '1.2+2im': ┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110

the first time input '1.2+2im': ┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110

the first time input '1.2+2im': ┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110

the first time input '1.2+2im': ┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110

the first time input '1.2+2im': 
input '1' & Return, then '3' & Return: ┌ Warning: the input '1' evaluated to be outside the interval '] 1.0, 5.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106

input '1' & Return, then '3' & Return: 
input '1' & Return, then '3' & Return: ┌ Warning: the input '1' evaluated to be outside the interval '] 1.0, 5.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106

input '1' & Return, then '3' & Return: 
input '1' & Return, then '3' & Return: ┌ Warning: the input '1' evaluated to be outside the interval '] 1.0, 5.0 ]'.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106

input '1' & Return, then '3' & Return: 
input '5' & Return, then '3' & Return:
input '5' & Return, then '3' & Return:┌ Warning: the input '5' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 1.0, 5.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106

input '5' & Return, then '3' & Return:
input '5' & Return, then '3' & Return:┌ Warning: the input '5' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 1.0, 5.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106

input '5' & Return, then '3' & Return:
input '5' & Return, then '3' & Return:┌ Warning: the input '5' evaluated to be outside the interval '] 1.0, 5.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106

input '5' & Return, then '3' & Return:┌ Warning: the input '5' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 1.0, 5.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106

input '5' & Return, then '3' & Return:
input '5' & Return, then '3' & Return:
input '5' & Return, then '3' & Return:┌ Warning: the input '5' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 1.0, 5.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106

input '5' & Return, then '3' & Return:┌ Warning: the input '5' evaluated to be outside the interval '] 1.0, 5.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106

input '5' & Return, then '3' & Return:
input '5', then '1', then '3': 
input '5', then '1', then '3': 
input '5', then '1', then '3': 
input '5', then '1', then '3': 
input '5', then '1', then '3': 
input '5', then '1', then '3': 
input '5', then '1', then '3': 
input '5', then '1', then '3': 
input '5', then '1', then '3': 
input '5', then '1', then '3': 
input '5', then '1', then '3': 
input '5', then '1', then '3': ┌ Warning: the input '5' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 3.0, 3.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106
┌ Warning: the input '1' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 3.0, 3.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106
┌ Warning: the input '5' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 3.0, 3.0 ]'.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106
┌ Warning: the input '1' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 3.0, 3.0 ]'.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106
┌ Warning: the input '5' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 3.0, 3.0 ]'.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106
┌ Warning: the input '1' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 3.0, 3.0 ]'.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106
┌ Warning: the input '5' evaluated to be outside the interval '] 3.0, 3.0 ]'.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106
┌ Warning: the input '1' evaluated to be outside the interval '] 3.0, 3.0 ]'.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106

Point[Height=5.0, Rho=3.0]
 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=3.0] I- The Cylindrical Detector physical Dimensions:-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) =  I- The Cylindrical Detector physical Dimensions:-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = BoreDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=3.0, HoleRadius=2.0] I- The Bore Hole Detector physical Dimensions:-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
	 > Hole Radius (cm) =  I- The Bore Hole Detector physical Dimensions:-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
	 > Hole Radius (cm) = 
	 > Hole Radius (cm) = ┌ Warning: the input '6' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 0.0, 5.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106
WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=3.0, HoleRadius=2.0, HoleDepth=1.0] I- The Well-Type Detector physical Dimensions:-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
	 > Hole Radius (cm) = 
	 > Hole Radius (cm) =  I- The Well-Type Detector physical Dimensions:-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
	 > Hole Radius (cm) = 
	 > Hole Radius (cm) = 
	 > Hole Radius (cm) = ┌ Warning: the input '6' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 0.0, 4.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
(zero for Bore-Hole detectors) > Hole Depth (cm) = 
(zero for Bore-Hole detectors) > Hole Depth (cm) = ┌ Warning: the input '6' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 0.0, 4.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = ┌ Warning: the input '33' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 0.0, 5.000000000000001 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106

(zero for Bore-Hole detectors) > Hole Depth (cm) = 
(zero for Bore-Hole detectors) > Hole Depth (cm) = ┌ Warning: the input '22' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 0.0, 4.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
	 > Source Radius (cm) = 
	 > Source Length (cm) = 
 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
	 > Source Radius (cm) = 
	 > Source Length (cm) = 
 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
	 > Source Radius (cm) = 
 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Error: currently only axial non-point sources are allowed
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Physics_Model.jl:127
┌ Warning: the off-axis will be set to `Zero`
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Physics_Model.jl:128
┌ Error: currently only axial non-point sources are allowed
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Physics_Model.jl:127
┌ Warning: the off-axis will be set to `Zero`
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Physics_Model.jl:128
┌ Warning: `SrcLength` is set to `zero`
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Physics_Model.jl:133
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

 Is it a point source {Y|n} ? 
 Is it a point source {Y|n} ? 
 Is it a point source {Y|n} ? 
 Is it a point source {Y|n} ? [ Info: opening 'detectorfile.csv'......
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
┌ Error: Some thing went wrong, may be `hightfile.csv` in `/tmp/jl_t1iYfY` format is bad or empty
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:168
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
┌ Error: Some thing went wrong, may be `hightfile.csv` in `/tmp/jl_t1iYfY` format is bad or empty
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:168
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
┌ Error: Some thing went wrong, may be `hightfile.csv` in `/tmp/jl_t1iYfY` format is bad or empty
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:168
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
┌ Error: Some thing went wrong, may be `hightfile.csv` in `/tmp/jl_t1iYfY` format is bad or empty
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:168
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
┌ Error: Some thing went wrong, may be `hightfile.csv` in `/tmp/jl_t1iYfY` format is bad or empty
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:168
[ Info: Starting the Batch Mode ....
[ Info: Reading data from `CSV files` at /tmp/jl_t1iYfY .....
[ Info: opening 'detectorfile.csv'......
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
┌ Error: Some thing went wrong, may be `hightfile.csv` in `/tmp/jl_t1iYfY` format is bad or empty
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:168
┌ Warning: `hightfile.csv` is not found in `/tmp/jl_t1iYfY`)
│   , transfer to direct data input via the `console`...... = ", transfer to direct data input via the `console`......"
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:245

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
	 > Source Radius (cm) = 
	 > Source Length (cm) = ┌ Error: currently only axial non-point sources are allowed
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Physics_Model.jl:127
┌ Warning: the off-axis will be set to `Zero`
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Physics_Model.jl:128
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
[ Info: Starting the Batch Mode ....
[ Info: Reading data from `CSV files` at /tmp/jl_t1iYfY .....
[ Info: opening 'detectorfile.csv'......
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
[ Info: Opening `Radiifile.csv`......
┌ Error: Some thing went wrong, may be `Radiifile.csv` in `/tmp/jl_t1iYfY` format is bad or empty
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:168
┌ Warning: `Radiifile.csv` is not found in `/tmp/jl_t1iYfY`)
│   , transfer to direct data input via the `console`...... = ", transfer to direct data input via the `console`......"
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:245

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
	 > Source Radius (cm) = 
	 > Source Length (cm) = ┌ Error: currently only axial non-point sources are allowed
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Physics_Model.jl:127
┌ Warning: the off-axis will be set to `Zero`
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Physics_Model.jl:128
[ Info: opening 'Detectors.csv'......
[ Info: Starting the Batch Mode ....
[ Info: Reading data from `CSV files` at /root/GeoEfficiency .....
[ Info: opening 'Detectors.csv'......
[ Info: Opening `srcHeights.csv`......
[ Info: Opening `srcRadii.csv`......
[ Info: Opening `srcLengths.csv`......
[ Info: Starting the Batch Mode ....
[ Info: Reading data from `CSV files` at /tmp/jl_9wBNnX .....
[ Info: opening ''......
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: Opening ``......
┌ Error: Some thing went wrong, may be `` in `/tmp/jl_9wBNnX` format is bad or empty
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:168
┌ Warning: `` is not found in `/tmp/jl_9wBNnX`)
│   , transfer to direct data input via the `console`...... = ", transfer to direct data input via the `console`......"
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:245

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
[ Info: Starting the Batch Mode ....
[ Info: Reading data from `CSV files` at /tmp/jl_Rkb7H3 .....
[ Info: opening ''......

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = [ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: Opening ``......
┌ Error: Some thing went wrong, may be `` in `/tmp/jl_Rkb7H3` format is bad or empty
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:168
┌ Warning: `` is not found in `/tmp/jl_Rkb7H3`)
│   , transfer to direct data input via the `console`...... = ", transfer to direct data input via the `console`......"
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:245

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
	 > Source Radius (cm) = 
	 > Source Length (cm) = ┌ Error: currently only axial non-point sources are allowed
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Physics_Model.jl:127
┌ Warning: the off-axis will be set to `Zero`
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Physics_Model.jl:128
[ Info: Starting the Batch Mode ....
[ Info: Reading data from `CSV files` at /tmp/jl_t1iYfY .....
[ Info: opening 'detectorfile.csv'......
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
[ Info: Opening `Rhosfile.csv`......
┌ Error: Some thing went wrong, may be `Rhosfile.csv` in `/tmp/jl_t1iYfY` format is bad or empty
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:168
[ Info: opening 'detectorfile.csv'......
[ Info: opening 'jskfdsiu.uty'......
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: The new detectors information may entered via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: The new detectors information may entered via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: The new detectors information may entered via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: The new detectors information may entered via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: The new detectors information may entered via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: The new detectors information may entered via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: The new detectors information may entered via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: The new detectors information may entered via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: The new detectors information may entered via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: The new detectors information may entered via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: The new detectors information may entered via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: The new detectors information may entered via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: 

┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.0', get 1.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.0', get 1.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.0', get 1.0000000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.0', get 1.0000000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.5', get 1.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.5', get 1.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.5', get 1.5000000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.5', get 1.5000000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=2.0', get 2.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=2.0', get 2.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=2.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=2.0', get 2.0000000000000004.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=2.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=2.0', get 2.0000000000000004.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=2.5', get 2.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=2.5', get 2.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=2.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=2.5', get 2.5000000000000004.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=2.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=2.5', get 2.5000000000000004.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=3.0', get 3.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=3.0', get 3.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=3.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=3.0', get 3.0000000000000004.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=3.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=3.0', get 3.0000000000000004.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=3.5', get 3.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=3.5', get 3.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=3.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=3.5', get 3.5000000000000004.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=3.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=3.5', get 3.5000000000000004.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=4.0', get 4.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=4.0', get 4.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=4.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=4.0', get 4.000000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=4.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=4.0', get 4.000000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=4.5', get 4.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=4.5', get 4.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=4.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=4.5', get 4.500000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=4.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=4.5', get 4.500000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 5.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 5.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 5.000000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 5.000000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.5', get 5.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.5', get 5.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.5', get 5.500000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.5', get 5.500000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=6.0', get 6.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=6.0', get 6.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=6.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=6.0', get 6.000000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=6.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=6.0', get 6.000000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=6.5', get 6.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=6.5', get 6.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=6.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=6.5', get 6.500000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=6.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=6.5', get 6.500000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=7.0', get 7.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=7.0', get 7.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=7.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=7.0', get 7.000000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=7.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=7.0', get 7.000000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=7.5', get 7.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=7.5', get 7.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=7.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=7.5', get 7.500000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=7.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=7.5', get 7.500000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=8.0', get 8.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=8.0', get 8.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=8.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=8.0', get 8.000000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=8.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=8.0', get 8.000000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=8.5', get 8.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=8.5', get 8.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=8.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=8.5', get 8.500000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=8.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=8.5', get 8.500000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=9.0', get 9.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=9.0', get 9.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=9.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=9.0', get 9.000000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=9.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=9.0', get 9.000000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=9.5', get 9.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=9.5', get 9.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=9.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=9.5', get 9.500000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=9.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=9.5', get 9.500000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=10.0', get 10.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=10.0', get 10.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=10.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=10.0', get 10.000000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=10.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=10.0', get 10.000000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=10.5', get 10.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=10.5', get 10.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=10.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=10.5', get 10.500000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=10.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=10.5', get 10.500000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=11.0', get 11.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=11.0', get 11.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=11.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=11.0', get 11.000000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=11.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=11.0', get 11.000000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116

<1> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1, srcLength=1)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.37229931850323844
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<2> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1, srcLength=1)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.5638356572151301
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<3> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<3> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

<3> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1, srcLength=1//2)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.39222179881379393
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<4> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1, srcLength=1//2)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.5953555006130047
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<5> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<5> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<5> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1, srcLength=ℯ)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.31154547973627916
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<6> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1, srcLength=ℯ)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.476544048128435
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<7> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

<7> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<7> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1, srcLength=π)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.2985335895929106
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<8> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1, srcLength=π)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.45796759525606623
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<9> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<9> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<9> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1, srcLength=1.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.37229931850323844
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<10> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1, srcLength=1.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.5638356572151301┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<11> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<11> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

<11> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1//2, srcLength=1)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3650814909724544
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<12> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1//2, srcLength=1)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.5694634254651935
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<13> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<13> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<13> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1//2, srcLength=1//2)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3859678173367663
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<14> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1//2, srcLength=1//2)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.6036858354798552
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<15> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<15> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<15> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1//2, srcLength=ℯ)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3021584628474232
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<16> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1//2, srcLength=ℯ)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.47587543029394974
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<17> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = ┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<17> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<17> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1//2, srcLength=π)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.28885790990397386
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<18> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1//2, srcLength=π)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.4562072622128148
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<19> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<19> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

<19> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1//2, srcLength=1.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3650814909724544
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<20> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1//2, srcLength=1.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.5694634254651935
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<21> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<21> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<21> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=ℯ, srcLength=1)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3918533704708075
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<22> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=ℯ, srcLength=1)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.5541620600175975
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<23> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<23> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<23> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=ℯ, srcLength=1//2)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.40903283386280703
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<24> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=ℯ, srcLength=1//2)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.583002630622617
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<25> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<25> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<25> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=ℯ, srcLength=ℯ)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3350904628855982
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<26> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=ℯ, srcLength=ℯ)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.48033443695955913
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<27> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<27> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<27> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=ℯ, srcLength=π)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.32117364301581725
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<28> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=ℯ, srcLength=π)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.4644862068164204
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<29> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<29> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

<29> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=ℯ, srcLength=1.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3918533704708075
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<30> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=ℯ, srcLength=1.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.5541620600175975
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<31> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<31> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

<31> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=π, srcLength=1)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.39572681374141216
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<32> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=π, srcLength=1)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.5749068115284165
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<33> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<33> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

<33> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=π, srcLength=1//2)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.41234575678895
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<34> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=π, srcLength=1//2)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.6140648149842634
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<35> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<35> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

<35> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=π, srcLength=ℯ)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3354094800128715
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<36> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=π, srcLength=ℯ)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.4894123413621846
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<37> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<37> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<37> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=π, srcLength=π)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.32071579664271005
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<38> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=π, srcLength=π)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.472966398222783
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<39> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<39> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<39> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=π, srcLength=1.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.39572681374141216
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<40> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=π, srcLength=1.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.5749068115284165
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<41> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<41> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<41> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1.0, srcLength=1)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.37229931850323844
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<42> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1.0, srcLength=1)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.5638356572151301
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<43> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<43> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

<43> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1.0, srcLength=1//2)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.39222179881379393
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<44> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1.0, srcLength=1//2)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.5953555006130047
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<45> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<45> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

<45> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1.0, srcLength=ℯ)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.31154547973627916
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<46> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1.0, srcLength=ℯ)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.476544048128435
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<47> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<47> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

<47> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1.0, srcLength=π)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.2985335895929106
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<48> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1.0, srcLength=π)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.45796759525606623
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<49> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<49> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

<49> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1.0, srcLength=1.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.37229931850323844
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<50> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1.0, srcLength=1.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.5638356572151301
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<51> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = ┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<51> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main.Helper ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:48

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<51> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
[ Info: The 'calcN' had terminated, Thank you
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "2\nQ\n"
└ @ Main.Helper ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:48
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
[ Info: The 'calcN' had terminated, Thank you
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "2\nQ\n"
└ @ Main.Helper ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:48

 - Source(Point[Height=4.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.18765247622278786
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    	I- To continue make a choice:
			> using the same detector Press 'd'|'D'
			> using a new detector Press 'n'|'N'

    	II- To quit just press return

	your Choice: 
 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<52> CylDetector[CryRadius=2.220446049250313e-16, CryLength=0.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=4.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 7.703719777548943e-34
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    	I- To continue make a choice:
			> using the same detector Press 'd'|'D'
			> using a new detector Press 'n'|'N'

    	II- To quit just press return

	your Choice: 
 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<53> CylDetector[CryRadius=13.0, CryLength=7.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=4.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3529570755812384
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    	I- To continue make a choice:
			> using the same detector Press 'd'|'D'
			> using a new detector Press 'n'|'N'

    	II- To quit just press return

	your Choice: 
	┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
[ Info: The 'calcN' had terminated, Thank you
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "2\nQ\n"
└ @ Main.Helper ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:48

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<54> CylDetector[CryRadius=13.0, CryLength=7.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=4.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3529570755812384
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    	I- To continue make a choice:
			> using the same detector Press 'd'|'D'
			> using a new detector Press 'n'|'N'

    	II- To quit just press return

	your Choice: 
 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<55> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=4.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.18765247622278786
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    	I- To continue make a choice:
			> using the same detector Press 'd'|'D'
			> using a new detector Press 'n'|'N'

    	II- To quit just press return

	your Choice: 
 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<56> CylDetector[CryRadius=2.220446049250313e-16, CryLength=0.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=4.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 7.703719777548943e-34
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    	I- To continue make a choice:
			> using the same detector Press 'd'|'D'
			> using a new detector Press 'n'|'N'

    	II- To quit just press return

	your Choice: 
 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<57> CylDetector[CryRadius=13.0, CryLength=7.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=4.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3529570755812384
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    	I- To continue make a choice:
			> using the same detector Press 'd'|'D'
			> using a new detector Press 'n'|'N'

    	II- To quit just press return

	your Choice: 
	┌ Warning: the input 'Q' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
[ Info: The 'calcN' had terminated, Thank you
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "2\nQ\n"
└ @ Main.Helper ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:48
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
[ Info: The 'calcN' had terminated, Thank you
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "3\nd\n4\n0\n1\n4\nQ\n"
└ @ Main.Helper ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:48
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
[ Info: The 'calcN' had terminated, Thank you
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "3\nd\n4\n0\n1\n4\nQ\n"
└ @ Main.Helper ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:48
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
[ Info: The 'calcN' had terminated, Thank you
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "3\nd\n4\n0\n1\n4\nQ\n"
└ @ Main.Helper ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:48
┌ Warning: the input 'Q' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
[ Info: The 'calcN' had terminated, Thank you
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "3\nd\n4\n0\n1\n4\nQ\n"
└ @ Main.Helper ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:48
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
[ Info: The 'calcN' had terminated, Thank you
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "5\nn\n11\n6\n0\n4\n0\n1\n6\nQ\n"
└ @ Main.Helper ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:48
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
[ Info: The 'calcN' had terminated, Thank you
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "5\nn\n11\n6\n0\n4\n0\n1\n6\nQ\n"
└ @ Main.Helper ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:48
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
[ Info: The 'calcN' had terminated, Thank you
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "5\nn\n11\n6\n0\n4\n0\n1\n6\nQ\n"
└ @ Main.Helper ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:48
┌ Warning: the input 'Q' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
[ Info: The 'calcN' had terminated, Thank you

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<58> CylDetector[CryRadius=13.0, CryLength=7.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=4.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3529570755812384
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    	I- To continue make a choice:
			> using the same detector Press 'd'|'D'
			> using a new detector Press 'n'|'N'

    	II- To quit just press return

	your Choice: 
 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<59> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=4.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.18765247622278786
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    	I- To continue make a choice:
			> using the same detector Press 'd'|'D'
			> using a new detector Press 'n'|'N'

    	II- To quit just press return

	your Choice: 
 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<60> CylDetector[CryRadius=2.220446049250313e-16, CryLength=0.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=4.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 7.703719777548943e-34
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    	I- To continue make a choice:
			> using the same detector Press 'd'|'D'
			> using a new detector Press 'n'|'N'

    	II- To quit just press return

	your Choice: 
 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<61> CylDetector[CryRadius=13.0, CryLength=7.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=4.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3529570755812384
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    	I- To continue make a choice:
			> using the same detector Press 'd'|'D'
			> using a new detector Press 'n'|'N'

    	II- To quit just press return

	your Choice: 
 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<62> CylDetector[CryRadius=13.0, CryLength=7.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=4.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3529570755812384
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    	I- To continue make a choice:
			> using the same detector Press 'd'|'D'
			> using a new detector Press 'n'|'N'

    	II- To quit just press return

	your Choice: 

<63>CylDetector[CryRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, CryLength=0.0]
 - Source: Point[Height=0.0, Rho=0.0]

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.49999999999999994
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
[ Info: Saving <63> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, CryLength=0.0].csv'......


┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.3877787807814457e-17', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.3877787807814457e-17', get 1.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116

<64>CylDetector[CryRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, CryLength=0.0]
 - Source: Point[Height=0.0, Rho=1.0]

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = NaN
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
[ Info: Saving <64> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, CryLength=0.0].csv'......


<65>CylDetector[CryRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, CryLength=0.0]
 - Source[Anchor_Point[Height=0.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0]

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.49999999999999994
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


<66>CylDetector[CryRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, CryLength=0.0]
 - Source[Anchor_Point[Height=0.0, Rho=1.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0]

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = NaN
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


[ Info: Saving <65> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, CryLength=0.0].csv'......
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.3877787807814457e-17', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.3877787807814457e-17', get 1.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
[ Info: Saving <66> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, CryLength=0.0].csv'......

<67>CylDetector[CryRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, CryLength=0.0]
 - Source: Point[Height=0.0, Rho=0.0]

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.49999999999999994[ Info: Saving <67> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, CryLength=0.0].csv'......

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


<68>CylDetector[CryRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, CryLength=0.0]
 - Source[Anchor_Point[Height=0.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0]

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.49999999999999994
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
[ Info: Saving <68> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, CryLength=0.0].csv'......


[ Info: Saving <69> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=2.7755575615628914e-17, CryLength=0.0].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <70> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=2.7755575615628914e-17, CryLength=0.0].csv'......
[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>

	[ Info: Saving <71> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, CryLength=5.551115123125783e-17, HoleRadius=2.7755575615628914e-17].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <72> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, CryLength=5.551115123125783e-17, HoleRadius=2.7755575615628914e-17, HoleDepth=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <73> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, CryLength=5.551115123125783e-17, HoleRadius=2.7755575615628914e-17, HoleDepth=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <74> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=5.551115123125783e-17, CryLength=0.0].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <75> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=2.220446049250313e-16, CryLength=5.551115123125783e-17, HoleRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, HoleDepth=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......
[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>

	[ Info: Saving <76> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=5.551115123125783e-17, CryLength=0.0].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <77> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=2.220446049250313e-16, CryLength=5.551115123125783e-17, HoleRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, HoleDepth=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <78> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=5.551115123125783e-17, CryLength=0.0].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <79> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=6.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <80> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=5.551115123125783e-17, CryLength=0.0].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <81> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=6.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <82> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, CryLength=5.551115123125783e-17, HoleRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <83> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, CryLength=5.551115123125783e-17, HoleRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, HoleDepth=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <84> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, CryLength=5.551115123125783e-17, HoleRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <85> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, CryLength=5.551115123125783e-17, HoleRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, HoleDepth=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <86> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=6.0, CryLength=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <87> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=7.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <88> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=8.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, HoleDepth=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <89> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=6.0, CryLength=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <90> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=7.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <91> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=8.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, HoleDepth=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
batch: Test Failed at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:180
  Expression: occursin.("_" *, paths) |> any
 [1] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:180
 [2] top-level scope at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Test/src/Test.jl:1107
 [3] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:84
batch: Test Failed at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:181
  Expression: occursin.("_" *, paths) |> any
 [1] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:181
 [2] top-level scope at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Test/src/Test.jl:1107
 [3] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:84
batch: Test Failed at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:182
  Expression: occursin.("_" *, paths) |> any
 [1] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:182
 [2] top-level scope at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Test/src/Test.jl:1107
 [3] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:84
[ Info: Saving <92> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=6.0, CryLength=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <93> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=7.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <94> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=8.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, HoleDepth=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <95> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=6.0, CryLength=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <96> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=7.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <97> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=8.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, HoleDepth=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
batch: Test Failed at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:199
  Expression: occursin.("_" *, paths) |> any
 [1] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:199
 [2] top-level scope at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Test/src/Test.jl:1107
 [3] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:84
batch: Test Failed at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:200
  Expression: occursin.("_" *, paths) |> any
 [1] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:200
 [2] top-level scope at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Test/src/Test.jl:1107
 [3] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:84
batch: Test Failed at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:201
  Expression: occursin.("_" *, paths) |> any
 [1] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:201
 [2] top-level scope at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Test/src/Test.jl:1107
 [3] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:84
[ Info: Saving <98> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=2.220446049250313e-16, CryLength=0.0].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <99> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=2.220446049250313e-16, CryLength=0.0].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <100> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=1.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <101> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=1.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <102> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=0.5, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <103> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=0.5, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <104> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=0.5, CryLength=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <105> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=0.5, CryLength=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <106> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=2.718281828459045, CryLength=3.141592653589793].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <107> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=2.718281828459045, CryLength=3.141592653589793].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <108> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.1].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <109> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.1].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <110> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.0].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <111> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.0].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <112> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.141592653589793].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <113> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.141592653589793].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <114> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.0, HoleDepth=2.0].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <115> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.0, HoleDepth=2.0].csv'......
[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>

	[ Info: Saving <116> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <117> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <118> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, HoleDepth=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......
[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>

	[ Info: Saving <119> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <120> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <121> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, HoleDepth=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......
[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>

	[ Info: opening 'Detectors.csv'......
[ Info: Opening `srcHeights.csv`......
[ Info: Opening `srcRadii.csv`......

	 **            -=) GeoEfficiency (=-             **
	 **  Accurate Geometrical Efficiency Calculator  **
	 **   First Created on Fri Aug 14 20:12:01 2015  **

	 Author:        Mohamed E. Krar,  @e-mail: 
	 Version:       v"0.9.3" - (234 days old master)  

	Batch mode 
	-  read files by defaul from directory `/root/GeoEfficiency`
	-  save results by default to directory `/root/GeoEfficiency/results`

	for more information see `batch`, `batchInfo`.

Test Summary:                          |    Pass  Fail  Broken    Total
GeoEfficiency                          | 2488731     6   79382  2568119
  Helper                               |      60                     60
  Error                                |      50                     50
  Input_Console                        |      75                     75
  Physics_Model                        |    4181                   4181
  Input_Batch                          |     173                    173
  Calculations                         | 2484019         79380  2563399
  Output_Interface                     |     169     6       2      177
    GeoEfficiecny.checkResultsDirs     |       1                      1
    max_batch                          |       3                      3
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calcN - 4 0 1 2 Q                  |       4                      4
    calcN - 4 0 1 3 d 4 0 1 4 Q        |       4                      4
    calcN - 4 0 1 5 n 11 6 0 4 0 1 6 Q |       4                      4
    writecsv_head                      |                        No tests
    _batch, point is true              |       4                      4
    _batch, point is false             |       4                      4
    batch                              |      45     6       2       53
      batch(<:Detector)                |       4                      4
ERROR: LoadError: Some tests did not pass: 2488731 passed, 6 failed, 0 errored, 79382 broken.
in expression starting at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/runtests.jl:24
ERROR: Package GeoEfficiency errored during testing
 [1] pkgerror(::String, ::Vararg{String,N} where N) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/Types.jl:113
 [2] #test#131(::Bool, ::Nothing, ::Cmd, ::Cmd, ::typeof(Pkg.Operations.test), ::Pkg.Types.Context, ::Array{Pkg.Types.PackageSpec,1}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/Operations.jl:1370
 [3] #test at ./none:0 [inlined]
 [4] #test#62(::Bool, ::Nothing, ::Cmd, ::Cmd, ::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Union{},Union{},Tuple{},NamedTuple{(),Tuple{}}}, ::typeof(Pkg.API.test), ::Pkg.Types.Context, ::Array{Pkg.Types.PackageSpec,1}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/API.jl:253
 [5] test(::Pkg.Types.Context, ::Array{Pkg.Types.PackageSpec,1}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/API.jl:239
 [6] #test#61 at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/API.jl:233 [inlined]
 [7] test at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/API.jl:233 [inlined]
 [8] #test#60 at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/API.jl:232 [inlined]
 [9] test at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/API.jl:232 [inlined]
 [10] #test#59(::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Union{},Union{},Tuple{},NamedTuple{(),Tuple{}}}, ::typeof(Pkg.API.test), ::String) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/API.jl:231
 [11] test(::String) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/API.jl:231
 [12] top-level scope at none:10

Results with Julia v1.3.1-pre-7704df0a5a

Testing was unsuccessful: package has test failures. Last evaluation was ago and took 6 minutes, 26 seconds.

Click here to download the log file.

 Resolving package versions...
 Installed Compat ───────────── v2.2.0
 Installed OrderedCollections ─ v1.1.0
 Installed QuadGK ───────────── v2.1.1
 Installed DataStructures ───── v0.17.6
 Installed GeoEfficiency ────── v0.9.3
  Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.3/Project.toml`
  [b1f22607] + GeoEfficiency v0.9.3
  Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.3/Manifest.toml`
  [34da2185] + Compat v2.2.0
  [864edb3b] + DataStructures v0.17.6
  [b1f22607] + GeoEfficiency v0.9.3
  [bac558e1] + OrderedCollections v1.1.0
  [1fd47b50] + QuadGK v2.1.1
  [2a0f44e3] + Base64 
  [ade2ca70] + Dates 
  [8bb1440f] + DelimitedFiles 
  [8ba89e20] + Distributed 
  [b77e0a4c] + InteractiveUtils 
  [76f85450] + LibGit2 
  [8f399da3] + Libdl 
  [37e2e46d] + LinearAlgebra 
  [56ddb016] + Logging 
  [d6f4376e] + Markdown 
  [a63ad114] + Mmap 
  [44cfe95a] + Pkg 
  [de0858da] + Printf 
  [3fa0cd96] + REPL 
  [9a3f8284] + Random 
  [ea8e919c] + SHA 
  [9e88b42a] + Serialization 
  [1a1011a3] + SharedArrays 
  [6462fe0b] + Sockets 
  [2f01184e] + SparseArrays 
  [10745b16] + Statistics 
  [8dfed614] + Test 
  [cf7118a7] + UUIDs 
  [4ec0a83e] + Unicode 
  Building GeoEfficiency → `~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/deps/build.log`
   Testing GeoEfficiency
 Resolving package versions...
    Status `/tmp/jl_SzbEOq/Manifest.toml`
  [34da2185] Compat v2.2.0
  [864edb3b] DataStructures v0.17.6
  [b1f22607] GeoEfficiency v0.9.3
  [bac558e1] OrderedCollections v1.1.0
  [1fd47b50] QuadGK v2.1.1
  [2a0f44e3] Base64  [`@stdlib/Base64`]
  [ade2ca70] Dates  [`@stdlib/Dates`]
  [8bb1440f] DelimitedFiles  [`@stdlib/DelimitedFiles`]
  [8ba89e20] Distributed  [`@stdlib/Distributed`]
  [b77e0a4c] InteractiveUtils  [`@stdlib/InteractiveUtils`]
  [76f85450] LibGit2  [`@stdlib/LibGit2`]
  [8f399da3] Libdl  [`@stdlib/Libdl`]
  [37e2e46d] LinearAlgebra  [`@stdlib/LinearAlgebra`]
  [56ddb016] Logging  [`@stdlib/Logging`]
  [d6f4376e] Markdown  [`@stdlib/Markdown`]
  [a63ad114] Mmap  [`@stdlib/Mmap`]
  [44cfe95a] Pkg  [`@stdlib/Pkg`]
  [de0858da] Printf  [`@stdlib/Printf`]
  [3fa0cd96] REPL  [`@stdlib/REPL`]
  [9a3f8284] Random  [`@stdlib/Random`]
  [ea8e919c] SHA  [`@stdlib/SHA`]
  [9e88b42a] Serialization  [`@stdlib/Serialization`]
  [1a1011a3] SharedArrays  [`@stdlib/SharedArrays`]
  [6462fe0b] Sockets  [`@stdlib/Sockets`]
  [2f01184e] SparseArrays  [`@stdlib/SparseArrays`]
  [10745b16] Statistics  [`@stdlib/Statistics`]
  [8dfed614] Test  [`@stdlib/Test`]
  [cf7118a7] UUIDs  [`@stdlib/UUIDs`]
  [4ec0a83e] Unicode  [`@stdlib/Unicode`]

	 **            -=) GeoEfficiency (=-             **
	 **  Accurate Geometrical Efficiency Calculator  **
	 **   First Created on Fri Aug 14 20:12:01 2015  **

	 Author:        Mohamed E. Krar,  @e-mail: 
	 Version:       v"0.9.3" - (234 days old master)  

	Batch mode 
	-  read files by defaul from directory `/root/GeoEfficiency`
	-  save results by default to directory `/root/GeoEfficiency/results`

	for more information see `batch`, `batchInfo`.


?: ?: ?: ?: ?: 
just press return: 
the first time just press return, then input `3` : ┌ Warning: the input '0.0' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 0.1, 4.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106
┌ Warning: the input '5' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 0.0, 4.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106

the first time just press return, then input `3` : 
input 5, then press return: 
input 5, then press return: 
input -1, then press return: ┌ Warning: the input '-1' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 0.0, 4.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106
┌ Warning: the input '1.2f' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110

input -1, then press return: 
the first time input '1.2f', then input `3` : 
the first time input '1.2f', then input `3` : 
the first time input 'one', then input `3` : ┌ Warning: the input 'one' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110

the first time input 'one', then input `3` : 
the first time input '3.4e-2.0', then input `3` : ┌ Warning: the input '3.4e-2.0' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110

the first time input '3.4e-2.0', then input `3` : 
the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': ┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110

the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': ┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110
┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110
┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110

the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': ┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110
┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110
┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110
┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110

the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': ┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110
┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110
┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110
┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110

the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': 
the first time input '1.2+2im': ┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110
┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110
┌ Warning: the input '1.2+2im' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110

input '1' & Return, then '3' & Return: 
input '1' & Return, then '3' & Return: ┌ Warning: the input '1' evaluated to be outside the interval '] 1.0, 5.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106
┌ Warning: the input '1' evaluated to be outside the interval '] 1.0, 5.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106

input '1' & Return, then '3' & Return: 
input '1' & Return, then '3' & Return: 
input '1' & Return, then '3' & Return: 
input '1' & Return, then '3' & Return: 
input '5' & Return, then '3' & Return:
input '5' & Return, then '3' & Return:
input '5' & Return, then '3' & Return:
input '5' & Return, then '3' & Return:
input '5' & Return, then '3' & Return:
input '5' & Return, then '3' & Return:┌ Warning: the input '1' evaluated to be outside the interval '] 1.0, 5.0 ]'.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106
┌ Warning: the input '5' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 1.0, 5.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106
┌ Warning: the input '5' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 1.0, 5.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106
┌ Warning: the input '5' evaluated to be outside the interval '] 1.0, 5.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106

input '5' & Return, then '3' & Return:┌ Warning: the input '5' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 1.0, 5.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106

input '5' & Return, then '3' & Return:
input '5' & Return, then '3' & Return:
input '5' & Return, then '3' & Return:
input '5' & Return, then '3' & Return:
input '5' & Return, then '3' & Return:┌ Warning: the input '5' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 1.0, 5.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106
┌ Warning: the input '5' evaluated to be outside the interval '] 1.0, 5.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106

input '5', then '1', then '3': ┌ Warning: the input '5' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 3.0, 3.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106
┌ Warning: the input '1' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 3.0, 3.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106
┌ Warning: the input '5' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 3.0, 3.0 ]'.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106
┌ Warning: the input '1' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 3.0, 3.0 ]'.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106
┌ Warning: the input '5' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 3.0, 3.0 ]'.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106
┌ Warning: the input '1' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 3.0, 3.0 ]'.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106
┌ Warning: the input '5' evaluated to be outside the interval '] 3.0, 3.0 ]'.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106
┌ Warning: the input '1' evaluated to be outside the interval '] 3.0, 3.0 ]'.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106

input '5', then '1', then '3': 
input '5', then '1', then '3': 
input '5', then '1', then '3': 
input '5', then '1', then '3': 
input '5', then '1', then '3': 
input '5', then '1', then '3': 
input '5', then '1', then '3': 
input '5', then '1', then '3': 
input '5', then '1', then '3': 
input '5', then '1', then '3': 
input '5', then '1', then '3': 

Point[Height=5.0, Rho=3.0]
 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=3.0] I- The Cylindrical Detector physical Dimensions:-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) =  I- The Cylindrical Detector physical Dimensions:-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = BoreDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=3.0, HoleRadius=2.0] I- The Bore Hole Detector physical Dimensions:-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
	 > Hole Radius (cm) =  I- The Bore Hole Detector physical Dimensions:-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
	 > Hole Radius (cm) = ┌ Warning: the input '6' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 0.0, 5.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106

	 > Hole Radius (cm) = WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=3.0, HoleRadius=2.0, HoleDepth=1.0] I- The Well-Type Detector physical Dimensions:-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
	 > Hole Radius (cm) = 
	 > Hole Radius (cm) =  I- The Well-Type Detector physical Dimensions:-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
	 > Hole Radius (cm) = 
	 > Hole Radius (cm) = ┌ Warning: the input '6' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 0.0, 4.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106

	 > Hole Radius (cm) = 
 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
(zero for Bore-Hole detectors) > Hole Depth (cm) = ┌ Warning: the input '6' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 0.0, 4.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106

(zero for Bore-Hole detectors) > Hole Depth (cm) = 
 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = ┌ Warning: the input '33' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 0.0, 5.000000000000001 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106

(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
(zero for Bore-Hole detectors) > Hole Depth (cm) = ┌ Warning: the input '22' evaluated to be outside the interval '[ 0.0, 4.0 ['.
│ Please: provide an adequate value
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:106

(zero for Bore-Hole detectors) > Hole Depth (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
	 > Source Radius (cm) = 
	 > Source Length (cm) = ┌ Error: currently only axial non-point sources are allowed
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Physics_Model.jl:127
┌ Warning: the off-axis will be set to `Zero`
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Physics_Model.jl:128

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
	 > Source Radius (cm) = 
	 > Source Length (cm) = ┌ Error: currently only axial non-point sources are allowed
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Physics_Model.jl:127
┌ Warning: the off-axis will be set to `Zero`
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Physics_Model.jl:128

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
	 > Source Radius (cm) = ┌ Warning: `SrcLength` is set to `zero`
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Physics_Model.jl:133

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

 Is it a point source {Y|n} ? 
 Is it a point source {Y|n} ? 
 Is it a point source {Y|n} ? 
 Is it a point source {Y|n} ? [ Info: opening 'detectorfile.csv'......
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
┌ Error: Some thing went wrong, may be `hightfile.csv` in `/tmp/jl_1hgMuv` format is bad or empty
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:168
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
┌ Error: Some thing went wrong, may be `hightfile.csv` in `/tmp/jl_1hgMuv` format is bad or empty
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:168
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
┌ Error: Some thing went wrong, may be `hightfile.csv` in `/tmp/jl_1hgMuv` format is bad or empty
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:168
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
┌ Error: Some thing went wrong, may be `hightfile.csv` in `/tmp/jl_1hgMuv` format is bad or empty
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:168
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
┌ Error: Some thing went wrong, may be `hightfile.csv` in `/tmp/jl_1hgMuv` format is bad or empty
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:168
[ Info: Starting the Batch Mode ....
[ Info: Reading data from `CSV files` at /tmp/jl_1hgMuv .....
[ Info: opening 'detectorfile.csv'......
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
┌ Error: Some thing went wrong, may be `hightfile.csv` in `/tmp/jl_1hgMuv` format is bad or empty
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:168
┌ Warning: `hightfile.csv` is not found in `/tmp/jl_1hgMuv`)
│   , transfer to direct data input via the `console`...... = ", transfer to direct data input via the `console`......"
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:245
┌ Error: currently only axial non-point sources are allowed
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Physics_Model.jl:127
┌ Warning: the off-axis will be set to `Zero`
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Physics_Model.jl:128

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
	 > Source Radius (cm) = 
	 > Source Length (cm) = [ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
[ Info: Starting the Batch Mode ....
[ Info: Reading data from `CSV files` at /tmp/jl_1hgMuv .....
[ Info: opening 'detectorfile.csv'......
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
[ Info: Opening `Radiifile.csv`......
┌ Error: Some thing went wrong, may be `Radiifile.csv` in `/tmp/jl_1hgMuv` format is bad or empty
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:168
┌ Warning: `Radiifile.csv` is not found in `/tmp/jl_1hgMuv`)
│   , transfer to direct data input via the `console`...... = ", transfer to direct data input via the `console`......"
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:245

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
	 > Source Radius (cm) = 
	 > Source Length (cm) = ┌ Error: currently only axial non-point sources are allowed
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Physics_Model.jl:127
┌ Warning: the off-axis will be set to `Zero`
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Physics_Model.jl:128
[ Info: opening 'Detectors.csv'......

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: Starting the Batch Mode ....
[ Info: Reading data from `CSV files` at /root/GeoEfficiency .....
[ Info: opening 'Detectors.csv'......
[ Info: Opening `srcHeights.csv`......
[ Info: Opening `srcRadii.csv`......
[ Info: Opening `srcLengths.csv`......
[ Info: Starting the Batch Mode ....
[ Info: Reading data from `CSV files` at /tmp/jl_ClXLo9 .....
[ Info: opening ''......
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console
[ Info: Opening ``......
┌ Error: Some thing went wrong, may be `` in `/tmp/jl_ClXLo9` format is bad or empty
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:168
┌ Warning: `` is not found in `/tmp/jl_ClXLo9`)
│   , transfer to direct data input via the `console`...... = ", transfer to direct data input via the `console`......"
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:245

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
[ Info: Starting the Batch Mode ....
[ Info: Reading data from `CSV files` at /tmp/jl_XXw4uU .....
[ Info: opening ''......

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = [ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = [ Info: Opening ``......

    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: ┌ Error: Some thing went wrong, may be `` in `/tmp/jl_XXw4uU` format is bad or empty
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:168
┌ Warning: `` is not found in `/tmp/jl_XXw4uU`)
│   , transfer to direct data input via the `console`...... = ", transfer to direct data input via the `console`......"
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:245

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
	 > Source Radius (cm) = 
	 > Source Length (cm) = ┌ Error: currently only axial non-point sources are allowed
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Physics_Model.jl:127
┌ Warning: the off-axis will be set to `Zero`
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Physics_Model.jl:128
[ Info: Starting the Batch Mode ....
[ Info: Reading data from `CSV files` at /tmp/jl_1hgMuv .....
[ Info: opening 'detectorfile.csv'......
[ Info: Opening `hightfile.csv`......
[ Info: Opening `Rhosfile.csv`......
┌ Error: Some thing went wrong, may be `Rhosfile.csv` in `/tmp/jl_1hgMuv` format is bad or empty
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Batch.jl:168
[ Info: opening 'detectorfile.csv'......
[ Info: opening 'jskfdsiu.uty'......

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: 
 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: [ Info: The new detectors information may entered via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console
[ Info: The new detectors information may entered via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console
[ Info: The new detectors information may entered via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console
[ Info: The new detectors information may entered via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console
[ Info: The new detectors information may entered via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: 
 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: 
 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: 
 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: 
 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: 
 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: 
 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: 
 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: 
 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: 
 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: 
 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: 
 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: 
 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: 
 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: 
 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: 
 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: 
 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: 
 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: 
 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: 
 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: 
 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
    	                - To add a new detector press return

    	                - To quit press 'q'|'Q' then return

	 your Choice: 

[ Info: The new detectors information may entered via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console
[ Info: The new detectors information may entered via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console
[ Info: The new detectors information may entered via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console
[ Info: The new detectors information may entered via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console
[ Info: The new detectors information may entered via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console
[ Info: The new detectors information may entered via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console
[ Info: The new detectors information may entered via the console
[ Info: Please, input the detector information via the console
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.0', get 1.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.0', get 1.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.0', get 1.0000000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.0', get 1.0000000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.5', get 1.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.5', get 1.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.5', get 1.5000000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.5', get 1.5000000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=2.0', get 2.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=2.0', get 2.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=2.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=2.0', get 2.0000000000000004.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=2.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=2.0', get 2.0000000000000004.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=2.5', get 2.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=2.5', get 2.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=2.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=2.5', get 2.5000000000000004.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=2.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=2.5', get 2.5000000000000004.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=3.0', get 3.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=3.0', get 3.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=3.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=3.0', get 3.0000000000000004.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=3.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=3.0', get 3.0000000000000004.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=3.5', get 3.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=3.5', get 3.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=3.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=3.5', get 3.5000000000000004.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=3.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=3.5', get 3.5000000000000004.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=4.0', get 4.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=4.0', get 4.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=4.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=4.0', get 4.000000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=4.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=4.0', get 4.000000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=4.5', get 4.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=4.5', get 4.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=4.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=4.5', get 4.500000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=4.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=4.5', get 4.500000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 5.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 5.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 5.000000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 5.000000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.5', get 5.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.5', get 5.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.5', get 5.500000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.5', get 5.500000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=6.0', get 6.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=6.0', get 6.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=6.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=6.0', get 6.000000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=6.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=6.0', get 6.000000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=6.5', get 6.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=6.5', get 6.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=6.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=6.5', get 6.500000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=6.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=6.5', get 6.500000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=7.0', get 7.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=7.0', get 7.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=7.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=7.0', get 7.000000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=7.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=7.0', get 7.000000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=7.5', get 7.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=7.5', get 7.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=7.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=7.5', get 7.500000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=7.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=7.5', get 7.500000000000001.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=8.0', get 8.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=8.0', get 8.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=8.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=8.0', get 8.000000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=8.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=8.0', get 8.000000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=8.5', get 8.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=8.5', get 8.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=8.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=8.5', get 8.500000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=8.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=8.5', get 8.500000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=9.0', get 9.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=9.0', get 9.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=9.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=9.0', get 9.000000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=9.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=9.0', get 9.000000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=9.5', get 9.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=9.5', get 9.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=9.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=9.5', get 9.500000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=9.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=9.5', get 9.500000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=10.0', get 10.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=10.0', get 10.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=10.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=10.0', get 10.000000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=10.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=10.0', get 10.000000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=10.5', get 10.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=10.5', get 10.5.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=10.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=10.5', get 10.500000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=10.5', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=10.5', get 10.500000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=11.0', get 11.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=11.0', get 11.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=11.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=11.0', get 11.000000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=11.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=11.0', get 11.000000000000002.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116

<1> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1, srcLength=1)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.37229931850323844
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<2> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1, srcLength=1)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.5638356572151301
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<3> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<3> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

<3> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1, srcLength=1//2)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.39222179881379393
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<4> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1, srcLength=1//2)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.5953555006130047
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<5> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<5> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

<5> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1, srcLength=ℯ)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.31154547973627916
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<6> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1, srcLength=ℯ)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.476544048128435
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<7> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<7> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

<7> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1, srcLength=π)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.2985335895929106
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<8> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1, srcLength=π)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.45796759525606623
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<9> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<9> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<9> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1, srcLength=1.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.37229931850323844
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<10> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1, srcLength=1.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.5638356572151301
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<11> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<11> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<11> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1//2, srcLength=1)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3650814909724544
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<12> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1//2, srcLength=1)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.5694634254651935
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<13> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<13> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

<13> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1//2, srcLength=1//2)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3859678173367663
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<14> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1//2, srcLength=1//2)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.6036858354798552
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<15> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<15> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<15> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1//2, srcLength=ℯ)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3021584628474232
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<16> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1//2, srcLength=ℯ)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.47587543029394974
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<17> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<17> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<17> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1//2, srcLength=π)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.28885790990397386
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<18> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1//2, srcLength=π)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.4562072622128148
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<19> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<19> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<19> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1//2, srcLength=1.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3650814909724544
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<20> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1//2, srcLength=1.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.5694634254651935
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<21> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<21> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

<21> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=ℯ, srcLength=1)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3918533704708075
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<22> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=ℯ, srcLength=1)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.5541620600175975
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<23> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<23> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<23> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=ℯ, srcLength=1//2)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.40903283386280703
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<24> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=ℯ, srcLength=1//2)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.583002630622617
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<25> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<25> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<25> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=ℯ, srcLength=ℯ)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3350904628855982
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<26> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=ℯ, srcLength=ℯ)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.48033443695955913
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<27> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<27> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

<27> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=ℯ, srcLength=π)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.32117364301581725
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<28> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=ℯ, srcLength=π)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.4644862068164204
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<29> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<29> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<29> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=ℯ, srcLength=1.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3918533704708075
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<30> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=ℯ, srcLength=1.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = ┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<31> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<31> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

<31> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=π, srcLength=1)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.39572681374141216
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<32> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=π, srcLength=1)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.5749068115284165
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<33> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<33> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<33> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=π, srcLength=1//2)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.41234575678895
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<34> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=π, srcLength=1//2)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.6140648149842634
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

<35> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<35> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

<35> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=π, srcLength=ℯ)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3354094800128715
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<36> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=π, srcLength=ℯ)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.4894123413621846
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<37> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<37> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

<37> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=π, srcLength=π)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.32071579664271005
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<38> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=π, srcLength=π)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.472966398222783
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<39> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<39> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

<39> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=π, srcLength=1.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.39572681374141216
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<40> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=π, srcLength=1.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.5749068115284165
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<41> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<41> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<41> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1.0, srcLength=1)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.37229931850323844
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<42> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1.0, srcLength=1)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.5638356572151301
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<43> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<43> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<43> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1.0, srcLength=1//2)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.39222179881379393
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<44> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1.0, srcLength=1//2)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.5953555006130047
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<45> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<45> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<45> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1.0, srcLength=ℯ)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.31154547973627916
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<46> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1.0, srcLength=ℯ)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.476544048128435
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<47> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<47> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<47> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1.0, srcLength=π)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.2985335895929106
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<48> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1.0, srcLength=π)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.45796759525606623
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<49> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = 
<49> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

<49> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1.0, srcLength=1.0)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17
┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.37229931850323844
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<50> WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.2, HoleDepth=2.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=1.0, srcLength=1.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.5638356572151301
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<51> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=0.0, Rho=15.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=5.0', get 15.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:17

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<51> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=-1.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "0\n"
└ @ Main.Helper ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:48

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<51> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=4.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.18765247622278786
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    	I- To continue make a choice:
			> using the same detector Press 'd'|'D'
			> using a new detector Press 'n'|'N'

    	II- To quit just press return

	your Choice: 
	[ Info: The 'calcN' had terminated, Thank you
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "2\nQ\n"
└ @ Main.Helper ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:48

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<52> CylDetector[CryRadius=2.220446049250313e-16, CryLength=0.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=4.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 7.703719777548943e-34
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    	I- To continue make a choice:
			> using the same detector Press 'd'|'D'
			> using a new detector Press 'n'|'N'

    	II- To quit just press return

	your Choice: 
	[ Info: The 'calcN' had terminated, Thank you
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "2\nQ\n"
└ @ Main.Helper ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:48

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<53> CylDetector[CryRadius=13.0, CryLength=7.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=4.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3529570755812384
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    	I- To continue make a choice:
			> using the same detector Press 'd'|'D'
			> using a new detector Press 'n'|'N'

    	II- To quit just press return

	your Choice: 
	[ Info: The 'calcN' had terminated, Thank you
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "2\nQ\n"
└ @ Main.Helper ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:48

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = ┌ Warning: the input 'Q' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<54> CylDetector[CryRadius=13.0, CryLength=7.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=4.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3529570755812384
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    	I- To continue make a choice:
			> using the same detector Press 'd'|'D'
			> using a new detector Press 'n'|'N'

    	II- To quit just press return

	your Choice: 
	[ Info: The 'calcN' had terminated, Thank you
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "2\nQ\n"
└ @ Main.Helper ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:48

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<55> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=4.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.18765247622278786
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    	I- To continue make a choice:
			> using the same detector Press 'd'|'D'
			> using a new detector Press 'n'|'N'

    	II- To quit just press return

	your Choice: 
	[ Info: The 'calcN' had terminated, Thank you
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "3\nd\n4\n0\n1\n4\nQ\n"
└ @ Main.Helper ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:48

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<56> CylDetector[CryRadius=2.220446049250313e-16, CryLength=0.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=4.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 7.703719777548943e-34
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    	I- To continue make a choice:
			> using the same detector Press 'd'|'D'
			> using a new detector Press 'n'|'N'

    	II- To quit just press return

	your Choice: 
	[ Info: The 'calcN' had terminated, Thank you
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "3\nd\n4\n0\n1\n4\nQ\n"
└ @ Main.Helper ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:48

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<57> CylDetector[CryRadius=13.0, CryLength=7.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=4.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3529570755812384
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    	I- To continue make a choice:
			> using the same detector Press 'd'|'D'
			> using a new detector Press 'n'|'N'

    	II- To quit just press return

	your Choice: 
	[ Info: The 'calcN' had terminated, Thank you
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "3\nd\n4\n0\n1\n4\nQ\n"
└ @ Main.Helper ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:48

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = ┌ Warning: the input 'Q' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<58> CylDetector[CryRadius=13.0, CryLength=7.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=4.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3529570755812384
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    	I- To continue make a choice:
			> using the same detector Press 'd'|'D'
			> using a new detector Press 'n'|'N'

    	II- To quit just press return

	your Choice: 
	[ Info: The 'calcN' had terminated, Thank you
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "3\nd\n4\n0\n1\n4\nQ\n"
└ @ Main.Helper ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:48

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<59> CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=10.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=4.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.18765247622278786
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    	I- To continue make a choice:
			> using the same detector Press 'd'|'D'
			> using a new detector Press 'n'|'N'

    	II- To quit just press return

	your Choice: 
	[ Info: The 'calcN' had terminated, Thank you
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "5\nn\n11\n6\n0\n4\n0\n1\n6\nQ\n"
└ @ Main.Helper ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:48

 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<60> CylDetector[CryRadius=2.220446049250313e-16, CryLength=0.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=4.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 7.703719777548943e-34
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    	I- To continue make a choice:
			> using the same detector Press 'd'|'D'
			> using a new detector Press 'n'|'N'

    	II- To quit just press return

	your Choice: 
	[ Info: The 'calcN' had terminated, Thank you
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "5\nn\n11\n6\n0\n4\n0\n1\n6\nQ\n"
└ @ Main.Helper ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:48

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<61> CylDetector[CryRadius=13.0, CryLength=7.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=4.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3529570755812384
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    	I- To continue make a choice:
			> using the same detector Press 'd'|'D'
			> using a new detector Press 'n'|'N'

    	II- To quit just press return

	your Choice: 
	[ Info: The 'calcN' had terminated, Thank you
┌ Warning: buffer not empty, see the pervious process to 'stdin'
│   buffer = "5\nn\n11\n6\n0\n4\n0\n1\n6\nQ\n"
└ @ Main.Helper ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/Helper.jl:48

 I- The detector physical Dimensions :-

	 > Crystal Radius (cm) = 
	 > Crystal Length (cm) = 
(zero for cylindrical detectors) > Hole Radius (cm) = 
 II- The Radioactive Source Anchor Point:-

	 > Height (cm) = ┌ Warning: the input 'Q' cannot be parsed to a valid numerical value!,
│ Please: provide a valid expression
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Input_Console.jl:110

	 > Height (cm) = 
	 > Off-axis (cm) = ┌ Info: srcType is set to ``srcPoint``,
└ **see** `setSrcToPoint` for more information.

<62> CylDetector[CryRadius=13.0, CryLength=7.0]
 - Source(Point[Height=4.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0)

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.3529570755812384
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    	I- To continue make a choice:
			> using the same detector Press 'd'|'D'
			> using a new detector Press 'n'|'N'

    	II- To quit just press return

	your Choice: 
	[ Info: The 'calcN' had terminated, Thank you

<63>CylDetector[CryRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, CryLength=0.0]
 - Source: Point[Height=0.0, Rho=0.0]

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.49999999999999994
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
[ Info: Saving <63> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, CryLength=0.0].csv'......


┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.3877787807814457e-17', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.3877787807814457e-17', get 1.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116

<64>CylDetector[CryRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, CryLength=0.0]
 - Source: Point[Height=0.0, Rho=1.0]

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = NaN
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
[ Info: Saving <64> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, CryLength=0.0].csv'......


<65>CylDetector[CryRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, CryLength=0.0]
 - Source[Anchor_Point[Height=0.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0]

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.49999999999999994
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
[ Info: Saving <65> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, CryLength=0.0].csv'......


┌ Error: Source Radius: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.3877787807814457e-17', get 0.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:109
┌ Error: geoEffPoint off-axis: Expected less than 'detector Radius=1.3877787807814457e-17', get 1.0.
└ @ GeoEfficiency ~/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/src/Calculations.jl:116

<66>CylDetector[CryRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, CryLength=0.0]
 - Source[Anchor_Point[Height=0.0, Rho=1.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0.0]

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = NaN
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
[ Info: Saving <66> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, CryLength=0.0].csv'......


<67>CylDetector[CryRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, CryLength=0.0]
 - Source: Point[Height=0.0, Rho=0.0]

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.49999999999999994
[ Info: Saving <67> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, CryLength=0.0].csv'......
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


<68>CylDetector[CryRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, CryLength=0.0]
 - Source[Anchor_Point[Height=0.0, Rho=0.0], srcRadius=0.0, srcLength=0[ Info: Saving <68> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, CryLength=0.0].csv'......

 - The detector Geometrical Efficiency = 0.49999999999999994
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


[ Info: Saving <69> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=2.7755575615628914e-17, CryLength=0.0].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>

	[ Info: Saving <70> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=2.7755575615628914e-17, CryLength=0.0].csv'......
[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <71> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, CryLength=5.551115123125783e-17, HoleRadius=2.7755575615628914e-17].csv'......
[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>

	[ Info: Saving <72> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, CryLength=5.551115123125783e-17, HoleRadius=2.7755575615628914e-17, HoleDepth=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......
[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <73> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, CryLength=5.551115123125783e-17, HoleRadius=2.7755575615628914e-17, HoleDepth=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......
[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>

	[ Info: Saving <74> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=5.551115123125783e-17, CryLength=0.0].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <75> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=2.220446049250313e-16, CryLength=5.551115123125783e-17, HoleRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, HoleDepth=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......
[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <76> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=5.551115123125783e-17, CryLength=0.0].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <77> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=2.220446049250313e-16, CryLength=5.551115123125783e-17, HoleRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, HoleDepth=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......
[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <78> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=5.551115123125783e-17, CryLength=0.0].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <79> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=6.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <80> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=5.551115123125783e-17, CryLength=0.0].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <81> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=6.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......
[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>

	[ Info: Saving <82> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, CryLength=5.551115123125783e-17, HoleRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <83> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, CryLength=5.551115123125783e-17, HoleRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, HoleDepth=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......
[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <84> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, CryLength=5.551115123125783e-17, HoleRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <85> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, CryLength=5.551115123125783e-17, HoleRadius=1.3877787807814457e-17, HoleDepth=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......
[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>

	[ Info: Saving <86> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=6.0, CryLength=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <87> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=7.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <88> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=8.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, HoleDepth=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......
[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>

	[ Info: Saving <89> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=6.0, CryLength=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <90> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=7.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <91> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=8.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, HoleDepth=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......

	batch: [ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
Test Failed at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:180
  Expression: occursin.("_" *, paths) |> any
 [1] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:180
 [2] top-level scope at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Test/src/Test.jl:1107
 [3] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:84
batch: Test Failed at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:181
  Expression: occursin.("_" *, paths) |> any
 [1] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:181
 [2] top-level scope at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Test/src/Test.jl:1107
 [3] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:84
batch: Test Failed at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:182
  Expression: occursin.("_" *, paths) |> any
 [1] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:182
 [2] top-level scope at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Test/src/Test.jl:1107
 [3] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:84
[ Info: Saving <92> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=6.0, CryLength=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <93> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=7.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <94> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=8.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, HoleDepth=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <95> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=6.0, CryLength=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <96> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=7.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <97> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=8.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, HoleDepth=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
batch: Test Failed at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:199
  Expression: occursin.("_" *, paths) |> any
 [1] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:199
 [2] top-level scope at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Test/src/Test.jl:1107
 [3] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:84
batch: Test Failed at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:200
  Expression: occursin.("_" *, paths) |> any
 [1] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:200
 [2] top-level scope at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Test/src/Test.jl:1107
 [3] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:84
batch: Test Failed at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:201
  Expression: occursin.("_" *, paths) |> any
 [1] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:201
 [2] top-level scope at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Test/src/Test.jl:1107
 [3] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/test_Output_Interface.jl:84
[ Info: Saving <98> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=2.220446049250313e-16, CryLength=0.0].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <99> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=2.220446049250313e-16, CryLength=0.0].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <100> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=1.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <101> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=1.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <102> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=0.5, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <103> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=0.5, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <104> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=0.5, CryLength=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <105> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=0.5, CryLength=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <106> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=2.718281828459045, CryLength=3.141592653589793].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <107> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=2.718281828459045, CryLength=3.141592653589793].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <108> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.1].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <109> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.1].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <110> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.0].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <111> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.0].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <112> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.141592653589793].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <113> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.141592653589793].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <114> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.0, HoleDepth=2.0].csv'......
[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>

	[ Info: Saving <115> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=4.0, HoleRadius=3.0, HoleDepth=2.0].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <116> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <117> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <118> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, HoleDepth=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: Saving <119> to 'CylDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <120> to 'BoreDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16].csv'......
[ Info: Saving <121> to 'WellDetector[CryRadius=5.0, CryLength=2.220446049250313e-16, HoleRadius=1.1102230246251565e-16, HoleDepth=1.3877787807814457e-17].csv'......

	[ Info: The program terminated, Thank you >>>>
[ Info: opening 'Detectors.csv'......
[ Info: Opening `srcHeights.csv`......
[ Info: Opening `srcRadii.csv`......

	 **            -=) GeoEfficiency (=-             **
	 **  Accurate Geometrical Efficiency Calculator  **
	 **   First Created on Fri Aug 14 20:12:01 2015  **

	 Author:        Mohamed E. Krar,  @e-mail: 
	 Version:       v"0.9.3" - (234 days old master)  

	Batch mode 
	-  read files by defaul from directory `/root/GeoEfficiency`
	-  save results by default to directory `/root/GeoEfficiency/results`

	for more information see `batch`, `batchInfo`.

Test Summary:                          |    Pass  Fail  Broken    Total
GeoEfficiency                          | 2488731     6   79382  2568119
  Helper                               |      60                     60
  Error                                |      50                     50
  Input_Console                        |      75                     75
  Physics_Model                        |    4181                   4181
  Input_Batch                          |     173                    173
  Calculations                         | 2484019         79380  2563399
  Output_Interface                     |     169     6       2      177
    GeoEfficiecny.checkResultsDirs     |       1                      1
    max_batch                          |       3                      3
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calc - CylDetector, WellDetector   |       4                      4
    calcN - 4 0 1 2 Q                  |       4                      4
    calcN - 4 0 1 3 d 4 0 1 4 Q        |       4                      4
    calcN - 4 0 1 5 n 11 6 0 4 0 1 6 Q |       4                      4
    writecsv_head                      |                        No tests
    _batch, point is true              |       4                      4
    _batch, point is false             |       4                      4
    batch                              |      45     6       2       53
      batch(<:Detector)                |       4                      4
ERROR: LoadError: Some tests did not pass: 2488731 passed, 6 failed, 0 errored, 79382 broken.
in expression starting at /root/.julia/packages/GeoEfficiency/VMeqI/test/runtests.jl:24
ERROR: Package GeoEfficiency errored during testing
 [1] pkgerror(::String, ::Vararg{String,N} where N) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/Types.jl:113
 [2] #test#131(::Bool, ::Nothing, ::Cmd, ::Cmd, ::typeof(Pkg.Operations.test), ::Pkg.Types.Context, ::Array{Pkg.Types.PackageSpec,1}) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/Operations.jl:1370
 [3] #test at ./none:0 [inlined]
 [4] #test#62(::Bool, ::Nothing, ::Cmd, ::Cmd, ::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Union{},Union{},Tuple{},NamedTuple{(),Tuple{}}}, ::typeof(Pkg.API.test), ::Pkg.Types.Context, ::Array{Pkg.Types.PackageSpec,1}) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/API.jl:253
 [5] test(::Pkg.Types.Context, ::Array{Pkg.Types.PackageSpec,1}) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/API.jl:239
 [6] #test#61 at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/API.jl:233 [inlined]
 [7] test at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/API.jl:233 [inlined]
 [8] #test#60 at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/API.jl:232 [inlined]
 [9] test at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/API.jl:232 [inlined]
 [10] #test#59(::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Union{},Union{},Tuple{},NamedTuple{(),Tuple{}}}, ::typeof(Pkg.API.test), ::String) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/API.jl:231
 [11] test(::String) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/API.jl:231
 [12] top-level scope at none:10