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If you think that there is an error in how your package is being tested or represented, please file an issue at NewPkgEval.jl, making sure to read the FAQ first.

Results with Julia v1.2.0

Testing was unsuccessful: package has test failures. Last evaluation was ago and took 4 minutes, 31 seconds.

Click here to download the log file.

 Resolving package versions...
 Installed DataAPI ──────────── v1.1.0
 Installed Missings ─────────── v0.4.3
 Installed PDMats ───────────── v0.9.10
 Installed Blosc ────────────── v0.5.1
 Installed HDF5 ─────────────── v0.12.5
 Installed Boltzmann ────────── v0.7.1
 Installed BinaryProvider ───── v0.5.8
 Installed StatsBase ────────── v0.32.0
 Installed URIParser ────────── v0.4.0
 Installed Compat ───────────── v2.2.0
 Installed Rmath ────────────── v0.5.1
 Installed OrderedCollections ─ v1.1.0
 Installed StatsFuns ────────── v0.9.0
 Installed DataStructures ───── v0.17.6
 Installed Parsers ──────────── v0.3.10
 Installed Distributions ────── v0.21.9
 Installed Parameters ───────── v0.12.0
 Installed JSON ─────────────── v0.21.0
 Installed CMakeWrapper ─────── v0.2.3
 Installed QuadGK ───────────── v2.1.1
 Installed SortingAlgorithms ── v0.3.1
 Installed CMake ────────────── v1.1.2
 Installed BenchmarkTools ───── v0.4.3
 Installed BinDeps ──────────── v0.8.10
 Installed SpecialFunctions ─── v0.8.0
 Installed Arpack ───────────── v0.3.1
  Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.2/Project.toml`
  [00bb91fb] + Boltzmann v0.7.1
  Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.2/Manifest.toml`
  [7d9fca2a] + Arpack v0.3.1
  [6e4b80f9] + BenchmarkTools v0.4.3
  [9e28174c] + BinDeps v0.8.10
  [b99e7846] + BinaryProvider v0.5.8
  [a74b3585] + Blosc v0.5.1
  [00bb91fb] + Boltzmann v0.7.1
  [631607c0] + CMake v1.1.2
  [d5fb7624] + CMakeWrapper v0.2.3
  [34da2185] + Compat v2.2.0
  [9a962f9c] + DataAPI v1.1.0
  [864edb3b] + DataStructures v0.17.6
  [31c24e10] + Distributions v0.21.9
  [f67ccb44] + HDF5 v0.12.5
  [682c06a0] + JSON v0.21.0
  [e1d29d7a] + Missings v0.4.3
  [bac558e1] + OrderedCollections v1.1.0
  [90014a1f] + PDMats v0.9.10
  [d96e819e] + Parameters v0.12.0
  [69de0a69] + Parsers v0.3.10
  [1fd47b50] + QuadGK v2.1.1
  [79098fc4] + Rmath v0.5.1
  [a2af1166] + SortingAlgorithms v0.3.1
  [276daf66] + SpecialFunctions v0.8.0
  [2913bbd2] + StatsBase v0.32.0
  [4c63d2b9] + StatsFuns v0.9.0
  [30578b45] + URIParser v0.4.0
  [2a0f44e3] + Base64 
  [ade2ca70] + Dates 
  [8bb1440f] + DelimitedFiles 
  [8ba89e20] + Distributed 
  [b77e0a4c] + InteractiveUtils 
  [76f85450] + LibGit2 
  [8f399da3] + Libdl 
  [37e2e46d] + LinearAlgebra 
  [56ddb016] + Logging 
  [d6f4376e] + Markdown 
  [a63ad114] + Mmap 
  [44cfe95a] + Pkg 
  [de0858da] + Printf 
  [3fa0cd96] + REPL 
  [9a3f8284] + Random 
  [ea8e919c] + SHA 
  [9e88b42a] + Serialization 
  [1a1011a3] + SharedArrays 
  [6462fe0b] + Sockets 
  [2f01184e] + SparseArrays 
  [10745b16] + Statistics 
  [4607b0f0] + SuiteSparse 
  [8dfed614] + Test 
  [cf7118a7] + UUIDs 
  [4ec0a83e] + Unicode 
  Building CMake ───────────→ `~/.julia/packages/CMake/nSK2r/deps/build.log`
  Building Blosc ───────────→ `~/.julia/packages/Blosc/lzFr0/deps/build.log`
  Building HDF5 ────────────→ `~/.julia/packages/HDF5/Zh9on/deps/build.log`
  Building Rmath ───────────→ `~/.julia/packages/Rmath/4wt82/deps/build.log`
  Building SpecialFunctions → `~/.julia/packages/SpecialFunctions/ne2iw/deps/build.log`
  Building Arpack ──────────→ `~/.julia/packages/Arpack/cu5By/deps/build.log`
   Testing Boltzmann
 Resolving package versions...
 Installed TableTraits ───────────────── v1.0.0
 Installed Requires ──────────────────── v0.5.2
 Installed PooledArrays ──────────────── v0.5.2
 Installed DataValueInterfaces ───────── v1.0.0
 Installed MbedTLS ───────────────────── v0.7.0
 Installed DataDeps ──────────────────── v0.7.1
 Installed MLDatasets ────────────────── v0.4.0
 Installed DataFrames ────────────────── v0.19.4
 Installed InvertedIndices ───────────── v1.0.0
 Installed Tables ────────────────────── v0.2.11
 Installed Reexport ──────────────────── v0.2.0
 Installed HTTP ──────────────────────── v0.8.8
 Installed IteratorInterfaceExtensions ─ v1.0.0
 Installed GZip ──────────────────────── v0.5.1
 Installed FixedPointNumbers ─────────── v0.6.1
 Installed IniFile ───────────────────── v0.5.0
 Installed CategoricalArrays ─────────── v0.7.3
 Installed ColorTypes ────────────────── v0.8.0
  Building MbedTLS → `~/.julia/packages/MbedTLS/a1JFn/deps/build.log`
    Status `/tmp/jl_KFTF2n/Manifest.toml`
  [7d9fca2a] Arpack v0.3.1
  [6e4b80f9] BenchmarkTools v0.4.3
  [9e28174c] BinDeps v0.8.10
  [b99e7846] BinaryProvider v0.5.8
  [a74b3585] Blosc v0.5.1
  [00bb91fb] Boltzmann v0.7.1
  [631607c0] CMake v1.1.2
  [d5fb7624] CMakeWrapper v0.2.3
  [324d7699] CategoricalArrays v0.7.3
  [3da002f7] ColorTypes v0.8.0
  [34da2185] Compat v2.2.0
  [9a962f9c] DataAPI v1.1.0
  [124859b0] DataDeps v0.7.1
  [a93c6f00] DataFrames v0.19.4
  [864edb3b] DataStructures v0.17.6
  [e2d170a0] DataValueInterfaces v1.0.0
  [31c24e10] Distributions v0.21.9
  [53c48c17] FixedPointNumbers v0.6.1
  [92fee26a] GZip v0.5.1
  [f67ccb44] HDF5 v0.12.5
  [cd3eb016] HTTP v0.8.8
  [83e8ac13] IniFile v0.5.0
  [41ab1584] InvertedIndices v1.0.0
  [82899510] IteratorInterfaceExtensions v1.0.0
  [682c06a0] JSON v0.21.0
  [eb30cadb] MLDatasets v0.4.0
  [739be429] MbedTLS v0.7.0
  [e1d29d7a] Missings v0.4.3
  [bac558e1] OrderedCollections v1.1.0
  [90014a1f] PDMats v0.9.10
  [d96e819e] Parameters v0.12.0
  [69de0a69] Parsers v0.3.10
  [2dfb63ee] PooledArrays v0.5.2
  [1fd47b50] QuadGK v2.1.1
  [189a3867] Reexport v0.2.0
  [ae029012] Requires v0.5.2
  [79098fc4] Rmath v0.5.1
  [a2af1166] SortingAlgorithms v0.3.1
  [276daf66] SpecialFunctions v0.8.0
  [2913bbd2] StatsBase v0.32.0
  [4c63d2b9] StatsFuns v0.9.0
  [3783bdb8] TableTraits v1.0.0
  [bd369af6] Tables v0.2.11
  [30578b45] URIParser v0.4.0
  [2a0f44e3] Base64  [`@stdlib/Base64`]
  [ade2ca70] Dates  [`@stdlib/Dates`]
  [8bb1440f] DelimitedFiles  [`@stdlib/DelimitedFiles`]
  [8ba89e20] Distributed  [`@stdlib/Distributed`]
  [9fa8497b] Future  [`@stdlib/Future`]
  [b77e0a4c] InteractiveUtils  [`@stdlib/InteractiveUtils`]
  [76f85450] LibGit2  [`@stdlib/LibGit2`]
  [8f399da3] Libdl  [`@stdlib/Libdl`]
  [37e2e46d] LinearAlgebra  [`@stdlib/LinearAlgebra`]
  [56ddb016] Logging  [`@stdlib/Logging`]
  [d6f4376e] Markdown  [`@stdlib/Markdown`]
  [a63ad114] Mmap  [`@stdlib/Mmap`]
  [44cfe95a] Pkg  [`@stdlib/Pkg`]
  [de0858da] Printf  [`@stdlib/Printf`]
  [3fa0cd96] REPL  [`@stdlib/REPL`]
  [9a3f8284] Random  [`@stdlib/Random`]
  [ea8e919c] SHA  [`@stdlib/SHA`]
  [9e88b42a] Serialization  [`@stdlib/Serialization`]
  [1a1011a3] SharedArrays  [`@stdlib/SharedArrays`]
  [6462fe0b] Sockets  [`@stdlib/Sockets`]
  [2f01184e] SparseArrays  [`@stdlib/SparseArrays`]
  [10745b16] Statistics  [`@stdlib/Statistics`]
  [4607b0f0] SuiteSparse  [`@stdlib/SuiteSparse`]
  [8dfed614] Test  [`@stdlib/Test`]
  [cf7118a7] UUIDs  [`@stdlib/UUIDs`]
  [4ec0a83e] Unicode  [`@stdlib/Unicode`]

Running utils tests...

Running rbm tests...

[ Info: Testing against Array
[ Info: Testing fit
[Epoch 1] Score: -65.2192574452411 [3.450101814s] (Mean Ratio: NaN )
[Epoch 2] Score: -62.17867690829949 [0.148161845s] (Mean Ratio: 0.9533790991181628 )
[Epoch 3] Score: -59.01494918770809 [0.035989612s] (Mean Ratio: 0.9512489332746819 )
[Epoch 4] Score: -55.20642289209054 [0.040413483s] (Mean Ratio: 0.9459876416709022 )
[Epoch 5] Score: -54.43292088902037 [0.030990213s] (Mean Ratio: 0.955987959462555 )
[ Info: Testing for convergence
[ Info: Testing transform
[ Info: Testing generate
[ Info: Testing against SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC
[ Info: Testing fit
[Epoch 1] Score: -52.321317968463894 [0.340943593s] (Mean Ratio: NaN )
[Epoch 2] Score: -40.66638440852165 [0.053841169s] (Mean Ratio: 0.7772431197744841 )
[Epoch 3] Score: -33.45691236809492 [0.131649124s] (Mean Ratio: 0.7999798949680959 )
[Epoch 4] Score: -29.664379635700584 [0.078812316s] (Mean Ratio: 0.8288680199053734 )
[Epoch 5] Score: -25.291734671741725 [0.066133885s] (Mean Ratio: 0.8348000423344738 )
[ Info: Testing for convergence
[ Info: Testing transform
[ Info: Testing generate
[ Info: Testing against Array
[ Info: Testing fit
[Epoch 1] Score: -65.69357930655251 [1.053300598s] (Mean Ratio: NaN )
[Epoch 2] Score: -62.61137285205475 [0.099448314s] (Mean Ratio: 0.9530820745796944 )
[Epoch 3] Score: -57.61662068145264 [0.128556369s] (Mean Ratio: 0.9366540970816819 )
[Epoch 4] Score: -54.21576676377935 [0.098738785s] (Mean Ratio: 0.9380942078202817 )
[Epoch 5] Score: -50.701056953562336 [0.128054586s] (Mean Ratio: 0.9373636093729484 )
[ Info: Testing for convergence
[ Info: Testing transform
[ Info: Testing generate
[ Info: Testing against SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC
[ Info: Testing fit
[Epoch 1] Score: -57.14270526367584 [0.340523835s] (Mean Ratio: NaN )
[Epoch 2] Score: -50.199868867293375 [0.08749311s] (Mean Ratio: 0.8785000401303042 )
[Epoch 3] Score: -43.62751430521391 [0.057974801s] (Mean Ratio: 0.8737881502398154 )
[Epoch 4] Score: -38.29860861706242 [0.099289867s] (Mean Ratio: 0.8751435914529558 )
[Epoch 5] Score: -35.43195711155569 [0.067269652s] (Mean Ratio: 0.887645189343351 )
[ Info: Testing for convergence
[ Info: Testing transform
[ Info: Testing generate
Test Summary:   | Pass  Total
RBM Integration |   24     24

Running nets tests...

This program has requested access to the data dependency MNIST.
which is not currently installed. It can be installed automatically, and you will not see this message again.

Dataset: THE MNIST DATABASE of handwritten digits
Authors: Yann LeCun, Corinna Cortes, Christopher J.C. Burges

[LeCun et al., 1998a]
    Y. LeCun, L. Bottou, Y. Bengio, and P. Haffner.
    "Gradient-based learning applied to document recognition."
    Proceedings of the IEEE, 86(11):2278-2324, November 1998

The files are available for download at the offical
website linked above. Note that using the data
responsibly and respecting copyright remains your
responsibility. The authors of MNIST aren't really
explicit about any terms of use, so please read the
website to make sure you want to download the

Do you want to download the dataset from ["", "", "", ""] to "/root/.julia/datadeps/MNIST"?
Do you want to download the dataset from ["", "", "", ""] to "/root/.julia/datadeps/MNIST"?
Nets Integration: Error During Test at /root/.julia/packages/Boltzmann/2zIGN/test/testnets.jl:5
  Got exception outside of a @test
  IOError: Could not open stream.
   [1] better_readline(::Base.PipeEndpoint) at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/util.jl:57
   [2] better_readline() at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/util.jl:55
   [3] input_choice(::String, ::Char, ::Vararg{Char,N} where N) at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/util.jl:82
   [4] input_bool at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/util.jl:70 [inlined]
   [5] check_if_accept_terms(::DataDeps.DataDep{String,Array{String,1},typeof(DataDeps.fetch_default),typeof(identity)}, ::String, ::Array{String,1}) at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/resolution_automatic.jl:180
   [6] accept_terms at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/resolution_automatic.jl:163 [inlined]
   [7] #download#13(::Array{String,1}, ::Nothing, ::Bool, ::typeof(download), ::DataDeps.DataDep{String,Array{String,1},typeof(DataDeps.fetch_default),typeof(identity)}, ::String) at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/resolution_automatic.jl:72
   [8] download at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/resolution_automatic.jl:70 [inlined]
   [9] handle_missing at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/resolution_automatic.jl:10 [inlined]
   [10] _resolve(::DataDeps.DataDep{String,Array{String,1},typeof(DataDeps.fetch_default),typeof(identity)}, ::String) at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/resolution.jl:83
   [11] resolve(::DataDeps.DataDep{String,Array{String,1},typeof(DataDeps.fetch_default),typeof(identity)}, ::String, ::String) at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/resolution.jl:29
   [12] resolve(::String, ::String, ::String) at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/resolution.jl:54
   [13] resolve at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/resolution.jl:73 [inlined]
   [14] #2 at /root/.julia/packages/MLDatasets/GU5Hj/src/download.jl:17 [inlined]
   [15] withenv(::getfield(MLDatasets, Symbol("##2#3")){String,Nothing}, ::Pair{String,String}) at ./env.jl:161
   [16] with_accept at /root/.julia/packages/MLDatasets/GU5Hj/src/download.jl:10 [inlined]
   [17] #datadir#1 at /root/.julia/packages/MLDatasets/GU5Hj/src/download.jl:14 [inlined]
   [18] datadir at /root/.julia/packages/MLDatasets/GU5Hj/src/download.jl:14 [inlined]
   [19] #datafile#4(::Bool, ::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Union{},Union{},Tuple{},NamedTuple{(),Tuple{}}}, ::typeof(MLDatasets.datafile), ::String, ::String, ::Nothing) at /root/.julia/packages/MLDatasets/GU5Hj/src/download.jl:32
   [20] datafile at /root/.julia/packages/MLDatasets/GU5Hj/src/download.jl:32 [inlined]
   [21] #traintensor#2 at /root/.julia/packages/MLDatasets/GU5Hj/src/MNIST/interface.jl:54 [inlined]
   [22] #traintensor at ./none:0 [inlined]
   [23] #traindata#10 at /root/.julia/packages/MLDatasets/GU5Hj/src/MNIST/interface.jl:231 [inlined]
   [24] #traindata at ./none:0 [inlined]
   [25] #traindata#11 at /root/.julia/packages/MLDatasets/GU5Hj/src/MNIST/interface.jl:235 [inlined]
   [26] traindata() at /root/.julia/packages/MLDatasets/GU5Hj/src/MNIST/interface.jl:235
   [27] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/Boltzmann/2zIGN/test/testnets.jl:6
   [28] top-level scope at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Test/src/Test.jl:1113
   [29] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/Boltzmann/2zIGN/test/testnets.jl:6
   [30] include at ./boot.jl:328 [inlined]
   [31] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at ./loading.jl:1094
   [32] include(::Module, ::String) at ./Base.jl:31
   [33] include(::String) at ./client.jl:431
   [34] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/Boltzmann/2zIGN/test/runtests.jl:80
   [35] include at ./boot.jl:328 [inlined]
   [36] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at ./loading.jl:1094
   [37] include(::Module, ::String) at ./Base.jl:31
   [38] include(::String) at ./client.jl:431
   [39] top-level scope at none:5
   [40] eval(::Module, ::Any) at ./boot.jl:330
   [41] exec_options(::Base.JLOptions) at ./client.jl:271
   [42] _start() at ./client.jl:464
Test Summary:    | Error  Total
Nets Integration |     1      1
ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: Some tests did not pass: 0 passed, 0 failed, 1 errored, 0 broken.
in expression starting at /root/.julia/packages/Boltzmann/2zIGN/test/testnets.jl:4
in expression starting at /root/.julia/packages/Boltzmann/2zIGN/test/runtests.jl:78
ERROR: Package Boltzmann errored during testing
 [1] pkgerror(::String, ::Vararg{String,N} where N) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Pkg/src/Types.jl:112
 [2] #test#119(::Bool, ::Nothing, ::typeof(Pkg.Operations.test), ::Pkg.Types.Context, ::Array{Pkg.Types.PackageSpec,1}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Pkg/src/Operations.jl:1288
 [3] #test at ./none:0 [inlined]
 [4] #test#62(::Bool, ::Nothing, ::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Union{},Union{},Tuple{},NamedTuple{(),Tuple{}}}, ::typeof(Pkg.API.test), ::Pkg.Types.Context, ::Array{Pkg.Types.PackageSpec,1}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Pkg/src/API.jl:245
 [5] test at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Pkg/src/API.jl:233 [inlined]
 [6] #test#61 at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Pkg/src/API.jl:230 [inlined]
 [7] test at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Pkg/src/API.jl:230 [inlined]
 [8] #test#60 at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Pkg/src/API.jl:229 [inlined]
 [9] test at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Pkg/src/API.jl:229 [inlined]
 [10] #test#59(::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Union{},Union{},Tuple{},NamedTuple{(),Tuple{}}}, ::typeof(Pkg.API.test), ::String) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Pkg/src/API.jl:228
 [11] test(::String) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.2/Pkg/src/API.jl:228
 [12] top-level scope at none:10

Results with Julia v1.3.0

Testing was unsuccessful: package has test failures. Last evaluation was ago and took 4 minutes, 7 seconds.

Click here to download the log file.

 Resolving package versions...
 Installed URIParser ────────── v0.4.0
 Installed SortingAlgorithms ── v0.3.1
 Installed Boltzmann ────────── v0.7.1
 Installed Compat ───────────── v2.2.0
 Installed Arpack ───────────── v0.3.1
 Installed QuadGK ───────────── v2.1.1
 Installed DataStructures ───── v0.17.6
 Installed BinaryProvider ───── v0.5.8
 Installed Parsers ──────────── v0.3.10
 Installed StatsFuns ────────── v0.9.0
 Installed Missings ─────────── v0.4.3
 Installed CMakeWrapper ─────── v0.2.3
 Installed Rmath ────────────── v0.5.1
 Installed OrderedCollections ─ v1.1.0
 Installed Parameters ───────── v0.12.0
 Installed Distributions ────── v0.21.9
 Installed SpecialFunctions ─── v0.8.0
 Installed DataAPI ──────────── v1.1.0
 Installed BinDeps ──────────── v0.8.10
 Installed JSON ─────────────── v0.21.0
 Installed CMake ────────────── v1.1.2
 Installed PDMats ───────────── v0.9.10
 Installed Blosc ────────────── v0.5.1
 Installed StatsBase ────────── v0.32.0
 Installed HDF5 ─────────────── v0.12.5
 Installed BenchmarkTools ───── v0.4.3
  Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.3/Project.toml`
  [00bb91fb] + Boltzmann v0.7.1
  Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.3/Manifest.toml`
  [7d9fca2a] + Arpack v0.3.1
  [6e4b80f9] + BenchmarkTools v0.4.3
  [9e28174c] + BinDeps v0.8.10
  [b99e7846] + BinaryProvider v0.5.8
  [a74b3585] + Blosc v0.5.1
  [00bb91fb] + Boltzmann v0.7.1
  [631607c0] + CMake v1.1.2
  [d5fb7624] + CMakeWrapper v0.2.3
  [34da2185] + Compat v2.2.0
  [9a962f9c] + DataAPI v1.1.0
  [864edb3b] + DataStructures v0.17.6
  [31c24e10] + Distributions v0.21.9
  [f67ccb44] + HDF5 v0.12.5
  [682c06a0] + JSON v0.21.0
  [e1d29d7a] + Missings v0.4.3
  [bac558e1] + OrderedCollections v1.1.0
  [90014a1f] + PDMats v0.9.10
  [d96e819e] + Parameters v0.12.0
  [69de0a69] + Parsers v0.3.10
  [1fd47b50] + QuadGK v2.1.1
  [79098fc4] + Rmath v0.5.1
  [a2af1166] + SortingAlgorithms v0.3.1
  [276daf66] + SpecialFunctions v0.8.0
  [2913bbd2] + StatsBase v0.32.0
  [4c63d2b9] + StatsFuns v0.9.0
  [30578b45] + URIParser v0.4.0
  [2a0f44e3] + Base64 
  [ade2ca70] + Dates 
  [8bb1440f] + DelimitedFiles 
  [8ba89e20] + Distributed 
  [b77e0a4c] + InteractiveUtils 
  [76f85450] + LibGit2 
  [8f399da3] + Libdl 
  [37e2e46d] + LinearAlgebra 
  [56ddb016] + Logging 
  [d6f4376e] + Markdown 
  [a63ad114] + Mmap 
  [44cfe95a] + Pkg 
  [de0858da] + Printf 
  [3fa0cd96] + REPL 
  [9a3f8284] + Random 
  [ea8e919c] + SHA 
  [9e88b42a] + Serialization 
  [1a1011a3] + SharedArrays 
  [6462fe0b] + Sockets 
  [2f01184e] + SparseArrays 
  [10745b16] + Statistics 
  [4607b0f0] + SuiteSparse 
  [8dfed614] + Test 
  [cf7118a7] + UUIDs 
  [4ec0a83e] + Unicode 
  Building Arpack ──────────→ `~/.julia/packages/Arpack/cu5By/deps/build.log`
  Building Rmath ───────────→ `~/.julia/packages/Rmath/4wt82/deps/build.log`
  Building SpecialFunctions → `~/.julia/packages/SpecialFunctions/ne2iw/deps/build.log`
  Building CMake ───────────→ `~/.julia/packages/CMake/nSK2r/deps/build.log`
  Building Blosc ───────────→ `~/.julia/packages/Blosc/lzFr0/deps/build.log`
  Building HDF5 ────────────→ `~/.julia/packages/HDF5/Zh9on/deps/build.log`
   Testing Boltzmann
 Resolving package versions...
 Installed DataFrames ────────────────── v0.19.4
 Installed IniFile ───────────────────── v0.5.0
 Installed TableTraits ───────────────── v1.0.0
 Installed FixedPointNumbers ─────────── v0.6.1
 Installed MLDatasets ────────────────── v0.4.0
 Installed CategoricalArrays ─────────── v0.7.3
 Installed InvertedIndices ───────────── v1.0.0
 Installed GZip ──────────────────────── v0.5.1
 Installed ColorTypes ────────────────── v0.8.0
 Installed Tables ────────────────────── v0.2.11
 Installed HTTP ──────────────────────── v0.8.8
 Installed DataDeps ──────────────────── v0.7.1
 Installed IteratorInterfaceExtensions ─ v1.0.0
 Installed MbedTLS ───────────────────── v0.7.0
 Installed DataValueInterfaces ───────── v1.0.0
 Installed Requires ──────────────────── v0.5.2
 Installed PooledArrays ──────────────── v0.5.2
 Installed Reexport ──────────────────── v0.2.0
  Building MbedTLS → `~/.julia/packages/MbedTLS/a1JFn/deps/build.log`
    Status `/tmp/jl_3DPxld/Manifest.toml`
  [7d9fca2a] Arpack v0.3.1
  [6e4b80f9] BenchmarkTools v0.4.3
  [9e28174c] BinDeps v0.8.10
  [b99e7846] BinaryProvider v0.5.8
  [a74b3585] Blosc v0.5.1
  [00bb91fb] Boltzmann v0.7.1
  [631607c0] CMake v1.1.2
  [d5fb7624] CMakeWrapper v0.2.3
  [324d7699] CategoricalArrays v0.7.3
  [3da002f7] ColorTypes v0.8.0
  [34da2185] Compat v2.2.0
  [9a962f9c] DataAPI v1.1.0
  [124859b0] DataDeps v0.7.1
  [a93c6f00] DataFrames v0.19.4
  [864edb3b] DataStructures v0.17.6
  [e2d170a0] DataValueInterfaces v1.0.0
  [31c24e10] Distributions v0.21.9
  [53c48c17] FixedPointNumbers v0.6.1
  [92fee26a] GZip v0.5.1
  [f67ccb44] HDF5 v0.12.5
  [cd3eb016] HTTP v0.8.8
  [83e8ac13] IniFile v0.5.0
  [41ab1584] InvertedIndices v1.0.0
  [82899510] IteratorInterfaceExtensions v1.0.0
  [682c06a0] JSON v0.21.0
  [eb30cadb] MLDatasets v0.4.0
  [739be429] MbedTLS v0.7.0
  [e1d29d7a] Missings v0.4.3
  [bac558e1] OrderedCollections v1.1.0
  [90014a1f] PDMats v0.9.10
  [d96e819e] Parameters v0.12.0
  [69de0a69] Parsers v0.3.10
  [2dfb63ee] PooledArrays v0.5.2
  [1fd47b50] QuadGK v2.1.1
  [189a3867] Reexport v0.2.0
  [ae029012] Requires v0.5.2
  [79098fc4] Rmath v0.5.1
  [a2af1166] SortingAlgorithms v0.3.1
  [276daf66] SpecialFunctions v0.8.0
  [2913bbd2] StatsBase v0.32.0
  [4c63d2b9] StatsFuns v0.9.0
  [3783bdb8] TableTraits v1.0.0
  [bd369af6] Tables v0.2.11
  [30578b45] URIParser v0.4.0
  [2a0f44e3] Base64  [`@stdlib/Base64`]
  [ade2ca70] Dates  [`@stdlib/Dates`]
  [8bb1440f] DelimitedFiles  [`@stdlib/DelimitedFiles`]
  [8ba89e20] Distributed  [`@stdlib/Distributed`]
  [9fa8497b] Future  [`@stdlib/Future`]
  [b77e0a4c] InteractiveUtils  [`@stdlib/InteractiveUtils`]
  [76f85450] LibGit2  [`@stdlib/LibGit2`]
  [8f399da3] Libdl  [`@stdlib/Libdl`]
  [37e2e46d] LinearAlgebra  [`@stdlib/LinearAlgebra`]
  [56ddb016] Logging  [`@stdlib/Logging`]
  [d6f4376e] Markdown  [`@stdlib/Markdown`]
  [a63ad114] Mmap  [`@stdlib/Mmap`]
  [44cfe95a] Pkg  [`@stdlib/Pkg`]
  [de0858da] Printf  [`@stdlib/Printf`]
  [3fa0cd96] REPL  [`@stdlib/REPL`]
  [9a3f8284] Random  [`@stdlib/Random`]
  [ea8e919c] SHA  [`@stdlib/SHA`]
  [9e88b42a] Serialization  [`@stdlib/Serialization`]
  [1a1011a3] SharedArrays  [`@stdlib/SharedArrays`]
  [6462fe0b] Sockets  [`@stdlib/Sockets`]
  [2f01184e] SparseArrays  [`@stdlib/SparseArrays`]
  [10745b16] Statistics  [`@stdlib/Statistics`]
  [4607b0f0] SuiteSparse  [`@stdlib/SuiteSparse`]
  [8dfed614] Test  [`@stdlib/Test`]
  [cf7118a7] UUIDs  [`@stdlib/UUIDs`]
  [4ec0a83e] Unicode  [`@stdlib/Unicode`]

Running utils tests...

Running rbm tests...

[ Info: Testing against Array
[ Info: Testing fit
[Epoch 1] Score: -65.72463827424339 [3.327372563s] (Mean Ratio: NaN )
[Epoch 2] Score: -61.78001378215168 [0.036146183s] (Mean Ratio: 0.9399825606398574 )
[Epoch 3] Score: -59.56043356551993 [0.037170136s] (Mean Ratio: 0.952027702127324 )
[Epoch 4] Score: -52.80654725906654 [0.057094701s] (Mean Ratio: 0.9302199615812672 )
[Epoch 5] Score: -51.603116782792654 [0.034376366s] (Mean Ratio: 0.9419676166970746 )
[ Info: Testing for convergence
[ Info: Testing transform
[ Info: Testing generate
[ Info: Testing against SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC
[ Info: Testing fit
[Epoch 1] Score: -55.545704792022704 [0.35819826s] (Mean Ratio: NaN )
[Epoch 2] Score: -47.14946880774498 [0.032174577s] (Mean Ratio: 0.8488409497059156 )
[Epoch 3] Score: -41.32783056457043 [0.037415035s] (Mean Ratio: 0.862684485133618 )
[Epoch 4] Score: -38.16933084294796 [0.035485467s] (Mean Ratio: 0.8829811599270555 )
[Epoch 5] Score: -35.78316118448973 [0.088030949s] (Mean Ratio: 0.8966070286363073 )
[ Info: Testing for convergence
[ Info: Testing transform
[ Info: Testing generate
[ Info: Testing against Array
[ Info: Testing fit
[Epoch 1] Score: -65.68196013371703 [1.005841698s] (Mean Ratio: NaN )
[Epoch 2] Score: -60.84968416555892 [0.047097055s] (Mean Ratio: 0.9264291754034071 )
[Epoch 3] Score: -55.30936571438996 [0.068965045s] (Mean Ratio: 0.9176899598655512 )
[Epoch 4] Score: -50.482916422469486 [0.034595663s] (Mean Ratio: 0.916039044891689 )
[Epoch 5] Score: -49.14197583394871 [0.031597371s] (Mean Ratio: 0.9303887174953556 )
[ Info: Testing for convergence
[ Info: Testing transform
[ Info: Testing generate
[ Info: Testing against SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC
[ Info: Testing fit
[Epoch 1] Score: -51.546675056217545 [0.272859948s] (Mean Ratio: NaN )
[Epoch 2] Score: -42.11513926737158 [0.073813983s] (Mean Ratio: 0.8170292113204238 )
[Epoch 3] Score: -35.87317742235092 [0.082096424s] (Mean Ratio: 0.8344086908561194 )
[Epoch 4] Score: -32.696858284207096 [0.144332866s] (Mean Ratio: 0.8600914569502454 )
[ Info: Testing for convergence
[ Info: Testing transform
[ Info: Testing generate
[Epoch 5] Score: -29.649182050558487 [0.07871016s] (Mean Ratio: 0.8717660768627081 )
Test Summary:   | Pass  Total
RBM Integration |   24     24

Running nets tests...

This program has requested access to the data dependency MNIST.
which is not currently installed. It can be installed automatically, and you will not see this message again.

Dataset: THE MNIST DATABASE of handwritten digits
Authors: Yann LeCun, Corinna Cortes, Christopher J.C. Burges

[LeCun et al., 1998a]
    Y. LeCun, L. Bottou, Y. Bengio, and P. Haffner.
    "Gradient-based learning applied to document recognition."
    Proceedings of the IEEE, 86(11):2278-2324, November 1998

The files are available for download at the offical
website linked above. Note that using the data
responsibly and respecting copyright remains your
responsibility. The authors of MNIST aren't really
explicit about any terms of use, so please read the
website to make sure you want to download the

Do you want to download the dataset from ["", "", "", ""] to "/root/.julia/datadeps/MNIST"?
Do you want to download the dataset from ["", "", "", ""] to "/root/.julia/datadeps/MNIST"?
Nets Integration: Error During Test at /root/.julia/packages/Boltzmann/2zIGN/test/testnets.jl:5
  Got exception outside of a @test
  IOError: Could not open stream.
   [1] better_readline(::Base.PipeEndpoint) at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/util.jl:57
   [2] better_readline() at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/util.jl:55
   [3] input_choice(::String, ::Char, ::Vararg{Char,N} where N) at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/util.jl:82
   [4] input_bool at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/util.jl:70 [inlined]
   [5] check_if_accept_terms(::DataDeps.DataDep{String,Array{String,1},typeof(DataDeps.fetch_default),typeof(identity)}, ::String, ::Array{String,1}) at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/resolution_automatic.jl:180
   [6] accept_terms at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/resolution_automatic.jl:163 [inlined]
   [7] #download#13(::Array{String,1}, ::Nothing, ::Bool, ::typeof(download), ::DataDeps.DataDep{String,Array{String,1},typeof(DataDeps.fetch_default),typeof(identity)}, ::String) at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/resolution_automatic.jl:72
   [8] download at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/resolution_automatic.jl:70 [inlined]
   [9] handle_missing at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/resolution_automatic.jl:10 [inlined]
   [10] _resolve(::DataDeps.DataDep{String,Array{String,1},typeof(DataDeps.fetch_default),typeof(identity)}, ::String) at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/resolution.jl:83
   [11] resolve(::DataDeps.DataDep{String,Array{String,1},typeof(DataDeps.fetch_default),typeof(identity)}, ::String, ::String) at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/resolution.jl:29
   [12] resolve(::String, ::String, ::String) at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/resolution.jl:54
   [13] resolve at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/resolution.jl:73 [inlined]
   [14] #2 at /root/.julia/packages/MLDatasets/GU5Hj/src/download.jl:17 [inlined]
   [15] withenv(::MLDatasets.var"#2#3"{String,Nothing}, ::Pair{String,String}) at ./env.jl:161
   [16] with_accept at /root/.julia/packages/MLDatasets/GU5Hj/src/download.jl:10 [inlined]
   [17] #datadir#1 at /root/.julia/packages/MLDatasets/GU5Hj/src/download.jl:14 [inlined]
   [18] datadir at /root/.julia/packages/MLDatasets/GU5Hj/src/download.jl:14 [inlined]
   [19] #datafile#4(::Bool, ::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Union{},Union{},Tuple{},NamedTuple{(),Tuple{}}}, ::typeof(MLDatasets.datafile), ::String, ::String, ::Nothing) at /root/.julia/packages/MLDatasets/GU5Hj/src/download.jl:32
   [20] datafile at /root/.julia/packages/MLDatasets/GU5Hj/src/download.jl:32 [inlined]
   [21] #traintensor#2 at /root/.julia/packages/MLDatasets/GU5Hj/src/MNIST/interface.jl:54 [inlined]
   [22] #traintensor at ./none:0 [inlined]
   [23] #traindata#10 at /root/.julia/packages/MLDatasets/GU5Hj/src/MNIST/interface.jl:231 [inlined]
   [24] #traindata at ./none:0 [inlined]
   [25] #traindata#11 at /root/.julia/packages/MLDatasets/GU5Hj/src/MNIST/interface.jl:235 [inlined]
   [26] traindata() at /root/.julia/packages/MLDatasets/GU5Hj/src/MNIST/interface.jl:235
   [27] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/Boltzmann/2zIGN/test/testnets.jl:6
   [28] top-level scope at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Test/src/Test.jl:1107
   [29] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/Boltzmann/2zIGN/test/testnets.jl:6
   [30] include at ./boot.jl:328 [inlined]
   [31] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at ./loading.jl:1105
   [32] include(::Module, ::String) at ./Base.jl:31
   [33] include(::String) at ./client.jl:424
   [34] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/Boltzmann/2zIGN/test/runtests.jl:80
   [35] include at ./boot.jl:328 [inlined]
   [36] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at ./loading.jl:1105
   [37] include(::Module, ::String) at ./Base.jl:31
   [38] include(::String) at ./client.jl:424
   [39] top-level scope at none:6
   [40] eval(::Module, ::Any) at ./boot.jl:330
   [41] exec_options(::Base.JLOptions) at ./client.jl:263
   [42] _start() at ./client.jl:460
Test Summary:    | Error  Total
Nets Integration |     1      1
ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: Some tests did not pass: 0 passed, 0 failed, 1 errored, 0 broken.
in expression starting at /root/.julia/packages/Boltzmann/2zIGN/test/testnets.jl:4
in expression starting at /root/.julia/packages/Boltzmann/2zIGN/test/runtests.jl:78
ERROR: Package Boltzmann errored during testing
 [1] pkgerror(::String, ::Vararg{String,N} where N) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/Types.jl:113
 [2] #test#131(::Bool, ::Nothing, ::Cmd, ::Cmd, ::typeof(Pkg.Operations.test), ::Pkg.Types.Context, ::Array{Pkg.Types.PackageSpec,1}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/Operations.jl:1370
 [3] #test at ./none:0 [inlined]
 [4] #test#62(::Bool, ::Nothing, ::Cmd, ::Cmd, ::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Union{},Union{},Tuple{},NamedTuple{(),Tuple{}}}, ::typeof(Pkg.API.test), ::Pkg.Types.Context, ::Array{Pkg.Types.PackageSpec,1}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/API.jl:253
 [5] test(::Pkg.Types.Context, ::Array{Pkg.Types.PackageSpec,1}) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/API.jl:239
 [6] #test#61 at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/API.jl:233 [inlined]
 [7] test at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/API.jl:233 [inlined]
 [8] #test#60 at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/API.jl:232 [inlined]
 [9] test at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/API.jl:232 [inlined]
 [10] #test#59(::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Union{},Union{},Tuple{},NamedTuple{(),Tuple{}}}, ::typeof(Pkg.API.test), ::String) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/API.jl:231
 [11] test(::String) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/API.jl:231
 [12] top-level scope at none:10

Results with Julia v1.3.1-pre-7704df0a5a

Testing was unsuccessful: package has test failures. Last evaluation was ago and took 4 minutes, 25 seconds.

Click here to download the log file.

 Resolving package versions...
 Installed Boltzmann ────────── v0.7.1
 Installed CMake ────────────── v1.1.2
 Installed Compat ───────────── v2.2.0
 Installed BenchmarkTools ───── v0.4.3
 Installed HDF5 ─────────────── v0.12.5
 Installed QuadGK ───────────── v2.1.1
 Installed DataStructures ───── v0.17.6
 Installed SpecialFunctions ─── v0.8.0
 Installed BinDeps ──────────── v0.8.10
 Installed Blosc ────────────── v0.5.1
 Installed StatsBase ────────── v0.32.0
 Installed Missings ─────────── v0.4.3
 Installed Arpack ───────────── v0.3.1
 Installed URIParser ────────── v0.4.0
 Installed CMakeWrapper ─────── v0.2.3
 Installed StatsFuns ────────── v0.9.0
 Installed Parameters ───────── v0.12.0
 Installed BinaryProvider ───── v0.5.8
 Installed Rmath ────────────── v0.5.1
 Installed Distributions ────── v0.21.9
 Installed DataAPI ──────────── v1.1.0
 Installed JSON ─────────────── v0.21.0
 Installed PDMats ───────────── v0.9.10
 Installed Parsers ──────────── v0.3.10
 Installed SortingAlgorithms ── v0.3.1
 Installed OrderedCollections ─ v1.1.0
  Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.3/Project.toml`
  [00bb91fb] + Boltzmann v0.7.1
  Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.3/Manifest.toml`
  [7d9fca2a] + Arpack v0.3.1
  [6e4b80f9] + BenchmarkTools v0.4.3
  [9e28174c] + BinDeps v0.8.10
  [b99e7846] + BinaryProvider v0.5.8
  [a74b3585] + Blosc v0.5.1
  [00bb91fb] + Boltzmann v0.7.1
  [631607c0] + CMake v1.1.2
  [d5fb7624] + CMakeWrapper v0.2.3
  [34da2185] + Compat v2.2.0
  [9a962f9c] + DataAPI v1.1.0
  [864edb3b] + DataStructures v0.17.6
  [31c24e10] + Distributions v0.21.9
  [f67ccb44] + HDF5 v0.12.5
  [682c06a0] + JSON v0.21.0
  [e1d29d7a] + Missings v0.4.3
  [bac558e1] + OrderedCollections v1.1.0
  [90014a1f] + PDMats v0.9.10
  [d96e819e] + Parameters v0.12.0
  [69de0a69] + Parsers v0.3.10
  [1fd47b50] + QuadGK v2.1.1
  [79098fc4] + Rmath v0.5.1
  [a2af1166] + SortingAlgorithms v0.3.1
  [276daf66] + SpecialFunctions v0.8.0
  [2913bbd2] + StatsBase v0.32.0
  [4c63d2b9] + StatsFuns v0.9.0
  [30578b45] + URIParser v0.4.0
  [2a0f44e3] + Base64 
  [ade2ca70] + Dates 
  [8bb1440f] + DelimitedFiles 
  [8ba89e20] + Distributed 
  [b77e0a4c] + InteractiveUtils 
  [76f85450] + LibGit2 
  [8f399da3] + Libdl 
  [37e2e46d] + LinearAlgebra 
  [56ddb016] + Logging 
  [d6f4376e] + Markdown 
  [a63ad114] + Mmap 
  [44cfe95a] + Pkg 
  [de0858da] + Printf 
  [3fa0cd96] + REPL 
  [9a3f8284] + Random 
  [ea8e919c] + SHA 
  [9e88b42a] + Serialization 
  [1a1011a3] + SharedArrays 
  [6462fe0b] + Sockets 
  [2f01184e] + SparseArrays 
  [10745b16] + Statistics 
  [4607b0f0] + SuiteSparse 
  [8dfed614] + Test 
  [cf7118a7] + UUIDs 
  [4ec0a83e] + Unicode 
  Building CMake ───────────→ `~/.julia/packages/CMake/nSK2r/deps/build.log`
  Building Blosc ───────────→ `~/.julia/packages/Blosc/lzFr0/deps/build.log`
  Building HDF5 ────────────→ `~/.julia/packages/HDF5/Zh9on/deps/build.log`
  Building SpecialFunctions → `~/.julia/packages/SpecialFunctions/ne2iw/deps/build.log`
  Building Arpack ──────────→ `~/.julia/packages/Arpack/cu5By/deps/build.log`
  Building Rmath ───────────→ `~/.julia/packages/Rmath/4wt82/deps/build.log`
   Testing Boltzmann
 Resolving package versions...
 Installed MLDatasets ────────────────── v0.4.0
 Installed Tables ────────────────────── v0.2.11
 Installed FixedPointNumbers ─────────── v0.6.1
 Installed ColorTypes ────────────────── v0.8.0
 Installed TableTraits ───────────────── v1.0.0
 Installed DataFrames ────────────────── v0.19.4
 Installed HTTP ──────────────────────── v0.8.8
 Installed MbedTLS ───────────────────── v0.7.0
 Installed InvertedIndices ───────────── v1.0.0
 Installed PooledArrays ──────────────── v0.5.2
 Installed GZip ──────────────────────── v0.5.1
 Installed DataDeps ──────────────────── v0.7.1
 Installed IniFile ───────────────────── v0.5.0
 Installed DataValueInterfaces ───────── v1.0.0
 Installed Requires ──────────────────── v0.5.2
 Installed IteratorInterfaceExtensions ─ v1.0.0
 Installed Reexport ──────────────────── v0.2.0
 Installed CategoricalArrays ─────────── v0.7.3
  Building MbedTLS → `~/.julia/packages/MbedTLS/a1JFn/deps/build.log`
    Status `/tmp/jl_ylvEt2/Manifest.toml`
  [7d9fca2a] Arpack v0.3.1
  [6e4b80f9] BenchmarkTools v0.4.3
  [9e28174c] BinDeps v0.8.10
  [b99e7846] BinaryProvider v0.5.8
  [a74b3585] Blosc v0.5.1
  [00bb91fb] Boltzmann v0.7.1
  [631607c0] CMake v1.1.2
  [d5fb7624] CMakeWrapper v0.2.3
  [324d7699] CategoricalArrays v0.7.3
  [3da002f7] ColorTypes v0.8.0
  [34da2185] Compat v2.2.0
  [9a962f9c] DataAPI v1.1.0
  [124859b0] DataDeps v0.7.1
  [a93c6f00] DataFrames v0.19.4
  [864edb3b] DataStructures v0.17.6
  [e2d170a0] DataValueInterfaces v1.0.0
  [31c24e10] Distributions v0.21.9
  [53c48c17] FixedPointNumbers v0.6.1
  [92fee26a] GZip v0.5.1
  [f67ccb44] HDF5 v0.12.5
  [cd3eb016] HTTP v0.8.8
  [83e8ac13] IniFile v0.5.0
  [41ab1584] InvertedIndices v1.0.0
  [82899510] IteratorInterfaceExtensions v1.0.0
  [682c06a0] JSON v0.21.0
  [eb30cadb] MLDatasets v0.4.0
  [739be429] MbedTLS v0.7.0
  [e1d29d7a] Missings v0.4.3
  [bac558e1] OrderedCollections v1.1.0
  [90014a1f] PDMats v0.9.10
  [d96e819e] Parameters v0.12.0
  [69de0a69] Parsers v0.3.10
  [2dfb63ee] PooledArrays v0.5.2
  [1fd47b50] QuadGK v2.1.1
  [189a3867] Reexport v0.2.0
  [ae029012] Requires v0.5.2
  [79098fc4] Rmath v0.5.1
  [a2af1166] SortingAlgorithms v0.3.1
  [276daf66] SpecialFunctions v0.8.0
  [2913bbd2] StatsBase v0.32.0
  [4c63d2b9] StatsFuns v0.9.0
  [3783bdb8] TableTraits v1.0.0
  [bd369af6] Tables v0.2.11
  [30578b45] URIParser v0.4.0
  [2a0f44e3] Base64  [`@stdlib/Base64`]
  [ade2ca70] Dates  [`@stdlib/Dates`]
  [8bb1440f] DelimitedFiles  [`@stdlib/DelimitedFiles`]
  [8ba89e20] Distributed  [`@stdlib/Distributed`]
  [9fa8497b] Future  [`@stdlib/Future`]
  [b77e0a4c] InteractiveUtils  [`@stdlib/InteractiveUtils`]
  [76f85450] LibGit2  [`@stdlib/LibGit2`]
  [8f399da3] Libdl  [`@stdlib/Libdl`]
  [37e2e46d] LinearAlgebra  [`@stdlib/LinearAlgebra`]
  [56ddb016] Logging  [`@stdlib/Logging`]
  [d6f4376e] Markdown  [`@stdlib/Markdown`]
  [a63ad114] Mmap  [`@stdlib/Mmap`]
  [44cfe95a] Pkg  [`@stdlib/Pkg`]
  [de0858da] Printf  [`@stdlib/Printf`]
  [3fa0cd96] REPL  [`@stdlib/REPL`]
  [9a3f8284] Random  [`@stdlib/Random`]
  [ea8e919c] SHA  [`@stdlib/SHA`]
  [9e88b42a] Serialization  [`@stdlib/Serialization`]
  [1a1011a3] SharedArrays  [`@stdlib/SharedArrays`]
  [6462fe0b] Sockets  [`@stdlib/Sockets`]
  [2f01184e] SparseArrays  [`@stdlib/SparseArrays`]
  [10745b16] Statistics  [`@stdlib/Statistics`]
  [4607b0f0] SuiteSparse  [`@stdlib/SuiteSparse`]
  [8dfed614] Test  [`@stdlib/Test`]
  [cf7118a7] UUIDs  [`@stdlib/UUIDs`]
  [4ec0a83e] Unicode  [`@stdlib/Unicode`]

Running utils tests...

Running rbm tests...

[ Info: Testing against Array
[ Info: Testing fit
[Epoch 1] Score: -66.01379146819491 [3.452655336s] (Mean Ratio: NaN )
[Epoch 2] Score: -62.59286619992493 [0.035415369s] (Mean Ratio: 0.9481786276445253 )
[Epoch 3] Score: -57.71505747220053 [0.09233281s] (Mean Ratio: 0.9351247398711 )
[Epoch 4] Score: -51.982305154629024 [0.046408735s] (Mean Ratio: 0.9236403136930277 )
[Epoch 5] Score: -47.804009411580374 [0.047273873s] (Mean Ratio: 0.9226354369984181 )
[ Info: Testing for convergence
[ Info: Testing transform
[ Info: Testing generate
[ Info: Testing against SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC
[ Info: Testing fit
[Epoch 1] Score: -51.16508546905518 [0.37400347s] (Mean Ratio: NaN )
[Epoch 2] Score: -40.235684508240226 [0.066146346s] (Mean Ratio: 0.7863894712454826 )
[Epoch 3] Score: -33.64047953385115 [0.069663175s] (Mean Ratio: 0.8112375742746054 )
[Epoch 4] Score: -28.56234518966079 [0.14404922s] (Mean Ratio: 0.8238406860891976 )
[Epoch 5] Score: -26.198009477217497 [0.113156057s] (Mean Ratio: 0.847185997916186 )
[ Info: Testing for convergence
[ Info: Testing transform
[ Info: Testing generate
[ Info: Testing against Array
[ Info: Testing fit
[Epoch 1] Score: -65.46838999070825 [1.051817404s] (Mean Ratio: NaN )
[Epoch 2] Score: -60.755412772390365 [0.113900738s] (Mean Ratio: 0.9280114079636481 )
[Epoch 3] Score: -54.43386289645124 [0.118396338s] (Mean Ratio: 0.911981122241085 )
[Epoch 4] Score: -50.53959752541804 [0.12506379s] (Mean Ratio: 0.9174736723160345 )
[Epoch 5] Score: -47.08011472515524 [0.107562102s] (Mean Ratio: 0.9209925200164827 )
[ Info: Testing for convergence
[ Info: Testing transform
[ Info: Testing generate
[ Info: Testing against SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC
[ Info: Testing fit
[Epoch 1] Score: -51.00314172880602 [0.289284721s] (Mean Ratio: NaN )
[Epoch 2] Score: -39.573521133717236 [0.075422485s] (Mean Ratio: 0.7759035971575559 )
[Epoch 3] Score: -31.891962659249188 [0.081269261s] (Mean Ratio: 0.7908975277632951 )
[Epoch 4] Score: -26.661617895591853 [0.091876517s] (Mean Ratio: 0.8059310278778368 )
[Epoch 5] Score: -25.03013145447484 [0.071945615s] (Mean Ratio: 0.8391501891536808 )
[ Info: Testing for convergence
[ Info: Testing transform
[ Info: Testing generate
Test Summary:   | Pass  Total
RBM Integration |   24     24

Running nets tests...

This program has requested access to the data dependency MNIST.
which is not currently installed. It can be installed automatically, and you will not see this message again.

Dataset: THE MNIST DATABASE of handwritten digits
Authors: Yann LeCun, Corinna Cortes, Christopher J.C. Burges

[LeCun et al., 1998a]
    Y. LeCun, L. Bottou, Y. Bengio, and P. Haffner.
    "Gradient-based learning applied to document recognition."
    Proceedings of the IEEE, 86(11):2278-2324, November 1998

The files are available for download at the offical
website linked above. Note that using the data
responsibly and respecting copyright remains your
responsibility. The authors of MNIST aren't really
explicit about any terms of use, so please read the
website to make sure you want to download the

Do you want to download the dataset from ["", "", "", ""] to "/root/.julia/datadeps/MNIST"?
Do you want to download the dataset from ["", "", "", ""] to "/root/.julia/datadeps/MNIST"?
Nets Integration: Error During Test at /root/.julia/packages/Boltzmann/2zIGN/test/testnets.jl:5
  Got exception outside of a @test
  IOError: Could not open stream.
   [1] better_readline(::Base.PipeEndpoint) at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/util.jl:57
   [2] better_readline() at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/util.jl:55
   [3] input_choice(::String, ::Char, ::Vararg{Char,N} where N) at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/util.jl:82
   [4] input_bool at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/util.jl:70 [inlined]
   [5] check_if_accept_terms(::DataDeps.DataDep{String,Array{String,1},typeof(DataDeps.fetch_default),typeof(identity)}, ::String, ::Array{String,1}) at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/resolution_automatic.jl:180
   [6] accept_terms at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/resolution_automatic.jl:163 [inlined]
   [7] #download#13(::Array{String,1}, ::Nothing, ::Bool, ::typeof(download), ::DataDeps.DataDep{String,Array{String,1},typeof(DataDeps.fetch_default),typeof(identity)}, ::String) at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/resolution_automatic.jl:72
   [8] download at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/resolution_automatic.jl:70 [inlined]
   [9] handle_missing at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/resolution_automatic.jl:10 [inlined]
   [10] _resolve(::DataDeps.DataDep{String,Array{String,1},typeof(DataDeps.fetch_default),typeof(identity)}, ::String) at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/resolution.jl:83
   [11] resolve(::DataDeps.DataDep{String,Array{String,1},typeof(DataDeps.fetch_default),typeof(identity)}, ::String, ::String) at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/resolution.jl:29
   [12] resolve(::String, ::String, ::String) at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/resolution.jl:54
   [13] resolve at /root/.julia/packages/DataDeps/ai3FE/src/resolution.jl:73 [inlined]
   [14] #2 at /root/.julia/packages/MLDatasets/GU5Hj/src/download.jl:17 [inlined]
   [15] withenv(::MLDatasets.var"#2#3"{String,Nothing}, ::Pair{String,String}) at ./env.jl:161
   [16] with_accept at /root/.julia/packages/MLDatasets/GU5Hj/src/download.jl:10 [inlined]
   [17] #datadir#1 at /root/.julia/packages/MLDatasets/GU5Hj/src/download.jl:14 [inlined]
   [18] datadir at /root/.julia/packages/MLDatasets/GU5Hj/src/download.jl:14 [inlined]
   [19] #datafile#4(::Bool, ::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Union{},Union{},Tuple{},NamedTuple{(),Tuple{}}}, ::typeof(MLDatasets.datafile), ::String, ::String, ::Nothing) at /root/.julia/packages/MLDatasets/GU5Hj/src/download.jl:32
   [20] datafile at /root/.julia/packages/MLDatasets/GU5Hj/src/download.jl:32 [inlined]
   [21] #traintensor#2 at /root/.julia/packages/MLDatasets/GU5Hj/src/MNIST/interface.jl:54 [inlined]
   [22] #traintensor at ./none:0 [inlined]
   [23] #traindata#10 at /root/.julia/packages/MLDatasets/GU5Hj/src/MNIST/interface.jl:231 [inlined]
   [24] #traindata at ./none:0 [inlined]
   [25] #traindata#11 at /root/.julia/packages/MLDatasets/GU5Hj/src/MNIST/interface.jl:235 [inlined]
   [26] traindata() at /root/.julia/packages/MLDatasets/GU5Hj/src/MNIST/interface.jl:235
   [27] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/Boltzmann/2zIGN/test/testnets.jl:6
   [28] top-level scope at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Test/src/Test.jl:1107
   [29] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/Boltzmann/2zIGN/test/testnets.jl:6
   [30] include at ./boot.jl:328 [inlined]
   [31] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at ./loading.jl:1105
   [32] include(::Module, ::String) at ./Base.jl:31
   [33] include(::String) at ./client.jl:424
   [34] top-level scope at /root/.julia/packages/Boltzmann/2zIGN/test/runtests.jl:80
   [35] include at ./boot.jl:328 [inlined]
   [36] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at ./loading.jl:1105
   [37] include(::Module, ::String) at ./Base.jl:31
   [38] include(::String) at ./client.jl:424
   [39] top-level scope at none:6
   [40] eval(::Module, ::Any) at ./boot.jl:330
   [41] exec_options(::Base.JLOptions) at ./client.jl:263
   [42] _start() at ./client.jl:460
Test Summary:    | Error  Total
Nets Integration |     1      1
ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: Some tests did not pass: 0 passed, 0 failed, 1 errored, 0 broken.
in expression starting at /root/.julia/packages/Boltzmann/2zIGN/test/testnets.jl:4
in expression starting at /root/.julia/packages/Boltzmann/2zIGN/test/runtests.jl:78
ERROR: Package Boltzmann errored during testing
 [1] pkgerror(::String, ::Vararg{String,N} where N) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/Types.jl:113
 [2] #test#131(::Bool, ::Nothing, ::Cmd, ::Cmd, ::typeof(Pkg.Operations.test), ::Pkg.Types.Context, ::Array{Pkg.Types.PackageSpec,1}) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/Operations.jl:1370
 [3] #test at ./none:0 [inlined]
 [4] #test#62(::Bool, ::Nothing, ::Cmd, ::Cmd, ::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Union{},Union{},Tuple{},NamedTuple{(),Tuple{}}}, ::typeof(Pkg.API.test), ::Pkg.Types.Context, ::Array{Pkg.Types.PackageSpec,1}) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/API.jl:253
 [5] test(::Pkg.Types.Context, ::Array{Pkg.Types.PackageSpec,1}) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/API.jl:239
 [6] #test#61 at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/API.jl:233 [inlined]
 [7] test at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/API.jl:233 [inlined]
 [8] #test#60 at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/API.jl:232 [inlined]
 [9] test at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/API.jl:232 [inlined]
 [10] #test#59(::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Union{},Union{},Tuple{},NamedTuple{(),Tuple{}}}, ::typeof(Pkg.API.test), ::String) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/API.jl:231
 [11] test(::String) at /workspace/srcdir/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Pkg/src/API.jl:231
 [12] top-level scope at none:10