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Results with Julia v1.2.0

Testing was successful. Last evaluation was ago and took 11 minutes, 53 seconds.

Click here to download the log file.

 Resolving package versions...
 Installed DeferredFutures ──── v0.6.0
 Installed Inflate ──────────── v0.1.1
 Installed Compat ───────────── v2.2.0
 Installed OrderedCollections ─ v1.1.0
 Installed ResultTypes ──────── v3.0.0
 Installed Dispatcher ───────── v0.5.0
 Installed BinaryProvider ───── v0.5.8
 Installed Memento ──────────── v0.12.1
 Installed DataStructures ───── v0.17.6
 Installed JSON ─────────────── v0.21.0
 Installed IterTools ────────── v1.3.0
 Installed Mocking ──────────── v0.7.0
 Installed StaticArrays ─────── v0.12.1
 Installed TimeZones ────────── v0.10.3
 Installed MacroTools ───────── v0.5.2
 Installed SimpleTraits ─────── v0.9.1
 Installed ArnoldiMethod ────── v0.0.4
 Installed Parsers ──────────── v0.3.10
 Installed Syslogs ──────────── v0.3.0
 Installed LightGraphs ──────── v1.3.0
 Installed EzXML ────────────── v0.9.5
 Installed AutoHashEquals ───── v0.2.0
  Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.2/Project.toml`
  [a48d5fe2] + Dispatcher v0.5.0
  Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.2/Manifest.toml`
  [ec485272] + ArnoldiMethod v0.0.4
  [15f4f7f2] + AutoHashEquals v0.2.0
  [b99e7846] + BinaryProvider v0.5.8
  [34da2185] + Compat v2.2.0
  [864edb3b] + DataStructures v0.17.6
  [d2772ebe] + DeferredFutures v0.6.0
  [a48d5fe2] + Dispatcher v0.5.0
  [8f5d6c58] + EzXML v0.9.5
  [d25df0c9] + Inflate v0.1.1
  [c8e1da08] + IterTools v1.3.0
  [682c06a0] + JSON v0.21.0
  [093fc24a] + LightGraphs v1.3.0
  [1914dd2f] + MacroTools v0.5.2
  [f28f55f0] + Memento v0.12.1
  [78c3b35d] + Mocking v0.7.0
  [bac558e1] + OrderedCollections v1.1.0
  [69de0a69] + Parsers v0.3.10
  [08a2b407] + ResultTypes v3.0.0
  [699a6c99] + SimpleTraits v0.9.1
  [90137ffa] + StaticArrays v0.12.1
  [cea106d9] + Syslogs v0.3.0
  [f269a46b] + TimeZones v0.10.3
  [2a0f44e3] + Base64 
  [ade2ca70] + Dates 
  [8bb1440f] + DelimitedFiles 
  [8ba89e20] + Distributed 
  [b77e0a4c] + InteractiveUtils 
  [76f85450] + LibGit2 
  [8f399da3] + Libdl 
  [37e2e46d] + LinearAlgebra 
  [56ddb016] + Logging 
  [d6f4376e] + Markdown 
  [a63ad114] + Mmap 
  [44cfe95a] + Pkg 
  [de0858da] + Printf 
  [3fa0cd96] + REPL 
  [9a3f8284] + Random 
  [ea8e919c] + SHA 
  [9e88b42a] + Serialization 
  [1a1011a3] + SharedArrays 
  [6462fe0b] + Sockets 
  [2f01184e] + SparseArrays 
  [10745b16] + Statistics 
  [8dfed614] + Test 
  [cf7118a7] + UUIDs 
  [4ec0a83e] + Unicode 
  Building EzXML ────→ `~/.julia/packages/EzXML/QtGgF/deps/build.log`
  Building TimeZones → `~/.julia/packages/TimeZones/pjvlM/deps/build.log`
   Testing Dispatcher
    Status `/tmp/jl_amtxAN/Manifest.toml`
  [ec485272] ArnoldiMethod v0.0.4
  [15f4f7f2] AutoHashEquals v0.2.0
  [b99e7846] BinaryProvider v0.5.8
  [34da2185] Compat v2.2.0
  [864edb3b] DataStructures v0.17.6
  [d2772ebe] DeferredFutures v0.6.0
  [a48d5fe2] Dispatcher v0.5.0
  [8f5d6c58] EzXML v0.9.5
  [d25df0c9] Inflate v0.1.1
  [c8e1da08] IterTools v1.3.0
  [682c06a0] JSON v0.21.0
  [093fc24a] LightGraphs v1.3.0
  [1914dd2f] MacroTools v0.5.2
  [f28f55f0] Memento v0.12.1
  [78c3b35d] Mocking v0.7.0
  [bac558e1] OrderedCollections v1.1.0
  [69de0a69] Parsers v0.3.10
  [08a2b407] ResultTypes v3.0.0
  [699a6c99] SimpleTraits v0.9.1
  [90137ffa] StaticArrays v0.12.1
  [cea106d9] Syslogs v0.3.0
  [f269a46b] TimeZones v0.10.3
  [2a0f44e3] Base64  [`@stdlib/Base64`]
  [ade2ca70] Dates  [`@stdlib/Dates`]
  [8bb1440f] DelimitedFiles  [`@stdlib/DelimitedFiles`]
  [8ba89e20] Distributed  [`@stdlib/Distributed`]
  [b77e0a4c] InteractiveUtils  [`@stdlib/InteractiveUtils`]
  [76f85450] LibGit2  [`@stdlib/LibGit2`]
  [8f399da3] Libdl  [`@stdlib/Libdl`]
  [37e2e46d] LinearAlgebra  [`@stdlib/LinearAlgebra`]
  [56ddb016] Logging  [`@stdlib/Logging`]
  [d6f4376e] Markdown  [`@stdlib/Markdown`]
  [a63ad114] Mmap  [`@stdlib/Mmap`]
  [44cfe95a] Pkg  [`@stdlib/Pkg`]
  [de0858da] Printf  [`@stdlib/Printf`]
  [3fa0cd96] REPL  [`@stdlib/REPL`]
  [9a3f8284] Random  [`@stdlib/Random`]
  [ea8e919c] SHA  [`@stdlib/SHA`]
  [9e88b42a] Serialization  [`@stdlib/Serialization`]
  [1a1011a3] SharedArrays  [`@stdlib/SharedArrays`]
  [6462fe0b] Sockets  [`@stdlib/Sockets`]
  [2f01184e] SparseArrays  [`@stdlib/SparseArrays`]
  [10745b16] Statistics  [`@stdlib/Statistics`]
  [8dfed614] Test  [`@stdlib/Test`]
  [cf7118a7] UUIDs  [`@stdlib/UUIDs`]
  [4ec0a83e] Unicode  [`@stdlib/Unicode`]
Test Summary: | Pass  Total
Graph         |   34     34
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<four>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<four, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<four, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<four>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 2 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!(x + 1), Op<put!(4)>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (Op<put!(4)>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (Op<put!(4)>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!(x + 1), Op<put!(4)>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 2 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 2 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!(x + 2), Op<put!(4)>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (DataNode{Channel{Float64}}): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (DataNode{Channel{Float64}}): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!(x + 2), Op<put!(4)>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 2 nodes executed.
[info | Main]: Partial array
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 2 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!(x + 1), Op<put!(4)>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (Op<put!(4)>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (Op<put!(4)>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!(x + 1), Op<put!(4)>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 2 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 2 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!(x + 2), Op<put!(4)>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (DataNode{Channel{Float64}}): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (DataNode{Channel{Float64}}): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!(x + 2), Op<put!(4)>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 2 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 4 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<*, Op<+>, Op<+>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (Op<+, Op<+>, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<+, Op<+>, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<+, Int64, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<+, Int64, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (Op<+, Op<+>, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<+, Op<+>, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<*, Op<+>, Op<+>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 4 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<ApplicationError>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<ApplicationError>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<ApplicationError, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
[notice | Dispatcher]: Handling Error: DependencyError<ErrorException, 3>
[notice | Dispatcher]: Handling Error: DependencyError<MethodError, 2>
[notice | Dispatcher]: Handling Error: DependencyError<MethodError, 1>
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<ApplicationError>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<ApplicationError>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<ApplicationError, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
[notice | Dispatcher]: Handling Error: DependencyError<ErrorException, 3>
[notice | Dispatcher]: Handling Error: DependencyError<MethodError, 2>
[notice | Dispatcher]: Handling Error: DependencyError<MethodError, 1>
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<ApplicationError>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<ApplicationError>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<ApplicationError, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
[notice | Dispatcher]: Handling Error: DependencyError<ErrorException, 3>
[notice | Dispatcher]: Handling Error: DependencyError<RemoteException, 2>
[notice | Dispatcher]: Handling Error: DependencyError<MethodError, 1>
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<ApplicationError>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<ApplicationError>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<ApplicationError, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
[notice | Dispatcher]: Handling Error: DependencyError<ErrorException, 3>
[notice | Dispatcher]: Handling Error: DependencyError<RemoteException, 2>
[notice | Dispatcher]: Handling Error: DependencyError<MethodError, 1>
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:300 [inlined]
│     [6] (::getfield(Distributed, Symbol("##111#113")){Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:268
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:300 [inlined]
│     [6] (::getfield(Distributed, Symbol("##111#113")){Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:268
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:300 [inlined]
│     [6] (::getfield(Distributed, Symbol("##111#113")){Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:268
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:300 [inlined]
│     [6] (::getfield(Distributed, Symbol("##111#113")){Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:268
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:300 [inlined]
│     [6] (::getfield(Distributed, Symbol("##111#113")){Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:268
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:300 [inlined]
│     [6] (::getfield(Distributed, Symbol("##111#113")){Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:268
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:300 [inlined]
│     [6] (::getfield(Distributed, Symbol("##111#113")){Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:268
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:300 [inlined]
│     [6] (::getfield(Distributed, Symbol("##111#113")){Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:268
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:300 [inlined]
│     [6] (::getfield(Distributed, Symbol("##111#113")){Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:268
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:300 [inlined]
│     [6] (::getfield(Distributed, Symbol("##111#113")){Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:268
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:300 [inlined]
│     [6] (::getfield(Distributed, Symbol("##111#113")){Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:268
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:300 [inlined]
│     [6] (::getfield(Distributed, Symbol("##111#113")){Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:268
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:300 [inlined]
│     [6] (::getfield(Distributed, Symbol("##111#113")){Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:268
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:300 [inlined]
│     [6] (::getfield(Distributed, Symbol("##111#113")){Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:268
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:300 [inlined]
│     [6] (::getfield(Distributed, Symbol("##111#113")){Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:268
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:300 [inlined]
│     [6] (::getfield(Distributed, Symbol("##111#113")){Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:268
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:300 [inlined]
│     [6] (::getfield(Distributed, Symbol("##111#113")){Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:268
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:300 [inlined]
│     [6] (::getfield(Distributed, Symbol("##111#113")){Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:268
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:300 [inlined]
│     [6] (::getfield(Distributed, Symbol("##111#113")){Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:268
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:300 [inlined]
│     [6] (::getfield(Distributed, Symbol("##111#113")){Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:268
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:300 [inlined]
│     [6] (::getfield(Distributed, Symbol("##111#113")){Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:268
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:300 [inlined]
│     [6] (::getfield(Distributed, Symbol("##111#113")){Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:268
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:300 [inlined]
│     [6] (::getfield(Distributed, Symbol("##111#113")){Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:268
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 3 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<nth, Op<distinct>, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (Op<distinct, Op<imap>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<imap, typeof(+), 3-element Array{Int64,1}, 3-element Array{Int64,1}>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<imap, typeof(+), 3-element Array{Int64,1}, 3-element Array{Int64,1}>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (Op<distinct, Op<imap>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<nth, Op<distinct>, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 3 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 3 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<nth, Op<distinct>, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (Op<distinct, Op<imap>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<imap, typeof(+), 3-element Array{Int64,1}, 3-element Array{Int64,1}>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<imap, typeof(+), 3-element Array{Int64,1}, 3-element Array{Int64,1}>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (Op<distinct, Op<imap>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<nth, Op<distinct>, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 3 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 13 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<+, Op<slowsum>, Op<slowsum>, Op<slowsum>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (Op<slowsum, Op<slowinc>, Op<slowinc>, Op<slowinc>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<slowsum, Op<slowadd>, Op<slowadd>, Op<slowadd>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<slowsum, Op<slowadd>, Op<slowadd>, Op<slowadd>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<slowadd, Op<slowinc>, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<slowadd, Op<slowinc>, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 7 (Op<slowadd, Op<slowinc>, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 8 (Op<slowinc, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 9 (Op<slowinc, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 10 (Op<slowinc, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 11 (Op<slowadd, Op<slowinc>, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 12 (Op<slowadd, Op<slowinc>, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 13 (Op<slowadd, Op<slowinc>, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 8 (Op<slowinc, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 9 (Op<slowinc, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 10 (Op<slowinc, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 7 (Op<slowadd, Op<slowinc>, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<slowadd, Op<slowinc>, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (Op<slowsum, Op<slowinc>, Op<slowinc>, Op<slowinc>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<slowadd, Op<slowinc>, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 11 (Op<slowadd, Op<slowinc>, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 12 (Op<slowadd, Op<slowinc>, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 13 (Op<slowadd, Op<slowinc>, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<slowsum, Op<slowadd>, Op<slowadd>, Op<slowadd>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<slowsum, Op<slowadd>, Op<slowadd>, Op<slowadd>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<+, Op<slowsum>, Op<slowsum>, Op<slowsum>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 13 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 499 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<reduction, CollectNode<200 Ops>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (CollectNode<200 Ops>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 7 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 8 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 9 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 10 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 11 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 12 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 13 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 14 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 15 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 16 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 17 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 18 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 19 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 20 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 21 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 22 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 23 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 24 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 25 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 26 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 27 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 28 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 29 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 30 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 31 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 32 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 33 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 34 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 35 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 36 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 37 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 38 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 39 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 40 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 41 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 42 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 43 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 44 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 45 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 46 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 47 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 48 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 49 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 50 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 51 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 52 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 53 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 54 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 55 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 56 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 57 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 58 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 59 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 60 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 61 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 62 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 63 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 64 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 65 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 66 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 67 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 68 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 69 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 70 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 71 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 72 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 73 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 74 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 75 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 76 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 77 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 78 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 79 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 80 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 81 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 82 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 83 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 84 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 85 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 86 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 87 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 88 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 89 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 90 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 91 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 92 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 93 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 94 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 95 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 96 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 97 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 98 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 99 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 100 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 101 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 102 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 103 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 104 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 105 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 106 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 107 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 108 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 109 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 110 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 111 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 112 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 113 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 114 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 115 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 116 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 117 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 118 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 119 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 120 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 121 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 122 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 123 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 124 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 125 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 126 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 127 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 128 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 129 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 130 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 131 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 132 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 133 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 134 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 135 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 136 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 137 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 138 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 139 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 140 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 141 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 142 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 143 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 144 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 145 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 146 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 147 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 148 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 149 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 150 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 151 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 152 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 153 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 154 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 155 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 156 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 157 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 158 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 159 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 160 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 161 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 162 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 163 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 164 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 165 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 166 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 167 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 168 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 169 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 170 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 171 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 172 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 173 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 174 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 175 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 176 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 177 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 178 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 179 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 180 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 181 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 182 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 183 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 184 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 185 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 186 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 187 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 188 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 189 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 190 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 191 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 192 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 193 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 194 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 195 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 196 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 197 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 198 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 199 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 200 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 201 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 202 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 203 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 204 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 205 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 206 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 207 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 208 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 209 (Op<load_from_sql, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 210 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 211 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 212 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 213 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 214 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 215 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 216 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 217 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 218 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 219 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 220 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 221 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 222 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 223 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 224 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 225 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 226 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 227 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 228 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 229 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 230 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 231 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 232 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 233 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 234 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 235 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 236 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 237 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 238 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 239 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 240 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 241 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 242 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 243 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 244 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 245 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 246 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 247 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 248 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 249 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 250 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 251 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 252 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 253 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 254 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 255 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 256 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 257 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 258 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 259 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 260 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 261 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 262 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 263 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 264 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 265 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 266 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 267 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 268 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 269 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 270 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 271 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 272 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 273 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 274 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 275 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 276 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 277 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 278 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 279 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 280 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 281 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 282 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 283 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 284 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 285 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 286 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 287 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 288 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 289 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 290 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 291 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 292 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 293 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 294 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 295 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 296 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 297 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 298 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 299 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 300 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 301 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 302 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 303 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 304 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 305 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 306 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 307 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 308 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 309 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 310 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 311 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 312 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 313 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 314 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 315 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 316 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 317 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 318 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 319 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 320 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 321 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 322 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 323 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 324 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 325 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 326 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 327 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 328 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 329 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 330 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 331 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 332 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 333 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 334 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 335 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 336 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 337 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 338 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 339 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 340 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 341 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 342 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 343 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 344 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 345 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 346 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 347 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 348 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 349 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 350 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 351 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 352 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 353 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 354 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 355 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 356 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 357 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 358 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 359 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 360 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 361 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 362 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 363 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 364 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 365 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 366 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 367 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 368 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 369 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 370 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 371 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 372 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 373 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 374 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 375 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 376 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 377 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 378 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 379 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 380 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 381 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 382 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 383 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 384 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 385 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 386 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 387 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 388 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 389 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 390 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 391 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 392 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 393 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 394 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 395 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 396 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 397 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 398 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 399 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 400 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 401 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 402 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 403 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 404 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 405 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 406 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 407 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 408 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 409 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 410 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 411 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 412 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 413 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 414 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 415 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 416 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 417 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 418 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 419 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 420 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 421 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 422 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 423 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 424 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 425 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 426 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 427 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 428 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 429 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 430 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 431 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 432 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 433 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 434 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 435 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 436 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 437 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 438 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 439 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 440 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 441 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 442 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 443 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 444 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 445 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 446 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 447 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 448 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 449 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 450 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 451 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 452 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 453 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 454 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 455 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 456 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 457 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 458 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 459 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 460 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 461 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 462 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 463 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 464 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 465 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 466 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 467 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 468 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 469 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 470 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 471 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 472 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 473 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 474 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 475 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 476 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 477 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 478 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 479 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 480 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 481 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 482 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 483 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 484 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 485 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 486 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 487 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 488 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 489 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 490 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 491 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 492 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 493 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 494 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 495 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 496 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 497 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 498 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 499 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 267 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 375 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 354 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 306 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 210 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 447 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 381 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 279 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 216 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 312 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 336 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 363 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 240 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 420 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 324 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 225 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 285 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 477 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 474 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 372 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 249 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 255 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 318 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 231 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 453 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 414 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 387 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 468 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 300 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 261 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 273 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 291 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 348 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 241 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 253 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 262 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 403 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 307 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 394 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 421 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 319 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 325 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 415 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 286 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 229 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 223 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 268 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 208 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 277 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 292 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 430 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 301 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 235 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 406 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 349 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 364 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 247 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 355 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 340 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 457 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 211 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 409 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 427 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 439 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 331 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 217 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 373 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 239 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 443 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 326 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 224 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 371 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 215 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 347 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 440 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 287 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 209 (Op<load_from_sql, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 248 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 398 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 428 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 452 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 299 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 359 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 230 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 353 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 341 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 305 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 335 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 380 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 365 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 263 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 269 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 392 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 278 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 332 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 467 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 311 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 317 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 293 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 386 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 254 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 323 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 227 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 236 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 413 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 338 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 446 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 302 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 221 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 214 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 259 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 274 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 265 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 437 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 284 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 329 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 466 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 206 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 425 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 419 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 304 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 296 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 361 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 476 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 207 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 228 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 212 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 473 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 442 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 344 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 314 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 379 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 276 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 451 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 238 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 288 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 272 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 266 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 251 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 374 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 362 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 393 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 282 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 456 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 315 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 450 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 234 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 339 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 252 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 397 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 418 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 205 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 370 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 391 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 283 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 289 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 334 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 385 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 310 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 271 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 352 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 220 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 298 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 250 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 412 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 316 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 244 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 346 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 290 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 368 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 303 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 297 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 226 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 358 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 322 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 350 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 494 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 402 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 246 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 405 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 260 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 333 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 465 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 245 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 475 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 484 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 275 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 408 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 313 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 487 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 295 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 233 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 461 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 458 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 389 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 479 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 309 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 321 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 491 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 384 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 330 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 242 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 449 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 264 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 237 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 426 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 280 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 345 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 445 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 478 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 482 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 485 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 464 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 218 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 401 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 433 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 472 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 281 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 377 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 490 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 431 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 416 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 337 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 469 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 64 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 46 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 308 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 360 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 417 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 351 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 222 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 438 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 486 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 327 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 258 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 435 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 213 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 369 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 294 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 256 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 328 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 463 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 204 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 432 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 429 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 448 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 86 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 125 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 497 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 410 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 104 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 59 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 390 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 422 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 471 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 399 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 388 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 106 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 82 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 43 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 492 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 441 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 480 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 155 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 47 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 396 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 243 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 378 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 462 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 270 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 483 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 489 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 434 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 119 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 137 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 376 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 366 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 180 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 481 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 142 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 19 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 52 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 159 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 48 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 495 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 71 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 32 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 132 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 63 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 123 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 196 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 10 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 320 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 167 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 488 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 383 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 400 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 183 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 454 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 34 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 79 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 89 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 118 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 191 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 101 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 51 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 164 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 175 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 35 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 382 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 343 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 90 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 455 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 190 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 126 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 97 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 12 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 232 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 95 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 75 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 357 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 130 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 120 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 96 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 423 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 55 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 117 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 193 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 67 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 103 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 115 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 424 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 94 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 171 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 105 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 127 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 411 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 27 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 172 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 174 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 58 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 342 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 157 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 42 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 40 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 195 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 156 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 169 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 45 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 219 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 24 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 444 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 163 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 72 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 459 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 99 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 199 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 76 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 69 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 87 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 367 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 121 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 135 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 498 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 28 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 60 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 460 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 78 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 61 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 70 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 153 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 144 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 192 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 496 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 111 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 85 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 108 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 151 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 136 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 73 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 36 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 109 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 184 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 436 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 49 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 15 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 499 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 88 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 30 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 124 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 493 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 162 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 91 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 81 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 74 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 160 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 133 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 201 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 145 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 129 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 7 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 9 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 139 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 62 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 22 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 16 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 13 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 31 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 187 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 148 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 37 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 100 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 138 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 189 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 147 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 66 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 39 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 33 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 25 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 134 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 407 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 181 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 65 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 395 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 470 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 26 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 57 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 107 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 84 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 165 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 150 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 182 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 80 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 21 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 50 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 404 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 56 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 203 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 158 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 257 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 116 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 356 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 131 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 202 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 114 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 186 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 54 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 177 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 112 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 93 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 141 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 29 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 152 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 197 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 20 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 185 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 170 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 38 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 92 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 11 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 23 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 178 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 53 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 166 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 102 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 68 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 41 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 168 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 179 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 140 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 98 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 198 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 18 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 176 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 83 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 173 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 154 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 200 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 8 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 113 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 146 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 128 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 122 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 194 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 44 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 110 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 161 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 143 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 14 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 77 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 188 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 17 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 149 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (CollectNode<200 Ops>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<reduction, CollectNode<200 Ops>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 499 nodes executed.
Test Summary: | Pass  Total
Dispatcher    |  270    270
   Testing Dispatcher tests passed 

Results with Julia v1.3.0

Testing was successful. Last evaluation was ago and took 10 minutes, 19 seconds.

Click here to download the log file.

 Resolving package versions...
 Installed Compat ───────────── v2.2.0
 Installed Parsers ──────────── v0.3.10
 Installed DataStructures ───── v0.17.6
 Installed StaticArrays ─────── v0.12.1
 Installed IterTools ────────── v1.3.0
 Installed MacroTools ───────── v0.5.2
 Installed Dispatcher ───────── v0.5.0
 Installed BinaryProvider ───── v0.5.8
 Installed Syslogs ──────────── v0.3.0
 Installed Mocking ──────────── v0.7.0
 Installed EzXML ────────────── v0.9.5
 Installed JSON ─────────────── v0.21.0
 Installed OrderedCollections ─ v1.1.0
 Installed Memento ──────────── v0.12.1
 Installed TimeZones ────────── v0.10.3
 Installed LightGraphs ──────── v1.3.0
 Installed DeferredFutures ──── v0.6.0
 Installed ArnoldiMethod ────── v0.0.4
 Installed Inflate ──────────── v0.1.1
 Installed AutoHashEquals ───── v0.2.0
 Installed SimpleTraits ─────── v0.9.1
 Installed ResultTypes ──────── v3.0.0
  Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.3/Project.toml`
  [a48d5fe2] + Dispatcher v0.5.0
  Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.3/Manifest.toml`
  [ec485272] + ArnoldiMethod v0.0.4
  [15f4f7f2] + AutoHashEquals v0.2.0
  [b99e7846] + BinaryProvider v0.5.8
  [34da2185] + Compat v2.2.0
  [864edb3b] + DataStructures v0.17.6
  [d2772ebe] + DeferredFutures v0.6.0
  [a48d5fe2] + Dispatcher v0.5.0
  [8f5d6c58] + EzXML v0.9.5
  [d25df0c9] + Inflate v0.1.1
  [c8e1da08] + IterTools v1.3.0
  [682c06a0] + JSON v0.21.0
  [093fc24a] + LightGraphs v1.3.0
  [1914dd2f] + MacroTools v0.5.2
  [f28f55f0] + Memento v0.12.1
  [78c3b35d] + Mocking v0.7.0
  [bac558e1] + OrderedCollections v1.1.0
  [69de0a69] + Parsers v0.3.10
  [08a2b407] + ResultTypes v3.0.0
  [699a6c99] + SimpleTraits v0.9.1
  [90137ffa] + StaticArrays v0.12.1
  [cea106d9] + Syslogs v0.3.0
  [f269a46b] + TimeZones v0.10.3
  [2a0f44e3] + Base64 
  [ade2ca70] + Dates 
  [8bb1440f] + DelimitedFiles 
  [8ba89e20] + Distributed 
  [b77e0a4c] + InteractiveUtils 
  [76f85450] + LibGit2 
  [8f399da3] + Libdl 
  [37e2e46d] + LinearAlgebra 
  [56ddb016] + Logging 
  [d6f4376e] + Markdown 
  [a63ad114] + Mmap 
  [44cfe95a] + Pkg 
  [de0858da] + Printf 
  [3fa0cd96] + REPL 
  [9a3f8284] + Random 
  [ea8e919c] + SHA 
  [9e88b42a] + Serialization 
  [1a1011a3] + SharedArrays 
  [6462fe0b] + Sockets 
  [2f01184e] + SparseArrays 
  [10745b16] + Statistics 
  [8dfed614] + Test 
  [cf7118a7] + UUIDs 
  [4ec0a83e] + Unicode 
  Building EzXML ────→ `~/.julia/packages/EzXML/QtGgF/deps/build.log`
  Building TimeZones → `~/.julia/packages/TimeZones/pjvlM/deps/build.log`
   Testing Dispatcher
    Status `/tmp/jl_Z0C0Dx/Manifest.toml`
  [ec485272] ArnoldiMethod v0.0.4
  [15f4f7f2] AutoHashEquals v0.2.0
  [b99e7846] BinaryProvider v0.5.8
  [34da2185] Compat v2.2.0
  [864edb3b] DataStructures v0.17.6
  [d2772ebe] DeferredFutures v0.6.0
  [a48d5fe2] Dispatcher v0.5.0
  [8f5d6c58] EzXML v0.9.5
  [d25df0c9] Inflate v0.1.1
  [c8e1da08] IterTools v1.3.0
  [682c06a0] JSON v0.21.0
  [093fc24a] LightGraphs v1.3.0
  [1914dd2f] MacroTools v0.5.2
  [f28f55f0] Memento v0.12.1
  [78c3b35d] Mocking v0.7.0
  [bac558e1] OrderedCollections v1.1.0
  [69de0a69] Parsers v0.3.10
  [08a2b407] ResultTypes v3.0.0
  [699a6c99] SimpleTraits v0.9.1
  [90137ffa] StaticArrays v0.12.1
  [cea106d9] Syslogs v0.3.0
  [f269a46b] TimeZones v0.10.3
  [2a0f44e3] Base64  [`@stdlib/Base64`]
  [ade2ca70] Dates  [`@stdlib/Dates`]
  [8bb1440f] DelimitedFiles  [`@stdlib/DelimitedFiles`]
  [8ba89e20] Distributed  [`@stdlib/Distributed`]
  [b77e0a4c] InteractiveUtils  [`@stdlib/InteractiveUtils`]
  [76f85450] LibGit2  [`@stdlib/LibGit2`]
  [8f399da3] Libdl  [`@stdlib/Libdl`]
  [37e2e46d] LinearAlgebra  [`@stdlib/LinearAlgebra`]
  [56ddb016] Logging  [`@stdlib/Logging`]
  [d6f4376e] Markdown  [`@stdlib/Markdown`]
  [a63ad114] Mmap  [`@stdlib/Mmap`]
  [44cfe95a] Pkg  [`@stdlib/Pkg`]
  [de0858da] Printf  [`@stdlib/Printf`]
  [3fa0cd96] REPL  [`@stdlib/REPL`]
  [9a3f8284] Random  [`@stdlib/Random`]
  [ea8e919c] SHA  [`@stdlib/SHA`]
  [9e88b42a] Serialization  [`@stdlib/Serialization`]
  [1a1011a3] SharedArrays  [`@stdlib/SharedArrays`]
  [6462fe0b] Sockets  [`@stdlib/Sockets`]
  [2f01184e] SparseArrays  [`@stdlib/SparseArrays`]
  [10745b16] Statistics  [`@stdlib/Statistics`]
  [8dfed614] Test  [`@stdlib/Test`]
  [cf7118a7] UUIDs  [`@stdlib/UUIDs`]
  [4ec0a83e] Unicode  [`@stdlib/Unicode`]
Test Summary: | Pass  Total
Graph         |   34     34
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<four>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<four, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<four, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<four>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 2 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!(x + 1), Op<put!(4)>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (Op<put!(4)>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (Op<put!(4)>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!(x + 1), Op<put!(4)>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 2 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 2 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!(x + 2), Op<put!(4)>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (DataNode{Channel{Float64}}): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (DataNode{Channel{Float64}}): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!(x + 2), Op<put!(4)>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 2 nodes executed.
[info | Main]: Partial array
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 2 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!(x + 1), Op<put!(4)>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (Op<put!(4)>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (Op<put!(4)>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!(x + 1), Op<put!(4)>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 2 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 2 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!(x + 2), Op<put!(4)>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (DataNode{Channel{Float64}}): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (DataNode{Channel{Float64}}): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!(x + 2), Op<put!(4)>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 2 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 4 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<*, Op<+>, Op<+>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (Op<+, Op<+>, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<+, Op<+>, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<+, Int64, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<+, Int64, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (Op<+, Op<+>, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<+, Op<+>, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<*, Op<+>, Op<+>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 4 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<ApplicationError>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<ApplicationError>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<ApplicationError, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
[notice | Dispatcher]: Handling Error: DependencyError<TaskFailedException, 3>
[notice | Dispatcher]: Handling Error: DependencyError<TaskFailedException, 2>
[notice | Dispatcher]: Handling Error: DependencyError<TaskFailedException, 1>
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<ApplicationError>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<ApplicationError>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<ApplicationError, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
[notice | Dispatcher]: Handling Error: DependencyError<TaskFailedException, 3>
[notice | Dispatcher]: Handling Error: DependencyError<TaskFailedException, 2>
[notice | Dispatcher]: Handling Error: DependencyError<TaskFailedException, 1>
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<ApplicationError>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<ApplicationError>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<ApplicationError, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
[notice | Dispatcher]: Handling Error: DependencyError<ErrorException, 3>
[notice | Dispatcher]: Handling Error: DependencyError<RemoteException, 2>
[notice | Dispatcher]: Handling Error: DependencyError<MethodError, 1>
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<ApplicationError>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<ApplicationError>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<ApplicationError, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
[notice | Dispatcher]: Handling Error: DependencyError<ErrorException, 3>
[notice | Dispatcher]: Handling Error: DependencyError<RemoteException, 2>
[notice | Dispatcher]: Handling Error: DependencyError<MethodError, 1>
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 3 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<nth, Op<distinct>, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (Op<distinct, Op<imap>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<imap, typeof(+), 3-element Array{Int64,1}, 3-element Array{Int64,1}>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<imap, typeof(+), 3-element Array{Int64,1}, 3-element Array{Int64,1}>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (Op<distinct, Op<imap>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<nth, Op<distinct>, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 3 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 3 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<nth, Op<distinct>, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (Op<distinct, Op<imap>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<imap, typeof(+), 3-element Array{Int64,1}, 3-element Array{Int64,1}>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<imap, typeof(+), 3-element Array{Int64,1}, 3-element Array{Int64,1}>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (Op<distinct, Op<imap>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<nth, Op<distinct>, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 3 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 13 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<+, Op<slowsum>, Op<slowsum>, Op<slowsum>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (Op<slowsum, Op<slowinc>, Op<slowinc>, Op<slowinc>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<slowsum, Op<slowadd>, Op<slowadd>, Op<slowadd>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<slowsum, Op<slowadd>, Op<slowadd>, Op<slowadd>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<slowadd, Op<slowinc>, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<slowadd, Op<slowinc>, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 7 (Op<slowadd, Op<slowinc>, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 8 (Op<slowinc, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 9 (Op<slowinc, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 10 (Op<slowinc, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 11 (Op<slowadd, Op<slowinc>, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 12 (Op<slowadd, Op<slowinc>, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 13 (Op<slowadd, Op<slowinc>, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 8 (Op<slowinc, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 9 (Op<slowinc, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 7 (Op<slowadd, Op<slowinc>, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 10 (Op<slowinc, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<slowadd, Op<slowinc>, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (Op<slowsum, Op<slowinc>, Op<slowinc>, Op<slowinc>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<slowadd, Op<slowinc>, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 11 (Op<slowadd, Op<slowinc>, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 12 (Op<slowadd, Op<slowinc>, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<slowsum, Op<slowadd>, Op<slowadd>, Op<slowadd>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 13 (Op<slowadd, Op<slowinc>, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<slowsum, Op<slowadd>, Op<slowadd>, Op<slowadd>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<+, Op<slowsum>, Op<slowsum>, Op<slowsum>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 13 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 500 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<reduction, CollectNode<200 Ops>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (CollectNode<200 Ops>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 7 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 8 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 9 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 10 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 11 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 12 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 13 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 14 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 15 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 16 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 17 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 18 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 19 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 20 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 21 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 22 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 23 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 24 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 25 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 26 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 27 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 28 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 29 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 30 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 31 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 32 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 33 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 34 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 35 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 36 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 37 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 38 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 39 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 40 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 41 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 42 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 43 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 44 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 45 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 46 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 47 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 48 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 49 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 50 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 51 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 52 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 53 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 54 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 55 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 56 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 57 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 58 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 59 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 60 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 61 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 62 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 63 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 64 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 65 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 66 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 67 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 68 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 69 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 70 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 71 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 72 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 73 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 74 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 75 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 76 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 77 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 78 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 79 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 80 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 81 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 82 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 83 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 84 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 85 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 86 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 87 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 88 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 89 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 90 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 91 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 92 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 93 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 94 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 95 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 96 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 97 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 98 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 99 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 100 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 101 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 102 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 103 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 104 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 105 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 106 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 107 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 108 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 109 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 110 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 111 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 112 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 113 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 114 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 115 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 116 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 117 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 118 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 119 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 120 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 121 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 122 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 123 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 124 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 125 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 126 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 127 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 128 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 129 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 130 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 131 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 132 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 133 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 134 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 135 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 136 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 137 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 138 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 139 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 140 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 141 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 142 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 143 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 144 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 145 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 146 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 147 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 148 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 149 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 150 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 151 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 152 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 153 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 154 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 155 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 156 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 157 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 158 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 159 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 160 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 161 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 162 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 163 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 164 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 165 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 166 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 167 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 168 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 169 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 170 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 171 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 172 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 173 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 174 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 175 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 176 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 177 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 178 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 179 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 180 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 181 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 182 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 183 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 184 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 185 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 186 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 187 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 188 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 189 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 190 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 191 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 192 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 193 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 194 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 195 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 196 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 197 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 198 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 199 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 200 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 201 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 202 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 203 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 204 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 205 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 206 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 207 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 208 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 209 (Op<load_from_sql, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 210 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 211 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 212 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 213 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 214 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 215 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 216 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 217 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 218 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 219 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 220 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 221 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 222 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 223 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 224 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 225 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 226 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 227 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 228 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 229 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 230 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 231 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 232 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 233 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 234 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 235 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 236 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 237 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 238 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 239 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 240 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 241 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 242 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 243 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 244 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 245 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 246 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 247 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 248 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 249 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 250 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 251 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 252 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 253 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 254 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 255 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 256 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 257 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 258 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 259 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 260 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 261 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 262 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 263 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 264 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 265 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 266 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 267 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 268 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 269 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 270 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 271 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 272 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 273 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 274 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 275 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 276 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 277 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 278 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 279 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 280 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 281 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 282 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 283 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 284 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 285 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 286 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 287 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 288 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 289 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 290 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 291 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 292 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 293 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 294 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 295 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 296 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 297 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 298 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 299 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 300 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 301 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 302 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 303 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 304 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 305 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 306 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 307 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 308 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 309 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 310 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 311 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 312 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 313 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 314 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 315 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 316 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 317 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 318 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 319 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 320 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 321 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 322 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 323 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 324 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 325 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 326 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 327 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 328 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 329 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 330 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 331 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 332 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 333 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 334 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 335 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 336 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 337 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 338 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 339 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 340 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 341 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 342 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 343 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 344 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 345 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 346 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 347 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 348 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 349 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 350 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 351 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 352 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 353 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 354 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 355 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 356 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 357 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 358 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 359 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 360 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 361 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 362 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 363 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 364 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 365 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 366 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 367 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 368 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 369 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 370 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 371 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 372 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 373 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 374 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 375 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 376 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 377 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 378 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 379 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 380 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 381 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 382 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 383 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 384 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 385 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 386 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 387 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 388 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 389 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 390 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 391 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 392 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 393 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 394 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 395 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 396 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 397 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 398 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 399 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 400 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 401 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 402 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 403 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 404 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 405 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 406 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 407 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 408 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 409 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 410 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 411 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 412 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 413 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 414 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 415 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 416 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 417 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 418 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 419 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 420 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 421 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 422 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 423 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 424 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 425 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 426 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 427 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 428 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 429 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 430 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 431 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 432 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 433 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 434 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 435 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 436 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 437 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 438 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 439 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 440 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 441 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 442 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 443 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 444 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 445 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 446 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 447 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 448 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 449 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 450 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 451 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 452 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 453 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 454 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 455 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 456 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 457 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 458 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 459 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 460 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 461 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 462 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 463 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 464 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 465 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 466 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 467 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 468 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 469 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 470 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 471 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 472 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 473 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 474 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 475 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 476 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 477 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 478 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 479 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 480 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 481 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 482 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 483 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 484 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 485 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 486 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 487 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 488 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 489 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 490 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 491 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 492 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 493 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 494 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 495 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 496 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 497 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 498 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 499 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 500 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 300 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 369 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 474 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 285 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 348 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 375 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 384 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 402 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 237 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 426 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 399 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 483 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 405 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 456 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 381 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 339 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 216 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 225 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 315 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 267 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 306 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 243 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 258 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 294 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 321 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 276 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 438 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 336 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 471 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 414 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 231 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 252 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 210 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 354 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 436 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 253 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 457 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 349 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 340 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 307 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 238 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 283 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 217 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 223 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 430 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 211 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 334 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 229 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 244 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 277 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 460 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 259 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 325 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 424 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 271 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 295 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 328 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 322 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 358 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 418 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 415 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 301 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 388 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 442 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 367 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 313 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 451 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 361 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 397 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 265 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 391 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 208 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 353 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 284 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 299 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 377 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 215 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 368 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 335 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 398 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 347 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 257 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 239 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 224 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 293 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 275 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 452 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 392 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 314 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 230 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 413 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 251 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 425 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 437 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 245 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 308 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 323 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 266 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 209 (Op<load_from_sql, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 371 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 287 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 236 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 281 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 482 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 434 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 383 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 422 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 338 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 395 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 290 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 389 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 404 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 242 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 305 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 212 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 401 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 272 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 296 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 263 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 311 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 473 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 365 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 332 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 221 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 344 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 206 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 455 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 380 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 248 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 254 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 410 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 470 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 227 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 449 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 320 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 374 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 214 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 220 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 454 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 337 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 213 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 387 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 255 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 282 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 297 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 234 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 390 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 396 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 273 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 423 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 357 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 303 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 498 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 489 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 222 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 435 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 366 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 291 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 421 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 378 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 207 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 312 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 264 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 324 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 256 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 286 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 370 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 364 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 205 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 241 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 412 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 235 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 441 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 376 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 298 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 394 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 477 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 250 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 292 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 262 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 429 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 226 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 493 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 333 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 450 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 240 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 219 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 261 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 352 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 496 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 407 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 373 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 491 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 362 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 329 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 319 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 280 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 316 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 260 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 304 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 232 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 439 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 461 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 356 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 310 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 346 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 469 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 331 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 385 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 403 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 481 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 444 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 475 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 433 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 427 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 478 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 382 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 274 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 400 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 289 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 97 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 203 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 467 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 420 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 233 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 488 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 302 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 494 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 360 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 428 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 500 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 446 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 278 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 41 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 490 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 417 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 246 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 459 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 270 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 288 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 351 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 484 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 180 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 499 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 28 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 49 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 87 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 372 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 443 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 492 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 345 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 22 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 411 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 355 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 204 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 463 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 27 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 462 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 379 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 20 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 169 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 43 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 64 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 103 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 113 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 155 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 448 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 249 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 363 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 36 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 190 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 202 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 447 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 393 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 160 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 318 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 327 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 51 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 268 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 453 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 228 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 432 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 77 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 35 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 466 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 198 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 18 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 136 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 25 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 79 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 17 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 166 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 150 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 195 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 118 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 67 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 146 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 117 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 247 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 408 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 406 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 15 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 181 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 495 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 174 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 10 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 165 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 154 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 141 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 139 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 14 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 39 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 114 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 76 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 12 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 359 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 54 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 330 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 83 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 487 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 130 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 199 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 176 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 200 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 108 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 156 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 409 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 144 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 309 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 279 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 341 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 75 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 45 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 440 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 343 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 445 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 33 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 196 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 57 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 115 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 140 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 480 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 175 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 116 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 42 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 100 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 153 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 34 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 472 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 416 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 486 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 93 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 431 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 465 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 151 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 24 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 19 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 183 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 98 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 9 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 85 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 44 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 468 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 269 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 177 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 119 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 187 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 193 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 182 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 82 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 30 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 121 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 464 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 185 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 147 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 342 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 55 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 23 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 184 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 60 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 142 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 72 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 90 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 163 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 172 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 159 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 61 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 88 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 70 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 96 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 145 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 109 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 7 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 189 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 194 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 168 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 476 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 102 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 112 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 124 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 133 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 81 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 162 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 126 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 84 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 111 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 69 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 37 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 132 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 129 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 171 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 58 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 127 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 99 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 86 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 350 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 128 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 66 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 31 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 458 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 186 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 485 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 21 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 73 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 71 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 16 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 110 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 131 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 218 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 173 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 479 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 53 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 59 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 143 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 40 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 148 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 134 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 197 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 104 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 68 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 92 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 317 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 419 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 149 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 161 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 386 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 62 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 26 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 101 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 8 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 94 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 106 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 91 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 125 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 48 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 32 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 164 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 326 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 47 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 122 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 167 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 56 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 29 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 152 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 497 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 192 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 65 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 50 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 80 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 179 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 107 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 157 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 158 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 95 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 123 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 89 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 11 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 120 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 170 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 188 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 138 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 78 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 74 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 201 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 137 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 52 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 191 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 178 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 135 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 63 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 13 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 105 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 38 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 46 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (CollectNode<200 Ops>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<reduction, CollectNode<200 Ops>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 500 nodes executed.
Test Summary: | Pass  Total
Dispatcher    |  270    270
   Testing Dispatcher tests passed 

Results with Julia v1.3.1-pre-7704df0a5a

Testing was successful. Last evaluation was ago and took 11 minutes, 8 seconds.

Click here to download the log file.

 Resolving package versions...
 Installed AutoHashEquals ───── v0.2.0
 Installed DeferredFutures ──── v0.6.0
 Installed Compat ───────────── v2.2.0
 Installed DataStructures ───── v0.17.6
 Installed Dispatcher ───────── v0.5.0
 Installed Memento ──────────── v0.12.1
 Installed TimeZones ────────── v0.10.3
 Installed LightGraphs ──────── v1.3.0
 Installed Inflate ──────────── v0.1.1
 Installed Mocking ──────────── v0.7.0
 Installed MacroTools ───────── v0.5.2
 Installed IterTools ────────── v1.3.0
 Installed EzXML ────────────── v0.9.5
 Installed BinaryProvider ───── v0.5.8
 Installed StaticArrays ─────── v0.12.1
 Installed ResultTypes ──────── v3.0.0
 Installed Parsers ──────────── v0.3.10
 Installed ArnoldiMethod ────── v0.0.4
 Installed JSON ─────────────── v0.21.0
 Installed Syslogs ──────────── v0.3.0
 Installed SimpleTraits ─────── v0.9.1
 Installed OrderedCollections ─ v1.1.0
  Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.3/Project.toml`
  [a48d5fe2] + Dispatcher v0.5.0
  Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.3/Manifest.toml`
  [ec485272] + ArnoldiMethod v0.0.4
  [15f4f7f2] + AutoHashEquals v0.2.0
  [b99e7846] + BinaryProvider v0.5.8
  [34da2185] + Compat v2.2.0
  [864edb3b] + DataStructures v0.17.6
  [d2772ebe] + DeferredFutures v0.6.0
  [a48d5fe2] + Dispatcher v0.5.0
  [8f5d6c58] + EzXML v0.9.5
  [d25df0c9] + Inflate v0.1.1
  [c8e1da08] + IterTools v1.3.0
  [682c06a0] + JSON v0.21.0
  [093fc24a] + LightGraphs v1.3.0
  [1914dd2f] + MacroTools v0.5.2
  [f28f55f0] + Memento v0.12.1
  [78c3b35d] + Mocking v0.7.0
  [bac558e1] + OrderedCollections v1.1.0
  [69de0a69] + Parsers v0.3.10
  [08a2b407] + ResultTypes v3.0.0
  [699a6c99] + SimpleTraits v0.9.1
  [90137ffa] + StaticArrays v0.12.1
  [cea106d9] + Syslogs v0.3.0
  [f269a46b] + TimeZones v0.10.3
  [2a0f44e3] + Base64 
  [ade2ca70] + Dates 
  [8bb1440f] + DelimitedFiles 
  [8ba89e20] + Distributed 
  [b77e0a4c] + InteractiveUtils 
  [76f85450] + LibGit2 
  [8f399da3] + Libdl 
  [37e2e46d] + LinearAlgebra 
  [56ddb016] + Logging 
  [d6f4376e] + Markdown 
  [a63ad114] + Mmap 
  [44cfe95a] + Pkg 
  [de0858da] + Printf 
  [3fa0cd96] + REPL 
  [9a3f8284] + Random 
  [ea8e919c] + SHA 
  [9e88b42a] + Serialization 
  [1a1011a3] + SharedArrays 
  [6462fe0b] + Sockets 
  [2f01184e] + SparseArrays 
  [10745b16] + Statistics 
  [8dfed614] + Test 
  [cf7118a7] + UUIDs 
  [4ec0a83e] + Unicode 
  Building EzXML ────→ `~/.julia/packages/EzXML/QtGgF/deps/build.log`
  Building TimeZones → `~/.julia/packages/TimeZones/pjvlM/deps/build.log`
   Testing Dispatcher
    Status `/tmp/jl_p4R13e/Manifest.toml`
  [ec485272] ArnoldiMethod v0.0.4
  [15f4f7f2] AutoHashEquals v0.2.0
  [b99e7846] BinaryProvider v0.5.8
  [34da2185] Compat v2.2.0
  [864edb3b] DataStructures v0.17.6
  [d2772ebe] DeferredFutures v0.6.0
  [a48d5fe2] Dispatcher v0.5.0
  [8f5d6c58] EzXML v0.9.5
  [d25df0c9] Inflate v0.1.1
  [c8e1da08] IterTools v1.3.0
  [682c06a0] JSON v0.21.0
  [093fc24a] LightGraphs v1.3.0
  [1914dd2f] MacroTools v0.5.2
  [f28f55f0] Memento v0.12.1
  [78c3b35d] Mocking v0.7.0
  [bac558e1] OrderedCollections v1.1.0
  [69de0a69] Parsers v0.3.10
  [08a2b407] ResultTypes v3.0.0
  [699a6c99] SimpleTraits v0.9.1
  [90137ffa] StaticArrays v0.12.1
  [cea106d9] Syslogs v0.3.0
  [f269a46b] TimeZones v0.10.3
  [2a0f44e3] Base64  [`@stdlib/Base64`]
  [ade2ca70] Dates  [`@stdlib/Dates`]
  [8bb1440f] DelimitedFiles  [`@stdlib/DelimitedFiles`]
  [8ba89e20] Distributed  [`@stdlib/Distributed`]
  [b77e0a4c] InteractiveUtils  [`@stdlib/InteractiveUtils`]
  [76f85450] LibGit2  [`@stdlib/LibGit2`]
  [8f399da3] Libdl  [`@stdlib/Libdl`]
  [37e2e46d] LinearAlgebra  [`@stdlib/LinearAlgebra`]
  [56ddb016] Logging  [`@stdlib/Logging`]
  [d6f4376e] Markdown  [`@stdlib/Markdown`]
  [a63ad114] Mmap  [`@stdlib/Mmap`]
  [44cfe95a] Pkg  [`@stdlib/Pkg`]
  [de0858da] Printf  [`@stdlib/Printf`]
  [3fa0cd96] REPL  [`@stdlib/REPL`]
  [9a3f8284] Random  [`@stdlib/Random`]
  [ea8e919c] SHA  [`@stdlib/SHA`]
  [9e88b42a] Serialization  [`@stdlib/Serialization`]
  [1a1011a3] SharedArrays  [`@stdlib/SharedArrays`]
  [6462fe0b] Sockets  [`@stdlib/Sockets`]
  [2f01184e] SparseArrays  [`@stdlib/SparseArrays`]
  [10745b16] Statistics  [`@stdlib/Statistics`]
  [8dfed614] Test  [`@stdlib/Test`]
  [cf7118a7] UUIDs  [`@stdlib/UUIDs`]
  [4ec0a83e] Unicode  [`@stdlib/Unicode`]
Test Summary: | Pass  Total
Graph         |   34     34
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<four>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<four, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<four, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<four>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 2 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!(x + 1), Op<put!(4)>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (Op<put!(4)>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (Op<put!(4)>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!(x + 1), Op<put!(4)>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 2 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 2 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!(x + 2), Op<put!(4)>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (DataNode{Channel{Float64}}): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (DataNode{Channel{Float64}}): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!(x + 2), Op<put!(4)>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 2 nodes executed.
[info | Main]: Partial array
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 2 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!(x + 1), Op<put!(4)>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (Op<put!(4)>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (Op<put!(4)>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!(x + 1), Op<put!(4)>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 2 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 2 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!(x + 2), Op<put!(4)>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (DataNode{Channel{Float64}}): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (DataNode{Channel{Float64}}): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!(x + 2), Op<put!(4)>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 2 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 4 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<*, Op<+>, Op<+>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (Op<+, Op<+>, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<+, Op<+>, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<+, Int64, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<+, Int64, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (Op<+, Op<+>, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<+, Op<+>, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<*, Op<+>, Op<+>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 4 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<ApplicationError>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<ApplicationError>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<ApplicationError, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
[notice | Dispatcher]: Handling Error: DependencyError<TaskFailedException, 3>
[notice | Dispatcher]: Handling Error: DependencyError<TaskFailedException, 2>
[notice | Dispatcher]: Handling Error: DependencyError<TaskFailedException, 1>
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<ApplicationError>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<ApplicationError>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<ApplicationError, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
[notice | Dispatcher]: Handling Error: DependencyError<TaskFailedException, 3>
[notice | Dispatcher]: Handling Error: DependencyError<TaskFailedException, 2>
[notice | Dispatcher]: Handling Error: DependencyError<TaskFailedException, 1>
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<ApplicationError>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<ApplicationError>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<ApplicationError, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
[notice | Dispatcher]: Handling Error: DependencyError<ErrorException, 3>
[notice | Dispatcher]: Handling Error: DependencyError<RemoteException, 2>
[notice | Dispatcher]: Handling Error: DependencyError<MethodError, 1>
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<ApplicationError>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<ApplicationError>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<ApplicationError, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
[notice | Dispatcher]: Handling Error: DependencyError<ErrorException, 3>
[notice | Dispatcher]: Handling Error: DependencyError<RemoteException, 2>
[notice | Dispatcher]: Handling Error: DependencyError<MethodError, 1>
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 6 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<4, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): running.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<3>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<max, Op<3>, Op<4>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<factorials, Op<max>>): complete.
┌ Error: Fatal error on process 1
│   exception =
│    attempt to send to unknown socket
│    Stacktrace:
│     [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
│     [2] send_msg_unknown(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:111
│     [3] send_msg_now(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Distributed.MsgHeader, ::Distributed.ResultMsg) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/messages.jl:127
│     [4] deliver_result(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Symbol, ::Distributed.RRID, ::RemoteChannel{Channel{Any}}) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:111
│     [5] macro expansion at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:302 [inlined]
│     [6] (::Distributed.var"#107#109"{Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch},Distributed.MsgHeader,Sockets.TCPSocket})() at ./task.jl:333
└ @ Distributed /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:115
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<put!, IndexNode<Op<factorials>, 2>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 6 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 3 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<nth, Op<distinct>, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (Op<distinct, Op<imap>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<imap, typeof(+), 3-element Array{Int64,1}, 3-element Array{Int64,1}>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<imap, typeof(+), 3-element Array{Int64,1}, 3-element Array{Int64,1}>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (Op<distinct, Op<imap>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<nth, Op<distinct>, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 3 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 3 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<nth, Op<distinct>, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (Op<distinct, Op<imap>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<imap, typeof(+), 3-element Array{Int64,1}, 3-element Array{Int64,1}>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<imap, typeof(+), 3-element Array{Int64,1}, 3-element Array{Int64,1}>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (Op<distinct, Op<imap>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<nth, Op<distinct>, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 3 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 13 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<+, Op<slowsum>, Op<slowsum>, Op<slowsum>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (Op<slowsum, Op<slowinc>, Op<slowinc>, Op<slowinc>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<slowsum, Op<slowadd>, Op<slowadd>, Op<slowadd>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<slowsum, Op<slowadd>, Op<slowadd>, Op<slowadd>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<slowadd, Op<slowinc>, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<slowadd, Op<slowinc>, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 7 (Op<slowadd, Op<slowinc>, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 8 (Op<slowinc, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 9 (Op<slowinc, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 10 (Op<slowinc, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 11 (Op<slowadd, Op<slowinc>, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 12 (Op<slowadd, Op<slowinc>, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 13 (Op<slowadd, Op<slowinc>, Int64>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 8 (Op<slowinc, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 9 (Op<slowinc, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 7 (Op<slowadd, Op<slowinc>, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 10 (Op<slowinc, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<slowadd, Op<slowinc>, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (Op<slowsum, Op<slowinc>, Op<slowinc>, Op<slowinc>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<slowadd, Op<slowinc>, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 11 (Op<slowadd, Op<slowinc>, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 12 (Op<slowadd, Op<slowinc>, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<slowsum, Op<slowadd>, Op<slowadd>, Op<slowadd>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 13 (Op<slowadd, Op<slowinc>, Int64>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<slowsum, Op<slowadd>, Op<slowadd>, Op<slowadd>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<+, Op<slowsum>, Op<slowsum>, Op<slowsum>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 13 nodes executed.
[info | Dispatcher]: Executing 500 graph nodes.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<reduction, CollectNode<200 Ops>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (CollectNode<200 Ops>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 7 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 8 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 9 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 10 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 11 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 12 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 13 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 14 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 15 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 16 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 17 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 18 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 19 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 20 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 21 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 22 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 23 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 24 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 25 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 26 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 27 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 28 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 29 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 30 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 31 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 32 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 33 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 34 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 35 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 36 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 37 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 38 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 39 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 40 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 41 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 42 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 43 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 44 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 45 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 46 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 47 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 48 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 49 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 50 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 51 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 52 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 53 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 54 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 55 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 56 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 57 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 58 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 59 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 60 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 61 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 62 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 63 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 64 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 65 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 66 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 67 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 68 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 69 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 70 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 71 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 72 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 73 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 74 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 75 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 76 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 77 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 78 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 79 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 80 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 81 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 82 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 83 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 84 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 85 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 86 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 87 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 88 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 89 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 90 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 91 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 92 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 93 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 94 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 95 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 96 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 97 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 98 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 99 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 100 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 101 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 102 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 103 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 104 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 105 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 106 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 107 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 108 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 109 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 110 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 111 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 112 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 113 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 114 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 115 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 116 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 117 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 118 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 119 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 120 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 121 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 122 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 123 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 124 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 125 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 126 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 127 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 128 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 129 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 130 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 131 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 132 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 133 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 134 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 135 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 136 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 137 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 138 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 139 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 140 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 141 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 142 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 143 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 144 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 145 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 146 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 147 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 148 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 149 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 150 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 151 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 152 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 153 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 154 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 155 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 156 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 157 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 158 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 159 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 160 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 161 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 162 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 163 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 164 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 165 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 166 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 167 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 168 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 169 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 170 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 171 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 172 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 173 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 174 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 175 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 176 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 177 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 178 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 179 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 180 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 181 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 182 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 183 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 184 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 185 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 186 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 187 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 188 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 189 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 190 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 191 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 192 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 193 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 194 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 195 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 196 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 197 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 198 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 199 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 200 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 201 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 202 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 203 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 204 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 205 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 206 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 207 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 208 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 209 (Op<load_from_sql, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 210 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 211 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 212 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 213 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 214 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 215 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 216 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 217 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 218 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 219 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 220 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 221 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 222 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 223 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 224 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 225 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 226 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 227 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 228 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 229 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 230 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 231 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 232 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 233 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 234 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 235 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 236 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 237 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 238 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 239 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 240 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 241 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 242 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 243 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 244 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 245 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 246 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 247 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 248 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 249 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 250 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 251 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 252 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 253 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 254 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 255 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 256 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 257 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 258 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 259 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 260 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 261 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 262 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 263 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 264 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 265 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 266 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 267 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 268 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 269 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 270 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 271 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 272 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 273 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 274 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 275 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 276 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 277 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 278 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 279 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 280 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 281 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 282 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 283 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 284 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 285 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 286 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 287 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 288 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 289 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 290 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 291 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 292 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 293 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 294 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 295 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 296 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 297 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 298 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 299 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 300 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 301 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 302 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 303 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 304 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 305 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 306 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 307 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 308 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 309 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 310 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 311 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 312 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 313 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 314 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 315 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 316 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 317 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 318 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 319 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 320 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 321 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 322 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 323 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 324 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 325 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 326 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 327 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 328 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 329 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 330 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 331 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 332 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 333 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 334 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 335 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 336 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 337 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 338 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 339 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 340 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 341 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 342 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 343 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 344 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 345 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 346 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 347 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 348 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 349 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 350 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 351 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 352 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 353 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 354 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 355 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 356 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 357 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 358 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 359 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 360 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 361 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 362 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 363 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 364 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 365 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 366 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 367 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 368 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 369 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 370 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 371 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 372 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 373 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 374 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 375 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 376 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 377 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 378 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 379 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 380 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 381 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 382 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 383 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 384 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 385 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 386 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 387 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 388 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 389 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 390 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 391 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 392 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 393 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 394 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 395 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 396 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 397 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 398 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 399 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 400 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 401 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 402 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 403 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 404 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 405 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 406 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 407 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 408 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 409 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 410 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 411 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 412 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 413 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 414 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 415 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 416 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 417 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 418 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 419 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 420 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 421 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 422 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 423 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 424 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 425 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 426 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 427 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 428 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 429 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 430 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 431 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 432 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 433 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 434 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 435 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 436 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 437 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 438 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 439 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 440 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 441 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 442 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 443 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 444 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 445 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 446 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 447 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 448 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 449 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 450 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 451 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 452 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 453 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 454 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 455 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 456 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 457 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 458 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 459 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 460 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 461 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 462 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 463 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 464 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 465 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 466 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 467 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 468 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 469 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 470 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 471 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 472 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 473 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 474 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 475 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 476 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 477 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 478 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 479 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 480 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 481 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 482 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 483 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 484 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 485 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 486 (Op<load, String>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 487 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 488 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 489 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 490 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 491 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 492 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 493 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 494 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 495 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 496 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 497 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 498 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 499 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 500 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): running.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 437 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 329 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 389 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 209 (Op<load_from_sql, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 245 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 230 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 305 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 359 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 374 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 317 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 239 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 470 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 335 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 281 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 428 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 215 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 452 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 449 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 443 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 353 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 299 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 272 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 410 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 293 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 311 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 224 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 221 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 383 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 257 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 266 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 401 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 416 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 365 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 323 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 251 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 395 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 371 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 314 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 302 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 350 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 269 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 227 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 263 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 337 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 332 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 430 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 295 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 223 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 388 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 265 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 244 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 421 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 475 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 217 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 259 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 373 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 418 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 355 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 304 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 352 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 211 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 331 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 379 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 316 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 340 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 253 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 310 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 406 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 445 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 322 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 283 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 280 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 412 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 289 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 397 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 229 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 346 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 271 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 433 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 361 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 248 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 208 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 238 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 394 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 256 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 214 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 241 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 364 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 212 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 358 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 448 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 254 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 415 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 334 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 250 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 400 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 469 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 425 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 451 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 319 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 409 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 205 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 403 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 292 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 436 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 277 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 307 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 385 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 298 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 382 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 326 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 328 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 343 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 235 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 440 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 434 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 290 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 392 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 442 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 427 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 286 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 318 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 363 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 264 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 372 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 276 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 384 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 339 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 303 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 243 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 267 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 252 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 375 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 216 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 309 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 465 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 273 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 258 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 345 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 321 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 279 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 494 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 225 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 429 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 387 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 396 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 320 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 330 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 237 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 405 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 444 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 210 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 336 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 294 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 231 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 288 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 369 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 486 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 462 (Op<load, String>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 270 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 282 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 344 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 351 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 450 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 234 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 360 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 378 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 306 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 228 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 240 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 411 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 222 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 207 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 315 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 417 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 354 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 432 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 420 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 338 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 393 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 438 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 468 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 495 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 368 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 312 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 370 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 366 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 362 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 356 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 485 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 426 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 478 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 236 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 349 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 490 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 458 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 500 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 278 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 404 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 422 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 391 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 496 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 35 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 191 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 341 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 484 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 499 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 461 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 249 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 483 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 413 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 296 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 431 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 467 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 491 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 233 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 80 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 456 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 423 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 24 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 441 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 435 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 459 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 102 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 474 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 333 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 287 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 446 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 213 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 455 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 170 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 81 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 123 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 447 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 480 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 471 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 131 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 84 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 464 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 108 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 167 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 89 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 21 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 381 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 275 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 457 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 408 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 313 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 498 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 30 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 262 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 466 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 473 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 460 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 301 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 367 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 226 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 158 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 161 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 4 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 357 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 117 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 17 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 146 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 477 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 52 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 166 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 13 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 40 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 58 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 124 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 157 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 193 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 255 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 53 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 74 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 402 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 342 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 43 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 96 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 111 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 324 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 291 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 285 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 48 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 414 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 261 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 122 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 390 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 38 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 135 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 481 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 46 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 44 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 37 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 5 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 327 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 489 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 83 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 67 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 144 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 268 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 174 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 87 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 129 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 91 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 206 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 487 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 134 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 347 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 220 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 51 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 112 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 120 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 145 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 171 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 64 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 476 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 177 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 133 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 57 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 493 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 274 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 184 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 187 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 66 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 247 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 308 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 172 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 107 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 181 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 453 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 242 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 439 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 463 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 203 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 45 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 128 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 386 (Op<process, Op<load>, Op<load_from_sql>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 399 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 132 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 246 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 165 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 218 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 90 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 26 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 33 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 69 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 101 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 190 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 97 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 139 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 454 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 109 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 77 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 22 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 7 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 18 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 82 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 85 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 36 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 130 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 325 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 15 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 492 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 49 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 140 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 127 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 88 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 126 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 162 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 204 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 76 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 104 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 175 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 121 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 424 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 65 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 169 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 297 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 61 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 27 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 154 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 34 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 192 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 348 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 219 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 100 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 73 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 150 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 472 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 300 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 25 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 93 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 118 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 199 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 153 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 376 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 197 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 260 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 99 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 284 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 55 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 136 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 147 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 168 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 186 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 10 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 163 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 114 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 19 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 195 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 9 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 232 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 42 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 202 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 196 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 94 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 142 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 488 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 28 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 47 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 110 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 497 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 185 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 380 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 189 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 62 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 29 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 113 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 138 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 407 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 201 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 6 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 115 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 173 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 419 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 149 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 92 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 398 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 50 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 98 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 137 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 179 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 95 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 377 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 68 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 479 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 164 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 116 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 31 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 105 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 180 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 75 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 482 (Op<roll, Op<process>, Op<process>, Op<process>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 60 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 78 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 152 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 86 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 14 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 32 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 3 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 23 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 143 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 12 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 20 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 63 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 71 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 194 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 182 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 72 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 8 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 155 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 141 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 54 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 198 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 39 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 148 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 70 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 106 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 79 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 160 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 56 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 41 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 151 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 59 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 11 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 200 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 188 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 176 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 156 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 103 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 159 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 125 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 183 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 16 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 178 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 119 (Op<compare, Op<roll>, Op<roll>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 2 (CollectNode<200 Ops>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: Node 1 (Op<reduction, CollectNode<200 Ops>>): complete.
[info | Dispatcher]: All 500 nodes executed.
Test Summary: | Pass  Total
Dispatcher    |  270    270
   Testing Dispatcher tests passed