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If you think that there is an error in how your package is being tested or represented, please file an issue at NewPkgEval.jl, making sure to read the FAQ first.

Results with Julia v1.2.0

Testing was successful. Last evaluation was ago and took 1 minute, 56 seconds.

Click here to download the log file.

 Resolving package versions...
 Installed Format ─ v1.0.1
  Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.2/Project.toml`
  [1fa38f19] + Format v1.0.1
  Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.2/Manifest.toml`
  [1fa38f19] + Format v1.0.1
  [de0858da] + Printf 
  [4ec0a83e] + Unicode 
   Testing Format
 Resolving package versions...
    Status `/tmp/jl_3LyEez/Manifest.toml`
  [1fa38f19] Format v1.0.1
  [2a0f44e3] Base64  [`@stdlib/Base64`]
  [8ba89e20] Distributed  [`@stdlib/Distributed`]
  [b77e0a4c] InteractiveUtils  [`@stdlib/InteractiveUtils`]
  [56ddb016] Logging  [`@stdlib/Logging`]
  [d6f4376e] Markdown  [`@stdlib/Markdown`]
  [de0858da] Printf  [`@stdlib/Printf`]
  [9a3f8284] Random  [`@stdlib/Random`]
  [9e88b42a] Serialization  [`@stdlib/Serialization`]
  [6462fe0b] Sockets  [`@stdlib/Sockets`]
  [8dfed614] Test  [`@stdlib/Test`]
  [4ec0a83e] Unicode  [`@stdlib/Unicode`]
test cformat equality...
 18.483284 seconds (8.48 M allocations: 473.218 MiB, 2.10% gc time)

Test speed
integer @sprintf speed
  0.128905 seconds (848.25 k allocations: 51.512 MiB, 3.53% gc time)
integer sprintf speed
 31.235386 seconds (8.82 M allocations: 513.864 MiB, 0.29% gc time)
integer sprintf speed, bypass repeated lookup
  0.176110 seconds (1.42 M allocations: 59.061 MiB, 1.80% gc time)

float64 @sprintf speed
  0.197968 seconds (901.53 k allocations: 54.245 MiB, 7.95% gc time)
float64 sprintf speed
 30.492201 seconds (8.65 M allocations: 512.294 MiB, 0.20% gc time)
float64 sprintf speed, bypass repeated lookup
  0.204556 seconds (1.45 M allocations: 60.640 MiB, 2.55% gc time)
Test Summary: |   Pass   Total
cformat       | 100067  100067
Test Summary: | Pass  Total
fmtspec       |  171    171

Test Summary: | Pass  Total
formatexpr    |   37     37
Test Summary: | Pass  Total
fmt           |   25     25
   Testing Format tests passed 

Results with Julia v1.3.0

Testing was successful. Last evaluation was ago and took 2 minutes.

Click here to download the log file.

 Resolving package versions...
 Installed Format ─ v1.0.1
  Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.3/Project.toml`
  [1fa38f19] + Format v1.0.1
  Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.3/Manifest.toml`
  [1fa38f19] + Format v1.0.1
  [de0858da] + Printf 
  [4ec0a83e] + Unicode 
   Testing Format
 Resolving package versions...
    Status `/tmp/jl_dOynu2/Manifest.toml`
  [1fa38f19] Format v1.0.1
  [2a0f44e3] Base64  [`@stdlib/Base64`]
  [8ba89e20] Distributed  [`@stdlib/Distributed`]
  [b77e0a4c] InteractiveUtils  [`@stdlib/InteractiveUtils`]
  [56ddb016] Logging  [`@stdlib/Logging`]
  [d6f4376e] Markdown  [`@stdlib/Markdown`]
  [de0858da] Printf  [`@stdlib/Printf`]
  [9a3f8284] Random  [`@stdlib/Random`]
  [9e88b42a] Serialization  [`@stdlib/Serialization`]
  [6462fe0b] Sockets  [`@stdlib/Sockets`]
  [8dfed614] Test  [`@stdlib/Test`]
  [4ec0a83e] Unicode  [`@stdlib/Unicode`]
test cformat equality...
 20.105204 seconds (8.10 M allocations: 450.512 MiB, 0.77% gc time)

Test speed
integer @sprintf speed
  0.155756 seconds (835.52 k allocations: 50.793 MiB, 5.99% gc time)
integer sprintf speed
 32.377759 seconds (8.82 M allocations: 513.804 MiB, 0.38% gc time)
integer sprintf speed, bypass repeated lookup
  0.206122 seconds (1.42 M allocations: 59.001 MiB, 6.38% gc time)

float64 @sprintf speed
  0.260357 seconds (886.17 k allocations: 53.302 MiB, 9.41% gc time)
float64 sprintf speed
 32.183364 seconds (8.64 M allocations: 512.066 MiB, 0.29% gc time)
float64 sprintf speed, bypass repeated lookup
  0.363300 seconds (1.44 M allocations: 60.411 MiB, 5.55% gc time)
Test Summary: |   Pass   Total
cformat       | 100067  100067
Test Summary: | Pass  Total
fmtspec       |  171    171

Test Summary: | Pass  Total
formatexpr    |   37     37
Test Summary: | Pass  Total
fmt           |   25     25
   Testing Format tests passed 

Results with Julia v1.3.1-pre-7704df0a5a

Testing was successful. Last evaluation was ago and took 1 minute, 56 seconds.

Click here to download the log file.

 Resolving package versions...
 Installed Format ─ v1.0.1
  Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.3/Project.toml`
  [1fa38f19] + Format v1.0.1
  Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.3/Manifest.toml`
  [1fa38f19] + Format v1.0.1
  [de0858da] + Printf 
  [4ec0a83e] + Unicode 
   Testing Format
 Resolving package versions...
    Status `/tmp/jl_CBYhPR/Manifest.toml`
  [1fa38f19] Format v1.0.1
  [2a0f44e3] Base64  [`@stdlib/Base64`]
  [8ba89e20] Distributed  [`@stdlib/Distributed`]
  [b77e0a4c] InteractiveUtils  [`@stdlib/InteractiveUtils`]
  [56ddb016] Logging  [`@stdlib/Logging`]
  [d6f4376e] Markdown  [`@stdlib/Markdown`]
  [de0858da] Printf  [`@stdlib/Printf`]
  [9a3f8284] Random  [`@stdlib/Random`]
  [9e88b42a] Serialization  [`@stdlib/Serialization`]
  [6462fe0b] Sockets  [`@stdlib/Sockets`]
  [8dfed614] Test  [`@stdlib/Test`]
  [4ec0a83e] Unicode  [`@stdlib/Unicode`]
test cformat equality...
 17.900104 seconds (8.10 M allocations: 450.494 MiB, 0.70% gc time)

Test speed
integer @sprintf speed
  0.167175 seconds (835.52 k allocations: 50.793 MiB, 16.69% gc time)
integer sprintf speed
 31.930349 seconds (8.82 M allocations: 513.804 MiB, 0.36% gc time)
integer sprintf speed, bypass repeated lookup
  0.254942 seconds (1.42 M allocations: 59.001 MiB, 5.17% gc time)

float64 @sprintf speed
  0.260434 seconds (886.17 k allocations: 53.302 MiB, 6.55% gc time)
float64 sprintf speed
 31.116328 seconds (8.64 M allocations: 512.066 MiB, 0.30% gc time)
float64 sprintf speed, bypass repeated lookup
  0.255795 seconds (1.44 M allocations: 60.411 MiB, 4.76% gc time)
Test Summary: |   Pass   Total
cformat       | 100067  100067
Test Summary: | Pass  Total
fmtspec       |  171    171

Test Summary: | Pass  Total
formatexpr    |   37     37
Test Summary: | Pass  Total
fmt           |   25     25
   Testing Format tests passed